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Poles Apart: Capitalism and Socialism As The Planet Heats Up

Papillon | 23.02.2008 14:29 | Analysis | Climate Chaos | Ecology | London | World

We are pleased to inform you that the Socialist Party will be holding a half-day school on the politics of Climate Change at the Conway Hall, Holborn on Saturday the 5th of April (1-5 pm

There will be a guest speaker followed by a speaker from the Socialist Party, plus plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion on this critically-important topic. We aim to make this event engaging, educational and thought provoking

The guest speaker, Glenn Morris of Arctic Voice, is a frequent visitor to Greenland and during the last 20 years has stayed with the indigenous Inuit people as a guest and a valued friend of the community. Glenn confirmed it was possible for the Inuit to travel through the pack ice by kayak by completing himself a 2000 km journey through the North West passage from Inuvik to Greenland. During his visits to the Inuit he has witnessed the disappearance of their traditional culture and how the impact of consumerism and market forces is bringing about rapid social change between generations and even within families. His presentation will focus on how climate change influences social change, including having a profound impact on the Inuit concept of the common ownership of land and the natural resources of Greenland.

Brian Gardner from the Socialist Party will then look at how capitalism is coping with the political, social and economic challenges of a rapidly-warming planet. Is there a solution available within the market and money system? What sort of society would socialism have to be to address this global challenge? And will Climate Change threaten or assist the likelihood of a global socialist society being established

During the evening there will be a social - with free food and refreshments and possible entertainment - at the Head Office of the Socialist Party: 52 Clapham High St. All we ask is that if possible you make a small contribution to cover the cost.

Nearest tube Clapham North

For further information contact:

The Socialist Party, 52 Clapham High Street, London, SW4 7UN
Tel: 0207 622 3811

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socialism does NOT work

23.02.2008 14:44

History has shown the Marxism does not work even though it sounds brilliant on paper.


Socialism will not work? It's never been tried!!

24.02.2008 17:22

I'm the poster of the original bulletin. Please show me where socialism has been tried. And don't point to China, Russia, Cuba or any other country where state capitalism existed. In every supposed socialist country they had commodity production, wage slavery, trade according to the dictates of international capital etc etc = CAPITALISM

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