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Anti fascist killed by Neo Nazi..

M M Wallis | 05.02.2008 11:44 | Anti-racism

This video is real, and it has every potential to upset some people. However, this is the reality today of the struggle against fascism.

'''' wrote:
Jan Kucera - Another victim of neo-nazis

About one thousand people gathered on 19 January, 2008 in Pilsen, Czech Republic, to commemorate the victims of nazi terror: 66 years ago, Jews from Pilsen were deported to concentration camps, but nobody knew that another victim of current neo-nazi violence is at the very same time fighting for his life in a hospital.

On 18 January in Pribram, a town 50 km south-west of Prague, 20-year-old neo-nazi Jiri Fous stabbed 18-year-old Jan Kucera in the groin and back about an hour to midnight. Before this attack, young local neo-nazis were provoking with nazi salutes and offending a group of young punks and antifascist skinheads, to which Jan belonged. Jan’s friends were trying to stop the bleeding from his femoral artery and called for an ambulance. Neither the paramedics nor Jan’s friends realized that Jan had also been stabbed in the back before it was too late. Jan lost massive amounts of blood and fell unconscious. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but even though he was in the hands of professional doctors, he died on Sunday morning.

Jan Kucera was an antifascist skinhead from Pribram, and he was never afraid to express his opinions. In his Internet profile, he wrote: "I’m a normal boy and I consider myself a SHARP skinhead. I don’t care who my friends are - I don’t judge people because of their musical taste, their clothes or the colour of their skin. I judge people by what they do. Anybody can write to me. I hate nazis, the bourgeoisie, communists and similar scum! Antifascista Oi!"

He stood by his opinions until the very end. He will stay forever in the hearts of his family, friends, and all people with an antifascist attitude. Honour to his memory.

Antifa is a collective of militant anti-fascists committed to opposing the rise of the far-right in Britain and abroad. We believe in the 'no platform' philosophy and the tradition of fighting fascism/racism stretching back to Cable Street, Red Lion Square, Lewisham, and Waterloo. We are a network of various organisations and individuals who see anti-fascism as part of the class struggle.

After decades of underperforming, the far-right now poses a significant threat politically. This initiative aims to bring together those who wish to act rather than talk. We aim to oppose the far-right's electoral politics and where possible by means of direct action. As well as street activities we aim to promote militant anti-fascism in the football and music areas. This website will serve as an information and activity site, we will post up any intelligence on far-right activities and invite other anti-fascists to join us in counter activities.

The 'Antifa' initiative has come from members of the Anarchist Federation, Class War Federation, and No Platform. Although we come from the anarchist tradition we are open to work with any group/individual that is serious about militant anti-fascism, but we will NOT work with any state affiliated groups. If you are interested in getting involved then please goto

Some people on here have been informing me my no platform stance is wrong, here we have direct evidence as to why we need a no platform. The political establishment have failed the working class once again, it saddens me but also makes me more determined to act against scum like this and allowing racist on indymedia is giving them a platform.

I have argued for a couple of years with indymedia about the far right, and with the sectarian left along with sadly some anarchist that we need not to debate with them sorry this means no platform, the only people to understand this are Class War The Anarchist federation and a few others.

I welcome antifa (used to be afa) and what there doing, and now lets understand the like,s of the BNP are a vile assault upon the working class and start to organise to remove them from our community's, take back our community's from them and of course the failed sectarian left and anarchist and start to organise and build to defend them from the likes of the BNP and the everyday attacks from the likes of New Labour, and of course (it saddens me to say) some of what the BNP are saying is right but here we must understand one thing there saying the right things to mask there racist agenda and dupe the working class into thinking there the voice of them.

The only voice of The Working Class is a united class that dose not scape goat others but understand the roots of there problems is capitalism itself then acts to do something about there problems, never before has this simple truth needed to be told lets act..

M M Wallis

{1} for reasoned open debate goto this due to the fact racist and other scum are permitted to debate here, have a no platform and we simply ban them.

M M Wallis
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These so called communist anti-fascists hate Israel

05.02.2008 12:46

These so called anti-fascists hate Israel and support the terrorism of the Palestinians. People should remember that.

