Children's Revolution and New Youth Movement Could Save Humanity from Extinction
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign | 28.02.2008 22:15 | Climate Camp 2007 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles | London | World
A national summit meeting of children and teenagers and university students dedicated to saving the human race from extinction caused by global warming, to be held on the site of the planned third runway near Heathrow Airport this summer is being proposed by the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign.
A new youth movement is beginning to emerge in Britain as university students spearhead a drive to recruit other students to the environmental cause, and there are now plans for young people from all over Britain to come together and join forces to lend support to a massive new Children's Revolution campaign.
A new youth movement is beginning to emerge in Britain as university students spearhead a drive to recruit other students to the environmental cause, and there are now plans for young people from all over Britain to come together and join forces to lend support to a massive new Children's Revolution campaign.
The Children of the Eco Warriors joined with local children and teenagers from the three threatened Heathrow villages of Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington to lead the Children's Revolution march with the Rinky Dink bicycle powered sound system and friends from the Horse-drawn Camp, at the Camp for Climate Action in August 2007.
Many university students also took part in the kids' bloc march to Harmondsworth village and the blockade at the BAA office building to try to stop the third runway and the demolition of the villages.
The Student Climate Project which started at the climate camp near Sipson village is presently touring the country campaigning for action against climate change.
The students are visiting universities attempting to persuade other students to get involved in helping create a new youth movement to fight back against the catastrophic effects of global warming.
During the coming summer the Student Climate Project is likely to also visit the Heathrow villages threatened with being destroyed by the third runway, probably at the same time as the Camp for Climate Action also returns briefly.
Local teenagers will possibly be starting their own eco-protest camp near their homes on the site of the third runway and Children's Revolution free festivals organised by the local people are also being proposed for the weekends.
Support for the proposal for environmental campaigners to help local residents create a giant eco-village in the area is growing with a number of different groups offering to get involved with the project.
Local campaigners are believed to be considering the proposals with a view to deciding whether they want to get involved once again with environmentalists offering to lend support to their local campaign.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign has proposed that a number of different ecological groups and organisations should all move into the villages and work together with the local people to help transform the whole area into a huge high tech eco-village of the future.
But this time instead of protests against the aviation industry and the government the idea is to highlight the enormous difference between the toxic polluting Heathrow Airport and the three little villages striving to save the human race from extinction by implementing positive solutions to global warming and by cutting their carbon emissions to zero.
As well as proposing the creation of a giant eco-village we are also offering to inaugurate the Earth Fair Consumer Revolt which would be a centre for environmental culture where new ideas can be tested by local people in their own community before they are promoted as being suitable for other local areas everywhere else in the world.
The main focus of the Earth Fair would be for people to bring all their unwanted second hand goods to the community centre to share with each other instead of continuing to buy new goods from the high street shops and stores.
Other ideas being proposed include using permaculture in all the local homes and shops and businesses and switching over from burning fossil fuels to the micro generation of renewable energies with solar power and wind turbines.
It was suggested to the national meeting of the Camp for Climate Action in January 2008 that they could consider setting up a permanent camp near the villages to lend support to the local campaign, but this idea was rejected by the meeting.
Another proposal that everyone who can offer positive solutions to the global environmental crisis should help create the new eco-village has been made for consideration by the national meeting of the climate camp in Nottingham this coming weekend.
We have also suggested that the climate campers should move into the area this summer and help with putting into action the ideas for a Children's Revolution summit meeting with local teenagers and university students.
The Camp for Climate Action process group has asked us to provide them with a written invitation for the climate campers to get involved, together with dates and contact details for them to read out at the national meeting, and this story is our answer to their request.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign would like everyone involved with the Camp for Climate Action to know that they are welcome to join us and our friends in the Peace Movement in lending support to the local campaign in the threatened Heathrow villages.
While we appreciate their efforts at publicising the issues we believe that only a long term full time commitment to fighting global warming can actually have any hope of succeeding in saving humanity from extinction.
While the Camp for Climate Action was being planned during the summer of 2007 we circulated our proposals for keeping the camp going permanently as a Greenham Common style peace camp close to Heathrow Airport, but this idea was not approved by the climate camp meetings.
This summer it is being proposed that all the ideas and projects that were previously rejected by the climate camp should be proceeded with anyway by individuals and groups working independently with local campaigners.
Other groups and organisations have also been contacted with a view to bringing together all the best environmental ideas and projects into the threatened villages to help try to stop the third runway from being built.
Many people in the Peace Movement and the Environmental Movement are attempting to help forge an alliance with everyone else concerned about global warming and climate change, and to focus most of their efforts in the Heathrow villages this summer.
There appear to be many thousands of people willing to work together to build a new peace campaign with environmentalists who want to demonstrate positive answers to global warming without also protesting and demonstrating at the same time.
Groups that we believe should be invited include Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the Centre for Alternative Technology, the Soil Association, the students' environmental charity People and Planet, the National Trust, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Woodland Trust, and all the smaller grassroots organisations involved with permaculture, tree planting, renewable energies, and the use of hydrogen in water powered vehicles etc.
Helping the local people in the threatened villages to turn their local area into a giant eco-village would be a way of lending support to the local campaign without trying to take away the focus of attention from the residents who have worked so hard for so long to save their community from being destroyed by the government and the big corporations.
We are asking everyone to pass on this message to everyone else who needs to know, that there is an urgent need for their support to help stop the third runway from destroying a large part of Britain's ancient heritage and tradition, including historic churches and listed buildings and monuments, along with thousands of local peoples' homes and wildlife habitats and woodlands as well.
A Children's Revolution conference would obviously have to be organised by the local young people themselves with the support of their parents and friends, and ideally it would be held on the site of the planned third runway very close to their homes in the villages.
The local children and teenagers who helped the Children of the Eco Warriors lead the march at the climate camp in August 2007 would be the logical people to issue the invitations to other young people including the university students organising the Student Climate Project.
There have been a number of attempts in the past to allow the Children of the World the right to be heard on important issues that concern them, but so far there has been no real grassroots effort to enable this to happen.
At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 Agenda 21 attempted to give the children the right to be consulted on environmental decisions that affected them, but in the event the United Nations' police refused to allow the young people present to speak to newspaper journalists, and they even arrested some of them for trying to hold a press conference of their own.
Since then there have been a number of attempts by governments around the world to hijack the emerging youth movements and try to present them as their own political initiatives with the young people supporting their political globalisation policies, so the youth have effectively been silenced and prevented from continuing to speak out on their own behalf.
The United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child now signed into law in most countries was an important step forward for children's rights, but nothing much has been achieved so far towards actually putting it into practice.
A Children's Revolution summit meeting in the threatened villages of Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington would seem to be the next logical step in the process of creating of a new youth movement in Britain, which is one of the stated objectives of the organisers of the Student Climate Project.
Local young people should make all the necessary arrangements themselves and the conference should be open to anyone who wants to attend, and this should include the world's news media.
The police should be asked to provide security without being abusive and aggressive since this is supposed to be a children's peace conference after all.
School children from all the schools that will be affected by all the additional noise and pollution from a third runway at Heathrow have recently been campaigning against the planned expansion of the airport and are believed to be getting ready for more direct actions with their parents and friends.
The Camp for Climate Action ought to be prepared to help the children of the Heathrow villages in their endeavours to save their local community, but unfortunately the climate camp has so far been unwilling to offer much help or support to the local youth.
When the BBC presenter Ben Ando wanted to come on site to discuss plans for filming Rinky Dink and the kids' bloc march at the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow in August 2007, the media group refused permission on the grounds that Mr Ando might not be able to control himself and could point his camera at people who did not want to be filmed.
The climate campers seemed to be unaware that Mr Ando is a reputable BBC presenter and not a cameraman, and anyway they had no right to attempt to censor his work in a free society, which Britain is supposed to be.
As the camp drew to a close local teenagers expressed an interest in keeping the site alive by turning it into a kids' site, but the camp meetings showed no enthusiasm for supporting this idea either.
The Children's Revolution originally started at the Stirling eco-village during the protest against the G8 summit meeting in 2005 with an alliance that included the student charity People and Planet, Peace not War, Rinky Dink, the Creative Forum, the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, the Rhythms of Resistance, the Green Quakers and
The Children of the Eco Warriors held their own blockade of the G8 conference and all the British television channels promised to fly in camera crews in helicopters to film the event, but unfortunately the terrorist bombings in London put an end to any further publicity about the children's protest in Scotland.
The next day the kids' bloc marched with their banner “The Kids Are Revolting!” in front of the riot police when the site was blockaded and everyone was locked in and prevented from getting out.
More than a thousand activists followed the Children of the Eco Warriors dancing and playing musical instruments and singing: “When the kids are united they will never be defeated”.
At the first Camp for Climate Action protest against the Drax power station in August 2006 the kids' bloc led the march with their “Kids Are Revolting!” banner once again, but liaison was poor and the North Yorkshire police harassed and attacked some of the children and their mothers, and this was broadcast live on national television.
At the second Camp for Climate Action near Heathrow Airport in August 2007 the Children of the Eco Warriors teamed up with local children and teenagers to lead the march, but this time there had been months of police liaison to ensure that the children would be safe.
The local mothers and their children joined in the demonstration on the Day of Mass Action knowing that no harm would come to them.
Now it is being proposed that the next Children's Revolution events should include a local kids' site and free festivals at the weekends for local residents and their friends and families on the site of the third runway this summer.
The highlight of the local campaign against a third runway at Heathrow Airport should be a summit meeting between the local children and teenagers and the Children of the Eco Warriors and the university students to discuss their plans for a new youth movement in Britain to fight global warming.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign's post on Indymedia UK on 12 February 2008 entitled “Please Support Heathrow No Third Runway Campaign” detailed the ideas for a huge high tech eco-village in the area, and invited the police and the media to get in touch if they wanted more information about the proposals.
However instead of contacting us the London Evening Standard newspaper quoted selected parts of our reports on 19 February 2008 and used them to claim that “anarchists” were preparing to attack Heathrow Airport.
Under the headline “Anarchists to flood in as new Heathrow T5 opens” Nigel Rosser and Robert Mendick wrote a full page article on page five of the Standard some of which is quoted here.
“In a move that will have severe security implications for police guarding the airport, anarchists are planning to set up camp in the nearby villages of Sipson, Harmondsworth and Harlington" the Standard said.
“Anarchists believe the camp will provide a focus for travelling eco-protesters.
“They want to enlist help from villagers whose homes are likely to be affected by Heathrow expansion.
“According to correspondence obtained by the Evening Standard, protesters propose that 'the threatened villages could declare independence from the British government and take control of their own local affairs and grow their own food and operate their own Peoples' Bank and use their own currency'.
“Anarchist sources said: 'The public relations spin is that we want to help locals make the place greener as a counter measure to Heathrow's contribution to global warming. But really, the camp will be a haven for launching protests'.”
On the day this was published the Metropolitan police got in touch with us with a polite request to know how the Heathrow campaign was progressing, and we replied that full details of all the proposals for summer events in the threatened villages would be made available to them as soon as possible.
It is understood that the local campaigners will meet and decide whether to accept our offer to lend support to their campaign, and we are waiting to hear from them after their busy time objecting to the government's public consultation recently.
As far as we are concerned there is no good reason why police and journalists should not be welcome to attend all the events we are proposing should be held in and around the Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington villages this summer.
It is proposed that there should be no association with any protests or demonstrations at Heathrow Airport, and it should be obvious that there is no truth whatever in the Evening Standard's claims that we are “anarchists” planning acts of violence against the aviation industry.
The Evening Standard newspaper appears to have its own agenda as far as the Heathrow campaign against the third runway is concerned.
Either they are desperately trying to sell their newspapers by publishing inflammatory headlines and fabricated stories, or they may be deliberately attempting to incite the police to violence against innocent people by stirring up suspicion and hatred.
Either way what they have been doing is illegal and there have been rumours that the British government's so-called security services have been either selling or leaking to the newspapers private information gained from bugging activists' telephones.
The news media in general tends to support the governments and the corporations that systematically try to play down or deny the threat of global warming so they can further their own economic goals and aspirations and carry on with business as usual.
Some journalists seem to be hell-bent on trying to convince the public to turn against environmental campaigners by twisting their words to suit the sinister agenda of the capitalist system that the media relies on for their advertising revenues, and the editors appear to be under orders from their proprietors to lie to their readers.
Prior to the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow in August 2007 the Evening Standard and the Daily Mail newspapers both published almost identical stories claiming that “anarchists” would be infiltrating the camp and they were planning violent attacks on the airport.
The Independent newspaper reported on 24 February 2008:
“As climate-change protesters begin to plan for another summer of high-profile demonstrations, the biggest challenge to their success may come not from the police or corporate bodies, but from the media.
“Activists preparing to step up their protests against airport expansion this year claim efforts at peaceful 'direct action' could be undermined by 'sensationalism and scaremongering' in the media.
“Dramatic claims dominated coverage of last summer's Camp For Climate Action, which was set up on a field outside Heathrow airport.
“The camp's organisers are now embroiled in a bitter row with the London Evening Standard over front-page claims that its supporters plotted to plant suspect packages around the airport and create security breaches.
“The Press Complaints Commission is expected to rule next month on the article, which the organisers claim was a 'political hit job' that in effect derailed their peaceful protest and refocused newspaper and television attention away from the fossil fuel debate.
“They are asking the PCC to rule that the article was fabricated and based on inaccurate evidence.
“The week-long camp, which attracted an estimated 2,000 protesters, promised 'a day of mass direct action aiming to disrupt the activities of the airport and the aviation industry – though in the interests of public safety, there will be no attempt to blockade runways.
“Yet on 13 August, as an eco-village of tents and flatpacks emerged in a scrubby field north of Heathrow, the Evening Standard ran a front-page story headlined: 'Militants in plot to paralyse Heathrow'.
“The article with Robert Mendick's byline was based on the account of the Standard's staff reporter, Rashid Razaq, working undercover at the camp.
“He said he had overheard remarks from a group calling themselves 'The Elders' urging protesters to leave bags around the airport and climb the security fence.
“The report said: 'Some plan to pose as customers to get into McDonald's and Starbucks in the terminals and then cause trouble.'
“Mr Razaq reported that 'late that night I saw two protesters carry out reconnaissance on the security fences'.
“Elsewhere in the article, this idea appeared as, 'two-man teams used the cover of darkness to look for security weak points along the perimeter fence'.
“Militants Plot to Paralyse Heathrow with Hoax Bombs and Security Fence Attacks” was the headline on virtually the same story also published with Robert Mendick's byline in the Daily Mail on 13 August 2007.
Quoting the Evening Standard story the Mail said:
“Militants at a Heathrow protest camp are plotting to bring the airport to a halt, it's been revealed today.
“Climate change activists plan to use illegal tactics such as hoax suspicious packages to cause maximum disruption at one of the busiest times of the year.
“They have also discussed simultaneous assaults on the airport's security fence to stretch police resources to the limit”.
The Independent said on 24 February 2008:
“The effect of the story was dramatic. It was repeated across the media – including in the Daily Mail, the Telegraph and on Newsnight – and the story of the camp, with its aim of peaceful protest against climate change, was diverted into coverage of the allegations of a plot by protesters.
“Police and security measures were stepped up.
“George Monbiot, the environmentalist who was present at the camp, wrote at the time that: 'Shameless exaggerations of the climate protesters' dastardly plans have left us baffled.'
“He said he had never seen nor heard anything of the alleged plot, and did not himself believe it had taken place.
“Last week he added: 'When I went on Newsnight, we couldn't discuss anything else. It was incredibly frustrating. Every time I tried to talk about climate change, we ended up talking about whether we ourselves were terrorists'.”
Mr Monbiot's problems were mild compared with what happened at the climate camp where the sensational headlines and television coverage helped to completely destabilise relations with the police, and created an atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust between the campaigners and the news media in general, all of whom were blamed for the false reporting and the hostility that had been generated by it.
There were increasingly bitter exchanges at the gate when journalists requested information about the protesters' plans, and even the BBC presenters and camera crews were shouted at and sworn at and told to “fuck off” and sometimes the obscene language used was even worse than that.
Unfortunately instead of engaging the journalists in a dialogue and explaining the real aims and objectives of the camp to them, some of the campaigners guarding the gate chose to abuse members of the press and refused to allow them access to any information they could publish or broadcast.
The result was a public relations disaster where friendly journalists were rejected out of hand and the hostile ones simply moved in and camped undercover at the site and posted their stories back to their newspapers whilst pretending to be protesters.
