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Che Guevara’s deputy speaks in Liverpool and Manchester

Rock around the Blockade | 19.02.2008 18:22 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Liverpool

This Saturday, Liverpool will host a meeting at which Che Guevara’s closest comrade from Cuba, Orlando Borrego, will speak. On Sunday it will be Manchester’s turn. The events are part of a speaking tour of Britain organised by the campaign group Rock Around the Blockade. The tour comes at a crucial time for Cuban socialism as the people give their decisive and defiant answer to the oft-asked question ‘what happens when Fidel goes?’

Saturday 2-6 pm, Haigh Building, Maryland Street, Liverpool
Sunday 2-6pm Mechanics Institute, Princess Street, Manchester

‘Orlando Borrego is so identified with me that all that is missing is for him to get asthma and we would be the same person’ – Che Guevara, Bolivia 1967

This Saturday Liverpool will host a meeting at which Che Guevara’s closest comrade from Cuba, Orlando Borrego, will speak. On Sunday it will be Manchester’s turn. The events are part of a speaking tour of Britain organised by the campaign group Rock Around the Blockade. The tour comes at a crucial time for Cuban socialism as the people give their decisive and defiant answer to the oft-asked question ‘what happens when Fidel goes?’

Orlando Borrego, now aged 71, joined Che Guevara’s guerrilla army column in the Escambray Mountains becoming a first lieutenant. Che then asked Borrego to work with him in the Ministry of Industries from 1959 to 1964. Borrego became First Vice Minister and Che’s immediate deputy. He was also Cuba’s first Minister for the Sugar Industry. Today, Borrego frequently travels to Venezuela to give seminars to the National Assembly, economists and policy makers on Che’s approach to economic development. He remains an adviser to the Cuban Transport Ministry.

For further information contact Liverpool Rock around the Blockade organiser Robert Claridge on 07956 458 331 or at: or Manchester organiser Louis Brehony on 07940 988 203 or

‘In the last few years I have discovered Che the thinker, the reflecter, Che the critical thinker, Che the transformer of the economic system, Che of the stage of industrialisation of Cuba…all of which Borrego has been elaborating upon with an expertise and loyalty to the thought of Che..’
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

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Cuban State Suppreesion of libertarians

20.02.2008 09:49

Anyone attending these talks who sypathise or identify as anarchists would find 'Cuban Anarchism - The History of a Movement' interesting. While it covers over 100 years it brings to light the conflict which continued between anarchists and state forces after the siezure of power by the castro-guevara political faction. Deaths, jailings ... These are not of course a reason for liberals or pro-state commies (who support the idea of prisons, state armies and governments) to stop fetishising Cuba... but should signal thought in the rest of us.

Read it yourself - there is no point replying to this comment as a meaningful discussion is unlikely to happen. I just thought I would bring attention to it

Cuban Anarchism: The History of a Movement, by Frank Fernández. Translation and Introduction by Chaz Bufe.
This inspiring history of the Cuban anarchist movement is also a history of the Cuban labor movement. It covers both from their origins in the mid-19th century to the present, and ends with an enlightening analysis of the failure of the Castro dictatorship.
ISBN 1-884365-19-1 / 154 pp

Available from AK PRESS :

From the Intro:

'A great many anarchists, especially in Europe, were so desperate to see positive social change that they saw it where there was none—in Cuba, thanks in part to a skilled disinformation campaign by Castro�s propaganda apparatus. Despite suppression of civil liberties, the prohibition of independent political activity, the government take-over of the unions, the militarization of the economy, the gradual impoverishment of the country (despite massive Soviet economic aid), the reemergence of a class system, the institution of a network of political spies in every neighborhood (the so-called Committees for the Defense of the Revolution), and the government-fostered personality cults which grew up around Fidel Castro and Ernesto (�Che�) Guevara, large and important sections of the world�s anarchist movement supported Castro until well into the 1970s.'



