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Do your part in the fight against fascism erm terrorism.

make the middle class history | 06.03.2008 08:18 | Sheffield | World

It has been mentioned Britain's love with extreme surveillance before (see this story
), which turns every citizen into a would-be criminal. If you decide to spend your vacation in London, say, you'll find it next to impossible to miss the ubiquitous surveillance cameras, installed, as the story goes, to prevent crime (an almost unprovable and thus politically very useful assertion). And indeed the cameras are extremely useful to identify suspects in those very crimes they didn't deter in the first place.

But now, British police is going a step further: "Last week police chiefs issued fresh warnings over the potential dangers posed by people carrying cameras for surveillance purposes." (see this story So not only is everybody a possible suspect, in essence anybody carrying a camera is now a possible terrorist! And you really have to take in their Orwellian poster!

make the middle class history
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  1. too true i said as much in 1981 — dave frock of pinkwind