The police swallowed the stories published in the Evening Standard and the Daily Mail hook line and sinker and used them as justification for their violent attacks on peaceful protesters whose main action was simply to squat the BAA office car park on the following Sunday, but who suffered severe beatings at the hands of the riot police in the process.
Almost six months later the Evening Standard is apparently at it again with their dirty tricks trying to stir up trouble against environmental campaigners by publishing what appears to be blatant lies about our plans and ideas.
Their claims that “anarchists” are planning to set up camp in the villages of Sipson, Harmondsworth and Harlington to provide a focus for travelling eco-protesters and a haven for launching protests against the airport this summer are completely untrue.
The Standard quoted “anarchist sources” for their false information about the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign but nobody who is actually associated with us has made any such statement to them, and nor would they be likely to.
However the fact that the Standard has published lies about us suggests that we might be doing something right, otherwise why are they bothering to twist our words like this in their scurrilous newspaper?
The Independent reported:
"People who stand up to powerful organisations and interests will always be demonised," says Monbiot. "The only way to counter it is rapid response, but if people want to make accusations, they will, and it is in the nature of what we're doing that this will happen. Because we're a collective, not a corporation, they can say what they like without fear of libel."
The Evening Standard's sister paper the equally right wing Daily Mail published a full page story entitled “Global Cooling” on 21 February 2008 expressing surprise at the recent worldwide freezing temperatures and casting doubt on the United Nations scientists' predictions about the catastrophic effects of global warming.
However it is precisely because the Earth's temperatures are increasing and the polar ice is melting and the sea levels are rising that the Gulf Stream is slowing down at an increasingly faster and faster rate.
The Gulf Stream brings the warmth of a million power stations to Britain and Europe, but in February 2006 Russian scientists were reported as saying that according to their measurements the Gulf Stream had slowed down by 30 to 40% and would soon stop completely, possibly as early as 2012.
This would bring a new ice age to Britain and Europe with temperatures of around minus 20 degrees Celsius for 100 days a year, the Met Office's Hadley Centre claimed, according to the BBC Horizon programme.
Britain is at the same latitude as Siberia and when the Gulf Stream does stop completely temperatures will fall dramatically overnight freezing all the canals and rivers in Britain and blocking all the ports with sea ice.
There will also be horrific extremes of temperature from minus 40 degrees in winter to plus 40 degrees in summer, which will inevitably mean intense and fatal heat waves killing many thousands of people in the streets and in their homes, as happened several years ago particularly in France.
Scientists said recently that all their worst predictions of global warming and the catastrophic consequences would be occurring within the next five years and not in 100 years' time, as they had previously believed.
The new ice age will be the direct result of climate change since the rising temperatures are rapidly melting the polar ice caps and pumping trillions of gallons of fresh water every day into the North Atlantic ocean, thus reducing the salinity and slowing down the Gulf Stream.
This process has become irreversible according to the scientists who monitor the Gulf Stream conveyor, and there is no longer any doubt that as the ocean's warmth fades away there will be a new ice age coming soon just like in the Hollywood film “The Day After Tomorrow”.
There will be a massive shift in the Earth's balance as the polar regions suddenly flip over into reverse and manifest in opposite directions, and as the warming of Siberia and Antarctica continues at an ever increasing rate Britain and Europe will become the new frozen polar wilderness on the Earth.
Life itself will be almost impossible for the few survivors of this imminent catastrophe which makes a complete mockery of the plans of the government and the big business corporations to hold the Olympics in London in 2012.
The only question is not whether this Ecological Cataclysm will happen to us but when exactly it will happen, and the recent alarming increases in global temperatures suggest that the new ice age is likely to come sooner rather than later.
The story about “Global Cooling” in the Daily Mail is complete nonsense and the level of ignorance amongst politicians and corporate leaders and journalists appears to be staggering, but it actually may be that they are not quite as stupid as they try to make out they are.
The deliberate cover up and suppression of the truth about global warming and the censorship and falsification of scientific reports by the Bush administration's White House is criminal, and their corrupt support for the oil companies that provide the fossil fuels burning the Earth and killing the people goes way beyond what is normally referred to as “genocide”.
Global warming threatens to drive the human race to extinction and the people in the corporations and the governments who are deliberately concealing the truth and continuing to promote and sell the dangerous fossil fuels that are killing all life on Earth should be arrested and prosecuted.
They should all be put on trial in court cases similar to the Nuremberg trials which ended with the generals in the Nazi German High Command being hanged for crimes against humanity after the Second World War.
Our own court cases against the US and the UK governments and the banks and the huge transnational corporations holding them all legally responsible and accountable for causing global warming will begin in the highest courts in Britain Europe and America this summer.
All the most damning scientific evidence against the defendants is contained in our report “Can You Save the Human Race?” which has almost been completed and will be available free on the Internet soon.
George Monbiot who is a Guardian newspaper columnist as well as an environmental activist has drawn attention to the Stern report on climate change which he says pointed out the economic benefits of killing people in global warming catastrophes.
Mr Monbiot has suggested that the Stern report claims that pollution caused by expanding airports in Western countries could be offset by the fact that people would be starving to death elsewhere, thus reducing the overall levels of consumption and carbon emissions.
The idea that our governments and the big corporations that employ them would be prepared to deliberately help to kill people in other countries to maintain economic growth in the West appears to be abhorrent to Mr Monbiot.
Unfortunately the reality of climate change is far worse than having to accept the deaths of millions of people in the Third World as the acceptable price we have to pay to maintain our own standard of living.
Once the worldwide flooding begins in earnest billions of people will die and human civilisation will collapse completely, according to the United Nations scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
There appears to be no turning back from the brink of imminent human extinction and we are now faced with the stark reality that this year could well be the beginning of the end for humanity, regardless of what we try to do to save ourselves and future generations.
There is likely to be a summer of heat waves and huge numbers of deaths right across Europe once again as runaway global warming takes over and brings more droughts and famines and storms and hurricanes and other natural disasters, possibly culminating in a dramatic climax with some kind of ultimate Ecological Cataclysm.
Attempting to stop the third runway from being built at Heathrow Airport and to slow down the rate of global warming may be as futile as primitive natives shaking their spears at the weather, but we have to try to do something if only for the sake of future generations yet unborn.
Prince Charles said recently that our children and grandchildren would not forgive us if we didn't do what we could to combat climate change, but it is probably fair to ask what exactly is he actually doing other than repeating what the rest of us have been saying for many years to no avail?
However the Heathrow campaign to save the three threatened villages of Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington could well prove to be a very important turning point in the course of human history.
This is probably the first time for many years that young people are beginning to mobilise in large numbers to take direct action against global warming and climate change in their own local areas, and preparing to join forces with other children born and raised on environmental protest sites.
The emerging student youth movement in Britain started at the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow in 2007 and the Student Climate Project intends to return to join in with the peaceful events that are now being planned for this summer.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign and our friends and associates are not violent “anarchists” no matter what the Evening Standard and the Daily Mail and the politicians and the greedy corporate bosses might like to claim about us.
This latest project to lend support to the local campaign in the Heathrow villages is not about violently attacking the airport or the government or the oil companies or the aviation industry, much as some journalists and their editors might be hoping.
Ultimately what we are planning will be about trying to bring the Earth back to life again in one small local area and showing the rest of the world what it is possible to achieve if only we try hard enough.
If the local people decide to accept our offer to continue to help them in their desperate struggle for survival against the politicians and the corporations ganging up against them, we are prepared to move into their villages and help them transform the entire area into a huge futuristic eco-village that will be self sufficient and self sustaining.
Grassroots participatory democracy has got to start somewhere amongst the general public and not just be conducted at meetings of the Camp for Climate Action, and the best possible location has got to be in a local community doomed to extinction by the government and the aviation industry hell-bent on maximising their ill gotten profits at the expense of the ordinary people.
The local residents near Heathrow could conceivably declare their independence from the British government in Westminster and take over control of their own local affairs and govern themselves, effectively moving forward to the past just like in feudal times when subsistence farming and local power were the order of the day.
After all if the government is planning to destroy their homes and villages and environmental eco systems and wipe out their entire local community what else have they got to lose?
The Magna Carta and the British Constitution give the People of Great Britain the legal right to determine their own destiny and to resist and fight back in self defence against tyranny and oppression, and the Duty of Care and the Human Rights Act also help provide the legal basis for overthrowing the government in a peaceful Revolution.
The local people could grow their own food on their own local farms and become self sufficient in all their needs including generating their own electricity using renewable energies to reduce their carbon emissions to zero, and we could help them to do this if they would like us to.
As the Earth's temperatures continue to increase and the polar ice melts and the sea levels rise and the worldwide flooding begins to swamp all the low lying coastal areas of the world, three small English villages could possibly discover the right solutions to combat the catastrophic effects of global warming.
This is not really a battle against other human beings even if that is what it looks like when rogue journalists stir the police up to acts of violence against peaceful protesters, but rather it is a fight for survival against overwhelming odds as the forces of Nature threaten to wipe out the entire human race.
As the global capitalist banking system begins to disintegrate in the coming summer months the people of Sipson Harmondsworth and harlington could conceivably help to create a new political and economic system of localisation, environmentalism, and environmental economics in their small villages.
Local Peoples' Banks with local currencies might well be the answer to the financial upheavals now manifesting all around the world and looking likely to cause the collapse of the global economy with the accompanying World Depression and massive unemployment and starvation in Third World countries.
A Peoples' Bank in Sipson could demonstrate how easy it would be for ordinary working people to escape from the clutches of the corrupt capitalist banking system in their own local areas.
Or the solution to the crimes of the fraudulent banks could all be a lot simpler than that and just by sharing their skills and their unwanted second hand goods with each other local people might be able to eliminate the need for money altogether in their own communities.
This is what the Earth Fair Consumer Revolt is supposed to be all about, and it is intended to be an experiment towards helping solve the global environmental crisis, and it is an idea whose time has surely come at last.
The fact is that the increasingly desperate state of the world has got to the point where if we don't share with other people what we still have, very soon there won't be anything left anywhere for anyone.
United Nations' scientists say that the human race will begin to die out as a result of the worldwide flooding which will bring hunger and starvation and water borne diseases as hundreds of millions of people flee in panic from catastrophes too terrible to contemplate.
By 2050 three billion people will have been killed as a direct result of this Ecological Cataclysm caused by global warming which is the result of the burning of fossil fuels, according to the scientists.
John Lennon sang “Imagine all the people sharing all the world” and this sentiment has never been more relevant than it is today as humankind faces its greatest threat in history.
“No need for greed and hunger, a Brotherhood of Man” was the enduring vision of John Lennon who was the Guardian Angel for those of us in the younger generation of the time who looked up to him for inspiration and wisdom.
It was with these ideas in mind that the Children of the Eco Warriors decided several years ago to organise their own Children's Revolution events with a little help from their friends.
Many teenagers have already been taking part in environmental protests and demonstrations and campaigns ever since the road protests of the 1990s because they have been concerned for their own future survival as the global environmental crisis has been getting steadily worse.
The Student Climate Project which started at the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow in August 2007 is now attempting to recruit other students to help create a new youth movement in Britain and hopefully in many other countries as well.
They have already decided to return to the threatened Heathrow villages at the right time to help resist the building of the third runway that will destroy the local community by driving out thousands of local people from their homes.
A worldwide Children's Revolution combined with a new youth movement might well be the only way that future generations will have any chance of survival in this dangerously hellish world we have all helped create for ourselves.
A summit meeting for the Children of the World joining forces with local teenagers and university students could prove to the turning point when the rest of humanity finally comes to its collective senses and decides to support the young people in their desperate efforts to ensure the survival of future generations.
It is now up to everyone else to lend their support as best they can to the greatest adventure the youth of the world have ever attempted to embark upon.
It is time that the older generations should decide to listen to their children for a change.
They may have something to say that the rest of us need to hear.
The legendary Eco Warriors Angel and Sunshine who helped start the anti-aviation expansion campaign at Stansted Airport several years ago, and who started the first Children's Revolution at Stirling in 2005 have a new song entitled “For the Children”:
“What have we done to our Earth?
“Where is the love for our children?”
So far the Camp for Climate Action has not shown much interest in supporting the Children's Revolution in spite of the fact that a lot of the climate campers have children of their own, and many of them are either university students still in their teens or former students now in their early twenties.
Maybe one day they will realise that the children of today represent the only future that the human race can ever possibly have, and the scientists of the Worldwatch Institute in Washington have already said that the present generation may very well be the last on the Earth.
What on Earth is the climate camp campaigning for if not to help ensure the survival of future generations?
Ideally the next Camp for Climate Action this summer should be held in the Heathrow villages again, and this time around it should be devoted to helping set the stage for the Children's Revolution summit meeting which could hopefully help to inspire and motivate a worldwide youth movement to save the human race from extinction.
The climate campers' participatory democracy is a model that could be demonstrated to the local campaigners in the threatened villages, and used by them to set an example to all other local areas all over the world of the way forward to taking control of their own local affairs without the destructive domination of big government and big business.
As the climax to the summer's events in the villages the climate campers should join in with the Children's Revolution march to parliament to arrest the British government for war crimes and for corruptly assisting the transnational corporations destroy the environment and drive the human race towards its almost inevitable extinction.
There are already ominous predictions of summer flooding and horrendous heatwaves right across Europe at the same time as the British government is getting ready to announce its decision to destroy three small villages and build a third runway at Heathrow Airport.
You couldn't make it up if you wanted to, not even if you were contemplating writing a Hollywood science fiction horror film about how evil Aliens were preparing to destroy the Earth and kill the entire human race.
There would be Aliens secretly taking over positions of power in governments and corporations and planning to expand Heathrow Airport in preparation for a massive Alien Invasion of thousands of motherships bringing billions of carbon dioxide breathing monsters to enslave the surviving humans...
But that would be too ridiculous for anyone to believe wouldn't it?
Instead the reality is that the morons in politics and big business are continuing to pollute and destroy the Earth's environment and expand the airports and hunt for more oil in the polar regions as they melt, because they believe all this madness will be good for the economy even if everyone in the world has to die horribly for their wonderful cause.
Most people believe that the decision to build the third runway at Heathrow has already been made years ago and that the government is just preparing to rubber stamp the plans that the British Airports Authority has been working on for a very long time now.
The government has already passed a new bill to prevent public objections to planning applications for new developments including airport expansion, and some people believe that the politicians and their friends in the aviation industry want to rush through the building of the third runway in time for the London 2012 Olympics.
It looked all along as if the public consultation process was just an attempt by the government to try to get the public to agree to something they had already decided to do, but the results of the consultation have clearly shown that almost nobody supports the expansion of Heathrow Airport, apart from the politicians and the business people that is.
The government's announcement of their decision whether to proceed with the third runway will come after their new bill, stifling public protest and dissent and speeding up the process of environmental destruction, has finally been passed into law in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
A certain amount of panic and hysteria and freaking out on the part of the local people is to be expected when their own government announces that their homes will be demolished by bulldozers, and they will be forcibly evicted and driven out of the community they have lived in all their lives.
However there is a convergence coming to the Heathrow villages as environmentalists and peace campaigners prepare to lend their support to the local residents battling to save their community from the ravages of the Alien politicians and the equally corrupt corporate bosses.
A new futuristic high tech eco-village right beside the toxic noisy polluting Heathrow Airport could well become a haven of peace and tranquility and a symbol of the triumph of common sense and good taste over the insanity of endless economic growth at the expense of the survival of humanity itself.
Almost the entire Environmental Movement in Britain will soon be right inside the eye of the hurricane and the focus of worldwide news media attention as well, as the eco-activists strive to change the course of human history.
There may well be a storm swirling all around them but the thousands of desperately worried people living in these villages threatened with destruction may well become the pioneers of the New Age of Environmental Regeneration leading humanity forward to a safe and secure tomorrow for future generations to live in a brave new world of peace and security.
This unique project will be a visionary Utopian experiment in alternative living to try to fight and defeat the greatest threat ever faced by humankind.
This is a battle that we must win because the consequences of losing are too terrible to even contemplate, but the taboo against mentioning human extinction has got to be broken before we all just die out as a result of not wanting to face the truth about what the governments and the corporations are actually doing to us.
There is no time to waste.
Global warming is out of control threatening humanity with extinction, and this is the stark reality that most people have been refusing to listen to even in the face of the overwhelming evidence that unfortunately it is only too true.