20.02.2008 16:15

If you are concerned with the “anarchists” that “fight” inside Cuba against de revolution… you can read about in the website of the MLC(Movimiento Libertario Cubano). There these shameful “anarchists” tolds us how they go to the mountains, together with other groups of counterrevolutionnaries to fight against de newly born revolution. The guns and other items they received come of course directly from the USAmerican government.

... Of course they were defeated by the Cuban people.

After that the remainders scaped to Miami and New York. They are the shame to other anarchists and their History of struggle against the empire.

F Espinoza

Cuban Anarchism: The History of a Movement, by Frank Fernández.

20.02.2008 18:45

espinoza you lying slime bag, go bow to your fucking leaders. Everybody can see through you!

Its truly a great book to really get an understanding of the anarchist movement in Cuba over a 100 years. Pay no attention to that lying trot scumbag espinoza who jerks off at every word mouthed by the almost dead castro and his dict brother . Read it and decide for yourselves and you will understand the mindset of espinoza and his likes!!

Freedom for Cuba and its people!!


Have your corn grain!

20.02.2008 22:19

Yes, my dear little chicken troll, I agree with you: everybody here must read that book... To everyone that can read a little Spanish, please consult:

Read the chapter IV and the V… or everything you want (if you are able to resist the nausea)

There you’ll find the “testimony” of the famous Frank Fernández (that favorite pseudo “anarchist” to our homonymous troll), where he told us how these “anarchists” operated in the sabotage of the newly born revolutionnary process side by side with the other counterrevolutionnary bandits; their hope of a fast victory against the cuban people was buried in Playa Girón, or Bay of Pigs (anyway you call it… a defeat).
After that they scaped to Miami, Tampa, Cayo Hueso, New York (1961, MLCE) where they were received with all the love of Uncle Sam.

Of course there were also truly anarchists in Cuba: they integrated the differents organisations the cuban people build those days for the defense of the revolutionnary experience.

Have your corn grain, little chiken troll

F Espinoza

100 years of anarchism in Cuba...and...what happened?

20.02.2008 23:28

I've no gripes with anarchism or anarchists , but do find the immotive drivel spouted by Mr.@
and his ilk very ignorant, baseless and boring.

So before 1959 anarchists were doing their thing in a Mafia run playground, then evil Fidel came along and imprisoned them, killed them or forced them into exile...THE END.

I thought anarchists were supposed to be free thinkers.

What do you mean when you say freedom for Cuba and all Cubans?

What does freedom mean to you freethinking Mr.@?

Does it, for example,mean that you want to evolve as a human being, to gain wisdom and knowledge?

Tell us what your ideas of freedom are instead of just being abusive and thick.


freedom to move?

21.02.2008 00:33

One elementary aspect of freedom, is freedom to leave the country as and when i please.

Why is it so hard for Cuban's to go abroad? (unless they're on a tour promoting the glory of the state)

curious bystander


22.02.2008 13:15

all this quarreling, I suggest we check indymedia Cuba to see what people in Cuba really think of their system and the ones ruling them...


I'll tell you a couple of reasons why

23.02.2008 01:25

Cubans do not have a disposable income which can be used for "easy jet" tourism and other such luxuries.

Remember Cuba is" third world", stop comparing it to your capitalist (anarchist) lifestyles.

You probably live in one of the 5 richest countries in the world , at a guess.

And anyway you cannot travel "as and when you please", you need permission from the state (passport).

Maybe a visa for certain countries, assuming you can afford to travel in the first place.

Ask a person fron Thailand , Syria or Iraq how easy it is to travel to the UK for a spot of tourism.

Its almost impossible , we dont let them in.( unless they are rich)

Ask a person from the US how it easy it is to travel to Cuba.

You are cowards with no discipline who choose a way of life with no accountability because your so called philosophy says so . And no where in the world as this philosophy ever been successful.

Get over it you weak people, or just admit that you are inadequate and enjoy the capitalist freedom to pretend to be rebels, whilst attacking the real warriors.


Daggle, espinoza, freedom hating, trot loving middle class loosers!

23.02.2008 10:13

You folks are so blinkered and brainwashed and alone! Please fuck off to Cuba to bow and succumb to your leader and let us freedom loving decent people fight for equality for all!
