Protests for Gaza in Berlin and Tel Aviv (censored on German IMC)
Wladek Flakin | 04.03.2008 13:24 | Indymedia | Palestine
The following article was deleted from Indymedia Germany ( As the translation below shows, it is just a short report of rallies in Berlin and Tel Aviv against the Israeli offensive in Gaza.
A number of former radical leftists in Germany have, in the last few years, transformed themselves into defenders of the Zionist state. Their political arithmetic is essentially: "we are against Nazis, and some German Nazis say they support Palestine, therefore we must ... support the state of Israel!" There is of course a more complicated theoretical background to this tendency (, but their absurdity is best summed up in their famous slogan: "For communism! Long live Israel!"
These so-called "Anti-Germans" terrorize youth centers and other left-wing projects (like Indymedia) with accusations of anti-semitism, as soon as any criticism of Israel is expressed. They have even gone so far as to attack Israeli Jews at antifascist demonstrations in Berlin!
For this reason, the Indymedia Germany collective has a (semi-official) policy of not publishing any articles about Israel or Palestine. We have a certain sympathy for the moderators of Indymedia Germany, who don't want to spend their time editing flame wars on their site (they could also get in trouble for insults and threats). However, we can't agree with a policy of caving in to Zionist attacks and slanders.
At the moment, there is not one article about the massacre in Gaza on the Indymedia Germany web site! Not one!
We don't think this is acceptable. For this reason, we publish the censored article here, in English and in German. We are confident that no Indymedia site anywhere outside Germany will be afraid to publish reports about the Israeli massacre in Gaza and the international protests against it.
by Wladek Flakin, Berlin, from the international youth organization REVOLUTION (
Protests for Gaza in Berlin and Tel Aviv
On Sunday, March 2, about 100 people gathered at the Hermannplatz in Berlin to protest against the ongoing Israeli offensive in the Gaza strip. Since last Wednesday, more than 100 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army, including several children. We are dealing with the biggest Israeli operation in Gaza since the year 2000.
The participants in the rally stood in a circle with Palestine flags. They listed to several speeches, some of which were completely spontaneous, and chanted "Hoch die internationale Solidarität!" There were speeches in German and Arabic, including a speech by an Israeli activist.
An activist from Jerusalem said in the name of the Israelis present: "We don't want this massacre. We want something different: a country in which we can all live together in peace". Referring to the upcoming 60th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israeli he said: "We want a different kind of independence, independence from militarism and imperialism!"
During the rally, participants laid down flowers in remembrance of the dead in Gaza. A young Palestinian was briefly detained by the police because he supposedly had a knife with him.
On the same day, 300 people took part in a rally in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv. With posters and red flags they demanded an end to the offensive in the Gaza Strip. The demonstrators were attacked by police, and at least three of them were arrested.
Here's the original in German...
Kundgebungen für Gaza in Berlin und Tel Aviv
Am Sonntag, den 2. März, versammelten sich rund 100 Menschen am Hermannplatz in Berlin, um gegen die laufende israelische Offensive im Gazastreifen zu protestieren. Allein seit Mittwoch sind rund 100 PalästinenserInnen von der israelischen Armee getötet worden, darunter mehrere Kinder (1). Damit haben wir es mit dem größten israelischen Angriff seit dem Jahr 2000 zu tun.
Mit Palästina-Fahnen standen die KundgebungsteilnehmerInnen im Kreis auf dem Platz. Sie hörten sich mehrere, teils spontane Redebeiträge an und riefen "Hoch die internationale Solidarität!" Es gab Redebeiträge auf Deutsch und Arabisch, auch eine Rede von einem israelischen Aktivisten.
Der Aktivist aus Jerusalem sagte im Namen der anwesenden Israelis: "Wir wollen dieses Massaker nicht. Wir wollen etwas anderes: ein Land, wo alle in Frieden miteinander leben können". In Bezug auf den bevorstehenden 60. Jahrestag der Unabhängigkeit des Staates Israel meinte er weiter: "Wir wollen eine andere Unabhängigkeit, Unabhängigkeit vom Militarismus und Imperialismus."
Während der Kundgebung legten die TeilnehmerInnen Blumen im Gedenken an die Toten von Gaza nieder. Ein junger Palästinenser wurde vorübergehende festgenommen, weil er angeblich ein Messer bei sich hatte.
