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Flashback: F15 2003 - London Anti-War Demo

Chris | 19.02.2008 17:25 | No War F15 | Anti-militarism | History | Iraq | London | Sheffield

Photos from the 15th February 2003 No War on Iraq demo in London.

These photos were not published on Indymedia at the time, for the reports on the demo from the time see:




19.02.2008 17:31

Some more of the 617 photos I took on the day...



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in retrospect

19.02.2008 19:33

gosh - in retrospect, this all looks rather horrific. A national alliance of Lib Dems, Swappies, authoritarian Muslims, people demanding a 2nd UN resolution, and those comparing the USA to the Nazis...

Wouldn't want this to happen again...


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