NCADC North West news and events including demo in manchester
- | 11.02.2008 13:52 | Migration | Liverpool
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC) produce the following bulletins as part of their work to educate the public on immigration, asylum and anti-deportation issues. It hosts news and views from different individuals, organisations and campaigns working in the same field.
1. News in the North West
Charly from Leeds and her 4 month old baby - deportation to Cameroon stopped
Charly & Kiefer didn't fly ; on Wednesday afternoon whilst talking to visitors, a guard spoke to Charly and told her removal directions had been cancelled. No reason was given to Charly or her Solicitor. Friends of Charly & Kiefer, want to thank all who responded to the alert. Charly & Kiefer remain in Yarl's Wood Removal Centre. How you can help ;
Mansoor Hassan & Family Must Stay ! And Stay They Shall !
"Today, Mansoor his family have received a letter from the Home Office stating that they have obtained leave to remain in the UK. I am sure you will all be overjoyed by this development. I have to say that Mansoor's campaign to remain in the UK has been sustained through his membership of the NUJ and the support of other trade unions and the labour movement. This was no one-man campaign but a journey of uncertainty that was sustained by everyone concerned. It has been a shining example of solidarity, kindness and the humanity of individuals who have reached out to help others in need and distress." - Bob Pounder, Mansoor Hassan & Family Campaign
West Yorkshire's church leaders to mark Ash Wednesday.
Media coverage of their statement made in Huddersfield included BBC Radio Leeds, Look North, Calendar TV, Yorkshire Post, Yorkshire Evening Post, Radio Aire, BBC Radio York, Pulse Radio, and the Huddersfield Examiner. Many thanks to Yadullah Nahwi and Parfait Nkana, who shared their personal stories as part of the TV coverage.
Contact : Richard Byrne, Regional Media Officer, Refugee Council, 0113 386 2235
Saturday February 16th - Sunday February 17th
MERCI, 21 Beswick Street, Manchester M40
"No Borders is a network of groups of grass-roots organisations that support free migration and the abolishment of borders and deportations. No Borders Groups from across the country will be gathering to discuss strategy and tactics in order to oppose the repression of migrants and refugees. We welcome others involved in fighting against repressive immigration controls to the gathering. Saturday morning will provide an opportunity to find out more about No Borders and what we do. We are keen to work with other organisations and individuals involved in similar struggle. Accommodation and food with be provided from Saturday
morning to Sunday lunch. A £10 donation is suggested! Refugees and migrants will not be asked for donations. MERCI is a fully accessible building. Please contact us if you require a creche."
Info and contact :
Manchester No Borders -
Demonstration : "Keep Health Care Free for All"
Saturday 5th April - 10.30am
Assemble in All Saints Oxford Road, Manchester.
March to the Peace Gardens, Manchester, for a rally at 12.00 noon
Oppose the Government's proposal to deny or restrict access to health care for asylum seekers whose claim is refused and other undocumented migrants.
Contact : Margaret Manning on
Do you want advice about setting up an anti-deportation campaign ?
Come and meet NCADC at one of the many NCADC workshops around the North West, aimed at people facing deportation who are interested in setting up a public anti-deportation campaign, and those who are interested in supporting campaigns. There will be a chance to discuss benefits of starting a campaign, what it takes to set up and run a campaign, and any concerns you have about putting yourself and your campaign group into the public eye. It will be an informal environment and you will be able to chat with NCADC, some people who have run their own anti-deportation campaigns, and others who are interested in setting up campaigns._
Contact : Emma at NCADC on
Liverpool with Asylum Link - Thursday 28th February - 1pm to 3.00pm
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Leeds with Leeds No Borders and others - Thursday 28th February - 7pm
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Manchester with WAST (Women Asylum Seekers Together) - Friday 29th Feb. - 11am to 1 pm
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Manchester with the Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit - Friday 29th Feb. - 2pm to 4pm
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
2. North West Events Listing
Monday 11th February - 5.15pm to 6.15pm
Organising meeting for demonstration in Leeds in June
Refugee Council office , Hurley house, 1 Dewsbury Road, Leeds.
Meeting to talk about organising a big demonstration / welcome parade in Leeds in June, probably first Saturday of refugee week, in support of people fleeing persecution.
Contact : Richard Byrne on / 0113 386 2235
Monday 11th February - 6.30pm
Florence and Michael Campaign meeting
Lesbian Community Project, 49-51 Sidney Street, Manchester, M1 7HB
Contact : Lisa Buklovskis on / 0161 273 7128
Monday 11th February - 7pm to 9pm
West Yorkshire Medact Group meeting
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Medact is a global health charity tackling issues at the centre of international policy debates. Led by its health professional membership it undertakes education, research and advocacy on the health implications of conflict, development and environmental change, with a special focus on the developing world. Current national campaigns focus on: Responding to the war on Iraq, The brain drain of health professionals from poor countries, Weapons of mass destruction, Global Health Watch, and Refugee Health in the UK. The first campaign of the local group will be to respond to the imminent proposals from the British Government to prevent unsuccessful asylum seekers from accessing health care from GPs. We are planning a response because the issue is so pressing with a very narrow window of opportunity to act locally.
Contact: Jo Miller, 07964019249, for further information
Tuesday 12th February 7pm
Leeds No Borders Discussion Group
Victoria Hotel, Great George Street (behind Leeds town hall), Leeds
Contact : Ellen Robottom on
Wednesday 13th February - 10am to 3pm
Leeds : United Refugee Organisation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact details: Phone: 07883 314 042 Email:Frank Stevens : moble_roj @ or Mehdi Azadeh : ITboy07 @ Website:
Thursday14th February - 6pm
ASYLUM VOICE (fortnightly meeting)
Social Centre, next to News From Nowhere, Bold Street, Liverpool
Contact : Margaret on
Saturday February 16th - Sunday February 17th
MERCI, 21 Beswick Street, Manchester M40
"No Borders is a network of groups of grass-roots organisations that support free migration and the abolishment of borders and deportations. No Borders Groups from across the country will be gathering to discuss strategy and tactics in order to oppose the repression of migrants and refugees. We welcome others involved in fighting against repressive immigration controls to the gathering. Saturday morning will provide an opportunity to find out more about No Borders and what we do. We are keen to work with other organisations and individuals involved in similar struggle. Accommodation and food with be provided from Saturday morning to Sunday lunch. A £10 donation is suggested! Refugees and migrants will not be asked for donations. MERCI is a fully accessible building. Please contact us if you require a creche." Info and contact :
Manchester No Borders -
Saturday 16th February - 12.00 noon to 4pm
Leeds : Common Conversation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Free conversational English classes for asylum seekers and people of refugee status Contact: Tommo (kingubito @
Saturday 16th of February - 2pm to 4pm
A Public Meeting : Press Freedom, Trade Union Rights and Civil Liberties in Pakistan
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester City Centre (opposite Central Library)
Hosted by the National Union of Journalists, Manchester Branch. "The Chief Justice of Pakistan is still under house arrest, as are his colleagues, the Supreme Court Bar President is incarcerated, one former Prime Minister is dead and another in waiting fears for his life. the media is gagged. The constitutional avenue is blocked for the public. People are fighting on the streets for proper flourŠ". This is how Amjad Malik, Manchester based solicitor and journalist, describes the situation in Pakistan in the run up to the elections. The NUJ is hosting a meeting to discuss the current situation in Pakistan and how
trade union rights, civil liberties and press freedom there can be defended. Speakers:
*** Amjad Malik, solicitor and journalist
*** Javed Khan, journalist and president of Pakistan Press Club, Manchester
*** Mansoor Hassan, exiled pakistani journalist and NUJ member
There will also be clips and soundbites from activists involved in the struggle in Pakistan. There will be plenty of space for questions and debate from the floor. Contact : / 07792 923069.
Saturday 16th February - 6pm
Congo Support Project - 1st Anniversary
Peel Hall, Peel Building, University of Salford, Frederick Road, Salford, M5 4WT.
Traditional Congolese Dance, Music, Drama, Poetry Performances and Food. All welcome ! By Bus from Manchester city centre - 8, 36, 37, 67, 68, 100, 32, 12, 26. Nearest train : Salford Crescent station. Contact : 0161 832 7557 /
Tuesday 19th February - 5pm to 7pm
Leeds No Borders Anti-Deportation Drop-In
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact/Coordinator: Catherine (katieplum75 @
Wednesday 20th February - 10am to 3pm
Leeds : United Refugee Organisation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact details: Phone: 07883 314 042 Email:Frank Stevens : moble_roj @ or Mehdi Azadeh : ITboy07 @ Website:
Wednesday 20th February - 7pm
Sukula Family Must Stay campaign meeting
Bolton Socialist Club, 16 Wood Street, Bolton, BL1 1DY.
Contact : Paul Maurins on
Wednesday 20th February - 7pm to 9pm
Leeds No Borders meeting
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Catherine - katieplum75 @
Saturday 23rd February - 12.00 noon to 4pm
Leeds : Common Conversation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Free conversational English classes for asylum seekers and people of refugee status Contact: Tommo (kingubito @
Monday 25thth February - 7.30pm
Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers - Monthly Planning Meeting
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester city centre.
Contact : Mark Krantz on or 07765 122 829
Wednesday 27th February - 10am to 3pm
Leeds : United Refugee Organisation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact details: Phone: 07883 314 042 Email:Frank Stevens : moble_roj @ or Mehdi Azadeh : ITboy07 @ Website:
Thursday February 28th - 9am to 1pm
Merseyside Asylum Seeker Health (MASH)
LACE Centre, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool
"In addition to our very successful MASH educational program, we have now started a MASH Strategy Group, to steer the development of integrated services for asylum health in Liverpool. No booking is required, the agenda will be to discuss the attached health needs assessment, and how we can all contribute. We believe that it is essential to involve service users, service user advocates, NGO's and all relevant agencies in asylum health service developments, in order to address the needs of this 'Hard To Reach' BME group."
