Shelter Strike Action
BruisedShins | 28.02.2008 19:40 | Workers' Movements | Birmingham
Workers at Shelter will be striking on Wednesday 5th March in protest at changes orchestrated by management that would see the abolition of incremental pay awards, an extension to the working week that would amount to an extra 3 weeks unpaid work over the course of the year, the downgrading of posts throughout Shelter's advice and support service and changes to reduncancy policy.
Staff are not only angry at the proposed changes but the belligerent and arrogant manner in which management have acted, telling staff they must sign to agree the attacks or face possible redundancy.
There will be a picket line outside Gateway House, 50-52 High Street, Birmingham City Centre from 8am on Wednesday 5th March. Any support would be warmly welcomed.
More can be found here
Staff are not only angry at the proposed changes but the belligerent and arrogant manner in which management have acted, telling staff they must sign to agree the attacks or face possible redundancy.
There will be a picket line outside Gateway House, 50-52 High Street, Birmingham City Centre from 8am on Wednesday 5th March. Any support would be warmly welcomed.
More can be found here
