Atzmon affair - some action at last
Chris | 18.02.2008 12:41
The link above leads to quiet tucked away part of the UK newswire which is where all the Atzmon and anti Semitism complaints stuff is now being hidden from open view. It shows that despite the claims of some there was extensive discussion of the situation during the network meeting which proves that ftp was lying here -
when he said that the audio recordings were a complete record of the events.
On the up side it does show that two mods at least, Shiar and Ion are not bowing down to ftp's bully boy tactics and are keeping their own records of events. - Top marks to them.
Now we need the full record of the recordings and the full record of the minutes. I challenge the others mods to show the same spirit Shiar and Ion have done.

when he said that the audio recordings were a complete record of the events.
On the up side it does show that two mods at least, Shiar and Ion are not bowing down to ftp's bully boy tactics and are keeping their own records of events. - Top marks to them.
Now we need the full record of the recordings and the full record of the minutes. I challenge the others mods to show the same spirit Shiar and Ion have done.