Contact :
Thursday 28th February - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
This session is aimed at people facing deportation who are interested in setting up a public anti-deportation campaign, and those who are interested in supporting such campaigns. Covering frequently-asked questions like Š_+++ Why have an anti-deportation campaign ?_+++ What is meant by a "public" campaign ?_+++ What is the purpose of a campaign ?_+++ How does it effect my legal case ?_+++ Is a campaign guaranteed to work ?_+++ When should I start a campaign ?_+++ Who should be in the campaign ?_+++ Who is responsible for the campaign ?_+++ What should the campaign do ?_+++ Can we join up with other campaigns ?_There will be a chance to discuss benefits of starting a campaign, what it takes to set up and run a campaign, and any concerns you have about putting yourself and your campaign group into the public eye. It will be an informal environment and you will be able to chat with the co-ordinator of NCADC, some people who have run their own anti-deportation campaigns, and others who are interested in setting up campaigns. Contact : Emma at NCADC on
Thursday 28th February - 6pm to 7pm
Public Lecture : "Modern Slavery & Immigration Controls"
Salford University : Mary Seacole Lecture Theatre, Allerton Building, Frederick Rd, Salford, M6 6PU
"The Prostitute, the Cleaner & the Construction Worker : Modern Slavery & Immigration Controls" with Rahila Gupta, Freelance writer, activist & founder member of Southall Back Sisters
To attend please email or leave a message at 0161 295 6794
More information at
Thursday 28th February - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Thursday 29th February - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 29th February - 12.30 pm to 4.00 pm
Seminar : Access to Primary Care for Migrants
Central Methodist Hall, Oldham Street, Manchester
Please register in advance for this event by contacting Zoe / Sophie at MRSN on 0161 232 7420 or at
Draft Programme ;
12:30 : Registration and Refreshments
1:00 : Welcome and introduction by Chair
1:05 : Speakers and questions:
- M.P. (To be confirmed)
- Alan Higgens, N. West lead on Health & Migration, Director of Public Health, Oldham PCT
- Wayne Farah, Non-executive Board Member, Newham PCT
- A migrant community perspective
2:10 : Seminar for board members of PCTs and NHS Trusts
Discuss the practical implications of the move towards restricting access to Primary Care (facilitated by Wayne Farah, Newham PCT).
2.10 : Workshops*
3.15 : Workshops*
* Choice of workshops:
1. Understanding the rules for access to NHS care
This workshop will clarify what the current rules are for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants accessing NHS health care, what changes have taken place in recent years and what further changes the Home Office have proposed during the current review.
2. In your shoes- the experience of accessing health care for asylum seekers
This workshop will explore the situations asylum seekers and migrants find themselves in when they need health care in the UK through interactive awareness raising.
3. Building a response in the North West
More a brainstorming session than a workshop, this is for participants who are interested in working in partnership to build a sustained response to the Home Office and Department of Health review in the North West.
Thursday 29th February - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Saturday 1st March - 12.00 noon to 4pm
Leeds : Common Conversation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Free conversational English classes for asylum seekers and people of refugee status Contact: Tommo(kingubito @
Saturday 1st March - 3pm to 8pm
(Belated) Celebrating Safety - Ziadah & Sharif Are Staying Party
The International Society , 327 Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PG
Ziadah ran a brave, high-profile anti-deportation for her and her son, Sharif. They won. But Ziadah hasn't stopped - still an active member of Women Asylum Seekers Together and other anti-deportation campaign groups, she continues the struggle for others still facing deportation Due to the usual difficulties of accommodation and other things after an asylum seeker is granted status, Ziadah had to delay celebrating her safety. But now's the chance ! All welcome ! There will be music and dance from Uganda, food, speeches etc. Entry is free but donations gratefully received. Children welcome. Contact : Ziadah on 07904 749162 /
Saturday 1st March 2008 - 1pm to 4pm
Solidarity Social
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, central Manchester
At our Solidarity Socials we provide a welcome, advice, Halal food and drink. Travel costs refunded for those in need. Organised by the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers
Contact Mark on 07765 122 829 /
Thursday 13th March - 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Public Lecture : "The Treatment of Asylum Seekers in 21st Century Briatin"
Salford Universty : Mary Seacole Lecture Theatre, Allerton Building, Frederick Rd, Salford, M6 6PU
"Asylum - Sanctuary or Slavery : the Treatment of Asylum Seekers in 21st Century Briatin" with Farhat Khan, Renowned asylum seeker, threatened with deportation while at the same time being invited to the Queen's Chrsitmas party. To attend please email or leave a message at 0161 295 6794
More information at
Wednesday 19th March - 7pm
Sukula Family Must Stay campaign meeting
Bolton Socialist Club, 16 Wood Street, Bolton, BL1 1DY.
Contact : Paul Maurins on
Thursday 27th March - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on
Thursday 27th March - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 28th March - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 28th March - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Monday 31st March - 7.30pm
Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers - Monthly Planning Meeting
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester city centre.
Contact : Mark Krantz on or 07765 122 829
Saturday 5th April - 10.30am
Demonstration : "Keep Health Care Free for All"
Assemble in All Saints Oxford Road, Manchester.
March to the Peace Gardens, Manchester, for a rally at 12.00 noon
Oppose the Government's proposal to deny or restrict access to health care for asylum seekers whose claim is refused and other undocumented migrants. Contact : Margaret Manning on
Saturday 5th April 2008 - 1pm to 4pm
Solidarity Social
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, central Manchester
At our Solidarity Socials we provide a welcome, advice, Halal food and drink. Travel costs refunded for those in need. Organised by the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers
Contact Mark on 07765 122 829 /
Wednesday 16th April - 7pm
Sukula Family Must Stay campaign meeting
Bolton Socialist Club, 16 Wood Street, Bolton, BL1 1DY.
Contact : Paul Maurins on
Wednesday 23rd April - 6pm to 7pm
Public Lecture : "International human rights: Using the law to secure justice"
Salford University : Mary Seacole Lecture Theatre, Allerton Building, Frederick Rd, Salford, M6 6PU
With Peter Tatchell, Human rights campaigner, leading activist in the Gay Liberation Front & co-founder of the queer rights group Outrage ! To attend please email or leave a message at 0161 295 6794
More information at
Thursday 24th April - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on
Thursday 24th April - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 25th April - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 25th April - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Monday 28th April - 7.30pm
Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers - Monthly Planning Meeting
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester city centre.
Contact : Mark Krantz on or 07765 122 829
Saturday 3rd May 2008 - 1pm to 4pm
Solidarity Social
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, central Manchester
At our Solidarity Socials we provide a welcome, advice, Halal food and drink. Travel costs refunded for those in need. Organised by the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers
Contact Mark on 07765 122 829 /
Wednesday 7th May - 6.00p to 7.00pm
Public Lecture : "Human rights and Empire"
Council Chamber, Old Fire Station, Salford, M5 4WT
With Professor Costas Douzinas - Has written extensively on human rights & legal philosophy
To attend please email or leave a message at 0161 295 6794
More information at
Wednesday 21st May - 7pm
Sukula Family Must Stay campaign meeting
Bolton Socialist Club, 16 Wood Street, Bolton, BL1 1DY.
Contact : Paul Maurins on
Thursday 29th May - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on
Thursday 29th May - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 30th May - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 30th May - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Saturday 7th June 2008 - 1pm to 4pm
Solidarity Social
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, central Manchester
At our Solidarity Socials we provide a welcome, advice, Halal food and drink. Travel costs refunded for those in need. Organised by the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers
Contact Mark on 07765 122 829 /
Thursday 26th June - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on
Thursday 26th June - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 27th June - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 27th June - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Thursday 24th July - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on
Thursday 24th July - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 25th July - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
Friday 25th July - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on
3. Regular Events in the North West Region
WAST (Women Asylum Seekers Together)
We are a group of women asylum seekers who have been through the asylum process and now meet together to get support and help from each other..
*** Some of us are waiting to hear from the Home Office about fresh claims
*** Or we are working to try and get new evidence to put in fresh claims
*** Or we find ourselves without legal help, and under threat of deportation.
*** Some of us have started up our own anti deportation campaigns.
Venue - Crèche room on the ground floor of the 'WEVH' building near the Shude Hill Metro station
*** We share and cook a Light lunch/ refreshments
*** Our children have a space to play and are very welcome
*** If we are destitute and from Greater Manchester we can get our bus fares paid .
*** We have access in office for computer with broadband internet facility
*** We share Information and support on setting up anti deportation campaigns
*** We have confidential space for talking.
*** We share and learn through each others experiences and problem solving.
*** We organize events and training and campaign together, sometimes giving talks to other groups to raise awareness *** And, get more support and understanding from people.
11am to 1pm - Emma Ginn from the 'National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns' comes to the WAST group every last Frday of the month to support and advise women about setting up and running an anti deportation Campaign. For more details contact :Emma on
