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On top of Houses of Parliament roof

Airport | 27.02.2008 10:54 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles | London | World

Anti-Heathrow expansion protesters have climbed on to the roof of the Houses of Parliament next to Big Ben.

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Great film about aviation and climate change

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protest ended around 12:30

27.02.2008 12:52

the protestors ended their action at around 12:30 after gordon brown had arrived at the commons for prime minister's question time

the prime minister/war criminal referred to the protest saying "Decisions in this country should be made in the chamber of this House and not on the roof of this House"

is that like the decision to go to war with Iraq - was that decision made IN the chamber? or was it made by a small group of war criminals behind closed doors with legal advice that they are still refusing to make public

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Plane Stupid press release is online

27.02.2008 14:55

Plane Stupid press release is online here:

Innocent Bystander


27.02.2008 19:44


Brave peeps. Well done.


Recent newswire items against airport expansion

28.02.2008 04:42

On top of Houses of Parliament roof

Thousands say no, no, no to Heathrow expansion

Pictures of Third Runway Conference - Westminster 25.2.08

Three thousand at NO Heathrow Third Runway rally!

Plane protest at Heathrow

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Please Support the Heathrow No Third Runway Campaign

Mass rally central London against planned Heathrow third runway 25th Feb 7pm

Eco-Village of the Future Instead of Third Runway at Heathrow?

UK government must abandon road and airport expansion

An interview with Plane Stupid

Massive anti Heathrow dissent in (wait for it) Chiswick

March of the penguins: Plane Stupid reclaim the ice

Seven key reasons against a third runway at Heathrow

Will the Children's Revolution Save the Human Race from Extinction?

Heathrow: more lies emerge

Heathrow 3rd Runway: Flying in the face of public opinion

Jet-set waltz off while the planet burns

Flyagra: Anti-runway campaign helps to 'Keep it Up'

Welcome to Fantasy Air

Short haul flight adverts cancelled

Public Debate on Newquay airport expansion

Rising Tide Rooftop Protest at Newquay Airport

Climate change protest Newquay airport - Risingtide

Lydd airport stopped by..... nuke power ??

Lydd airport-planning decision deferred.



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Congrats and respect but your message has been sidelined.

28.02.2008 00:23

Brilliant, inspiring and bold action. However after watching the main beeb news, I was dismayed to see the mainstream media has totally sidelined the issue you are trying to raise. Absolutely NO as in nothing, zero, nowt, not even touched on, not a single word of - discussion about aviation, 3'rd runway, climate change etc was raised. Instead, they obsessed for several minutes solely about the completely trivial issue of security and how the spineless corrupt parasites that infest that building can be even better protected against terrorists, terrorists, terrorists blah blah blah. Brown stating that decisions had to be made "in the chamber of this House and not on the roof of this House", And that's why nothing will ever change while we allow Mps to continue to brown nose to the corporations that are wrecking this world rather than allowing people to have any real say about aviation and its effects.

Worth remembering for the future that when doing a phone interview from such an action - elated as you understandably would be there on the roof - you should refuse point blank to answer any questions on anything except the issue you're raising and don't get drawn into irrelevant crap about security or how you actually pulled the action off cos that's the only part they reported on.

To its credit, the beeb local news did give about ONE minute's coverage of the third runway campaign. Well, it's a start but really this is an international issue not just local.

Is anyone other than me wondering how future generations will look back on us during a time when we blindly accepted that MP's safety was apparently far more important than climate change? Why we had an aviation minister and a road's minister but no climate change minister?


make the middle class history

28.02.2008 13:21


make the middle class history
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Some useful links

01.03.2008 03:14

HACAN Clear Skies
No Third Runway Action Group (NoTRAG)
Airport Watch
Plane Stupid
Greenpeace UK
Stop Heathrow Expansion
2M Group - two million voices against Heathrow expansion
Campaign Against Climate Change
Camp for Climate Action
Stop Airport Expansion
Friends of the Earth
Stop Stansted Expansion
Airport Environment Federation
Enough's Enough