Am gleichen Tag nahmen rund 300 Menschen an einer Kundgebung vor dem Verteidigungsministerium in Tel Aviv teil. Mit Plakaten und roten Fahnen forderten sie ein Ende der Offensive im Gazastreifen. Während der Kundgebung wurden DemonstrantInnen von der Polizei angegriffen, mindestens drei von ihnen wurden verhaftet.
These so-called "Anti-Germans" terrorize youth centers and other left-wing projects (like Indymedia) with accusations of anti-semitism, as soon as any criticism of Israel is expressed. They have even gone so far as to attack Israeli Jews at antifascist demonstrations in Berlin!
For this reason, the Indymedia Germany collective has a (semi-official) policy of not publishing any articles about Israel or Palestine. We have a certain sympathy for the moderators of Indymedia Germany, who don't want to spend their time editing flame wars on their site (they could also get in trouble for insults and threats). However, we can't agree with a policy of caving in to Zionist attacks and slanders.
At the moment, there is not one article about the massacre in Gaza on the Indymedia Germany web site! Not one!
We don't think this is acceptable. For this reason, we publish the censored article here, in English and in German. We are confident that no Indymedia site anywhere outside Germany will be afraid to publish reports about the Israeli massacre in Gaza and the international protests against it.
by Wladek Flakin, Berlin, from the international youth organization REVOLUTION (
Protests for Gaza in Berlin and Tel Aviv
On Sunday, March 2, about 100 people gathered at the Hermannplatz in Berlin to protest against the ongoing Israeli offensive in the Gaza strip. Since last Wednesday, more than 100 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army, including several children. We are dealing with the biggest Israeli operation in Gaza since the year 2000.
The participants in the rally stood in a circle with Palestine flags. They listed to several speeches, some of which were completely spontaneous, and chanted "Hoch die internationale Solidarität!" There were speeches in German and Arabic, including a speech by an Israeli activist.
An activist from Jerusalem said in the name of the Israelis present: "We don't want this massacre. We want something different: a country in which we can all live together in peace". Referring to the upcoming 60th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israeli he said: "We want a different kind of independence, independence from militarism and imperialism!"
During the rally, participants laid down flowers in remembrance of the dead in Gaza. A young Palestinian was briefly detained by the police because he supposedly had a knife with him.
On the same day, 300 people took part in a rally in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv. With posters and red flags they demanded an end to the offensive in the Gaza Strip. The demonstrators were attacked by police, and at least three of them were arrested.
Here's the original in German...
Kundgebungen für Gaza in Berlin und Tel Aviv
Am Sonntag, den 2. März, versammelten sich rund 100 Menschen am Hermannplatz in Berlin, um gegen die laufende israelische Offensive im Gazastreifen zu protestieren. Allein seit Mittwoch sind rund 100 PalästinenserInnen von der israelischen Armee getötet worden, darunter mehrere Kinder (1). Damit haben wir es mit dem größten israelischen Angriff seit dem Jahr 2000 zu tun.
Mit Palästina-Fahnen standen die KundgebungsteilnehmerInnen im Kreis auf dem Platz. Sie hörten sich mehrere, teils spontane Redebeiträge an und riefen "Hoch die internationale Solidarität!" Es gab Redebeiträge auf Deutsch und Arabisch, auch eine Rede von einem israelischen Aktivisten.
Der Aktivist aus Jerusalem sagte im Namen der anwesenden Israelis: "Wir wollen dieses Massaker nicht. Wir wollen etwas anderes: ein Land, wo alle in Frieden miteinander leben können". In Bezug auf den bevorstehenden 60. Jahrestag der Unabhängigkeit des Staates Israel meinte er weiter: "Wir wollen eine andere Unabhängigkeit, Unabhängigkeit vom Militarismus und Imperialismus."
Während der Kundgebung legten die TeilnehmerInnen Blumen im Gedenken an die Toten von Gaza nieder. Ein junger Palästinenser wurde vorübergehende festgenommen, weil er angeblich ein Messer bei sich hatte.
Am gleichen Tag nahmen rund 300 Menschen an einer Kundgebung vor dem Verteidigungsministerium in Tel Aviv teil. Mit Plakaten und roten Fahnen forderten sie ein Ende der Offensive im Gazastreifen. Während der Kundgebung wurden DemonstrantInnen von der Polizei angegriffen, mindestens drei von ihnen wurden verhaftet.