This is a very serious and urgent international crisis that justifies declaring a State of Emergency on the Earth, but in the end only local people themselves in their own local areas are likely to be able to find the solutions in time to save the human race.
Transforming the villages of Sipson and Harmondsworth and Harlington into a green paradise where the air is fresh and the food is pure and the water is clean may well be our last chance to try to stop the global destruction of the Earth and the extinction of all species including ourselves, and to put in place positive answers to ensure the survival of future generations.
There is our world to win and humanity must save itself from extinction otherwise there will be no more future generations on the Earth ever again.
What have we got to lose other than the planet and all the life on it?
We might as well give it a go and try to bring about a miraculous change to one small part of historic Britain before it disappears under the bulldozers and hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete, unless anyone has got a better idea for tackling the looming threat of extinction facing the human race.
Could you imagine all the major environmental groups like the National Trust and English Heritage and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds working side by side with grassroots activists making wind turbines and water powered vehicles and planting trees and using permaculture to transform the local landscape into the high tech eco-village of the future?
There will be different groups and organisations in separate locations all working together to help the local people change overnight from being typical telly watching fast food munching victims of the consumer society to the environmental super heroes of the New Age.
Greenpeace will no longer be seizing the initiative and engaging in opportunistic publicity stunts protesting like comic book characters in front of the world's television cameras, but instead they will be helping to teach local school children environmental arts and crafts and other woodland skills.
Friends of the Earth will no longer be standing around bleating like sheep in front of the bulldozers the way they did at Twyford Down, but this time around they will actually be getting their hands dirty for a change and demonstrating just how Earth friendly they really can be.
Even Plane Stupid will become more sensible and be forced to come down to Earth and start digging tunnels to plant organic mushrooms and the seeds of new trees that will spring up from underground and blossom forth into new life.
The Centre for Alternative Technology will no longer be hiding away somewhere in the hillsides of Southern Snowdonia but instead they will be showcasing their renewable energy technologies to a world waiting anxiously for real solutions to their real concerns.
The congregations of the local churches instead of meekly praying to Jesus for salvation and hoping for God to forgive them, will join in with the tree planting and the permaculture and all the rest of the practical environmental activities that just might actually have a chance of saving the human race from extinction.
The Camp for Climate Action will no longer be engaging in part time middle class activism for the ten o'clock news or trying to protest in private after inviting the world's media to come and report their campaign and then sulking and shouting obscenities because a few ignorant journalists took the piss out of them...
The Evening Standard newspaper will hopefully stop publishing rumours fed to them by the security services leaking or selling personal information gained by spying on campaigners' private correspondence and phone calls.
What they have been doing has been essentially a declaration of war against the whole of the Environmental Movement and we have to ask ourselves what does it really mean?
What have they been trying to achieve and what do they hope to gain?
Grotesque tabloid newspapers pandering to the lowest instincts of the gullible public do nobody any good in the long run, and if these corrupt practices carry on it will be the deceitful journalists and their editors who will be accused of being largely responsible for killing the human species with their lies and stupidity.
This kind of madness must be replaced with decent honest responsible journalism that is based on the old fashioned principles and conventions established in the good old days when integrity was the watchword of the news media.
Indymedia has set new standards for creative grassroots journalism where activists have not just been reporting the campaigns but actively helping to make them succeed.
This is what Indymedia should be doing now in the threatened villages to investigate the ongoing saga of the Heathrow campaign to stop the third runway, and to interview the local campaigners to discover where they stand on the proposals for a programme of summer events in their villages.
Indymedia was at the Stirling eco-village in 2005 and at the Drax and Heathrow Camps for Climate Action in 2006 and 2007, but were they there just to report events or to actually help with the campaigns?
No doubt it was a bit of both, but this time they should be actively helping to make it all happen if they really mean what they claim on their website about their beliefs and aspirations.
There needs to be some real investigative journalism to find out what is really going on behind the scenes as the drama of the fight against the third runway appears to be drawing to its almost inevitable horrific conclusion.
There are certain basic questions that need to be asked:
What do the the local campaigners intend to do next?
Where does Hillingdon council really stand on the issue of airport expansion and why did they not keep their promise to help find a site near the Heathrow villages for the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign?
What is the true position regarding the claims that have been made about an alliance of the Middle England local residents and disaffected Labour members of parliament and Tory councils and environmental campaigners?
Does the local member of parliament John McDonnell really intend to proceed with his accusations of war crimes against his own government and will he support the Children's Revolution to overthrow them?
All these questions need to be answered and the mainstream news media are not likely to provide honest answers or offer any support to the local efforts to stop the third runway.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign can only go so far when it comes to making proposals for events and projects in the local villages and offering to help by moving into the area to provide advice and practical support.
We need a site to use as a base for our operations and to get on with our work, and we also need to know that we are welcome otherwise it would appear to be inappropriate to just move in uninvited by the local people.
We cannot possibly just squat the site of the third runway with our tools and equipment and tow trucks and computerised high tech science fiction eco-inventions and guard dogs.
We did all that sort of thing during the road protests in the 1990s but now we want to move on and help build an eco-village to set an example of how to save the human race from extinction, and leave the whinging and whining to the deceitful Evening Standard and Daily Mail journalists.
Do they really believe that we are “anarchists” planning to attack Heathrow Airport with wind turbines and permaculture and solar powered gadgets and cars that run on water and hundreds of thousands of tree seedlings, or are they just trying to wind up their gullible readers and rip them off with their sensational lies?
Only a few days ago the Evening Standard reported that as Heathrow Airport expands it will become bigger and greener both at the same time, and they quoted Baroness Jo Valentine, chief executive of the business organisation London First who said:
“A green Heathrow might deploy all electric ground vehicles, high-efficiency heating and cooling of terminal buildings and excellent access by public transport”.
This is the kind of insane justification that is being used to promote the expansion of Heathrow Airport along with the equally fraudulent European Emissions Trading Scheme, which is another joke about how the aviation industry can offset their carbon emissions by paying Third World countries to cut back on polluting the atmosphere.
Our group of ordinary working people is prepared to make a serious long term commitment to helping save the three threatened villages from being destroyed to make way for the third runway at Heathrow Airport.
This will involve helping the local residents transform the area into a huge eco-village that could set an example to every other small local area in the world of the way forward to saving the human race from extinction, and it might also attract massive worldwide news media attention.
We are determined to help provide long term support for the local campaign to stop the third runway and to fight back against the Alien monsters planning the destruction of the villages and the environment that is driving all life on Earth to extinction.
We intend to attempt to raise the money to buy a property near Sipson which we can use as a farm to grow food to supply all the needs of the local people free of charge.
We have been referred to as a band of desperadoes by other environmental activists and maybe that is all we really are, but is it possible that there are questions they need to ask about why we are doing this?
If we do not resist and fight back at Heathrow where should we try to defend the Earth and the human race?
How much time is there left to decide what we should do and how we should do it?
If not now when, and if not us who?
In his book entitled “Global Warming” published in the 1990s Paul Brown the Guardian newspaper's environment correspondent described the nightmare scenario of the United Nations' scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
As the Earth continued to heat up as a result of the burning of fossil fuels there would be mass migrations of hundreds of millions of people, and local wars over oil and land and food and water would break out.
These wars which have now started in many parts of the world could possibly end with World War Three which would be a global nuclear holocaust destroying all humanity, the scientists predicted.
The human race faces extinction by the end of this century as a result of climate change, Professor Peter Barrett the director of the Antarctic Research Centre in New Zealand said in Christchurch in 2004.
As a result of a storm of criticism he revised his speech to say that the end of human civilisation was coming soon.
In February 2006 the United Nations scientists said that there would be worldwide flooding soon and that at least three billion people would die from drowning and starvation and disease by 2050.
Dr James Hansen of NASA warned in 2007 that every major coastal city in the world would be flooded completely and would disappear under the rising sea levels.
Professor James Lovelock has predicted that the Earth is becoming uninhabitable and that 90% of humanity will be wiped out by global warming this century.
All of these scientific predictions appear to be coming true a lot sooner than anyone expected.
Siberia is getting hotter all the time and many thousands of billions of tons of methane are bubbling up out of the permafrost as it melts, and this lethal gas that is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide is rising up into the upper atmosphere and rapidly speeding up the process of global warming.
The Arctic sea ice has melted completely opening up the fabled North West Passage to shipping, and the Greenland ice sheet is now floating on a half mile deep lake of melt water and is sliding faster and faster into the ocean slowing down the Gulf Stream even more quickly than it was before.
Antarctica is melting three times as fast as it was several years ago according to NASA satellite monitoring and this process of the polar ice caps melting and raising sea levels alarmingly is now irreversible, and it is only a matter of time before the worldwide flooding swamps all the low-lying coastal areas of the world causing hundreds of millions of people to flee helplessly from their homes.
There are rumours that a massive break-up of the ice shelves in the Antarctic is expected soon with millions of icebergs due to be floating off to warmer climes to melt and raise the sea levels even faster than they are already rising.
Russian scientists have claimed that the Gulf Stream could stop completely bringing a new ice age to Britain and Europe at about the same time as the London 2012 Olympics are planned to begin with a fanfare of political triumphalism about how green the government and the development corporations have become.
The public is being conned rotten by the politicians and the business people with their multi-billion pound flim flam frauds which would be laughable were they not so tragic in their consequences for the suffering masses.
The government tells us all to cut down on using plastic bags, change our light bulbs to energy saving ones, switch off our television sets and recycle our household rubbish.
But this is all utter nonsense when these very same corrupt political leaders are busy planning a massive programme of new roads and motorways and airport runways and coastal hotel and casino developments all at the same time.
The government's latest scam is to announce the building of so-called “eco-towns” by development corporations on prime green belt land much of which is either woodlands or wildlife habitats, and they have the supreme arrogance and cheek to call this project “green” and “eco-friendly”!
Token efforts by the ordinary people who are being fooled with all this confidence trickery are a waste of time and a dangerous delusion, which begs the question what should we actually be doing with all those billions of pounds that are being wasted on worthless Olympic white elephants and a third runway at Heathrow Airport?
Instead of continuing to fly around the world in aeroplanes people should be staying at home and preparing their local areas for the worldwide flooding and the droughts and famines that the scientists say are coming soon.
We should all be getting ready to protect our own local areas and grow our own food and make our own electricity to attempt to mitigate the very worst of the catastrophic effects of global warming and climate change.
The only way to avoid the coming Ecological Cataclysm will be to take grassroots action to save ourselves where we actually live and work, and the most appropriate action that the local people in the threatened Heathrow villages could take now would be to set an example of these ideas to the rest of the world by putting them into practice.
There is not much time left now to save the human race from extinction.
The doomsday clock is ticking away inexorably as the prospect of runaway global warming that will transform the Earth into a hellish uninhabitable nightmare planet with an atmosphere similar to Venus looms ever closer.
It is now up to the ordinary working people themselves to change the future otherwise there won't be one, and the human race will surely die out this century as many scientists have already predicted.
The warnings of eminent and reputable scientists like Professor Peter Barrett who has spent more than 40 years of his life studying climate change in the Antarctic, and Dr James Hansen of NASA and Professor James Lovelock can only be ignored at our peril.
It is not only later than most people think, it is actually later than it has ever been before.
On 19 february 2008 the Camp for Climate Action process group sent out the following message:
“The Next Climate Camp gathering is happening in the Sunny City of Nottingham on 1st and 2nd of March at the Sumac Centre.
“We will be putting together the agenda on Monday the 25th of March, so please could all items for the agenda be posted to by Saturday 23rd.
“Items needed to be posted are proposals on events leading up to the camp, and newly researched proposals for the location of the summer event”.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign sent the following reply:
“Proposal for Nottingham national meeting:
“We would like to suggest that everyone who can offer solutions to global warming should lend their support to the local campaign to create a huge eco-village in the Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington villages near Heathrow Airport.
“This project should begin soon and it will involve a massive tree planting campaign, permaculture in all the local homes and shops and businesses, renewable energies like solar wind and hydrogen, and various other eco-friendly ideas and projects.
“There are plans for a local teenagers' protest site and Children's Revolution free festivals at the weekends on the site of the planned third runway.
“This will all be strictly fluffy action and all environmental groups and organisations are invited to move into the area in and near the villages to help set an example of the way forward to saving the human race from extinction caused by global warming”.
The climate camp process group responded with this message:
“Hiya, We have received this and would like to ask if you would like to present this in the updates section?
“Cheers, Agenda for Nottingham Gathering.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign replied immediately:
“Yes thank you, please also present the basic invitation that everyone who wants to join in the programme of events at the threatened Heathrow villages this summer is welcome to do so.
“The emphasis will be on lending support to the Children's Revolution which will involve a local teenagers' site and a national summit meeting of children, teenagers, and university students, and free environmental festivals at the weekends on the site of the third runway.
“We are looking to implement positive solutions to combating global warming and these events will not be protests.
“This invitation is issued to all individuals and groups as well as to the climate camp as a whole, so a vote against being involved with the creation of an eco-village in the area should not stop people from coming independently.
“Unfortunately we are too busy helping with networking and planning to attend the meeting so we would appreciate it if this message could be presented on our behalf”.
The climate camp process group responded on 26 February:
If you're not going to be here to do the presentation, we need a written invitation that will pretty much be read word for word, including things like when it is, contacts for it etc.
Well, that was pretty short notice but we have now managed in a bit of a rush to whip up this story that will be posted to the climate camp process group and to Indymedia prior to the national meeting of the climate camp at Nottingham this weekend.
What with all the excitement of the Greenpeace demonstration at Heathrow Airport, the No Third Runway rally at Westminster and the Plane Stupid occupation of the Parliament roof there hasn't been much time left to write boring stories about future plans for the summer.
Especially with the biggest earthquake to hit Britain since 1984 rattling the computer and suspicions now circulating that it might have been caused by secret British government underground nuclear testing.
Anyway the Camp for Climate Action process group is asking for more details about the Heathrow campaign which has not been easy for us to come up with because most of these ideas will inevitably be subject to confirmation from various environmental groups including the local campaigners.
And of course most importantly the children and the teenagers and the students themselves will need to decide whether they actually do want to surprise the rest of us by organising a Children's Revolution and a new youth movement on the site of the planned third runway this summer.
The Children of the Eco Warriors haven't been consulted because most of these ideas came from them in the first place, and we have merely been reporting about them from a distance, just like the mainstream media treats everyone they come across as if they are merely interesting specimens to be observed.
The last national meeting of the Camp for Climate Action rejected our proposals that they should open a permanent camp in or near the Heathrow villages and get involved with helping the local people create a giant futuristic high tech eco-village in the area.
The minutes of the meeting recorded that the people making the proposal were not present at the meeting, but this time they are telling us to put our proposals in writing and they will read them out and they would like dates and contact numbers as well.
Naming a date for a campaign to build a huge eco-village and hold a Revolution to overthrow the British government at the same time is a daunting prospect and a pretty tall order, but it is suggested that the proposed programme of events and projects should begin as soon as possible.
Hopefully they will all continue until the plans to build a third runway at Heathrow Airport are abandoned forever, or until the government is peacefully overthrown and replaced with a new system that actually works and doesn't destroy the Earth and kill billions of people all at the same time.
There have been moves within the Camp for Climate Action recently to change the name to the Network for Climate Action and to embark on a series of regular climate actions in Britain rather than to focus purely on holding just one climate camp each summer.
This suggests that everyone involved with the climate camp meetings should be able to make their own decisions about which projects they want to get involved with, and our proposals have been designed to encourage this spirit of independence within the movement.
Hopefully the national meeting this weekend will read out our proposals and the meeting will take on board the fact that we are no longer proposing that our ideas should be voted on, but instead we are simply issuing an invitation to everyone concerned about global warming to lend their support to the local campaign in the Heathrow villages.
The Camp for Climate Action national meeting will be considering proposals for their summer campaign which will be essentially a caravan travelling around the country visiting various targets to protest about their activities.
One possible target will be agrofuel companies producing biodiesel which is being grown in rainforests and on land previously used for growing food, and where millions of people have been driven from their homes in Third World countries.
Other proposed targets include power stations, oil refineries, uranium renrichment facilities, and importers of Amazon rainforest soya.
Some media commentators have likened the planned Long March of the climate campers this summer with the Jarrow march against unemployment in the 1930s.
In the agenda for the Camp for Climate Action Nottingham gathering the camp process group says:
“Please remember that the objective of this gathering is to reach a practical decision on the camp and not a pushing of any particular campaign".
