Boycott Israel!
Jewish NOT zionist! | 03.03.2008 16:36
As Israel begins to unleash its long expected Holocaust against Gaza
It's time for the world to act and remind Israel that its actions are war crimes!
It's time for the world to act and remind Israel that its actions are war crimes!
Let's make something very clear here about Zionism and its supporters both in Israel and on the other side of the pond. Fact is, Zionism is doing far more to fan the flames of anti-Semitism than all the neo-nazi groups worldwide put together-Israel, by committing its atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank and doing so (supposedly) in the name of Judaism is the ultimate insult and smear that is creating a new wave of anti-Semitism around the world.
To underscore this point, here is some historic perspective on Zionism and who has really supported it:
Who are Zionism's chief supporters now? Let's have a look across the pond to find the answer:
With these facts in mind, the world must put a stop to Israel's anti-Semitic crusade against BOTH Islam AND Judaism by BOYCOTTING Israel and its U.S. Christian extremist backers! More info:
BOYCOTT ISRAEL-Jewish/Israeli Campaign:
BOYCOTT ISRAEL-International Campaign:
To underscore this point, here is some historic perspective on Zionism and who has really supported it:
Who are Zionism's chief supporters now? Let's have a look across the pond to find the answer:
With these facts in mind, the world must put a stop to Israel's anti-Semitic crusade against BOTH Islam AND Judaism by BOYCOTTING Israel and its U.S. Christian extremist backers! More info:
BOYCOTT ISRAEL-Jewish/Israeli Campaign:
BOYCOTT ISRAEL-International Campaign:
Jewish NOT zionist!
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2pm israeli embassy 15th march
03.03.2008 20:14
no organisation required
Green Party members uncomfortable about boycott resolution
03.03.2008 22:03
Many Haredi Jews opposed the principle of a Jewish state but will do anything to protect those who live there, and Neturei Karta represent an unpopular fringe in continuing to oppose Israel publicly.
One-sidedness is not constructive
Get 5th column and other closet zionists out of the Greens!
03.03.2008 23:33
20 parallels of Zionism with Nazism:
03.03.2008 23:58
2) both based on supposedly reuniting some religioethnic diaspora under one expansive state.
3) both attempting to revive some supposedly "glorious ancient kingdom" -- a "glorious ancient Teutonic kingdom" for the NAZIs; a "glorious ancient Judaic kingdom" for the Nationalist Zionists.
4) both established a state that was culturally, legally, economically and religiously based to exclusively benefit one ethnic/racial group.
5) both based on violent racist exclusion and a highly intricate complex of racial exclusion laws (like Israel's racial 'Nuremberg laws').
6) both based on creating a founding mythology -- like, for Zionist Jews, "a land without a people"
7) both invented their own race: Aryans, by the NAZIs; Jews, constructed as a unique/genetic race, by the Nationalist Zionists.
8) both based on eliminating some other unwanted and supposedly inferior races -- ethnic cleansing -- and, in the case of Zionism, removing those unwanted people who supposedly didn't exist.
9) both engaged in collective punishment and widespread torture (even inventing new sadistic torture methods),
10) both engaged in the mass imprisonment -- without trials -- of unwanted populations/races.
11) both enclosed unwanted races in walled-in ghettos and concentration camps -- only the Nationalist Zionists made the walls many times higher and the concentration camps many times larger (like Gaza, in effect the world's largest open-air prison/concentration camp).
12) both tried out new weapons on civilian populations (and Israel has engaged in the internationally illegal use of anti-personal weapons of mass destruction, like the widespread use of cluster bombs, on civilian populations).
13) both sought to erase existing countries -- like the Nazis wanting to wipe Poland off the map and parts of other countries; the Nationialist Zionists wanting to wipe Palestine off the map and parts of other countries.
14) both used pseudo-archeology to claim that it had exclusive right to the land.
15) the Nazis obsessed about "too many Jews" in Germany; Nationalist Zionists/Israel obsesses about "too many Palestinians" and the re-emergence of a Palestinian majority in historic Palestine (once an overhwhelmingly Arab land).
16) both were violently and militarily expansionist.
17) both engaged in blitzkrieg fighter aircraft and tank warfare against civilian populations and civilian targets.
18) Nationalist Zionist Israeli Jews even studied the original NAZI methods for urban warfare and clearing Palestinians out of their ghettos. Exclaimed one Israeli commander, "Let's be Judeo-Nazis!" (Reference: -- the website for Israeli Refuniks in the "Occupied Territories"; see "Letter to American Jews"; "The Nazification of Israel" -- both online.)
19) both claimed to be based on "God's will".
20) and, finally (for Israel's 'final solution'), most recently (Feb 29, 2008), Israeli deputy defence minister threatens a "Holocaust" for the Palestinians.
20 parallels of Zionism with Nazism: