Glasgow May Day planning meeting
Ethel MacDee | 16.02.2008 10:44 | Workers' Movements
This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the spectacular events of the 1968 Paris uprising. May and June of that year saw over 9 million French workers on strike allied with rebelling students of Nanterre and other universities.
May Day itself is of course an international workers holiday in commemoration of the Anarchists executed in Chicago during the struggle for the 8 hour day.
The struggles fought by the workers and students of France and the executed Anarchists of Chicago continue to this day. Capitalism still runs roughshod over the workers of this world, it destroys our environment and turns our homes, the towns and cities where we live into glass fronted temples of greed fit only to shop in. We want a world we can live in. Not where we are a mere source of labour and profit for the wealthy few.
For this reason our May Day celebration and Protest should be bigger and better than ever.
If you are interested in making this years May Day bigger and better than ever please come along to Mono, Kings Court, Glasgow on the 23rd of Febuary. We will meet inside at 4p.m. Look out for the May Day sign.
For more info on the Paris uprising see
For more on the origins of May Day
And here's a map to help you find Mono,55.855662,-4.246175&saddr=Central+Station,+Glasgow,+Lanarkshire+G2,+United+Kingdom&daddr=Kings+Court,+103+King+Street,+Townhead,+Glasgow,+G1+5RB,+UK+(Mono)&sll=55.85889,-4.248505&sspn=0.008069,0.022659&ie=UTF8&ll=55.857563,-4.252996&spn=0.008069,0.022659&z=16&om=0
May Day itself is of course an international workers holiday in commemoration of the Anarchists executed in Chicago during the struggle for the 8 hour day.
The struggles fought by the workers and students of France and the executed Anarchists of Chicago continue to this day. Capitalism still runs roughshod over the workers of this world, it destroys our environment and turns our homes, the towns and cities where we live into glass fronted temples of greed fit only to shop in. We want a world we can live in. Not where we are a mere source of labour and profit for the wealthy few.
For this reason our May Day celebration and Protest should be bigger and better than ever.
If you are interested in making this years May Day bigger and better than ever please come along to Mono, Kings Court, Glasgow on the 23rd of Febuary. We will meet inside at 4p.m. Look out for the May Day sign.
For more info on the Paris uprising see
For more on the origins of May Day
And here's a map to help you find Mono

Ethel MacDee