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Brazillian cartoonist uses artwork to condemn Israeli attacks on Palestine

Sokari Ekine | 08.03.2008 09:47 | Palestine

Carlos Latuff's has created a series of graphic posters depicting Israeli bombardment and collective punishment against the Palestinian people.

Who will defend the Palestinians against Israel?
Who will defend the Palestinians against Israel?

Carlos Latuff's has created a series of graphic posters depicting Israeli bombardment and collective punishment against the Palestinian people. Latfuff made the following statement along with his cartoons:

"I'd like to beg all viewers to spread this image anywhere, as a way to expose Israeli war crimes against Palestinians. Use it on t-shirts, posters, banners. Reproduce it in zines, papers, magazines, and make it visible everywhere. Thank you in the name of every suffering Palestinian."

Sokari Ekine
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Holocaust denial site

08.03.2008 15:28

And while you're on the site, don't forget to read all of its fine articles claiming that the Holocaust was a fraud.

Really, Latuff needs to learn to hang out with a better class of people.


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Israel is the victim not the aggressor!

08.03.2008 16:37

Read the facts on the Israel - Palestine situation here :



08.03.2008 18:13

Why is Latuf the only political cartoonist who uses Indymedia to promote himself? he is certainly not the best artist there is.
I can't be arsed to look it up, where does this site deny the holocaust?


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not this site

08.03.2008 21:05

I'm not saying *this* site is a Holocaust denial site, but "Wake Up From Your Slumber" is.



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oh ffs

08.03.2008 21:49

The man asked me a direct question. Am I forbidden to answer?

Once again, I don't think Indymedia UK is a Holocaust denial site. But "Wake Up From Your Slumber" is. for example. That took about ten seconds to find.



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