You can just turn up or ring if you want more information
Tel : 0161 833 8835
Email :
Address ; Womens Electronic village hall; Ada House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester, M4 5FY
PARKING : Two disabled parking spaces are available in the car park at the side of 77 Thompson Street (accessed from Hatter Street). Please phone us in advance of your training day on 0161 833 8800 to book these spaces. There is a Euro Car Parks car park on Thompson Street, which costs £3.40 for the day and other cheap day rate car parks are available locally e.g. on Rochdale Road or on Ludgate Hill.
PUBLIC TRANSPORT - Metro: 5 minute walk from Shudehill metro stop (or Victoria/Market Street). Train: Less than 10 minutes walk from Victoria Station and about 20 minutes walk from Piccadilly Station. Buses: run along Rochdale Road and Oldham Road (from the north) or stop at the Arndale or Piccadilly Gardens (about 10 mins walk)
Free English course for all asylum seekers and refugees - Leeds
For 10 Wednesdays starting 19th September 2007 - 11am-1pm
United Free Church, Malvern Road, Beeston, LS11 8PD
Childcare will be provided. We will have lunch together after each session has finished.
All those interested must attend the assessment session on WEDNESDAY 29th AUGUST at any time between 11am and 1pm.
Contact : Ian Goodson - 0113 276 0918 / 07951380259 /
Drop-in for pregnant asylum seekers and refugees in Leeds
Mondays 10:00am to12:00 noon, starting Monday 23rd April. At Sure Start Chapeltown, Children & Family Centre, 62 Leopold Street, Leeds, LS7 4AW.
* Advice & Support around pregnancy
* Information about local services
* Make Friends
* Refreshments Available
* Children's Clothing Exchange
* Internet Access
This will be an opportunity for midwifery care, signposting, and networking for women. It will run alongside an existing HAT drop-in. I hope that in time we can offer other facilities.
Contact : Sarah Bennett, SureStart Midwife, on 0113 2007969
East Leeds Health for All - Leeds 9 Tuesday drop-in
"ELFHA is piloting a mental health drop-in for asylum seekers and refugees living in Leeds 9. We are aiming to put together a group of people, (15 max) male and female who are experiencing mental health difficulties. These may be people who are accessing Community Mental Health and have a diagnosis or those who have not but are experiencing some level of mental health difficulty, such as anxiety or low mood. The group is for adults. Crèche provision to be confirmed. The group will meet on a Tuesday 12.30-2.30 at 6 Boston Towers, Lincoln Green, Leeds LS9 7PB. We have initial funding until March 08. Further funding will be sought to continue beyond this date. The group will provide a time to meet with and get to know other people through various activities.
We will start with cooking lunch. Group members will be encouraged to take part in this, making lunch a group effort.
Lunch will be followed by activities using relaxation, painting, drawing, photography, music and therapeutically facilitated conversation or disclosure. Other activities will include healthy eating, walks and trips out." Further info, including how to make referrals - Tom Bailey or Richard Gale c/o East Leeds Health For All, 41 -47 Cromwell Mt, Leeds, LS9 7ST.
International Organisation of Iranian Refugees- Leeds
Every Wednesday 10am to 3pm
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharft Street, Leeds, LS2 7EQ
Help and support for refugees and asylum seekers. We provide ;
* English classes
* Support for family issues or problems
* Advice for victims of racial harassment
Contact : / 07883 314042. Website :
Tees Valley Voices for Justice (TVVFJ) monthly meetings
TVVFJ meet each month to discuss asylum issues and provide a voice for the vulnerable by liaising with agencies, the public and supporting local campaigns. Meetings are open to anyone from the asylum-seeking community and their friends and supporters. Further details from William Meli on: 07932 662003
Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) Organising Meetings
Amnesty bookshop, Westgate Road, Newcastle. Every Wednesday evening from 7pm until 9pm.
We are now having some larger meetings on a Saturday so that families can come._Les reunions de TCAR continuent chaque mecredi soir de 19h a 21h dans la librarie de Amnesty sur Westgate Road. Maintenant on organise aussi des plus grandes reunions quelques samedis pour que les familles puissent venir. Contact :
Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers Planning Meetings
Last Monday of the month at 7.30pm. Open to all.
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, Manchester
Leeds - Asylum rights activities at the Common Place, Wharf Street, Leeds
Regular activities include ;
*** Leeds No Borders Anti-Deportation Drop-In
*** United Refugee Organisation
*** Leeds No Borders organizing meetings
*** Common Conversation
*** Women's Group
For details. go to "Events Calendar" on Š
Leeds weekly women asylum seeker drop-in
Every Thursday 4pm-7pm at The Common Place, Warf Street, Leeds - an opportunity to share stories, advice and to socialise. Contact : Tash on
Bury Committee in Solidarity with REFUGEES - "Eagles Wing" Self-Help Drop-ins
Eagles Wing meets every Thursday Afternoon from 1 - 3.30 at the Mosses Centre, Cecil Street, Bury for friendship , support and practical help. All welcome, including children ! We also support a women only ESOL class on Monday mornings and a sewing group on Wednesday mornings.
Contact :
Bury Committee in Solidarity Socials
Second Saturday of each month - 1pm to 4pm
Come and meet friends, share experiences and exchange household goods, toys and clothing. Bring your children as there is safe play for them too. The Mosses Centre, Cecil Street (Near Asda), Bury Town Centre. Contact :
Lesbian Immigration Group - Lesbian Community Project
Are you a lesbian/bisexual woman experiencing issues relating to immigration? Are you a lesbian/bisexual woman seeking asylum? Do you feel you would benefit from meeting up with others in a similar situation to share experiences and support from each other? If so, you are welcome to comealong to the newly established social/support group for lesbian and bisexual women experiencing immigration issues. It is an opportunity to talk about your experiences with other women, to have your questions answered by guest speakers with experience in immigration issues and to enjoy a social 'time out' for yourself with women in a similar situation. The group meets on the: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6.30pm-8.00pm at The Lesbian Community Project. For info contact Lisa at the LCP - 49-51 Sidney Street, Manchester, M1 7HB. 0161 273 7128 /
Every 3rd Friday in a month - 10am - 12.00 noon
Social Mornings
St George's Church Abbey Hey Lane (opposite the Prince of Wales pub), Manchester. Are you seeking asylum or a refugee ? Do you have a friend who is ? Members of the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers can offer support. Everyone living locally is welcome. For information ring Sarah on 0161 231 2201
Sheffield No Borders Collective
"The Circle" - Liverpool monthly Saturday social
Liverpool Quakers, Friends Meeting House, 22 School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BT
This is an exciting new pilot of a friendship/conversation group being led by Liverpool John Moores University.
We provide:
- A free buffet lunch
- A friendly welcoming space
- Activities for children
- Information about other projects & services
- Travel arrangements/expenses for people who come along.
- Information on English Language Support from Liverpool Library Service
The Circle aims to bring people from refugee and asylum seeker communities together and welcome them to the Liverpool community. It also provides an opportunity to develop friendships and networks and receive information on support available in the community. If you wish to attend the event please let us know if you will be coming alone or as part of a larger group. Please contact us if you require any further information or assistance. The Circle will be happy to make arrangements to pick up/drop off from community centres and other locations if necessary. Please call for more information ; Tommy McIlravey on 0151 231 3465 /
Sheffield Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers meets the first Monday of every month.
Alpha House, Refugee Education and Employment Project,
Carver Street, Sheffield. Info : or telephone Sue on 07913 701 740
Open Door Project - Community Resource Centre - Atherton
Gibfield Business Park, Bag Lane, Atherton, M46 0SU
* Signposting/Supported Access
* ESOL/Citizenship classes
* Community Interpreters
* Social Space
* Group Development
Contact: Shakirah Ullah / Wendy Martland-Saied on 01942 514234 or /
Trade Union For Refugees (TUFR)
TUFR meetings will take place at the NUJ Office (subject to availability) on 5th Floor, Arthur House, Chorlton Street, Manchester city centre on the first Thursday of every month. The TUFR Committee will commence at 1800 and close at 1930. The TUFR Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) will commence at 1930 and will close at 2130.
Contact :
On-Line video about 4 Manchester anti-deportation campaigns
3 Digital Diaries Asylum Seekers have Won ! Let's get behind the last campaign and make sure they win too !
Digital Diaries was produced by Community Arts North West (CAN) in conjunction with the Basement social centre. Local film makers in Manchester teamed up with people facing deportation who have NCADC-supported anti-deportation campaigns to tell the untold stories behind the political and media hype.
Ziadah's Story - she's won !
Moses' Story - he's won !
Mansoor Hassan's Story - they won !
Aamir & Hummera's Story - still fighting, please support !
The Right to Stay - How you can help.
This film is about how you can get involved in supporting individual anti-deportation campaigns and building a "community of resistance.
View the films :
Why not hold a screening of these films at your school, college, church, mosque, or even just show friends at home on your computer !
Please email me any contribution you have for the next NCADC North West News & Events Listing ; Emma on
The contents of this bulletin are the sole responsibility of the author/s and should not be taken as endorsement of any kind by NCADC.
NCADC takes no responsibility for the content of external websites linked from our bulletins and links should not be taken as endorsement of any kind.
NCADC reserves the right to omit or edit the whole or any part of material submitted for publication.
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
110 Hamstead Road
B20 2QS
Charly from Leeds and her 4 month old baby - deportation to Cameroon stopped
Charly & Kiefer didn't fly ; on Wednesday afternoon whilst talking to visitors, a guard spoke to Charly and told her removal directions had been cancelled. No reason was given to Charly or her Solicitor. Friends of Charly & Kiefer, want to thank all who responded to the alert. Charly & Kiefer remain in Yarl's Wood Removal Centre. How you can help ;

