SOCPA - update on last night's arrests
rikki | 27.02.2008 11:18 | SOCPA | Repression | London
police have admitted in previous instances that arrests are not a proportionate response to 'unauthorised protest', and they generally use 'report for possible summons' instead.
however, last night at around 9pm, the three protestors, barbara tucker, stephen jago, and 'ant', were taken to belgravia police station. police then tried to search tents to seize 'evidence' - they wanted to confiscate barbara's 'blood on their hands' banner - but backed off when brian haw pointed out that it's been shown in court that police have no power of seizure under SOCPA and that they did not have warrants.
inquiries for information at belgravia police station this morning were flatly refused by the custody officer, but it was revealed that the three are still in custody, having been held for 14 hours, and are due to be 'processed' shortly. nothing is known about their welfare, whether any additional charges have been laid, or why they have been detained so long.
any station support is will be welcomed.
to contact, call 020 7730 1212 and ask for belgravia custody suite
pic of barbara's banner
27.02.2008 11:38
barbara is shown outside the gates of parliament on the day of the first PM's questions this year
Hide the following 8 comments
Blood, hands, really?
27.02.2008 13:05
They know they are murdering, thieving, immoral cunts, you know it and i know it, so what's the point in waving a sign about the place and getting arrested? you would not stand outside a prison with a sign saying "criminals", why? because it's painfully fucking obvious....
Ya, rly
27.02.2008 14:35
Captain obvious
Lets hope they are OK
27.02.2008 14:43
Good on you guys.
Lets hope
28.02.2008 00:02
Brian B
releases on bail this afternoon
28.02.2008 00:11
steve is rebailed to 26th march and the other two to the 27th
all this for holding a banner and protesting outside parliament. i think the word 'proportionality' comes into effect here.
there's a free public screening of 'socpa - the movie' tonight at SOAS which includes interviews with steve jago and barbara tucker.
thurs 28th february
school of oriental and african studies
lower ground floor of main campus building at russell square
room L67
film at 7pm
q&a and open discussion with film-maker afterwards
public welcome
e-mail: rikkiindymedia[AT]gmail(d0t)com
18 hours!!
28.02.2008 15:20
final update
29.02.2008 00:43
all are on police bail and all three are under suspicion of unauthorised demonstration under socpa. in addition, barbara tucker is under suspicion of a section 5 public order offence after a compliant by alan duncan mp (who is the shadow secretary for business, commerce and regulatory reform). he no doubt was alarmed or distressed that she was exposing him as a war criminal in public as she shouted at him through her megaphone outside parliament.
so i guess the police will have to decide whether to drop charges and face false imprisonment complaints, or to push ahead and have alan duncan cross-examined by barbara tucker in the dock - i think possibly not - haha
although it's easy to see the humour in all this, the serious point is that three people were effectively kidnapped by state-employed thugs for speaking the truth where it's not wanted. and the socpa law is the mechanism that allowed it to happen
e-mail: rikkiindymedia[AT]gmail(d0t)com
alan duncan on "telegraph tv"
03.03.2008 00:52
such was the level of his hatred for these people, that he even surprised right-wing 'telegraph tv' editor guy ruddle!
alan duncan is the tory minister for big business
you can see the clip at
e-mail: rikkiindymedia[AT]gmail(d0t)com