However many things will be discussed at the national meeting of the climate camp this weekend, and everyone concerned about climate change has been invited to attend.
This is the agenda which starts with a proposed public event at Heathrow:
“(A). Kick-off: public event, protest, conference, workshop (fluffy) at Heathrow.
“Call for action.
“This marks the start of the converging and caravans from various cities to make their way to Heathrow.
“The form of the event would be decided in discussion with locals and perhaps not organised by us.
“The event could be a conference - 'How far should we go?'
“For example would it be permissible to shut down Heathrow for the day?
“It could include a party and we could possibly get high profile bands/acts to do a gig and give us a proper send off.
“The idea is to build continuation from last year, show continued solidarity with Sipson and build those links, and also have an early event to draw attention to the day of action.
“(B). Convergence begins throughout UK. Connecting of dots.
“Responding to the call for action, various caravans make their way south, travelling at their own pace for about seven days delivering workshops, inspiring actions all the while demonstrating the joy to be gained from a fossil fuel free lifestyle.
“A bio-fuel action could be a particular focus, as well as other 'connecting of the dots'.
“The big main caravans travelling through London must look strikingly beautiful!
“(C). Long March and caravan sets off to Kingsnorth power station.
“All caravans converge at Heathrow and then we march to Kingsnorth together...a critical mass and hopefully grand entrance!
“The march could last two days (for example by taking the underground for part of the journey or starting closer to Kingsnorth). It could last five to six days.
“We would try to get as many groups involved with this, and day-trippers would be welcomed, and even specific networking for this.
“It would go along the Thames, through London and could include a flotilla of canal boats.
“Each day could have a theme and be taken on by a different group (more connect the dots).
“No marquees, just individual tents. Each night in a park. Mobile kitchens.
“Could have public events on each day, and entertainment/parties. Needs to be major networking around this.
“Would probably need to be fluffy so as not to be marching in a police cordon all day.
“Plan B: If police disrupt or slow down the march, affinity groups disperse into the city and carry out their pre-planned action.
“(D). Arrival at Kingsnorth and start of Camp for Climate Action.
“(E). Saturday August 2nd - day of action. Needs to be MASSIVE.
“(F). Tat-down.
Timing suggestion:
(A) Heathrow event: Saturday July 19th or 20th. (C) March: Saturday July 26th. (D) Camp for Climate Action: Monday July 28th. (E) Day of Action: Saturday August 2nd. (F) Tat down (after a big party): Sunday August 3rd.
“Note: We have had a lot of discussion about how many days the march should be and whether it is better to have the day of action on a Saturday or Sunday.
“The above suggestion is only one potential schedule.
“Another option would be for (A) to be on July 26th and the March to start on the 27th.
“Focus on day of action gives us the chance to build towards a monumental and defining moment.
“The focus on Kingsnorth is one which has a great chance to bring in people and be the iconic movement building moment.
“Touches most of the things people wanted to do.
“Form of the event builds momentum for the camp.
“Makes the form of our event new, audacious and evolutionary.
“Caravans act as serious and effective outreach that enables potentially supportive people and organisations to participate on their local patch for which they feel responsible.
“March and caravan may only be for committed activists and small, harassed by police.
“The police may try to slow it down in a bubble, but it may be politically difficult if we have a broad coalition of participants.
“A lot of work. Do we want our time to be focused on mobile kitchens and finding sleeping spots en route?
“We just got good at camps, why switch as soon as we get good at it?
“Loss of focus with too much happening could dilute our message.
“Things to consider:
“We think we should have a working group concentrating on the mass action from now with a mandate from gathering.
“Land Group - we haven't discussed implications of not having one, or if we think we need one.
“How else do we secure the land we need for a camp at Kingsnorth?
“We have heard the land group whilst not necessarily willing to carry out the work themselves are happy to find others who will.
“If so we propose to take them up on this offer.
“We really need some sort of capacity check in Notts to know how realistic this is...that is who thinks that they can give up all/most/none of July to make this happen etc?
“New working groups for example: Sipson, Caravans, and check if we still have old working groups.
“One proposal that would be worth discussing as brought up by various people (not surprisingly at the bar) after the Leeds meeting would be doing the climate camp in Hyde Park.
“This would have the advantage of being accessible to the vast majority of people in London and might be the only place to have it that would have more media attention than Heathrow.
“It would be on the doorstep of Buckingham Palace.
“Although the action component would be unclear, perhaps a caravan could pass through, starting at the biofuel processing station in Bristol, then on to maybe Heathrow, then Hyde Park, and then caravan and end at the coal power plant in Kent”.
The Saving Iceland collective has written to the Camp for Climate Action to try to persuade them to avoid setting dates that would clash with their summer action camp in Iceland:
“Iceland’s sub-arctic weather conditions dictate that our camp has to start around the 10th of July; logistical concerns dictate that we will stay open and fighting for a month or so.
“We had heard that you intended to hold camp in July, so we asked you to open the Camp for Climate Action before ours or as early in the month as possible.
“And we expressed that the further into July the climate camp begins the greater the negative impact of a UK Climate Camp - Saving Iceland camp clash.
“We understand that other priorities came before us: UK school dates and the symbolism of synchronising yourselves with other camps that fight explicitly and in name against climate change.
“But your provisionally set dates of the 23rd July - 6th August means that our camps will either significantly disrupt each other or overlap entirely, for the first time.
“This is a shame for both our movements:
“Many people from the UK will either not be able to attend our camp or will have to otherwise leave at a critical moment; whilst many will forsake your camp for ours, preferring to stay in a wilderness being destroyed, where capitalism’s destruction of the planet needs no abstract description.
“Also, anyone who wants to sail rather than fly between our camps will spend six days sailing aboard the weekly Iceland-Scotland ferry and a few extra days traveling between the protest camps and harbors.
“This means the Camp for Climate Action’s starting date has over a week of added impact over our camp.
“Therefore, taking ferry dates into account, if the UK climate camp runs between:
23rd - 30th July: complete overlap of the UK and Saving Iceland camps, no use attending both.
31st July - 5th August: major overlap which will allow Saving Iceland campers to stay for the beginning of the camp but leave when the significant direct actions begin.
6th August - 13th: medium overlap which would allow people to spend a reasonable amount of time in Iceland though remove them at its climax.
14th August - onwards: min or nil overlap, Saving Iceland camp may or may not still be fighting within the affected period. Our camps would flow powerfully into one another.
“We understand that you have a lot of considerations to bear in mind when setting your dates, but in the spirit of organising so that ‘many worlds are possible’ we ask your meeting to take serious note of this communique.
“As you have not finalised your dates entirely it is still possible to build a new relationship of solidarity between our movements.
“In dreams common,
Saving Iceland Collective”.
This weekend's national meeting of the Camp for Climate Action will possibly go down in history as a major turning point for the Environmental Movement in Britain.
After two hugely successful climate camps at Drax in 2006 and at Heathrow in 2007 both of which attracted enormous international media attention, the climate campers are now set to make historic decisions that could well affect the course of human history and possibly even lead to saving the human race from extinction.
Anyone who thinks that the Environmental Movement has become splintered by apparently random actions all over the place by diverse groups is barking up the wrong tree, chasing the wild goose, and following red herrings as it were.
During the climate camp caravan tour of the country there will probably be a convergence with the Student Climate Project tour of the British universities, and eventually all the environmental groups and organizations look as if they will be joining the rest of the Eco Warriors for the Grand Finale at the site of the third runway at Heathrow.
Old hippies well remember the good old days when the Beatles claimed to be The Walrus from Alice in Wonderland, and when they finally split up John Lennon quoted a classic nursery rhyme:
“Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them, leave them alone and they will come home, wagging their tails behind them”.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign has several times been thanked by the Heathrow villagers for our continuing support for their No Third Runway campaign, and as a matter of courtesy we are asking for their approval for our latest proposals, and we do hope that they will help us find a suitable site and welcome us into their community once again.
We are offering a full time commitment to the cause of trying to save the human race from extinction by helping the residents of Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington save their villages from being destroyed to make way for the third runway, and we are inviting other serious activists to join us in this important endeavour.
These are idealistic visionary ideas and Utopian fantasies, some of which may very well come to fruition, and all we can do is to hope for the best in our quest for success, because otherwise humanity will be doomed to self destruct in an orgy of materialism and consumerism ending with an Apocalyptic fossil fuel nightmare.
World War Three is supposed to be happening at any time soon in a place called Armageddon, but it would be better if it was acted out in the three small doomed English villages than for it to actually happen for real in the Middle East where there is enough trouble already, without wiping out humanity in a nuclear holocaust as well.
This summer's events on the site of the planned third runway could be advertised as Rinky Dink and the Children's Revolution present the Anti World War Three youth peace conference.
And of course there will be the local teenagers' protest camp with free festivals every weekend, and possibly the Earth Aid concert in association with Peace Not War and the Horse-drawn Camp as well.
A musical extravaganza to save the Earth and rescue humanity from its fate should logically be held in association with an important environmental catastrophe, which the third runway will prove to be if it goes ahead.
These events are just for starters of course, and it will all be strictly fluffy action, but peace loving green hippies are better than no hippies at all, as Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey used to say in their lighter moments.
We could be seeing Glastonbury every day this summer in the villages of Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington, especially if the 250 bands on the Peace Not War label decide to come and sing their peace songs for us which Magic Dave has suggested might be possible.
Angel and Sunshine will probably show up and sing “What have we done to our Earth, where is the love for our children?” because the theme for this summer's events is intended to be “For the Children” which is the title of Angel's song, which was written especially for this historic occasion.
All alternative film makers are invited to come and get involved and help to make our proposed reality TV show “Can You Save the Human Race?” which could be broadcast live on the Internet or on Indymedia if we are lucky.
Hopefully the entertainment will feature a Declaration of Independence from the British government by the local people acting out an updated version of the satirical film “Passport to Pimlico” where Margaret Rutherford and Stanley Holloway took over control of their own local affairs in spite of Winston Churchill's objections.
To declare their independence and take control of their own affairs might well be the only way for these Doomed Villages of the Damned to escape from the clutches of the evil aviation corporations and their corrupt Alien friends in the British government.
Everyone interested in getting involved with these projects is invited to contact the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign directly by email or by phone on 07964226736 or 07846816797.
We really do need all the help we can get because at the moment we haven't even managed to establish a beachhead in the Heathrow area which could serve as a foothold for other activists.
However if you don't want to wait for confirmation from other environmental groups and organizations that may still be considering whether they want to join in, just go and camp out on the site of the third runway right now if you like.
Just remember to keep it fluffy and please don't upset the neighbours.
Nobody we know of is planning any “anarchist” attacks on anyone or anything and we have been engaging in liaison again with the Metropolitan police to let them know exactly what we are proposing, and we are confidently anticipating their full cooperation to avoid unnecessary clashes with peaceful environmental workers.
However by sheer coincidence the police have just taken a 20 year lease on a 60,000 square foot unit in Polar Park on the edge of Heathrow Airport for £80,000 a year to be used as a mobile patrol and custody centre.
The estate agents who negotiated the deal have described the location as being “strategically located between the airport and the land designated for the third runway and Terminal Six”.
This cannot possibly have anything to do with the government plans to announce their decision to grant planning permission to the British Airports Authority to build a third runway this summer, after the new law banning public objections to new developments comes into force.
There is no need for anyone to worry about a new police station currently being fitted out by the new tenants close to the threatened villages because it will be intended for interrogating and locking up guilty people, and not for torturing middle aged Middle Englanders lawfully resisting the demolition of their local community.
With a bit of luck the police will accept our evidence that the government is breaking the law by committing war crimes in Iraq and by helping the transnational corporations destroy the Earth's environment driving the human race to extinction, and they will arrest the entire cabinet for treason and mass murder that goes way beyond what is commonly referred to as genocide.
In any event the battleground for the Apocalypse shouldn't be at Heathrow Airport at all, but instead it should be occurring in every small local area all over the Earth prior to the time when the worldwide flooding will engulf the planet in an Ecological Cataclysm, heralding the beginning of the end of the human race for all time.
The time for protests and demonstrations is almost over and the only answer now is to get rid of the insane inhuman monsters in the governments and the corporations who are driving humanity to extinction by their greed and stupidity.
The policy of giving up on long term protest sites and instead holding protests against international conferences and summit meetings started after the road protests of the 1990s with the closing down of the World Trade Organisation in Seattle by anti-globalisation activists.
The Camps for Climate Action have also been examples of part time activism and Greenpeace has always engaged in publicity stunts like hanging a “No Third Runway” banner on a plane at Heathrow Airport on 26 February 2008.
Five protesters from the student anti aviation expansion group Plane Stupid climbed onto the roof of the House of Commons on 27 February 2008 and unfurled banners reading “BAA HQ” and “No Third Runway”.
Some of them tossed paper aeroplanes made from Greenpeace documents proving that the Heathrow public consultation process was corrupt and had been fixed in advance by collusion between the government and BAA.
The best the media could come up with in response was to accuse Plane Stupid of having been helped to reach the roof of the parliament by someone inside the building.
As the protesters danced and saluted triumphantly and talked to the news media on their mobile phones, Channel Four and BBC television both showed our beloved leader Gordon Brown beneath them, inside parliament at Prime Minister's questions time pointing upwards, looking furious, snarling and growling and complaining plaintively:
“The message should go out very clearly that decisions in this country should be made in the chamber of this House and not on the roof of this House.
“It's a very important message that should be sent out to those people who are protesting."
Gordon Brown's morning press briefing then reported:
“Asked whether the Prime Minister had any views about the protest taking place, the Prime Minister's Spokesman told the assembled press that we would not be commenting on this particular incident.
“The Government's general position on Heathrow was that there was an ongoing consultation on the third runway that would close today.
“The Government supported a third runway at Heathrow in principle, provided strict local, environmental and noise conditions were met”.
On 28 February 2008 the government was refusing to publish the results of the public consultation apparently because most people were totally opposed to the expansion of Heathrow Airport with a third runway.
The British news media has not even attempted to discover and reveal the contents of the public consultation papers, and on 28 February 2008 the BBC and Channel Four revealed that every editor in Britain had agreed not to publish or broadcast the fact that Prince Harry had been serving with the British army in Afghanistan for the previous 10 weeks.
On Channel Four the presenter Jon Snow questioned the way that the media and the military and the government and the monarchy had colluded together to deceive the public, and one viewer accused him of treason for asking this.
The fact is that this is censorship at its very worst, and it gives us all a hint of what we are up against when we challenge the government, and it provides even more reason to overthrow them as soon as possible.
The Earth is dying and the government appears to be controlling and censoring the press and suppressing any information that they don't want to see published or broadcast, which is what George Bush does in America as well.
The British Prime Minister said that decisions in Britain should be made in the House of Commons and not by environmental protesters, and who are mere mortals like us to disagree with him?
Of course Gordon Brown must be obeyed at all times, and we would like to emphasise that just because we are calling for a Revolution to overthrow his government and replace it with a new political and economic system of localisation, environmentalism, and environmental economics doesn't mean that we plan to be disobedient towards him.
Far from it in fact, because what we are proposing is that every local area on the planet should rise up and take control of their own local affairs and throw off the yoke of tyranny and oppression imposed on them by the domination of their governments and the transnational corporations, since this is the only way they can ever begin to hope to save themselves.
Rather than holding protests on the site of the third runway we are proposing that the corrupt British government and the equally criminal aviation industry should simply be ignored until we can succeed in arresting them for their crimes and atrocities.
While we are waiting for this to happen we can get on with the creation of a giant futuristic high tech eco-village that will include the three threatened villages and the ancient woodlands and the listed buildings due to be destroyed soon.
We are not violent “anarchists” no matter what the lying cheating Evening Standard may try to claim to the contrary.
The sooner the wind turbines and solar power and the renewable energy gadgets can be set up and put into operation close to Heathrow Airport, and the tree planting and permaculture can be organised to combat the terrible destructive pollution all those aeroplanes are responsible for causing, the better.
The survival of future generations may very well depend on what we do now to resist and fight back in self defence against our own corrupt government and all their evil plans to help the transnational corporations destroy the Earth and kill us all in the process.
Millions of innocent women and children have already been slaughtered by the British and the American governments in their illegal war with Iraq which has so far cost more than six trillion dollars, and we need to ask ourselves how long will we continue to tolerate these atrocities being committed in our name?
World peace is an essential prerequisite for global environmental regeneration as most decent people will no doubt realise, and humanity cannot possibly be saved from extinction until there is an end to war.
Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change that you want to see in this world” and John Lennon sang “Come together join the movement, take a stand for human rights”.
But that was all those years ago before the human race started acting like lemmings about to jump off the cliff edge of oblivion to their own extinction.
There is some very serious work that needs to be done urgently, so let's just get on with it and see if we can succeed in saving the human race from extinction and ensure the survival of future generations by attempting to change the course of destiny by writing the history books together.
In all the circumstances what else could possibly be more important?
Thank you once again and we hope to see you all in Sipson soon.
Many university students also took part in the kids' bloc march to Harmondsworth village and the blockade at the BAA office building to try to stop the third runway and the demolition of the villages.
The Student Climate Project which started at the climate camp near Sipson village is presently touring the country campaigning for action against climate change.
The students are visiting universities attempting to persuade other students to get involved in helping create a new youth movement to fight back against the catastrophic effects of global warming.
During the coming summer the Student Climate Project is likely to also visit the Heathrow villages threatened with being destroyed by the third runway, probably at the same time as the Camp for Climate Action also returns briefly.
Local teenagers will possibly be starting their own eco-protest camp near their homes on the site of the third runway and Children's Revolution free festivals organised by the local people are also being proposed for the weekends.
Support for the proposal for environmental campaigners to help local residents create a giant eco-village in the area is growing with a number of different groups offering to get involved with the project.
Local campaigners are believed to be considering the proposals with a view to deciding whether they want to get involved once again with environmentalists offering to lend support to their local campaign.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign has proposed that a number of different ecological groups and organisations should all move into the villages and work together with the local people to help transform the whole area into a huge high tech eco-village of the future.
But this time instead of protests against the aviation industry and the government the idea is to highlight the enormous difference between the toxic polluting Heathrow Airport and the three little villages striving to save the human race from extinction by implementing positive solutions to global warming and by cutting their carbon emissions to zero.
As well as proposing the creation of a giant eco-village we are also offering to inaugurate the Earth Fair Consumer Revolt which would be a centre for environmental culture where new ideas can be tested by local people in their own community before they are promoted as being suitable for other local areas everywhere else in the world.
The main focus of the Earth Fair would be for people to bring all their unwanted second hand goods to the community centre to share with each other instead of continuing to buy new goods from the high street shops and stores.
Other ideas being proposed include using permaculture in all the local homes and shops and businesses and switching over from burning fossil fuels to the micro generation of renewable energies with solar power and wind turbines.
It was suggested to the national meeting of the Camp for Climate Action in January 2008 that they could consider setting up a permanent camp near the villages to lend support to the local campaign, but this idea was rejected by the meeting.
Another proposal that everyone who can offer positive solutions to the global environmental crisis should help create the new eco-village has been made for consideration by the national meeting of the climate camp in Nottingham this coming weekend.
We have also suggested that the climate campers should move into the area this summer and help with putting into action the ideas for a Children's Revolution summit meeting with local teenagers and university students.
The Camp for Climate Action process group has asked us to provide them with a written invitation for the climate campers to get involved, together with dates and contact details for them to read out at the national meeting, and this story is our answer to their request.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign would like everyone involved with the Camp for Climate Action to know that they are welcome to join us and our friends in the Peace Movement in lending support to the local campaign in the threatened Heathrow villages.
While we appreciate their efforts at publicising the issues we believe that only a long term full time commitment to fighting global warming can actually have any hope of succeeding in saving humanity from extinction.
While the Camp for Climate Action was being planned during the summer of 2007 we circulated our proposals for keeping the camp going permanently as a Greenham Common style peace camp close to Heathrow Airport, but this idea was not approved by the climate camp meetings.
This summer it is being proposed that all the ideas and projects that were previously rejected by the climate camp should be proceeded with anyway by individuals and groups working independently with local campaigners.
Other groups and organisations have also been contacted with a view to bringing together all the best environmental ideas and projects into the threatened villages to help try to stop the third runway from being built.
Many people in the Peace Movement and the Environmental Movement are attempting to help forge an alliance with everyone else concerned about global warming and climate change, and to focus most of their efforts in the Heathrow villages this summer.
There appear to be many thousands of people willing to work together to build a new peace campaign with environmentalists who want to demonstrate positive answers to global warming without also protesting and demonstrating at the same time.
Groups that we believe should be invited include Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the Centre for Alternative Technology, the Soil Association, the students' environmental charity People and Planet, the National Trust, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Woodland Trust, and all the smaller grassroots organisations involved with permaculture, tree planting, renewable energies, and the use of hydrogen in water powered vehicles etc.
Helping the local people in the threatened villages to turn their local area into a giant eco-village would be a way of lending support to the local campaign without trying to take away the focus of attention from the residents who have worked so hard for so long to save their community from being destroyed by the government and the big corporations.
We are asking everyone to pass on this message to everyone else who needs to know, that there is an urgent need for their support to help stop the third runway from destroying a large part of Britain's ancient heritage and tradition, including historic churches and listed buildings and monuments, along with thousands of local peoples' homes and wildlife habitats and woodlands as well.
A Children's Revolution conference would obviously have to be organised by the local young people themselves with the support of their parents and friends, and ideally it would be held on the site of the planned third runway very close to their homes in the villages.
The local children and teenagers who helped the Children of the Eco Warriors lead the march at the climate camp in August 2007 would be the logical people to issue the invitations to other young people including the university students organising the Student Climate Project.
There have been a number of attempts in the past to allow the Children of the World the right to be heard on important issues that concern them, but so far there has been no real grassroots effort to enable this to happen.
At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 Agenda 21 attempted to give the children the right to be consulted on environmental decisions that affected them, but in the event the United Nations' police refused to allow the young people present to speak to newspaper journalists, and they even arrested some of them for trying to hold a press conference of their own.
Since then there have been a number of attempts by governments around the world to hijack the emerging youth movements and try to present them as their own political initiatives with the young people supporting their political globalisation policies, so the youth have effectively been silenced and prevented from continuing to speak out on their own behalf.
The United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child now signed into law in most countries was an important step forward for children's rights, but nothing much has been achieved so far towards actually putting it into practice.
A Children's Revolution summit meeting in the threatened villages of Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington would seem to be the next logical step in the process of creating of a new youth movement in Britain, which is one of the stated objectives of the organisers of the Student Climate Project.
Local young people should make all the necessary arrangements themselves and the conference should be open to anyone who wants to attend, and this should include the world's news media.
The police should be asked to provide security without being abusive and aggressive since this is supposed to be a children's peace conference after all.
School children from all the schools that will be affected by all the additional noise and pollution from a third runway at Heathrow have recently been campaigning against the planned expansion of the airport and are believed to be getting ready for more direct actions with their parents and friends.
The Camp for Climate Action ought to be prepared to help the children of the Heathrow villages in their endeavours to save their local community, but unfortunately the climate camp has so far been unwilling to offer much help or support to the local youth.
When the BBC presenter Ben Ando wanted to come on site to discuss plans for filming Rinky Dink and the kids' bloc march at the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow in August 2007, the media group refused permission on the grounds that Mr Ando might not be able to control himself and could point his camera at people who did not want to be filmed.
The climate campers seemed to be unaware that Mr Ando is a reputable BBC presenter and not a cameraman, and anyway they had no right to attempt to censor his work in a free society, which Britain is supposed to be.
As the camp drew to a close local teenagers expressed an interest in keeping the site alive by turning it into a kids' site, but the camp meetings showed no enthusiasm for supporting this idea either.
The Children's Revolution originally started at the Stirling eco-village during the protest against the G8 summit meeting in 2005 with an alliance that included the student charity People and Planet, Peace not War, Rinky Dink, the Creative Forum, the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, the Rhythms of Resistance, the Green Quakers and

The Children of the Eco Warriors held their own blockade of the G8 conference and all the British television channels promised to fly in camera crews in helicopters to film the event, but unfortunately the terrorist bombings in London put an end to any further publicity about the children's protest in Scotland.
The next day the kids' bloc marched with their banner “The Kids Are Revolting!” in front of the riot police when the site was blockaded and everyone was locked in and prevented from getting out.
More than a thousand activists followed the Children of the Eco Warriors dancing and playing musical instruments and singing: “When the kids are united they will never be defeated”.
At the first Camp for Climate Action protest against the Drax power station in August 2006 the kids' bloc led the march with their “Kids Are Revolting!” banner once again, but liaison was poor and the North Yorkshire police harassed and attacked some of the children and their mothers, and this was broadcast live on national television.
At the second Camp for Climate Action near Heathrow Airport in August 2007 the Children of the Eco Warriors teamed up with local children and teenagers to lead the march, but this time there had been months of police liaison to ensure that the children would be safe.
The local mothers and their children joined in the demonstration on the Day of Mass Action knowing that no harm would come to them.
Now it is being proposed that the next Children's Revolution events should include a local kids' site and free festivals at the weekends for local residents and their friends and families on the site of the third runway this summer.
The highlight of the local campaign against a third runway at Heathrow Airport should be a summit meeting between the local children and teenagers and the Children of the Eco Warriors and the university students to discuss their plans for a new youth movement in Britain to fight global warming.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign's post on Indymedia UK on 12 February 2008 entitled “Please Support Heathrow No Third Runway Campaign” detailed the ideas for a huge high tech eco-village in the area, and invited the police and the media to get in touch if they wanted more information about the proposals.
However instead of contacting us the London Evening Standard newspaper quoted selected parts of our reports on 19 February 2008 and used them to claim that “anarchists” were preparing to attack Heathrow Airport.
Under the headline “Anarchists to flood in as new Heathrow T5 opens” Nigel Rosser and Robert Mendick wrote a full page article on page five of the Standard some of which is quoted here.
“In a move that will have severe security implications for police guarding the airport, anarchists are planning to set up camp in the nearby villages of Sipson, Harmondsworth and Harlington" the Standard said.
“Anarchists believe the camp will provide a focus for travelling eco-protesters.
“They want to enlist help from villagers whose homes are likely to be affected by Heathrow expansion.
“According to correspondence obtained by the Evening Standard, protesters propose that 'the threatened villages could declare independence from the British government and take control of their own local affairs and grow their own food and operate their own Peoples' Bank and use their own currency'.
“Anarchist sources said: 'The public relations spin is that we want to help locals make the place greener as a counter measure to Heathrow's contribution to global warming. But really, the camp will be a haven for launching protests'.”
On the day this was published the Metropolitan police got in touch with us with a polite request to know how the Heathrow campaign was progressing, and we replied that full details of all the proposals for summer events in the threatened villages would be made available to them as soon as possible.
It is understood that the local campaigners will meet and decide whether to accept our offer to lend support to their campaign, and we are waiting to hear from them after their busy time objecting to the government's public consultation recently.
As far as we are concerned there is no good reason why police and journalists should not be welcome to attend all the events we are proposing should be held in and around the Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington villages this summer.
It is proposed that there should be no association with any protests or demonstrations at Heathrow Airport, and it should be obvious that there is no truth whatever in the Evening Standard's claims that we are “anarchists” planning acts of violence against the aviation industry.
The Evening Standard newspaper appears to have its own agenda as far as the Heathrow campaign against the third runway is concerned.
Either they are desperately trying to sell their newspapers by publishing inflammatory headlines and fabricated stories, or they may be deliberately attempting to incite the police to violence against innocent people by stirring up suspicion and hatred.
Either way what they have been doing is illegal and there have been rumours that the British government's so-called security services have been either selling or leaking to the newspapers private information gained from bugging activists' telephones.
The news media in general tends to support the governments and the corporations that systematically try to play down or deny the threat of global warming so they can further their own economic goals and aspirations and carry on with business as usual.
Some journalists seem to be hell-bent on trying to convince the public to turn against environmental campaigners by twisting their words to suit the sinister agenda of the capitalist system that the media relies on for their advertising revenues, and the editors appear to be under orders from their proprietors to lie to their readers.
Prior to the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow in August 2007 the Evening Standard and the Daily Mail newspapers both published almost identical stories claiming that “anarchists” would be infiltrating the camp and they were planning violent attacks on the airport.
The Independent newspaper reported on 24 February 2008:
“As climate-change protesters begin to plan for another summer of high-profile demonstrations, the biggest challenge to their success may come not from the police or corporate bodies, but from the media.
“Activists preparing to step up their protests against airport expansion this year claim efforts at peaceful 'direct action' could be undermined by 'sensationalism and scaremongering' in the media.
“Dramatic claims dominated coverage of last summer's Camp For Climate Action, which was set up on a field outside Heathrow airport.
“The camp's organisers are now embroiled in a bitter row with the London Evening Standard over front-page claims that its supporters plotted to plant suspect packages around the airport and create security breaches.
“The Press Complaints Commission is expected to rule next month on the article, which the organisers claim was a 'political hit job' that in effect derailed their peaceful protest and refocused newspaper and television attention away from the fossil fuel debate.
“They are asking the PCC to rule that the article was fabricated and based on inaccurate evidence.
“The week-long camp, which attracted an estimated 2,000 protesters, promised 'a day of mass direct action aiming to disrupt the activities of the airport and the aviation industry – though in the interests of public safety, there will be no attempt to blockade runways.
“Yet on 13 August, as an eco-village of tents and flatpacks emerged in a scrubby field north of Heathrow, the Evening Standard ran a front-page story headlined: 'Militants in plot to paralyse Heathrow'.
“The article with Robert Mendick's byline was based on the account of the Standard's staff reporter, Rashid Razaq, working undercover at the camp.
“He said he had overheard remarks from a group calling themselves 'The Elders' urging protesters to leave bags around the airport and climb the security fence.
“The report said: 'Some plan to pose as customers to get into McDonald's and Starbucks in the terminals and then cause trouble.'
“Mr Razaq reported that 'late that night I saw two protesters carry out reconnaissance on the security fences'.
“Elsewhere in the article, this idea appeared as, 'two-man teams used the cover of darkness to look for security weak points along the perimeter fence'.
“Militants Plot to Paralyse Heathrow with Hoax Bombs and Security Fence Attacks” was the headline on virtually the same story also published with Robert Mendick's byline in the Daily Mail on 13 August 2007.
Quoting the Evening Standard story the Mail said:
“Militants at a Heathrow protest camp are plotting to bring the airport to a halt, it's been revealed today.
“Climate change activists plan to use illegal tactics such as hoax suspicious packages to cause maximum disruption at one of the busiest times of the year.
“They have also discussed simultaneous assaults on the airport's security fence to stretch police resources to the limit”.
The Independent said on 24 February 2008:
“The effect of the story was dramatic. It was repeated across the media – including in the Daily Mail, the Telegraph and on Newsnight – and the story of the camp, with its aim of peaceful protest against climate change, was diverted into coverage of the allegations of a plot by protesters.
“Police and security measures were stepped up.
“George Monbiot, the environmentalist who was present at the camp, wrote at the time that: 'Shameless exaggerations of the climate protesters' dastardly plans have left us baffled.'
“He said he had never seen nor heard anything of the alleged plot, and did not himself believe it had taken place.
“Last week he added: 'When I went on Newsnight, we couldn't discuss anything else. It was incredibly frustrating. Every time I tried to talk about climate change, we ended up talking about whether we ourselves were terrorists'.”
Mr Monbiot's problems were mild compared with what happened at the climate camp where the sensational headlines and television coverage helped to completely destabilise relations with the police, and created an atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust between the campaigners and the news media in general, all of whom were blamed for the false reporting and the hostility that had been generated by it.
There were increasingly bitter exchanges at the gate when journalists requested information about the protesters' plans, and even the BBC presenters and camera crews were shouted at and sworn at and told to “fuck off” and sometimes the obscene language used was even worse than that.
Unfortunately instead of engaging the journalists in a dialogue and explaining the real aims and objectives of the camp to them, some of the campaigners guarding the gate chose to abuse members of the press and refused to allow them access to any information they could publish or broadcast.
The result was a public relations disaster where friendly journalists were rejected out of hand and the hostile ones simply moved in and camped undercover at the site and posted their stories back to their newspapers whilst pretending to be protesters.
The police swallowed the stories published in the Evening Standard and the Daily Mail hook line and sinker and used them as justification for their violent attacks on peaceful protesters whose main action was simply to squat the BAA office car park on the following Sunday, but who suffered severe beatings at the hands of the riot police in the process.
Almost six months later the Evening Standard is apparently at it again with their dirty tricks trying to stir up trouble against environmental campaigners by publishing what appears to be blatant lies about our plans and ideas.
