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Israel's Extremists Lay Groundwork for Assault on Gaza

As Predicted | 16.02.2008 02:10 | Anti-racism | World

Which means that they will soon be knocking on the Brown Government's door.

Let's beat them to the punch.


Laying groundwork for Gaza war

Berlin first stop in Israeli effort to obtain international backing ahead of Gaza operation

Roni Sofer Published: 02.14.08, 17:35 / Israel Opinion

Olmert, Livni and Barak know that Israel’s public relations apparatus is currently facing a problem. The Western world, which maintained its support for Israel’s right to act against the rocket attacks from Gaza employed by Hamas and its associates, is inclined to criticize the Jewish State over the Gaza siege and economic sanctions.

(Collective Punishment is a War Crime. The rockets that Israel is trying to use to justify attacks it planned long before Annapolis have been provoked by its imposition of Collective Punishment, its War Crimes. Its own defence staff warned that when these illegal measures were increased months ago, that this policy would provoke such a response.)

Israel’s stock is dropping, reaching the point of a condemnation by British foreign secretary David Miliband last weekend. The concern is growing in light of the possibility that Israel will need to embark on a wide-scale military operation in Gaza early in spring.

(It doesn't 'need' to do this, and therein lies the rub. Israel's ruling Extremists simply reject any notion of ending its war to wipe Palestine off the map, especially if it involves partaking in a 'peace process' it can't control, one which would force Israel to give back much of what it has stolen, as demanded by international Law and UN Security Council Resolutions.)

Olmert is reading the international map and he knows what Israel has planned should the Qassam fire continue. Together with Livni and Barak, they postpone the decision to embark on major Gaza operation every week. Yet the three of them know that it is impossible to go on with a situation whereby civilians are subjected to Qassam barrages and a game of Palestinian roulette.

(But the facts that Israel's attacks on Gaza have doubled since Annapolis, as has the murder of Palestinian civilians during these attacks, and the severity of Israel's War Crimes in Gaza are apparently inconsequential. Israel is wholly responsible for this 'crisis', one which could quickly be averted if they truly wanted this to happen.)

In closed-door sessions, Olmert’s people make it clear that should Israel decide on a wide-scale operation, it would need international room for maneuver. It needs support that would be similar to what Israel enjoyed in the last war in Lebanon. This will enable Israel to complete an effective military operation and also, if necessary, would facilitate the involvement of a UN-mandated multinational force in order to prevent the emergence of a new Gaza vacuum.

(The only UN force needed is one to seperate the Israelis from the Palestinians, and to enforce the many Security Council Resolutions Israel is currently in violation of.)

Grand diplomatic campaign

Berlin, which is undecided on the prospects of a major Israeli operation, was a good place to start. On the one hand there is Chancellor Merkel there, who was convinced of the need to back Israel’s actions – ranging from continued civilian sanctions to expanded military operations. On the other hand, there is German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Merkel’s coalition partner, who does not automatically back everything Israel says.

(Appeasement doesn't work. Haven't we learned that by now? If you allow Israel this murderous rampage, where does it end?)

Olmert presented to the German administration the distress faced by Sderot and Gaza-region residents, pointed to Hamas-Iran ties, and warned that fundamentalist terrorism has no boundaries. This public relations work was apparently useful.

(But that's all it is; empty PR. The attack which has been planned for months would make the abject suffering of Gazans immeasurably worse.)

Now, officials at the Prime Minister’s Office are expecting the grand campaign to start.

Yesterday, Foreign Minister Livni took 70 foreign diplomats to see a 15-second film, about the 15 seconds that Sderot residents have in order to find a shelter from the exploding Qassams. Now she traveled to Washington, where she will meet her counterpart Condoleezza Rice, who is expected to arrive here next month. In the meeting Livni will discuss the intolerable situation in the south.

(Immorality breeds contradiction. Nothing the residents of Sderot have to 'endure' because of their Government's rejection of peace even approaches the suffering endured, the terror felt, by the people of Gaza.)

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Barak traveled to Turkey, and spoke about the need to safeguard southern residents even before promoting negotiations on the establishment of a Palestinian state. Other ministers will travel worldwide, while our ambassadors will work hard.

(He means to say 'instead of', not 'even before' ...)

Berlin came first, as a harbinger of what the political leadership in Jerusalem wishes to achieve internationally, ahead of the hot summer in Gaza.,7340,L-3506777,00.html

Major IDF Operation into Gaza "Back on Agenda"

ALERT: Annapolis a Charade: Israeli Extremists Plotting Massive AggressionAuthor

In Germany, according to historian Richard Evans, in 1931-1932, if enough Germans of conscience had begun to say No -- history would have had an entirely diferent outcome.

If we go any further down this road the tears will be those of conservatives as well as progressives. They will be (Israeli) tears.

The time for weeping has to stop; the time for confronting must begin.

Adapted from "American Tears"

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