Mansoor Hassan & Family Must Stay ! And Stay They Shall !
"Today, Mansoor his family have received a letter from the Home Office stating that they have obtained leave to remain in the UK. I am sure you will all be overjoyed by this development. I have to say that Mansoor's campaign to remain in the UK has been sustained through his membership of the NUJ and the support of other trade unions and the labour movement. This was no one-man campaign but a journey of uncertainty that was sustained by everyone concerned. It has been a shining example of solidarity, kindness and the humanity of individuals who have reached out to help others in need and distress." - Bob Pounder, Mansoor Hassan & Family Campaign
West Yorkshire's church leaders to mark Ash Wednesday.
Media coverage of their statement made in Huddersfield included BBC Radio Leeds, Look North, Calendar TV, Yorkshire Post, Yorkshire Evening Post, Radio Aire, BBC Radio York, Pulse Radio, and the Huddersfield Examiner. Many thanks to Yadullah Nahwi and Parfait Nkana, who shared their personal stories as part of the TV coverage.

Contact : Richard Byrne, Regional Media Officer, Refugee Council, 0113 386 2235
Saturday February 16th - Sunday February 17th
MERCI, 21 Beswick Street, Manchester M40
"No Borders is a network of groups of grass-roots organisations that support free migration and the abolishment of borders and deportations. No Borders Groups from across the country will be gathering to discuss strategy and tactics in order to oppose the repression of migrants and refugees. We welcome others involved in fighting against repressive immigration controls to the gathering. Saturday morning will provide an opportunity to find out more about No Borders and what we do. We are keen to work with other organisations and individuals involved in similar struggle. Accommodation and food with be provided from Saturday
morning to Sunday lunch. A £10 donation is suggested! Refugees and migrants will not be asked for donations. MERCI is a fully accessible building. Please contact us if you require a creche."
Info and contact :