Their claims that “anarchists” are planning to set up camp in the villages of Sipson, Harmondsworth and Harlington to provide a focus for travelling eco-protesters and a haven for launching protests against the airport this summer are completely untrue.
The Standard quoted “anarchist sources” for their false information about the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign but nobody who is actually associated with us has made any such statement to them, and nor would they be likely to.
However the fact that the Standard has published lies about us suggests that we might be doing something right, otherwise why are they bothering to twist our words like this in their scurrilous newspaper?
The Independent reported:
"People who stand up to powerful organisations and interests will always be demonised," says Monbiot. "The only way to counter it is rapid response, but if people want to make accusations, they will, and it is in the nature of what we're doing that this will happen. Because we're a collective, not a corporation, they can say what they like without fear of libel."
The Evening Standard's sister paper the equally right wing Daily Mail published a full page story entitled “Global Cooling” on 21 February 2008 expressing surprise at the recent worldwide freezing temperatures and casting doubt on the United Nations scientists' predictions about the catastrophic effects of global warming.
However it is precisely because the Earth's temperatures are increasing and the polar ice is melting and the sea levels are rising that the Gulf Stream is slowing down at an increasingly faster and faster rate.
The Gulf Stream brings the warmth of a million power stations to Britain and Europe, but in February 2006 Russian scientists were reported as saying that according to their measurements the Gulf Stream had slowed down by 30 to 40% and would soon stop completely, possibly as early as 2012.
This would bring a new ice age to Britain and Europe with temperatures of around minus 20 degrees Celsius for 100 days a year, the Met Office's Hadley Centre claimed, according to the BBC Horizon programme.
Britain is at the same latitude as Siberia and when the Gulf Stream does stop completely temperatures will fall dramatically overnight freezing all the canals and rivers in Britain and blocking all the ports with sea ice.
There will also be horrific extremes of temperature from minus 40 degrees in winter to plus 40 degrees in summer, which will inevitably mean intense and fatal heat waves killing many thousands of people in the streets and in their homes, as happened several years ago particularly in France.
Scientists said recently that all their worst predictions of global warming and the catastrophic consequences would be occurring within the next five years and not in 100 years' time, as they had previously believed.
The new ice age will be the direct result of climate change since the rising temperatures are rapidly melting the polar ice caps and pumping trillions of gallons of fresh water every day into the North Atlantic ocean, thus reducing the salinity and slowing down the Gulf Stream.
This process has become irreversible according to the scientists who monitor the Gulf Stream conveyor, and there is no longer any doubt that as the ocean's warmth fades away there will be a new ice age coming soon just like in the Hollywood film “The Day After Tomorrow”.
There will be a massive shift in the Earth's balance as the polar regions suddenly flip over into reverse and manifest in opposite directions, and as the warming of Siberia and Antarctica continues at an ever increasing rate Britain and Europe will become the new frozen polar wilderness on the Earth.
Life itself will be almost impossible for the few survivors of this imminent catastrophe which makes a complete mockery of the plans of the government and the big business corporations to hold the Olympics in London in 2012.
The only question is not whether this Ecological Cataclysm will happen to us but when exactly it will happen, and the recent alarming increases in global temperatures suggest that the new ice age is likely to come sooner rather than later.
The story about “Global Cooling” in the Daily Mail is complete nonsense and the level of ignorance amongst politicians and corporate leaders and journalists appears to be staggering, but it actually may be that they are not quite as stupid as they try to make out they are.
The deliberate cover up and suppression of the truth about global warming and the censorship and falsification of scientific reports by the Bush administration's White House is criminal, and their corrupt support for the oil companies that provide the fossil fuels burning the Earth and killing the people goes way beyond what is normally referred to as “genocide”.
Global warming threatens to drive the human race to extinction and the people in the corporations and the governments who are deliberately concealing the truth and continuing to promote and sell the dangerous fossil fuels that are killing all life on Earth should be arrested and prosecuted.
They should all be put on trial in court cases similar to the Nuremberg trials which ended with the generals in the Nazi German High Command being hanged for crimes against humanity after the Second World War.
Our own court cases against the US and the UK governments and the banks and the huge transnational corporations holding them all legally responsible and accountable for causing global warming will begin in the highest courts in Britain Europe and America this summer.
All the most damning scientific evidence against the defendants is contained in our report “Can You Save the Human Race?” which has almost been completed and will be available free on the Internet soon.
George Monbiot who is a Guardian newspaper columnist as well as an environmental activist has drawn attention to the Stern report on climate change which he says pointed out the economic benefits of killing people in global warming catastrophes.
Mr Monbiot has suggested that the Stern report claims that pollution caused by expanding airports in Western countries could be offset by the fact that people would be starving to death elsewhere, thus reducing the overall levels of consumption and carbon emissions.
The idea that our governments and the big corporations that employ them would be prepared to deliberately help to kill people in other countries to maintain economic growth in the West appears to be abhorrent to Mr Monbiot.
Unfortunately the reality of climate change is far worse than having to accept the deaths of millions of people in the Third World as the acceptable price we have to pay to maintain our own standard of living.
Once the worldwide flooding begins in earnest billions of people will die and human civilisation will collapse completely, according to the United Nations scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
There appears to be no turning back from the brink of imminent human extinction and we are now faced with the stark reality that this year could well be the beginning of the end for humanity, regardless of what we try to do to save ourselves and future generations.
There is likely to be a summer of heat waves and huge numbers of deaths right across Europe once again as runaway global warming takes over and brings more droughts and famines and storms and hurricanes and other natural disasters, possibly culminating in a dramatic climax with some kind of ultimate Ecological Cataclysm.
Attempting to stop the third runway from being built at Heathrow Airport and to slow down the rate of global warming may be as futile as primitive natives shaking their spears at the weather, but we have to try to do something if only for the sake of future generations yet unborn.
Prince Charles said recently that our children and grandchildren would not forgive us if we didn't do what we could to combat climate change, but it is probably fair to ask what exactly is he actually doing other than repeating what the rest of us have been saying for many years to no avail?
However the Heathrow campaign to save the three threatened villages of Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington could well prove to be a very important turning point in the course of human history.
This is probably the first time for many years that young people are beginning to mobilise in large numbers to take direct action against global warming and climate change in their own local areas, and preparing to join forces with other children born and raised on environmental protest sites.
The emerging student youth movement in Britain started at the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow in 2007 and the Student Climate Project intends to return to join in with the peaceful events that are now being planned for this summer.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign and our friends and associates are not violent “anarchists” no matter what the Evening Standard and the Daily Mail and the politicians and the greedy corporate bosses might like to claim about us.
This latest project to lend support to the local campaign in the Heathrow villages is not about violently attacking the airport or the government or the oil companies or the aviation industry, much as some journalists and their editors might be hoping.
Ultimately what we are planning will be about trying to bring the Earth back to life again in one small local area and showing the rest of the world what it is possible to achieve if only we try hard enough.
If the local people decide to accept our offer to continue to help them in their desperate struggle for survival against the politicians and the corporations ganging up against them, we are prepared to move into their villages and help them transform the entire area into a huge futuristic eco-village that will be self sufficient and self sustaining.
Grassroots participatory democracy has got to start somewhere amongst the general public and not just be conducted at meetings of the Camp for Climate Action, and the best possible location has got to be in a local community doomed to extinction by the government and the aviation industry hell-bent on maximising their ill gotten profits at the expense of the ordinary people.
The local residents near Heathrow could conceivably declare their independence from the British government in Westminster and take over control of their own local affairs and govern themselves, effectively moving forward to the past just like in feudal times when subsistence farming and local power were the order of the day.
After all if the government is planning to destroy their homes and villages and environmental eco systems and wipe out their entire local community what else have they got to lose?
The Magna Carta and the British Constitution give the People of Great Britain the legal right to determine their own destiny and to resist and fight back in self defence against tyranny and oppression, and the Duty of Care and the Human Rights Act also help provide the legal basis for overthrowing the government in a peaceful Revolution.
The local people could grow their own food on their own local farms and become self sufficient in all their needs including generating their own electricity using renewable energies to reduce their carbon emissions to zero, and we could help them to do this if they would like us to.
As the Earth's temperatures continue to increase and the polar ice melts and the sea levels rise and the worldwide flooding begins to swamp all the low lying coastal areas of the world, three small English villages could possibly discover the right solutions to combat the catastrophic effects of global warming.
This is not really a battle against other human beings even if that is what it looks like when rogue journalists stir the police up to acts of violence against peaceful protesters, but rather it is a fight for survival against overwhelming odds as the forces of Nature threaten to wipe out the entire human race.
As the global capitalist banking system begins to disintegrate in the coming summer months the people of Sipson Harmondsworth and harlington could conceivably help to create a new political and economic system of localisation, environmentalism, and environmental economics in their small villages.
Local Peoples' Banks with local currencies might well be the answer to the financial upheavals now manifesting all around the world and looking likely to cause the collapse of the global economy with the accompanying World Depression and massive unemployment and starvation in Third World countries.
A Peoples' Bank in Sipson could demonstrate how easy it would be for ordinary working people to escape from the clutches of the corrupt capitalist banking system in their own local areas.
Or the solution to the crimes of the fraudulent banks could all be a lot simpler than that and just by sharing their skills and their unwanted second hand goods with each other local people might be able to eliminate the need for money altogether in their own communities.
This is what the Earth Fair Consumer Revolt is supposed to be all about, and it is intended to be an experiment towards helping solve the global environmental crisis, and it is an idea whose time has surely come at last.
The fact is that the increasingly desperate state of the world has got to the point where if we don't share with other people what we still have, very soon there won't be anything left anywhere for anyone.
United Nations' scientists say that the human race will begin to die out as a result of the worldwide flooding which will bring hunger and starvation and water borne diseases as hundreds of millions of people flee in panic from catastrophes too terrible to contemplate.
By 2050 three billion people will have been killed as a direct result of this Ecological Cataclysm caused by global warming which is the result of the burning of fossil fuels, according to the scientists.
John Lennon sang “Imagine all the people sharing all the world” and this sentiment has never been more relevant than it is today as humankind faces its greatest threat in history.
“No need for greed and hunger, a Brotherhood of Man” was the enduring vision of John Lennon who was the Guardian Angel for those of us in the younger generation of the time who looked up to him for inspiration and wisdom.
It was with these ideas in mind that the Children of the Eco Warriors decided several years ago to organise their own Children's Revolution events with a little help from their friends.
Many teenagers have already been taking part in environmental protests and demonstrations and campaigns ever since the road protests of the 1990s because they have been concerned for their own future survival as the global environmental crisis has been getting steadily worse.
The Student Climate Project which started at the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow in August 2007 is now attempting to recruit other students to help create a new youth movement in Britain and hopefully in many other countries as well.
They have already decided to return to the threatened Heathrow villages at the right time to help resist the building of the third runway that will destroy the local community by driving out thousands of local people from their homes.
A worldwide Children's Revolution combined with a new youth movement might well be the only way that future generations will have any chance of survival in this dangerously hellish world we have all helped create for ourselves.
A summit meeting for the Children of the World joining forces with local teenagers and university students could prove to the turning point when the rest of humanity finally comes to its collective senses and decides to support the young people in their desperate efforts to ensure the survival of future generations.
It is now up to everyone else to lend their support as best they can to the greatest adventure the youth of the world have ever attempted to embark upon.
It is time that the older generations should decide to listen to their children for a change.
They may have something to say that the rest of us need to hear.
The legendary Eco Warriors Angel and Sunshine who helped start the anti-aviation expansion campaign at Stansted Airport several years ago, and who started the first Children's Revolution at Stirling in 2005 have a new song entitled “For the Children”:
“What have we done to our Earth?
“Where is the love for our children?”
So far the Camp for Climate Action has not shown much interest in supporting the Children's Revolution in spite of the fact that a lot of the climate campers have children of their own, and many of them are either university students still in their teens or former students now in their early twenties.
Maybe one day they will realise that the children of today represent the only future that the human race can ever possibly have, and the scientists of the Worldwatch Institute in Washington have already said that the present generation may very well be the last on the Earth.
What on Earth is the climate camp campaigning for if not to help ensure the survival of future generations?
Ideally the next Camp for Climate Action this summer should be held in the Heathrow villages again, and this time around it should be devoted to helping set the stage for the Children's Revolution summit meeting which could hopefully help to inspire and motivate a worldwide youth movement to save the human race from extinction.
The climate campers' participatory democracy is a model that could be demonstrated to the local campaigners in the threatened villages, and used by them to set an example to all other local areas all over the world of the way forward to taking control of their own local affairs without the destructive domination of big government and big business.
As the climax to the summer's events in the villages the climate campers should join in with the Children's Revolution march to parliament to arrest the British government for war crimes and for corruptly assisting the transnational corporations destroy the environment and drive the human race towards its almost inevitable extinction.
There are already ominous predictions of summer flooding and horrendous heatwaves right across Europe at the same time as the British government is getting ready to announce its decision to destroy three small villages and build a third runway at Heathrow Airport.
You couldn't make it up if you wanted to, not even if you were contemplating writing a Hollywood science fiction horror film about how evil Aliens were preparing to destroy the Earth and kill the entire human race.
There would be Aliens secretly taking over positions of power in governments and corporations and planning to expand Heathrow Airport in preparation for a massive Alien Invasion of thousands of motherships bringing billions of carbon dioxide breathing monsters to enslave the surviving humans...
But that would be too ridiculous for anyone to believe wouldn't it?
Instead the reality is that the morons in politics and big business are continuing to pollute and destroy the Earth's environment and expand the airports and hunt for more oil in the polar regions as they melt, because they believe all this madness will be good for the economy even if everyone in the world has to die horribly for their wonderful cause.
Most people believe that the decision to build the third runway at Heathrow has already been made years ago and that the government is just preparing to rubber stamp the plans that the British Airports Authority has been working on for a very long time now.
The government has already passed a new bill to prevent public objections to planning applications for new developments including airport expansion, and some people believe that the politicians and their friends in the aviation industry want to rush through the building of the third runway in time for the London 2012 Olympics.
It looked all along as if the public consultation process was just an attempt by the government to try to get the public to agree to something they had already decided to do, but the results of the consultation have clearly shown that almost nobody supports the expansion of Heathrow Airport, apart from the politicians and the business people that is.
The government's announcement of their decision whether to proceed with the third runway will come after their new bill, stifling public protest and dissent and speeding up the process of environmental destruction, has finally been passed into law in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
A certain amount of panic and hysteria and freaking out on the part of the local people is to be expected when their own government announces that their homes will be demolished by bulldozers, and they will be forcibly evicted and driven out of the community they have lived in all their lives.
However there is a convergence coming to the Heathrow villages as environmentalists and peace campaigners prepare to lend their support to the local residents battling to save their community from the ravages of the Alien politicians and the equally corrupt corporate bosses.
A new futuristic high tech eco-village right beside the toxic noisy polluting Heathrow Airport could well become a haven of peace and tranquility and a symbol of the triumph of common sense and good taste over the insanity of endless economic growth at the expense of the survival of humanity itself.
Almost the entire Environmental Movement in Britain will soon be right inside the eye of the hurricane and the focus of worldwide news media attention as well, as the eco-activists strive to change the course of human history.
There may well be a storm swirling all around them but the thousands of desperately worried people living in these villages threatened with destruction may well become the pioneers of the New Age of Environmental Regeneration leading humanity forward to a safe and secure tomorrow for future generations to live in a brave new world of peace and security.
This unique project will be a visionary Utopian experiment in alternative living to try to fight and defeat the greatest threat ever faced by humankind.
This is a battle that we must win because the consequences of losing are too terrible to even contemplate, but the taboo against mentioning human extinction has got to be broken before we all just die out as a result of not wanting to face the truth about what the governments and the corporations are actually doing to us.
There is no time to waste.
Global warming is out of control threatening humanity with extinction, and this is the stark reality that most people have been refusing to listen to even in the face of the overwhelming evidence that unfortunately it is only too true.
This is a very serious and urgent international crisis that justifies declaring a State of Emergency on the Earth, but in the end only local people themselves in their own local areas are likely to be able to find the solutions in time to save the human race.
Transforming the villages of Sipson and Harmondsworth and Harlington into a green paradise where the air is fresh and the food is pure and the water is clean may well be our last chance to try to stop the global destruction of the Earth and the extinction of all species including ourselves, and to put in place positive answers to ensure the survival of future generations.
There is our world to win and humanity must save itself from extinction otherwise there will be no more future generations on the Earth ever again.