Wladek Flakin
Accuracy of post queried
04.03.2008 22:44
Response from Indymedia Germany: Article Re-instated
05.03.2008 08:34
[en] [Übersetzung unten]
it's true that has a policy [1] to hide postings that
are covering the middle east conflict in a very one-sided and
inflammatory way. Reason for that is the so called "anti-german -
anti-imp" conflict within the german left that caused lots of flame wars
on the website - especially since 2002.
But since is reporting
about the demonstration quite objectively the decision to hide it has
been a mistake and the article was put back online this night.
[1] (in german
language only)
es stimmt, dass eine Richtlinie [1] hat Postings zu
verstecken, die den Nahhost-Konflikt in einer sehr einseitigen und
aufhetzerischen Weise behandeln. Der Grund dafür ist der sogenannte
"anti-deutsche - anti-imp"-Konflikt innerhalb der deutschen Linken, der
viele flame-wars auf der Webseite hervorgerufen hatte - besonders seit 2002.
Aber da ziemlich sachlich
über die Demonstration berichtet ist die Entscheidung es zu verstecken
ein Fehler gewesen und der Artikel wurde diese Nacht wieder online gestellt.
[en] [Übersetzung unten]
it's true that has a policy [1] to hide postings that
are covering the middle east conflict in a very one-sided and
inflammatory way. Reason for that is the so called "anti-german -
anti-imp" conflict within the german left that caused lots of flame wars
on the website - especially since 2002.
But since is reporting
about the demonstration quite objectively the decision to hide it has
been a mistake and the article was put back online this night.
[1] (in german
language only)
es stimmt, dass eine Richtlinie [1] hat Postings zu
verstecken, die den Nahhost-Konflikt in einer sehr einseitigen und
aufhetzerischen Weise behandeln. Der Grund dafür ist der sogenannte
"anti-deutsche - anti-imp"-Konflikt innerhalb der deutschen Linken, der
viele flame-wars auf der Webseite hervorgerufen hatte - besonders seit 2002.
Aber da ziemlich sachlich
über die Demonstration berichtet ist die Entscheidung es zu verstecken
ein Fehler gewesen und der Artikel wurde diese Nacht wieder online gestellt.
Palestine will always be free!
Hide the following 6 comments
04.03.2008 14:03
If the above article was really deleted it was probably because neo-Nazis attended the pro-Palestinian rally. As the right and left move closer together on this issue, Nazis have of course adopted the cause of the Palestinians (it's a good way of fostering support for anti-Semitism, and a way of pretending there are such things as 'peoples', 'nations' etc.
fight anti-semitism, no war but class war!!!
see what i mean?
04.03.2008 14:15
Wladek Flakin
04.03.2008 14:16
Where can we read about why this post was hidden in the first place?
And is there a statement saying imc germany won't cover a story if the far-right turn up?
anti-germans and nazis
04.03.2008 14:20
On the otherside the anti-deutsch (anti-german) pledge there support for the Jewish people which is transended into support for Israel. Although anti-deutsch politics are mostly absurd and rediculous the underlying thoughts are an approach to try and abolish anti-semitism and all the factors in society that create and/or regenerate this. The anti-deutsch still believe that germany is the most likely country from the world powers that could have another "nazi-era". Although I myself am not anti-deutsch and I am a long way away from it politically I do understand that it is a very touchy subject in germany. Especially with far-right politics even gainig accolades for there stance of support for Palestine.
I do not say that it is right in anyway to censor the murders of the Palestinian people but it is something that should not be whined about alone on other indymedias, without even giving a perspective of the anti-deutsch. The author himself of this article is not a native to germany so maybe he hasn't had time to try to understand the anti-deutsch before he slanderously puts them all down without portraying WHY.
On the other-hand I have now just red the linked web-site and he fits the bill of a stereotypical socialist............burn!
Unparteiische person
the nazi threat...
04.03.2008 16:05
it was taking place in Hermanplatz between Kreuzberg and Neukoelln, an area mainly populated with migrants, many of them from palestine. The Report was also citing an Israeli activist: nazis might support palestine (in their twisted way), but they will not let a jew speak in their demo. It is also well known that palestinians and the palestinian solidarity groups in Germany don't work with nazis and always refused to work with them.
Crying out loud!
05.03.2008 01:57