Manchester No Borders -

Demonstration : "Keep Health Care Free for All"
Saturday 5th April - 10.30am
Assemble in All Saints Oxford Road, Manchester.
March to the Peace Gardens, Manchester, for a rally at 12.00 noon
Oppose the Government's proposal to deny or restrict access to health care for asylum seekers whose claim is refused and other undocumented migrants.
Contact : Margaret Manning on

Do you want advice about setting up an anti-deportation campaign ?
Come and meet NCADC at one of the many NCADC workshops around the North West, aimed at people facing deportation who are interested in setting up a public anti-deportation campaign, and those who are interested in supporting campaigns. There will be a chance to discuss benefits of starting a campaign, what it takes to set up and run a campaign, and any concerns you have about putting yourself and your campaign group into the public eye. It will be an informal environment and you will be able to chat with NCADC, some people who have run their own anti-deportation campaigns, and others who are interested in setting up campaigns._
Contact : Emma at NCADC on

Liverpool with Asylum Link - Thursday 28th February - 1pm to 3.00pm
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Leeds with Leeds No Borders and others - Thursday 28th February - 7pm
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Manchester with WAST (Women Asylum Seekers Together) - Friday 29th Feb. - 11am to 1 pm
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Manchester with the Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit - Friday 29th Feb. - 2pm to 4pm
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
2. North West Events Listing
Monday 11th February - 5.15pm to 6.15pm
Organising meeting for demonstration in Leeds in June
Refugee Council office , Hurley house, 1 Dewsbury Road, Leeds.
Meeting to talk about organising a big demonstration / welcome parade in Leeds in June, probably first Saturday of refugee week, in support of people fleeing persecution.
Contact : Richard Byrne on

Monday 11th February - 6.30pm
Florence and Michael Campaign meeting
Lesbian Community Project, 49-51 Sidney Street, Manchester, M1 7HB
Contact : Lisa Buklovskis on

Monday 11th February - 7pm to 9pm
West Yorkshire Medact Group meeting
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Medact is a global health charity tackling issues at the centre of international policy debates. Led by its health professional membership it undertakes education, research and advocacy on the health implications of conflict, development and environmental change, with a special focus on the developing world. Current national campaigns focus on: Responding to the war on Iraq, The brain drain of health professionals from poor countries, Weapons of mass destruction, Global Health Watch, and Refugee Health in the UK. The first campaign of the local group will be to respond to the imminent proposals from the British Government to prevent unsuccessful asylum seekers from accessing health care from GPs. We are planning a response because the issue is so pressing with a very narrow window of opportunity to act locally.
Contact: Jo Miller, 07964019249,

Tuesday 12th February 7pm
Leeds No Borders Discussion Group
Victoria Hotel, Great George Street (behind Leeds town hall), Leeds
Contact : Ellen Robottom on

Wednesday 13th February - 10am to 3pm
Leeds : United Refugee Organisation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact details: Phone: 07883 314 042 Email:Frank Stevens : moble_roj @ or Mehdi Azadeh : ITboy07 @ Website:

Thursday14th February - 6pm
ASYLUM VOICE (fortnightly meeting)
Social Centre, next to News From Nowhere, Bold Street, Liverpool
Contact : Margaret on

Saturday February 16th - Sunday February 17th
MERCI, 21 Beswick Street, Manchester M40
"No Borders is a network of groups of grass-roots organisations that support free migration and the abolishment of borders and deportations. No Borders Groups from across the country will be gathering to discuss strategy and tactics in order to oppose the repression of migrants and refugees. We welcome others involved in fighting against repressive immigration controls to the gathering. Saturday morning will provide an opportunity to find out more about No Borders and what we do. We are keen to work with other organisations and individuals involved in similar struggle. Accommodation and food with be provided from Saturday morning to Sunday lunch. A £10 donation is suggested! Refugees and migrants will not be asked for donations. MERCI is a fully accessible building. Please contact us if you require a creche." Info and contact :

Manchester No Borders -

Saturday 16th February - 12.00 noon to 4pm
Leeds : Common Conversation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Free conversational English classes for asylum seekers and people of refugee status Contact: Tommo (kingubito @
Saturday 16th of February - 2pm to 4pm
A Public Meeting : Press Freedom, Trade Union Rights and Civil Liberties in Pakistan
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester City Centre (opposite Central Library)
Hosted by the National Union of Journalists, Manchester Branch. "The Chief Justice of Pakistan is still under house arrest, as are his colleagues, the Supreme Court Bar President is incarcerated, one former Prime Minister is dead and another in waiting fears for his life. the media is gagged. The constitutional avenue is blocked for the public. People are fighting on the streets for proper flourŠ". This is how Amjad Malik, Manchester based solicitor and journalist, describes the situation in Pakistan in the run up to the elections. The NUJ is hosting a meeting to discuss the current situation in Pakistan and how
trade union rights, civil liberties and press freedom there can be defended. Speakers:
*** Amjad Malik, solicitor and journalist
*** Javed Khan, journalist and president of Pakistan Press Club, Manchester
*** Mansoor Hassan, exiled pakistani journalist and NUJ member
There will also be clips and soundbites from activists involved in the struggle in Pakistan. There will be plenty of space for questions and debate from the floor. Contact :

Saturday 16th February - 6pm
Congo Support Project - 1st Anniversary
Peel Hall, Peel Building, University of Salford, Frederick Road, Salford, M5 4WT.
Traditional Congolese Dance, Music, Drama, Poetry Performances and Food. All welcome ! By Bus from Manchester city centre - 8, 36, 37, 67, 68, 100, 32, 12, 26. Nearest train : Salford Crescent station. Contact : 0161 832 7557 /

Tuesday 19th February - 5pm to 7pm
Leeds No Borders Anti-Deportation Drop-In
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact/Coordinator: Catherine (katieplum75 @
Wednesday 20th February - 10am to 3pm
Leeds : United Refugee Organisation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact details: Phone: 07883 314 042 Email:Frank Stevens : moble_roj @ or Mehdi Azadeh : ITboy07 @ Website:

Wednesday 20th February - 7pm
Sukula Family Must Stay campaign meeting
Bolton Socialist Club, 16 Wood Street, Bolton, BL1 1DY.
Contact : Paul Maurins on

Wednesday 20th February - 7pm to 9pm
Leeds No Borders meeting
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Catherine - katieplum75 @
Saturday 23rd February - 12.00 noon to 4pm
Leeds : Common Conversation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Free conversational English classes for asylum seekers and people of refugee status Contact: Tommo (kingubito @
Monday 25thth February - 7.30pm
Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers - Monthly Planning Meeting
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester city centre.
Contact : Mark Krantz on

Wednesday 27th February - 10am to 3pm
Leeds : United Refugee Organisation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact details: Phone: 07883 314 042 Email:Frank Stevens : moble_roj @ or Mehdi Azadeh : ITboy07 @ Website:

Thursday February 28th - 9am to 1pm
Merseyside Asylum Seeker Health (MASH)
LACE Centre, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool
"In addition to our very successful MASH educational program, we have now started a MASH Strategy Group, to steer the development of integrated services for asylum health in Liverpool. No booking is required, the agenda will be to discuss the attached health needs assessment, and how we can all contribute. We believe that it is essential to involve service users, service user advocates, NGO's and all relevant agencies in asylum health service developments, in order to address the needs of this 'Hard To Reach' BME group."
Contact :

Thursday 28th February - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
This session is aimed at people facing deportation who are interested in setting up a public anti-deportation campaign, and those who are interested in supporting such campaigns. Covering frequently-asked questions like Š_+++ Why have an anti-deportation campaign ?_+++ What is meant by a "public" campaign ?_+++ What is the purpose of a campaign ?_+++ How does it effect my legal case ?_+++ Is a campaign guaranteed to work ?_+++ When should I start a campaign ?_+++ Who should be in the campaign ?_+++ Who is responsible for the campaign ?_+++ What should the campaign do ?_+++ Can we join up with other campaigns ?_There will be a chance to discuss benefits of starting a campaign, what it takes to set up and run a campaign, and any concerns you have about putting yourself and your campaign group into the public eye. It will be an informal environment and you will be able to chat with the co-ordinator of NCADC, some people who have run their own anti-deportation campaigns, and others who are interested in setting up campaigns. Contact : Emma at NCADC on

Thursday 28th February - 6pm to 7pm
Public Lecture : "Modern Slavery & Immigration Controls"
Salford University : Mary Seacole Lecture Theatre, Allerton Building, Frederick Rd, Salford, M6 6PU
"The Prostitute, the Cleaner & the Construction Worker : Modern Slavery & Immigration Controls" with Rahila Gupta, Freelance writer, activist & founder member of Southall Back Sisters
To attend please email

More information at
Thursday 28th February - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Thursday 29th February - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 29th February - 12.30 pm to 4.00 pm
Seminar : Access to Primary Care for Migrants
Central Methodist Hall, Oldham Street, Manchester
Please register in advance for this event by contacting Zoe / Sophie at MRSN on 0161 232 7420 or at

Draft Programme ;
12:30 : Registration and Refreshments
1:00 : Welcome and introduction by Chair
1:05 : Speakers and questions:
- M.P. (To be confirmed)
- Alan Higgens, N. West lead on Health & Migration, Director of Public Health, Oldham PCT
- Wayne Farah, Non-executive Board Member, Newham PCT
- A migrant community perspective
2:10 : Seminar for board members of PCTs and NHS Trusts
Discuss the practical implications of the move towards restricting access to Primary Care (facilitated by Wayne Farah, Newham PCT).
2.10 : Workshops*
3.15 : Workshops*
* Choice of workshops:
1. Understanding the rules for access to NHS care
This workshop will clarify what the current rules are for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants accessing NHS health care, what changes have taken place in recent years and what further changes the Home Office have proposed during the current review.
2. In your shoes- the experience of accessing health care for asylum seekers
This workshop will explore the situations asylum seekers and migrants find themselves in when they need health care in the UK through interactive awareness raising.
3. Building a response in the North West
More a brainstorming session than a workshop, this is for participants who are interested in working in partnership to build a sustained response to the Home Office and Department of Health review in the North West.
Thursday 29th February - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Saturday 1st March - 12.00 noon to 4pm
Leeds : Common Conversation
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Free conversational English classes for asylum seekers and people of refugee status Contact: Tommo(kingubito @
Saturday 1st March - 3pm to 8pm
(Belated) Celebrating Safety - Ziadah & Sharif Are Staying Party
The International Society , 327 Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PG
Ziadah ran a brave, high-profile anti-deportation for her and her son, Sharif. They won. But Ziadah hasn't stopped - still an active member of Women Asylum Seekers Together and other anti-deportation campaign groups, she continues the struggle for others still facing deportation Due to the usual difficulties of accommodation and other things after an asylum seeker is granted status, Ziadah had to delay celebrating her safety. But now's the chance ! All welcome ! There will be music and dance from Uganda, food, speeches etc. Entry is free but donations gratefully received. Children welcome. Contact : Ziadah on 07904 749162 /

Saturday 1st March 2008 - 1pm to 4pm
Solidarity Social
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, central Manchester
At our Solidarity Socials we provide a welcome, advice, Halal food and drink. Travel costs refunded for those in need. Organised by the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers
Contact Mark on 07765 122 829 /

Thursday 13th March - 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Public Lecture : "The Treatment of Asylum Seekers in 21st Century Briatin"
Salford Universty : Mary Seacole Lecture Theatre, Allerton Building, Frederick Rd, Salford, M6 6PU
"Asylum - Sanctuary or Slavery : the Treatment of Asylum Seekers in 21st Century Briatin" with Farhat Khan, Renowned asylum seeker, threatened with deportation while at the same time being invited to the Queen's Chrsitmas party. To attend please email