What have we got to lose other than the planet and all the life on it?
We might as well give it a go and try to bring about a miraculous change to one small part of historic Britain before it disappears under the bulldozers and hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete, unless anyone has got a better idea for tackling the looming threat of extinction facing the human race.
Could you imagine all the major environmental groups like the National Trust and English Heritage and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds working side by side with grassroots activists making wind turbines and water powered vehicles and planting trees and using permaculture to transform the local landscape into the high tech eco-village of the future?
There will be different groups and organisations in separate locations all working together to help the local people change overnight from being typical telly watching fast food munching victims of the consumer society to the environmental super heroes of the New Age.
Greenpeace will no longer be seizing the initiative and engaging in opportunistic publicity stunts protesting like comic book characters in front of the world's television cameras, but instead they will be helping to teach local school children environmental arts and crafts and other woodland skills.
Friends of the Earth will no longer be standing around bleating like sheep in front of the bulldozers the way they did at Twyford Down, but this time around they will actually be getting their hands dirty for a change and demonstrating just how Earth friendly they really can be.
Even Plane Stupid will become more sensible and be forced to come down to Earth and start digging tunnels to plant organic mushrooms and the seeds of new trees that will spring up from underground and blossom forth into new life.
The Centre for Alternative Technology will no longer be hiding away somewhere in the hillsides of Southern Snowdonia but instead they will be showcasing their renewable energy technologies to a world waiting anxiously for real solutions to their real concerns.
The congregations of the local churches instead of meekly praying to Jesus for salvation and hoping for God to forgive them, will join in with the tree planting and the permaculture and all the rest of the practical environmental activities that just might actually have a chance of saving the human race from extinction.
The Camp for Climate Action will no longer be engaging in part time middle class activism for the ten o'clock news or trying to protest in private after inviting the world's media to come and report their campaign and then sulking and shouting obscenities because a few ignorant journalists took the piss out of them...
The Evening Standard newspaper will hopefully stop publishing rumours fed to them by the security services leaking or selling personal information gained by spying on campaigners' private correspondence and phone calls.
What they have been doing has been essentially a declaration of war against the whole of the Environmental Movement and we have to ask ourselves what does it really mean?
What have they been trying to achieve and what do they hope to gain?
Grotesque tabloid newspapers pandering to the lowest instincts of the gullible public do nobody any good in the long run, and if these corrupt practices carry on it will be the deceitful journalists and their editors who will be accused of being largely responsible for killing the human species with their lies and stupidity.
This kind of madness must be replaced with decent honest responsible journalism that is based on the old fashioned principles and conventions established in the good old days when integrity was the watchword of the news media.
Indymedia has set new standards for creative grassroots journalism where activists have not just been reporting the campaigns but actively helping to make them succeed.
This is what Indymedia should be doing now in the threatened villages to investigate the ongoing saga of the Heathrow campaign to stop the third runway, and to interview the local campaigners to discover where they stand on the proposals for a programme of summer events in their villages.
Indymedia was at the Stirling eco-village in 2005 and at the Drax and Heathrow Camps for Climate Action in 2006 and 2007, but were they there just to report events or to actually help with the campaigns?
No doubt it was a bit of both, but this time they should be actively helping to make it all happen if they really mean what they claim on their website about their beliefs and aspirations.
There needs to be some real investigative journalism to find out what is really going on behind the scenes as the drama of the fight against the third runway appears to be drawing to its almost inevitable horrific conclusion.
There are certain basic questions that need to be asked:
What do the the local campaigners intend to do next?
Where does Hillingdon council really stand on the issue of airport expansion and why did they not keep their promise to help find a site near the Heathrow villages for the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign?
What is the true position regarding the claims that have been made about an alliance of the Middle England local residents and disaffected Labour members of parliament and Tory councils and environmental campaigners?
Does the local member of parliament John McDonnell really intend to proceed with his accusations of war crimes against his own government and will he support the Children's Revolution to overthrow them?
All these questions need to be answered and the mainstream news media are not likely to provide honest answers or offer any support to the local efforts to stop the third runway.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign can only go so far when it comes to making proposals for events and projects in the local villages and offering to help by moving into the area to provide advice and practical support.
We need a site to use as a base for our operations and to get on with our work, and we also need to know that we are welcome otherwise it would appear to be inappropriate to just move in uninvited by the local people.
We cannot possibly just squat the site of the third runway with our tools and equipment and tow trucks and computerised high tech science fiction eco-inventions and guard dogs.
We did all that sort of thing during the road protests in the 1990s but now we want to move on and help build an eco-village to set an example of how to save the human race from extinction, and leave the whinging and whining to the deceitful Evening Standard and Daily Mail journalists.
Do they really believe that we are “anarchists” planning to attack Heathrow Airport with wind turbines and permaculture and solar powered gadgets and cars that run on water and hundreds of thousands of tree seedlings, or are they just trying to wind up their gullible readers and rip them off with their sensational lies?
Only a few days ago the Evening Standard reported that as Heathrow Airport expands it will become bigger and greener both at the same time, and they quoted Baroness Jo Valentine, chief executive of the business organisation London First who said:
“A green Heathrow might deploy all electric ground vehicles, high-efficiency heating and cooling of terminal buildings and excellent access by public transport”.
This is the kind of insane justification that is being used to promote the expansion of Heathrow Airport along with the equally fraudulent European Emissions Trading Scheme, which is another joke about how the aviation industry can offset their carbon emissions by paying Third World countries to cut back on polluting the atmosphere.
Our group of ordinary working people is prepared to make a serious long term commitment to helping save the three threatened villages from being destroyed to make way for the third runway at Heathrow Airport.
This will involve helping the local residents transform the area into a huge eco-village that could set an example to every other small local area in the world of the way forward to saving the human race from extinction, and it might also attract massive worldwide news media attention.
We are determined to help provide long term support for the local campaign to stop the third runway and to fight back against the Alien monsters planning the destruction of the villages and the environment that is driving all life on Earth to extinction.
We intend to attempt to raise the money to buy a property near Sipson which we can use as a farm to grow food to supply all the needs of the local people free of charge.
We have been referred to as a band of desperadoes by other environmental activists and maybe that is all we really are, but is it possible that there are questions they need to ask about why we are doing this?
If we do not resist and fight back at Heathrow where should we try to defend the Earth and the human race?
How much time is there left to decide what we should do and how we should do it?
If not now when, and if not us who?
In his book entitled “Global Warming” published in the 1990s Paul Brown the Guardian newspaper's environment correspondent described the nightmare scenario of the United Nations' scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
As the Earth continued to heat up as a result of the burning of fossil fuels there would be mass migrations of hundreds of millions of people, and local wars over oil and land and food and water would break out.
These wars which have now started in many parts of the world could possibly end with World War Three which would be a global nuclear holocaust destroying all humanity, the scientists predicted.
The human race faces extinction by the end of this century as a result of climate change, Professor Peter Barrett the director of the Antarctic Research Centre in New Zealand said in Christchurch in 2004.
As a result of a storm of criticism he revised his speech to say that the end of human civilisation was coming soon.
In February 2006 the United Nations scientists said that there would be worldwide flooding soon and that at least three billion people would die from drowning and starvation and disease by 2050.
Dr James Hansen of NASA warned in 2007 that every major coastal city in the world would be flooded completely and would disappear under the rising sea levels.
Professor James Lovelock has predicted that the Earth is becoming uninhabitable and that 90% of humanity will be wiped out by global warming this century.
All of these scientific predictions appear to be coming true a lot sooner than anyone expected.
Siberia is getting hotter all the time and many thousands of billions of tons of methane are bubbling up out of the permafrost as it melts, and this lethal gas that is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide is rising up into the upper atmosphere and rapidly speeding up the process of global warming.
The Arctic sea ice has melted completely opening up the fabled North West Passage to shipping, and the Greenland ice sheet is now floating on a half mile deep lake of melt water and is sliding faster and faster into the ocean slowing down the Gulf Stream even more quickly than it was before.
Antarctica is melting three times as fast as it was several years ago according to NASA satellite monitoring and this process of the polar ice caps melting and raising sea levels alarmingly is now irreversible, and it is only a matter of time before the worldwide flooding swamps all the low-lying coastal areas of the world causing hundreds of millions of people to flee helplessly from their homes.
There are rumours that a massive break-up of the ice shelves in the Antarctic is expected soon with millions of icebergs due to be floating off to warmer climes to melt and raise the sea levels even faster than they are already rising.
Russian scientists have claimed that the Gulf Stream could stop completely bringing a new ice age to Britain and Europe at about the same time as the London 2012 Olympics are planned to begin with a fanfare of political triumphalism about how green the government and the development corporations have become.
The public is being conned rotten by the politicians and the business people with their multi-billion pound flim flam frauds which would be laughable were they not so tragic in their consequences for the suffering masses.
The government tells us all to cut down on using plastic bags, change our light bulbs to energy saving ones, switch off our television sets and recycle our household rubbish.
But this is all utter nonsense when these very same corrupt political leaders are busy planning a massive programme of new roads and motorways and airport runways and coastal hotel and casino developments all at the same time.
The government's latest scam is to announce the building of so-called “eco-towns” by development corporations on prime green belt land much of which is either woodlands or wildlife habitats, and they have the supreme arrogance and cheek to call this project “green” and “eco-friendly”!
Token efforts by the ordinary people who are being fooled with all this confidence trickery are a waste of time and a dangerous delusion, which begs the question what should we actually be doing with all those billions of pounds that are being wasted on worthless Olympic white elephants and a third runway at Heathrow Airport?
Instead of continuing to fly around the world in aeroplanes people should be staying at home and preparing their local areas for the worldwide flooding and the droughts and famines that the scientists say are coming soon.
We should all be getting ready to protect our own local areas and grow our own food and make our own electricity to attempt to mitigate the very worst of the catastrophic effects of global warming and climate change.
The only way to avoid the coming Ecological Cataclysm will be to take grassroots action to save ourselves where we actually live and work, and the most appropriate action that the local people in the threatened Heathrow villages could take now would be to set an example of these ideas to the rest of the world by putting them into practice.
There is not much time left now to save the human race from extinction.
The doomsday clock is ticking away inexorably as the prospect of runaway global warming that will transform the Earth into a hellish uninhabitable nightmare planet with an atmosphere similar to Venus looms ever closer.
It is now up to the ordinary working people themselves to change the future otherwise there won't be one, and the human race will surely die out this century as many scientists have already predicted.
The warnings of eminent and reputable scientists like Professor Peter Barrett who has spent more than 40 years of his life studying climate change in the Antarctic, and Dr James Hansen of NASA and Professor James Lovelock can only be ignored at our peril.
It is not only later than most people think, it is actually later than it has ever been before.
On 19 february 2008 the Camp for Climate Action process group sent out the following message:
“The Next Climate Camp gathering is happening in the Sunny City of Nottingham on 1st and 2nd of March at the Sumac Centre.
“We will be putting together the agenda on Monday the 25th of March, so please could all items for the agenda be posted to

“Items needed to be posted are proposals on events leading up to the camp, and newly researched proposals for the location of the summer event”.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign sent the following reply:
“Proposal for Nottingham national meeting:
“We would like to suggest that everyone who can offer solutions to global warming should lend their support to the local campaign to create a huge eco-village in the Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington villages near Heathrow Airport.
“This project should begin soon and it will involve a massive tree planting campaign, permaculture in all the local homes and shops and businesses, renewable energies like solar wind and hydrogen, and various other eco-friendly ideas and projects.
“There are plans for a local teenagers' protest site and Children's Revolution free festivals at the weekends on the site of the planned third runway.
“This will all be strictly fluffy action and all environmental groups and organisations are invited to move into the area in and near the villages to help set an example of the way forward to saving the human race from extinction caused by global warming”.
The climate camp process group responded with this message:
“Hiya, We have received this and would like to ask if you would like to present this in the updates section?
“Cheers, Agenda for Nottingham Gathering.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign replied immediately:
“Yes thank you, please also present the basic invitation that everyone who wants to join in the programme of events at the threatened Heathrow villages this summer is welcome to do so.
“The emphasis will be on lending support to the Children's Revolution which will involve a local teenagers' site and a national summit meeting of children, teenagers, and university students, and free environmental festivals at the weekends on the site of the third runway.
“We are looking to implement positive solutions to combating global warming and these events will not be protests.
“This invitation is issued to all individuals and groups as well as to the climate camp as a whole, so a vote against being involved with the creation of an eco-village in the area should not stop people from coming independently.
“Unfortunately we are too busy helping with networking and planning to attend the meeting so we would appreciate it if this message could be presented on our behalf”.
The climate camp process group responded on 26 February:
If you're not going to be here to do the presentation, we need a written invitation that will pretty much be read word for word, including things like when it is, contacts for it etc.
Well, that was pretty short notice but we have now managed in a bit of a rush to whip up this story that will be posted to the climate camp process group and to Indymedia prior to the national meeting of the climate camp at Nottingham this weekend.
What with all the excitement of the Greenpeace demonstration at Heathrow Airport, the No Third Runway rally at Westminster and the Plane Stupid occupation of the Parliament roof there hasn't been much time left to write boring stories about future plans for the summer.
Especially with the biggest earthquake to hit Britain since 1984 rattling the computer and suspicions now circulating that it might have been caused by secret British government underground nuclear testing.
Anyway the Camp for Climate Action process group is asking for more details about the Heathrow campaign which has not been easy for us to come up with because most of these ideas will inevitably be subject to confirmation from various environmental groups including the local campaigners.
And of course most importantly the children and the teenagers and the students themselves will need to decide whether they actually do want to surprise the rest of us by organising a Children's Revolution and a new youth movement on the site of the planned third runway this summer.
The Children of the Eco Warriors haven't been consulted because most of these ideas came from them in the first place, and we have merely been reporting about them from a distance, just like the mainstream media treats everyone they come across as if they are merely interesting specimens to be observed.
The last national meeting of the Camp for Climate Action rejected our proposals that they should open a permanent camp in or near the Heathrow villages and get involved with helping the local people create a giant futuristic high tech eco-village in the area.
The minutes of the meeting recorded that the people making the proposal were not present at the meeting, but this time they are telling us to put our proposals in writing and they will read them out and they would like dates and contact numbers as well.
Naming a date for a campaign to build a huge eco-village and hold a Revolution to overthrow the British government at the same time is a daunting prospect and a pretty tall order, but it is suggested that the proposed programme of events and projects should begin as soon as possible.
Hopefully they will all continue until the plans to build a third runway at Heathrow Airport are abandoned forever, or until the government is peacefully overthrown and replaced with a new system that actually works and doesn't destroy the Earth and kill billions of people all at the same time.
There have been moves within the Camp for Climate Action recently to change the name to the Network for Climate Action and to embark on a series of regular climate actions in Britain rather than to focus purely on holding just one climate camp each summer.
This suggests that everyone involved with the climate camp meetings should be able to make their own decisions about which projects they want to get involved with, and our proposals have been designed to encourage this spirit of independence within the movement.
Hopefully the national meeting this weekend will read out our proposals and the meeting will take on board the fact that we are no longer proposing that our ideas should be voted on, but instead we are simply issuing an invitation to everyone concerned about global warming to lend their support to the local campaign in the Heathrow villages.
The Camp for Climate Action national meeting will be considering proposals for their summer campaign which will be essentially a caravan travelling around the country visiting various targets to protest about their activities.
One possible target will be agrofuel companies producing biodiesel which is being grown in rainforests and on land previously used for growing food, and where millions of people have been driven from their homes in Third World countries.
Other proposed targets include power stations, oil refineries, uranium renrichment facilities, and importers of Amazon rainforest soya.
Some media commentators have likened the planned Long March of the climate campers this summer with the Jarrow march against unemployment in the 1930s.
In the agenda for the Camp for Climate Action Nottingham gathering the camp process group says:
“Please remember that the objective of this gathering is to reach a practical decision on the camp and not a pushing of any particular campaign".
However many things will be discussed at the national meeting of the climate camp this weekend, and everyone concerned about climate change has been invited to attend.
This is the agenda which starts with a proposed public event at Heathrow:
“(A). Kick-off: public event, protest, conference, workshop (fluffy) at Heathrow.
“Call for action.
“This marks the start of the converging and caravans from various cities to make their way to Heathrow.
“The form of the event would be decided in discussion with locals and perhaps not organised by us.
“The event could be a conference - 'How far should we go?'
“For example would it be permissible to shut down Heathrow for the day?
