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Bring the pipeline back to Shell: Solidarity with Mayo, Ireland

shell out | 08.03.2008 20:08 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles | London | South Coast

Come & help bring the pipeline back to Shell HQ. GLUAISEACHT are mobilising people from all over Ireland to travel to London for St Patrick's weekend.

We are bringing a 70ft pipeline to Shell H.Q. on St Patrick's day to protest against the give away and mismanagement of Irish natural resources and to show our solidarity with the Shell to Sea campaign. We will embark on a weekend of actions in London highlighting the corrupt deal our government has done with Shell and the destruction of an area of extreme natural beauty. The weekend will culminate in a protest at Shell H.Q. on St Patrick's Day where we "return the pipeline". We feel there is a good opportunity on St Patrick's weekend when there is so much good will towards Ireland to draw international attention to what is going on in Mayo. Meet up Sat 15th 5pm Rampart Social Centre (whitechapel tube). Basic accommodation & food provided by donation.

shell out


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very sorry

08.03.2008 22:13

sorry about cock up with image please can it be deleted as i can't reduce it.

shell out


09.03.2008 08:41


Hi i have reduced it down, but don't know if its enough/too much