More information at
Wednesday 19th March - 7pm
Sukula Family Must Stay campaign meeting
Bolton Socialist Club, 16 Wood Street, Bolton, BL1 1DY.
Contact : Paul Maurins on

Thursday 27th March - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on

Thursday 27th March - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 28th March - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 28th March - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Monday 31st March - 7.30pm
Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers - Monthly Planning Meeting
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester city centre.
Contact : Mark Krantz on

Saturday 5th April - 10.30am
Demonstration : "Keep Health Care Free for All"
Assemble in All Saints Oxford Road, Manchester.
March to the Peace Gardens, Manchester, for a rally at 12.00 noon
Oppose the Government's proposal to deny or restrict access to health care for asylum seekers whose claim is refused and other undocumented migrants. Contact : Margaret Manning on

Saturday 5th April 2008 - 1pm to 4pm
Solidarity Social
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, central Manchester
At our Solidarity Socials we provide a welcome, advice, Halal food and drink. Travel costs refunded for those in need. Organised by the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers
Contact Mark on 07765 122 829 /

Wednesday 16th April - 7pm
Sukula Family Must Stay campaign meeting
Bolton Socialist Club, 16 Wood Street, Bolton, BL1 1DY.
Contact : Paul Maurins on

Wednesday 23rd April - 6pm to 7pm
Public Lecture : "International human rights: Using the law to secure justice"
Salford University : Mary Seacole Lecture Theatre, Allerton Building, Frederick Rd, Salford, M6 6PU
With Peter Tatchell, Human rights campaigner, leading activist in the Gay Liberation Front & co-founder of the queer rights group Outrage ! To attend please email

More information at
Thursday 24th April - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on

Thursday 24th April - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 25th April - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 25th April - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Monday 28th April - 7.30pm
Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers - Monthly Planning Meeting
Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester city centre.
Contact : Mark Krantz on

Saturday 3rd May 2008 - 1pm to 4pm
Solidarity Social
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, central Manchester
At our Solidarity Socials we provide a welcome, advice, Halal food and drink. Travel costs refunded for those in need. Organised by the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers
Contact Mark on 07765 122 829 /

Wednesday 7th May - 6.00p to 7.00pm
Public Lecture : "Human rights and Empire"
Council Chamber, Old Fire Station, Salford, M5 4WT
With Professor Costas Douzinas - Has written extensively on human rights & legal philosophy
To attend please email

More information at
Wednesday 21st May - 7pm
Sukula Family Must Stay campaign meeting
Bolton Socialist Club, 16 Wood Street, Bolton, BL1 1DY.
Contact : Paul Maurins on

Thursday 29th May - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on

Thursday 29th May - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 30th May - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 30th May - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Saturday 7th June 2008 - 1pm to 4pm
Solidarity Social
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, central Manchester
At our Solidarity Socials we provide a welcome, advice, Halal food and drink. Travel costs refunded for those in need. Organised by the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers
Contact Mark on 07765 122 829 /

Thursday 26th June - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on

Thursday 26th June - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 27th June - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 27th June - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Thursday 24th July - 1pm to 3.00pm
NCADC Liverpool Workshop : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Asylum Link Merseyside, Saint Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ
Contact : Emma at NCADC on

Thursday 24th July - 7pm
NCADC Workshop with Leeds No Borders : Setting up an anti-deportation campaign
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, LS2 7EQ
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 25th July - 11am to 1 pm
NCADC Workshop with WAST : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
Women's Electronic Village Hall, ADA House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester M4 5F.
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

Friday 25th July - 2pm to 4pm
NCADC Workshop with GMIAU : About setting up an anti-deportation campaign
GMIAU, 1 Delaunays Road, Manchester, M8 4QS.
This session is held with GMIAU (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit)
Contact : Emma on NCADC on

3. Regular Events in the North West Region
WAST (Women Asylum Seekers Together)
We are a group of women asylum seekers who have been through the asylum process and now meet together to get support and help from each other..
*** Some of us are waiting to hear from the Home Office about fresh claims
*** Or we are working to try and get new evidence to put in fresh claims
*** Or we find ourselves without legal help, and under threat of deportation.
*** Some of us have started up our own anti deportation campaigns.
Venue - Crèche room on the ground floor of the 'WEVH' building near the Shude Hill Metro station
*** We share and cook a Light lunch/ refreshments
*** Our children have a space to play and are very welcome
*** If we are destitute and from Greater Manchester we can get our bus fares paid .
*** We have access in office for computer with broadband internet facility
*** We share Information and support on setting up anti deportation campaigns
*** We have confidential space for talking.
*** We share and learn through each others experiences and problem solving.
*** We organize events and training and campaign together, sometimes giving talks to other groups to raise awareness *** And, get more support and understanding from people.
11am to 1pm - Emma Ginn from the 'National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns' comes to the WAST group every last Frday of the month to support and advise women about setting up and running an anti deportation Campaign. For more details contact :Emma on

You can just turn up or ring if you want more information
Tel : 0161 833 8835
Email :

Address ; Womens Electronic village hall; Ada House, 77 Thompson Street, Manchester, M4 5FY
PARKING : Two disabled parking spaces are available in the car park at the side of 77 Thompson Street (accessed from Hatter Street). Please phone us in advance of your training day on 0161 833 8800 to book these spaces. There is a Euro Car Parks car park on Thompson Street, which costs £3.40 for the day and other cheap day rate car parks are available locally e.g. on Rochdale Road or on Ludgate Hill.
PUBLIC TRANSPORT - Metro: 5 minute walk from Shudehill metro stop (or Victoria/Market Street). Train: Less than 10 minutes walk from Victoria Station and about 20 minutes walk from Piccadilly Station. Buses: run along Rochdale Road and Oldham Road (from the north) or stop at the Arndale or Piccadilly Gardens (about 10 mins walk)
Free English course for all asylum seekers and refugees - Leeds
For 10 Wednesdays starting 19th September 2007 - 11am-1pm
United Free Church, Malvern Road, Beeston, LS11 8PD
Childcare will be provided. We will have lunch together after each session has finished.
All those interested must attend the assessment session on WEDNESDAY 29th AUGUST at any time between 11am and 1pm.
Contact : Ian Goodson - 0113 276 0918 / 07951380259 /