“It could include a party and we could possibly get high profile bands/acts to do a gig and give us a proper send off.
“The idea is to build continuation from last year, show continued solidarity with Sipson and build those links, and also have an early event to draw attention to the day of action.
“(B). Convergence begins throughout UK. Connecting of dots.
“Responding to the call for action, various caravans make their way south, travelling at their own pace for about seven days delivering workshops, inspiring actions all the while demonstrating the joy to be gained from a fossil fuel free lifestyle.
“A bio-fuel action could be a particular focus, as well as other 'connecting of the dots'.
“The big main caravans travelling through London must look strikingly beautiful!
“(C). Long March and caravan sets off to Kingsnorth power station.
“All caravans converge at Heathrow and then we march to Kingsnorth together...a critical mass and hopefully grand entrance!
“The march could last two days (for example by taking the underground for part of the journey or starting closer to Kingsnorth). It could last five to six days.
“We would try to get as many groups involved with this, and day-trippers would be welcomed, and even specific networking for this.
“It would go along the Thames, through London and could include a flotilla of canal boats.
“Each day could have a theme and be taken on by a different group (more connect the dots).
“No marquees, just individual tents. Each night in a park. Mobile kitchens.
“Could have public events on each day, and entertainment/parties. Needs to be major networking around this.
“Would probably need to be fluffy so as not to be marching in a police cordon all day.
“Plan B: If police disrupt or slow down the march, affinity groups disperse into the city and carry out their pre-planned action.
“(D). Arrival at Kingsnorth and start of Camp for Climate Action.
“(E). Saturday August 2nd - day of action. Needs to be MASSIVE.
“(F). Tat-down.
Timing suggestion:
(A) Heathrow event: Saturday July 19th or 20th. (C) March: Saturday July 26th. (D) Camp for Climate Action: Monday July 28th. (E) Day of Action: Saturday August 2nd. (F) Tat down (after a big party): Sunday August 3rd.
“Note: We have had a lot of discussion about how many days the march should be and whether it is better to have the day of action on a Saturday or Sunday.
“The above suggestion is only one potential schedule.
“Another option would be for (A) to be on July 26th and the March to start on the 27th.
“Focus on day of action gives us the chance to build towards a monumental and defining moment.
“The focus on Kingsnorth is one which has a great chance to bring in people and be the iconic movement building moment.
“Touches most of the things people wanted to do.
“Form of the event builds momentum for the camp.
“Makes the form of our event new, audacious and evolutionary.
“Caravans act as serious and effective outreach that enables potentially supportive people and organisations to participate on their local patch for which they feel responsible.
“March and caravan may only be for committed activists and small, harassed by police.
“The police may try to slow it down in a bubble, but it may be politically difficult if we have a broad coalition of participants.
“A lot of work. Do we want our time to be focused on mobile kitchens and finding sleeping spots en route?
“We just got good at camps, why switch as soon as we get good at it?
“Loss of focus with too much happening could dilute our message.
“Things to consider:
“We think we should have a working group concentrating on the mass action from now with a mandate from gathering.
“Land Group - we haven't discussed implications of not having one, or if we think we need one.
“How else do we secure the land we need for a camp at Kingsnorth?
“We have heard the land group whilst not necessarily willing to carry out the work themselves are happy to find others who will.
“If so we propose to take them up on this offer.
“We really need some sort of capacity check in Notts to know how realistic this is...that is who thinks that they can give up all/most/none of July to make this happen etc?
“New working groups for example: Sipson, Caravans, and check if we still have old working groups.
“One proposal that would be worth discussing as brought up by various people (not surprisingly at the bar) after the Leeds meeting would be doing the climate camp in Hyde Park.
“This would have the advantage of being accessible to the vast majority of people in London and might be the only place to have it that would have more media attention than Heathrow.
“It would be on the doorstep of Buckingham Palace.
“Although the action component would be unclear, perhaps a caravan could pass through, starting at the biofuel processing station in Bristol, then on to maybe Heathrow, then Hyde Park, and then caravan and end at the coal power plant in Kent”.
The Saving Iceland collective has written to the Camp for Climate Action to try to persuade them to avoid setting dates that would clash with their summer action camp in Iceland:
“Iceland’s sub-arctic weather conditions dictate that our camp has to start around the 10th of July; logistical concerns dictate that we will stay open and fighting for a month or so.
“We had heard that you intended to hold camp in July, so we asked you to open the Camp for Climate Action before ours or as early in the month as possible.
“And we expressed that the further into July the climate camp begins the greater the negative impact of a UK Climate Camp - Saving Iceland camp clash.
“We understand that other priorities came before us: UK school dates and the symbolism of synchronising yourselves with other camps that fight explicitly and in name against climate change.
“But your provisionally set dates of the 23rd July - 6th August means that our camps will either significantly disrupt each other or overlap entirely, for the first time.
“This is a shame for both our movements:
“Many people from the UK will either not be able to attend our camp or will have to otherwise leave at a critical moment; whilst many will forsake your camp for ours, preferring to stay in a wilderness being destroyed, where capitalism’s destruction of the planet needs no abstract description.
“Also, anyone who wants to sail rather than fly between our camps will spend six days sailing aboard the weekly Iceland-Scotland ferry and a few extra days traveling between the protest camps and harbors.
“This means the Camp for Climate Action’s starting date has over a week of added impact over our camp.
“Therefore, taking ferry dates into account, if the UK climate camp runs between:
23rd - 30th July: complete overlap of the UK and Saving Iceland camps, no use attending both.
31st July - 5th August: major overlap which will allow Saving Iceland campers to stay for the beginning of the camp but leave when the significant direct actions begin.
6th August - 13th: medium overlap which would allow people to spend a reasonable amount of time in Iceland though remove them at its climax.
14th August - onwards: min or nil overlap, Saving Iceland camp may or may not still be fighting within the affected period. Our camps would flow powerfully into one another.
“We understand that you have a lot of considerations to bear in mind when setting your dates, but in the spirit of organising so that ‘many worlds are possible’ we ask your meeting to take serious note of this communique.
“As you have not finalised your dates entirely it is still possible to build a new relationship of solidarity between our movements.
“In dreams common,
Saving Iceland Collective”.
This weekend's national meeting of the Camp for Climate Action will possibly go down in history as a major turning point for the Environmental Movement in Britain.
After two hugely successful climate camps at Drax in 2006 and at Heathrow in 2007 both of which attracted enormous international media attention, the climate campers are now set to make historic decisions that could well affect the course of human history and possibly even lead to saving the human race from extinction.
Anyone who thinks that the Environmental Movement has become splintered by apparently random actions all over the place by diverse groups is barking up the wrong tree, chasing the wild goose, and following red herrings as it were.
During the climate camp caravan tour of the country there will probably be a convergence with the Student Climate Project tour of the British universities, and eventually all the environmental groups and organizations look as if they will be joining the rest of the Eco Warriors for the Grand Finale at the site of the third runway at Heathrow.
Old hippies well remember the good old days when the Beatles claimed to be The Walrus from Alice in Wonderland, and when they finally split up John Lennon quoted a classic nursery rhyme:
“Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them, leave them alone and they will come home, wagging their tails behind them”.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign has several times been thanked by the Heathrow villagers for our continuing support for their No Third Runway campaign, and as a matter of courtesy we are asking for their approval for our latest proposals, and we do hope that they will help us find a suitable site and welcome us into their community once again.
We are offering a full time commitment to the cause of trying to save the human race from extinction by helping the residents of Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington save their villages from being destroyed to make way for the third runway, and we are inviting other serious activists to join us in this important endeavour.
These are idealistic visionary ideas and Utopian fantasies, some of which may very well come to fruition, and all we can do is to hope for the best in our quest for success, because otherwise humanity will be doomed to self destruct in an orgy of materialism and consumerism ending with an Apocalyptic fossil fuel nightmare.
World War Three is supposed to be happening at any time soon in a place called Armageddon, but it would be better if it was acted out in the three small doomed English villages than for it to actually happen for real in the Middle East where there is enough trouble already, without wiping out humanity in a nuclear holocaust as well.
This summer's events on the site of the planned third runway could be advertised as Rinky Dink and the Children's Revolution present the Anti World War Three youth peace conference.
And of course there will be the local teenagers' protest camp with free festivals every weekend, and possibly the Earth Aid concert in association with Peace Not War and the Horse-drawn Camp as well.
A musical extravaganza to save the Earth and rescue humanity from its fate should logically be held in association with an important environmental catastrophe, which the third runway will prove to be if it goes ahead.
These events are just for starters of course, and it will all be strictly fluffy action, but peace loving green hippies are better than no hippies at all, as Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey used to say in their lighter moments.
We could be seeing Glastonbury every day this summer in the villages of Sipson Harmondsworth and Harlington, especially if the 250 bands on the Peace Not War label decide to come and sing their peace songs for us which Magic Dave has suggested might be possible.
Angel and Sunshine will probably show up and sing “What have we done to our Earth, where is the love for our children?” because the theme for this summer's events is intended to be “For the Children” which is the title of Angel's song, which was written especially for this historic occasion.
All alternative film makers are invited to come and get involved and help to make our proposed reality TV show “Can You Save the Human Race?” which could be broadcast live on the Internet or on Indymedia if we are lucky.
Hopefully the entertainment will feature a Declaration of Independence from the British government by the local people acting out an updated version of the satirical film “Passport to Pimlico” where Margaret Rutherford and Stanley Holloway took over control of their own local affairs in spite of Winston Churchill's objections.
To declare their independence and take control of their own affairs might well be the only way for these Doomed Villages of the Damned to escape from the clutches of the evil aviation corporations and their corrupt Alien friends in the British government.
Everyone interested in getting involved with these projects is invited to contact the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign directly by email or by phone on 07964226736 or 07846816797.
We really do need all the help we can get because at the moment we haven't even managed to establish a beachhead in the Heathrow area which could serve as a foothold for other activists.
However if you don't want to wait for confirmation from other environmental groups and organizations that may still be considering whether they want to join in, just go and camp out on the site of the third runway right now if you like.
Just remember to keep it fluffy and please don't upset the neighbours.
Nobody we know of is planning any “anarchist” attacks on anyone or anything and we have been engaging in liaison again with the Metropolitan police to let them know exactly what we are proposing, and we are confidently anticipating their full cooperation to avoid unnecessary clashes with peaceful environmental workers.
However by sheer coincidence the police have just taken a 20 year lease on a 60,000 square foot unit in Polar Park on the edge of Heathrow Airport for £80,000 a year to be used as a mobile patrol and custody centre.
The estate agents who negotiated the deal have described the location as being “strategically located between the airport and the land designated for the third runway and Terminal Six”.
This cannot possibly have anything to do with the government plans to announce their decision to grant planning permission to the British Airports Authority to build a third runway this summer, after the new law banning public objections to new developments comes into force.
There is no need for anyone to worry about a new police station currently being fitted out by the new tenants close to the threatened villages because it will be intended for interrogating and locking up guilty people, and not for torturing middle aged Middle Englanders lawfully resisting the demolition of their local community.
With a bit of luck the police will accept our evidence that the government is breaking the law by committing war crimes in Iraq and by helping the transnational corporations destroy the Earth's environment driving the human race to extinction, and they will arrest the entire cabinet for treason and mass murder that goes way beyond what is commonly referred to as genocide.
In any event the battleground for the Apocalypse shouldn't be at Heathrow Airport at all, but instead it should be occurring in every small local area all over the Earth prior to the time when the worldwide flooding will engulf the planet in an Ecological Cataclysm, heralding the beginning of the end of the human race for all time.
The time for protests and demonstrations is almost over and the only answer now is to get rid of the insane inhuman monsters in the governments and the corporations who are driving humanity to extinction by their greed and stupidity.
The policy of giving up on long term protest sites and instead holding protests against international conferences and summit meetings started after the road protests of the 1990s with the closing down of the World Trade Organisation in Seattle by anti-globalisation activists.
The Camps for Climate Action have also been examples of part time activism and Greenpeace has always engaged in publicity stunts like hanging a “No Third Runway” banner on a plane at Heathrow Airport on 26 February 2008.
Five protesters from the student anti aviation expansion group Plane Stupid climbed onto the roof of the House of Commons on 27 February 2008 and unfurled banners reading “BAA HQ” and “No Third Runway”.
Some of them tossed paper aeroplanes made from Greenpeace documents proving that the Heathrow public consultation process was corrupt and had been fixed in advance by collusion between the government and BAA.
The best the media could come up with in response was to accuse Plane Stupid of having been helped to reach the roof of the parliament by someone inside the building.
As the protesters danced and saluted triumphantly and talked to the news media on their mobile phones, Channel Four and BBC television both showed our beloved leader Gordon Brown beneath them, inside parliament at Prime Minister's questions time pointing upwards, looking furious, snarling and growling and complaining plaintively:
“The message should go out very clearly that decisions in this country should be made in the chamber of this House and not on the roof of this House.
“It's a very important message that should be sent out to those people who are protesting."
Gordon Brown's morning press briefing then reported:
“Asked whether the Prime Minister had any views about the protest taking place, the Prime Minister's Spokesman told the assembled press that we would not be commenting on this particular incident.
“The Government's general position on Heathrow was that there was an ongoing consultation on the third runway that would close today.
“The Government supported a third runway at Heathrow in principle, provided strict local, environmental and noise conditions were met”.
On 28 February 2008 the government was refusing to publish the results of the public consultation apparently because most people were totally opposed to the expansion of Heathrow Airport with a third runway.
The British news media has not even attempted to discover and reveal the contents of the public consultation papers, and on 28 February 2008 the BBC and Channel Four revealed that every editor in Britain had agreed not to publish or broadcast the fact that Prince Harry had been serving with the British army in Afghanistan for the previous 10 weeks.
On Channel Four the presenter Jon Snow questioned the way that the media and the military and the government and the monarchy had colluded together to deceive the public, and one viewer accused him of treason for asking this.
The fact is that this is censorship at its very worst, and it gives us all a hint of what we are up against when we challenge the government, and it provides even more reason to overthrow them as soon as possible.
The Earth is dying and the government appears to be controlling and censoring the press and suppressing any information that they don't want to see published or broadcast, which is what George Bush does in America as well.
The British Prime Minister said that decisions in Britain should be made in the House of Commons and not by environmental protesters, and who are mere mortals like us to disagree with him?
Of course Gordon Brown must be obeyed at all times, and we would like to emphasise that just because we are calling for a Revolution to overthrow his government and replace it with a new political and economic system of localisation, environmentalism, and environmental economics doesn't mean that we plan to be disobedient towards him.
Far from it in fact, because what we are proposing is that every local area on the planet should rise up and take control of their own local affairs and throw off the yoke of tyranny and oppression imposed on them by the domination of their governments and the transnational corporations, since this is the only way they can ever begin to hope to save themselves.
Rather than holding protests on the site of the third runway we are proposing that the corrupt British government and the equally criminal aviation industry should simply be ignored until we can succeed in arresting them for their crimes and atrocities.
While we are waiting for this to happen we can get on with the creation of a giant futuristic high tech eco-village that will include the three threatened villages and the ancient woodlands and the listed buildings due to be destroyed soon.
We are not violent “anarchists” no matter what the lying cheating Evening Standard may try to claim to the contrary.
The sooner the wind turbines and solar power and the renewable energy gadgets can be set up and put into operation close to Heathrow Airport, and the tree planting and permaculture can be organised to combat the terrible destructive pollution all those aeroplanes are responsible for causing, the better.
The survival of future generations may very well depend on what we do now to resist and fight back in self defence against our own corrupt government and all their evil plans to help the transnational corporations destroy the Earth and kill us all in the process.
Millions of innocent women and children have already been slaughtered by the British and the American governments in their illegal war with Iraq which has so far cost more than six trillion dollars, and we need to ask ourselves how long will we continue to tolerate these atrocities being committed in our name?
World peace is an essential prerequisite for global environmental regeneration as most decent people will no doubt realise, and humanity cannot possibly be saved from extinction until there is an end to war.
Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change that you want to see in this world” and John Lennon sang “Come together join the movement, take a stand for human rights”.
But that was all those years ago before the human race started acting like lemmings about to jump off the cliff edge of oblivion to their own extinction.
There is some very serious work that needs to be done urgently, so let's just get on with it and see if we can succeed in saving the human race from extinction and ensure the survival of future generations by attempting to change the course of destiny by writing the history books together.
In all the circumstances what else could possibly be more important?
Thank you once again and we hope to see you all in Sipson soon.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign