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Hamas militants, KABLOOM!

BCFC | 06.03.2008 12:03 | Palestine

This is a good article. It is about Hamas. Read it. Have fun. Enjoy. Hope bristol city get promoted. hate gas heads.

Yay! cheers of joy go up amongst the left wing on the world! Some homophobic Hamas leader has been blown up by the Isrealis, Scratch one racist theocractic nut case!

"Ibrahim al-Maqadma was one of four Hamas members killed in the Gaza City strike which came hours after two Israelis were shot dead by Palestinians who infiltrated the settlement of Kiryat Arba, near Hebron in the West Bank."

I hope everybody is suitably pleased that a religious fundementalist has been blown to smitherenes. You may not love the Israeli's but you gotta hate them Hamas types too! They're seeming pretty violent from where i'm standing. So we can all sleep happily in our beds tonight know that there is one less Hamas anti semetic nutter in the world. Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, Hooray!



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06.03.2008 13:02

Always nice to see one of these beardy types take the big dirt nap but on Indy UK where all Muslims good, all Jews bad expect to see a nice biased feature article saying he was a devoted family man who spent his days rescuing cats from trees and only was forced to become a murdering, Jew (sorry Zionist) hating theocratic fuckwit by Jewish mind control.

Giving it large in an Arab stylee

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