Drop-in for pregnant asylum seekers and refugees in Leeds
Mondays 10:00am to12:00 noon, starting Monday 23rd April. At Sure Start Chapeltown, Children & Family Centre, 62 Leopold Street, Leeds, LS7 4AW.
* Advice & Support around pregnancy
* Information about local services
* Make Friends
* Refreshments Available
* Children's Clothing Exchange
* Internet Access
This will be an opportunity for midwifery care, signposting, and networking for women. It will run alongside an existing HAT drop-in. I hope that in time we can offer other facilities.
Contact : Sarah Bennett, SureStart Midwife, on 0113 2007969
East Leeds Health for All - Leeds 9 Tuesday drop-in
"ELFHA is piloting a mental health drop-in for asylum seekers and refugees living in Leeds 9. We are aiming to put together a group of people, (15 max) male and female who are experiencing mental health difficulties. These may be people who are accessing Community Mental Health and have a diagnosis or those who have not but are experiencing some level of mental health difficulty, such as anxiety or low mood. The group is for adults. Crèche provision to be confirmed. The group will meet on a Tuesday 12.30-2.30 at 6 Boston Towers, Lincoln Green, Leeds LS9 7PB. We have initial funding until March 08. Further funding will be sought to continue beyond this date. The group will provide a time to meet with and get to know other people through various activities.
We will start with cooking lunch. Group members will be encouraged to take part in this, making lunch a group effort.
Lunch will be followed by activities using relaxation, painting, drawing, photography, music and therapeutically facilitated conversation or disclosure. Other activities will include healthy eating, walks and trips out." Further info, including how to make referrals - Tom Bailey or Richard Gale c/o East Leeds Health For All, 41 -47 Cromwell Mt, Leeds, LS9 7ST.
International Organisation of Iranian Refugees- Leeds
Every Wednesday 10am to 3pm
The Common Place, 23-25 Wharft Street, Leeds, LS2 7EQ
Help and support for refugees and asylum seekers. We provide ;
* English classes
* Support for family issues or problems
* Advice for victims of racial harassment
Contact :

Tees Valley Voices for Justice (TVVFJ) monthly meetings
TVVFJ meet each month to discuss asylum issues and provide a voice for the vulnerable by liaising with agencies, the public and supporting local campaigns. Meetings are open to anyone from the asylum-seeking community and their friends and supporters. Further details from William Meli on: 07932 662003
Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) Organising Meetings
Amnesty bookshop, Westgate Road, Newcastle. Every Wednesday evening from 7pm until 9pm.
We are now having some larger meetings on a Saturday so that families can come._Les reunions de TCAR continuent chaque mecredi soir de 19h a 21h dans la librarie de Amnesty sur Westgate Road. Maintenant on organise aussi des plus grandes reunions quelques samedis pour que les familles puissent venir. Contact :

Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers Planning Meetings
Last Monday of the month at 7.30pm. Open to all.
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, Manchester
Leeds - Asylum rights activities at the Common Place, Wharf Street, Leeds
Regular activities include ;
*** Leeds No Borders Anti-Deportation Drop-In
*** United Refugee Organisation
*** Leeds No Borders organizing meetings
*** Common Conversation
*** Women's Group
For details. go to "Events Calendar" on Š

Leeds weekly women asylum seeker drop-in
Every Thursday 4pm-7pm at The Common Place, Warf Street, Leeds - an opportunity to share stories, advice and to socialise. Contact : Tash on

Bury Committee in Solidarity with REFUGEES - "Eagles Wing" Self-Help Drop-ins
Eagles Wing meets every Thursday Afternoon from 1 - 3.30 at the Mosses Centre, Cecil Street, Bury for friendship , support and practical help. All welcome, including children ! We also support a women only ESOL class on Monday mornings and a sewing group on Wednesday mornings.
Contact :

Bury Committee in Solidarity Socials
Second Saturday of each month - 1pm to 4pm
Come and meet friends, share experiences and exchange household goods, toys and clothing. Bring your children as there is safe play for them too. The Mosses Centre, Cecil Street (Near Asda), Bury Town Centre. Contact :

Lesbian Immigration Group - Lesbian Community Project
Are you a lesbian/bisexual woman experiencing issues relating to immigration? Are you a lesbian/bisexual woman seeking asylum? Do you feel you would benefit from meeting up with others in a similar situation to share experiences and support from each other? If so, you are welcome to comealong to the newly established social/support group for lesbian and bisexual women experiencing immigration issues. It is an opportunity to talk about your experiences with other women, to have your questions answered by guest speakers with experience in immigration issues and to enjoy a social 'time out' for yourself with women in a similar situation. The group meets on the: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6.30pm-8.00pm at The Lesbian Community Project. For info contact Lisa at the LCP - 49-51 Sidney Street, Manchester, M1 7HB. 0161 273 7128 /

Every 3rd Friday in a month - 10am - 12.00 noon
Social Mornings
St George's Church Abbey Hey Lane (opposite the Prince of Wales pub), Manchester. Are you seeking asylum or a refugee ? Do you have a friend who is ? Members of the Manchester Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers can offer support. Everyone living locally is welcome. For information ring Sarah on 0161 231 2201
Sheffield No Borders Collective

"The Circle" - Liverpool monthly Saturday social
Liverpool Quakers, Friends Meeting House, 22 School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BT
This is an exciting new pilot of a friendship/conversation group being led by Liverpool John Moores University.
We provide:
- A free buffet lunch
- A friendly welcoming space
- Activities for children
- Information about other projects & services
- Travel arrangements/expenses for people who come along.
- Information on English Language Support from Liverpool Library Service
The Circle aims to bring people from refugee and asylum seeker communities together and welcome them to the Liverpool community. It also provides an opportunity to develop friendships and networks and receive information on support available in the community. If you wish to attend the event please let us know if you will be coming alone or as part of a larger group. Please contact us if you require any further information or assistance. The Circle will be happy to make arrangements to pick up/drop off from community centres and other locations if necessary. Please call for more information ; Tommy McIlravey on 0151 231 3465 /

Sheffield Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers meets the first Monday of every month.
Alpha House, Refugee Education and Employment Project,
Carver Street, Sheffield. Info :

Open Door Project - Community Resource Centre - Atherton
Gibfield Business Park, Bag Lane, Atherton, M46 0SU
* Signposting/Supported Access
* ESOL/Citizenship classes
* Community Interpreters
* Social Space
* Group Development
Contact: Shakirah Ullah / Wendy Martland-Saied on 01942 514234 or

Trade Union For Refugees (TUFR)
TUFR meetings will take place at the NUJ Office (subject to availability) on 5th Floor, Arthur House, Chorlton Street, Manchester city centre on the first Thursday of every month. The TUFR Committee will commence at 1800 and close at 1930. The TUFR Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) will commence at 1930 and will close at 2130.
Contact :

On-Line video about 4 Manchester anti-deportation campaigns
3 Digital Diaries Asylum Seekers have Won ! Let's get behind the last campaign and make sure they win too !
Digital Diaries was produced by Community Arts North West (CAN) in conjunction with the Basement social centre. Local film makers in Manchester teamed up with people facing deportation who have NCADC-supported anti-deportation campaigns to tell the untold stories behind the political and media hype.
Ziadah's Story - she's won !
Moses' Story - he's won !
Mansoor Hassan's Story - they won !
Aamir & Hummera's Story - still fighting, please support !
The Right to Stay - How you can help.
This film is about how you can get involved in supporting individual anti-deportation campaigns and building a "community of resistance.
View the films :

Why not hold a screening of these films at your school, college, church, mosque, or even just show friends at home on your computer !
Please email me any contribution you have for the next NCADC North West News & Events Listing ; Emma on

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National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
110 Hamstead Road
B20 2QS