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Manchester Space Invaders Landing April

squat monkey | 26.02.2008 12:10 | 2008 Days Of Action For Autonomous Spaces | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Liverpool

11th & 12th April have been named as ‘international days of action on autonomous
spaces’. There will be things happening in Europe including squatted
buildings, parties, Reclaim the Streets, land occupations and more!
We have started an organising group to kick start ideas for action in Manchester. From reclaiming the streets to guerilla gardening..from a ceilidh to a
vegan party to permaculture space...


Decentralised days of action (April 11-12th) meeting
Thursday 21st February 7-9pm

15 people met from various different networks to begin planning for the autonomous
days of action in April..

What are the days of action?

11th & 12th April have been named as ‘international days of action on autonomous
spaces’. There will be things happening in Europe including squatted
buildings, parties, Reclaim the Streets, land occupations and more!

The squatting network met recently in Leeds, and the next national squat meeting
will be in September 2008, in Manchester and the focus will be on skill sharing, and
the possibility of a mass squatting action.

Ideas for action for 11-12 April. We discussed lots of options for the days of
action... From reclaiming the streets to guerilla gardening..from a ceilidh to a
vegan cafe... Consensus was that it would be good to combine doing a squat with a
positive, inclusive, outdoor event, reclaiming a public space in the city..

We discussed the capacity needed to make these ideas if you have time,
equipment or skills please get involved! People are up for making squatted social
spaces, there have been 2 previous TAA's (Temporary Autonomous Art spaces) in
Manchester that have been in squatted buildings. There have been TAAs all over the

To find out more about potential areas we are looking at for the squat, street party
and park, come to the next meeting.

A building could be the nucleus for what we do and somewhere to base the weekend.
Everyone agreed that it’s vital to have time and space set aside for
workshops, meeting space and events. It could create a collective that
wants to keep a squatted social centre going for a while. There are community
centres being shut down all over the city at the minute.

We need money and people with skills to share and squatting experience. Please get
in touch if this applies to you! you don;t have to come to lots of meetings, but it
would be great if you could join our team to help make these plans a reality!

We are developing a resource for legal information and to clarify what is involved
in squatting..

We call for networks and autonomous groups across Manchester to get involved...
Basement/Critical Mass/Under the Pavement/Indymedia/Open Media Collective/
Manchester Animal Protection/Temporary Autonomous Artists/Campaigns Collective/No
Borders/Manchester Climate Action/Soundsystems/
LGBT Groups/Queer/Feminist/Permaculture/Food not Bombs/Musicians
and many more besides!

Next meeting: Thursday 6th March 7pm Meeting Rm 3 University of Manchester Students
Union, Oxford Rd.. please note this is an accessible venue.

People will split into working groups and start to
consider practicalities.

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squat monkey
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26.02.2008 22:31

Sounds great! Come on Manchester, we can do it!