Betar Uk

Antifa origins in Europe, what is platformism?

05.02.2008 14:42

I remember Antifa in UK was set up by AF,AFA & Class War Fed, according to wikipedia Antifa groups origins in Europe come from the 1920's & were part of a united front with & supported by the Soviet Union. Is this correct no other sources on this.

Where I live an effective AFA "leader"& organiser of gigs with the Clash was definetely working class, but had been in the NF.
No platformism or fascist propaganda on our websites or in the media, but we have to have some dialogue with them in pubs & everyday, they have been twisted by lies & hate, our ideas are far better.

Another big AFA skin,an ex marine & bouncer who scared fash just by looking at them stayed involved after AFA nationally dissolved, he also came from a "middle class" family. Many AFA came from "petit borg" families if you want, Bakunin & Kropotkin came from aristocracy.

Mackhnovistas led by Nestor were great antifascists anarchists who ironically saved
the soviet union from fascists when he led the black cossacks & the black gaurd to deafeat much larger white regiments on the way to support forces almost in Moscow, allowing the redbrigades to regroup. Lenin followed dictatorship doctrine & ordered Trotsky to betray them,Trotsky was murdered by same doctrine.
Mackhno escaped to Paris & to clarify helped formulate Platformism not to be confused with no platform for fascist speakers.Platformism calls for anarchist ideological& tactical unity, collective action, discipline, and federalism. These ideas helped anarchism to grow with Syndicalism but the 1st then 2nd world war starting in Spain almost destroyed this. Bookchin & green anarchist communism inspired many including the green party, Libertarian municipalism & communalism.

The split between anarchism & marxism goes back to first international in 1871& battle between the old beards, Marxists expelled Bakunin& anarchists for opposing dictatorship of proletariat doctrine. Bakunin was antisemitic sadly as were many on both sides of the international & other anarchists defended propaganda of deed actions the state manipulated to whip up terror.

Green Syndicalist

fight back

05.02.2008 16:02

why the hell isnt there any fight against fascists like attacking the scum back then perhaps they might stop it. And of course someone would be proud in the knowledge that they had done the right thing


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Support Israel in its fight against Palestinian fascism!

05.02.2008 20:39

People should support Israel in its fight against Palestinian fascism which has tried to destroy that tiny state with decades of murderous terrorism. Palestinian suicide bombers have murdered thousands of innocent Israeli civilians.

Betar Uk

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Support Israel in its fight against Palestinian fascism!

05.02.2008 20:39

People should support Israel in its fight against Palestinian fascism which has tried to destroy that tiny state with decades of murderous terrorism. Palestinian suicide bombers have murdered thousands of innocent Israeli civilians.

Betar Uk

No platform indy uk & fighting back, ROck against Beatles

06.02.2008 00:03

Generally UK indymedia does a no platfrom policy, if anyone sees any fascist arguments on it argue against it & mention it to IMC so its banned & it is in my experience.
I hear people are defending themselves & fighting back, just it doesn't get reported on indymedia or any media, but it happens. Its good though to have more large antifash demo's & another Rock against Racism would be great, especially when remaining Beatles maybe going to play at Israeli state anniversary.

As far as Searchlight goes, didn't anarcho syndicalists in Spain work well on a popular front with republican government against Franco before Stalinists & dictatorship doctrine stabbed them in the back like it did Mackhno& ironically Kronstadt sailors who led the original revolution & Trotsky himself?
Shouldnt police or a professional militia be arresting nazis & shouldnt we be allowed to defend ourselves?
Libertarians work on a United Fronts with ANL, not sharing same tactics or goals, against Nazi's, it has often it worked although SWP once tried to put down militant antifascism as "squadism"& expelled Red action.
I don't know much about political situation in Czech, but in Greece fascists had a fascist dictatorship until 1974. I wouldn't advocate working with police, but pointing things out facts to them via the media when possible helps.

green syndicalist

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08.02.2008 19:13

as all antifascists are gay i bet they loved it when jan was stabbed in the groin coz they could then grab his cock


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