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"Fuck the Yuppies" - Class War Youth Hits Leeds Rich Apartments

CLASS WAR YOUTH BRIGADE | 07.02.2008 13:56 | Culture | Workers' Movements

No War But Class War

Received anonymously

" 'Yuppies Out', 'No War But Class War' and 'Homes for the Poor - Fuck the Yuppies' was sprayed on the side of building sites where posh apartments are being built for the rich in Leeds.

Leeds City Council are selling off OUR market and OUR land so that developers can build more homes for rich yuppies. Leeds is mainly working class and we will stop these developments.




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Get it right!

07.02.2008 14:50

Get it right! Leeds is not 'mainly working class'. The last census in 2001 showed that around 2/3rds of the population in Leeds was classified as social groups 1, 2 and 3, with just a third classified as 'working class'.

Lord Snooty


07.02.2008 19:00

you really showed them yuppies....


sociological class definitions?

07.02.2008 19:37

sorry mate, but "1, 2 and 3" means nothing to me - what income brackets do these definitions encompass? and what relationship to the means of production do they have? and when were these definitions written?

if you are talking about the old sociological ones of like c1, c2 etc from the 1950s, then yeah maybe by the standard of over half a century ago "we are all middle-class now" - in the same way as im sure the working class of the 1950s could have been comparitively considered middle-class if living conditions of over 50 years prior to that were applied.

the point is, just because some people may enjoy "ownership" of a house, a car, regular holidays and high levels of consumption that doesnt mean they can afford it, or that it is relevant to the lot of the rich in our society. We live in a culture where people of all sorts are exploited by competing actors in the market, to be sold an illusory lifestyle that not many can truly afford.

to dismiss the predominance of the working class in Leeds based on some convoluted academic definitions is misleading, i think - just like for the rest of the country.

at the end of the day, look around you. The exploitation of the many by the few is still the dominant economic model, whether others get more or different scraps is irrelevant.

that said, having never been to leeds, i am not prepared to say whether or not leeds is "predominantly working class"...

...all i will say is, nice one! great to see at least some public dissent against *more* fucking luxury flats on the landscape - i think you wil find ALOT of people would agree with you!!! When you just voice these things publicly, it does alot to make people realise they arent alone in their disgust at such "regeneration" (read: gentrification) projects much praised by the liberal intelligensia.


Good fuckin' work!

08.02.2008 01:01

Keep it up CWY death brigade, which is such a fuckin awesome name btw. Id grab me spraycan and get out now but sadly have a courtdate soon so sharnt be riskin it!


the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.... by truncheon or torture

08.02.2008 12:22

Effectively the social lot of the "lower" class has been, is, and always will be controlled by "our peers", unless a message could be gotten through to the ears surrounded by our money. I'd say we are living in greater poverty, by the definition of our time, than we were 50 years ago. 50 years ago we would never have had thousands of pounds worth of debt or mortgages hanging over us. Margeret Thatcher ironically called us "the enemy within" 20 years ago, because we weren't happy slaves. The enemy within was actually the greed of the governments, past and present. The greed of the man, who with his polished shoe in the face of the other man, walks over to take the money from his childs piggybank. Our "peers" are the corrupt, their police with their double-standards on protest, and their laws to make us afraid to fart without fear of shitting ourselves.
We don't have many ways of striking back, but by hell they'll have a job to shut us all up.


Remember kids...

08.02.2008 15:58

...if you get caught, "some bigger boys made me do it" - then start crying. If you're young enough to get away with it, try and hug the cop at the same time.

I have seen a ten year old get away with criminal damage because the cop just didn't know what to do.

MonkeyBot 5000

Re: Get it right!

08.02.2008 16:25

Thank you pointing out that one third of people in Leeds live in poverty, it is a sad reflection on yourself that you deem this to be acceptable!

Leeds has the widest gap between rich and poor in the country, people working in commerce earn high wages in comparison to the rest of the country but Leeds is also home to the poorest and deprived areas in the UK.

Mike D

Get it right

12.02.2008 08:37

Do we really have to fuck all the Yuppies? Can we just do it with the ones we find attractive?

Did the artists mean something else, but British education is in such a mess of mismanagement by Capitalist indoctrinators they are unable to say what they mean?
