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Direct Action 2003-2007: Statistics & Timeline

ARA | 09.02.2008 07:22 | Analysis | Animal Liberation | World

The charts/pies below show the frequency of reports sent to Bite Back Magazine ( during 2003-2007 in quarters, months and also by countries.

Source: Bite Back Magazine
Source: Bite Back Magazine

Direct Action 2003-2007 by Quarter
Direct Action 2003-2007 by Quarter

Direct Action 2003-2007 by Month
Direct Action 2003-2007 by Month

Total Direct Action 2003-2007 by Country
Total Direct Action 2003-2007 by Country

Direct Action 2003-2007 by Country
Direct Action 2003-2007 by Country

The best news is the 4th quarter in 2007 reached 155 reports - which is 17 more than the previous busiest quarter - the 3rd in 2005.

Similarly, November 2007 had one the most reports to date in a month, totally 58 - which equals that of August 2005. Although since then it has been noted that January 2008 has beaten this record with 61 reports. [1]

Other than the information above, it's difficult to put into place which countries are the most active, as for example Sweden are doing more ALF actions than any other country these days, with the last few months seeing the bi-monthly reports totally over a douzen actions each on average. Swedish activists totalled 33 actions in the month of January this year, scoring more than any other country. [2]

So just to clear up, the UK are no longer "leading the way" despite recording on avergae 100 reports every year, as it seems Sweden's ALF Support Group are reporting many more actions through 'Action Reports'.

Moving on; Italian activists may only have a tendancy to send in 30-50 reports every year, but a small handful of these will include half a douzen to twenty actions each - namely against Zoolandia. The national group who focus on the direct action in Italy have even dedicated a page to the activists fighting the chain of pet stores. [3]


So despite what's been said above, can anything be said about whether the amount of ALF actions have increased across the globe?

No. of countries with established ALF cells:

2002 // 22 - Netherlands(?)
2003 // 25 - Portugal(?), Russia(?), Scandinavia(?)
2004 // 27 - Argentina, Turkey
2005 // 29 - Canary Islands, Brazil
2006 // 36 - Chile, Czech Republic, Iceland, Estonia, Mexico, Slovakia
2007 // 37 - Romania
2008 // 40 - Belarus, Malaysia, Greece

Comapred to 1970s-1980s and 1990s.

1970s // 3 // UK (1976), Holland (1977), USA (1979)

1980s // 16 // Canada, France, Germany (1981), Switzerland, Argentina (1982), New Zealand, South Africa (1983), Ireland, Denmark (1984), Sweden (1985), Austria, Italy, Spain (1987)

1990s // 21 // Israel (1992), Poland (1994), Finland (1995), Norway (1996), Belgium (1998)

Although only Romania made an appearence in December 2007 making themselves the ALF's 37th country; Belarus, Malaysia and Greece have had their first actions noted in January 2008. This means that there have been 15 new countries become active since 2003, with 40 countries in total.

Considering the ALF started in 1976, with 20+ countries active 25 years later by 1998; it is clear that within a decade following there has been twice as many countries sign up to the cause for animal liberation. Or another way or looking at it, there have been 3 times more countries become involved in the last 10 years, than the ten before.

The following countries the Animal Liberation Front or underground actions for animal liberation have taken place are:

Argentina (1982)
Australia (2004)
Austria (1987)
Belarus (2008)
Belgium (1998)
Brazil (2005)
Canada (1981)
Canary Islands (2005)
Chile (2006)
Croatia (2006)
Czech Republic (2006)
Denmark (1984)
Estonia (2006)
Finland (1995)
France (1981)
Germany (1981)
Greece (2008)
Holland (1977)
Iceland (2006)
Ireland (1984)?
Israel (1992)
Italy (1987)
Malaysia (2008)
Mexico (2006)
Netherlands (2002)?
New Zealand (1983)
Norway (1996)
Poland (1994)
Portugal (2003)?
Romania (2007)
Russia (2003)?
Scandinavia (2003)?
Slovakia (2006)
Spain (1987)
South Africa (1983)
Switzerland (1982)
Sweden (1985)
Turkey (2004)
UK (1976)
USA (1979)

(****)? = First recorded action is not possibly the first known action.

For more information on national campaigning/direct action groups visit:

Timeline of (main) direct action cells:

1850s: Band of Hope --- formed from the RSPCA
1870s: Band of Mercy --- renamed from the Band of Hope
1964: Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) --- formed from the League Against Cruel Sport (LACS)
1973: Band of Mercy --- formed from the Hunt Saboteurs Association
1976: Animal Liberation Front (ALF) --- formed from the Band of Mercy
1982: Animal Rights Militia** (ARM)
1994: Justice Department**
1986: Hunt Retribution Squad** (HRS)
2003: Revolutionary Cells--Animal Liberation Brigade** (RCALB)
2004: Lobster Liberation Front (LLF)
2005: Oxford Arson Squad
2006: Huntingdon Hate Squad (ALF)
2007: Agenda 21
2007: Cat and Dog Liberation Army

**Groups that openly advocate and carry out violence. (4)

Please bare in mind, the accuracy is limited due to;
1) Reports include 1-X number of actions
2) Reports sent to Bite Back are not always all reports from the ALF & other cells.

Relevant articles (Feb '08) (ALF Mexico) (ALF North America) (Jan '08) (Lab halted, Holland) (Lab closed, Chile)


- e-mail:
- Homepage: http://DIRECTACTION.INFO


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09.02.2008 07:53

From the book: (at the back; summary of dates)

Also: RUSSIA ALF began in 2000, not 2003 as presumed above.

Buy it

Malaysia & Belarus ALF

09.02.2008 08:02

Those activists really have balls, both the countries are currently under a dictatorship incase anyone else didn't know.



09.02.2008 09:54

*ARGENTINA (2004), *AUSTRALIA (1982)


1984: Hunt Retribution Squad** (HRS) > NOT 1986
1993: Justice Department** > NOT 1994




One country, not two

09.02.2008 10:53

Interesting pie chart. Holland 3%, Netherlands1%!


Due to

09.02.2008 14:10

Some actions are in Holland and some are in other parts of the Netherlands (I'm not sure why the countries specifically aren't mentioned; presumably because they are not known amongst people). So in reality the actions in the Netherlands would be at least another country because they are not based in Holland.

"The Netherlands is often called Holland. This is formally incorrect"

Bite Back

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Let's hear it for the dictators

13.02.2008 10:11

Here's to hoping they deal with you terrorist whacks in ways more democratic countries are afraid to do.

I'm looking forward with bated breath and eager anticipation to the first reports of ALFie-nuts being executed by firing squad in China, Russia, Venezuela, etc.



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