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Fur-Free Leeds Gets Last Victory - Ryan Vintage Removes Fur!

Fur-Free Leeds | 07.02.2008 16:01

The Fur-Free Leeds campaign have just received confirmation that Ryan Vintage have removed all real fur from sale and a statement has been issued.

The Fur-Free Leeds campaign have just received confirmation that Ryan Vintage have removed all real fur from sale and a statement has been issued.

As a result we call for all contact with Ryan Vintage to stop and thank everybody who helped make this a victory and create a fur-free Leeds.


The demonstration that was planned for Saturday is not going to be against Ryan Vintage, however campaigners are still meeting at the same time (Sat 9th, 11am - WHSmiths, Leeds Train Station) and demonstrations will happen at a venue to be revealed on the day.

The campaign has now made the 4th biggest city in the country fur-free, brought about a landmark victory and we will be announcing a new campaign shortly to cover another area of animal abuse.

Fur-Free Leeds
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07.02.2008 20:08

Forgot to say, nice work!
