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International solidarity week with the Basque Country (February18-24)

ASKAPENA | 04.02.2008 13:34 | London

These are hard times for the Basque Country. We know that we will resist as we owe this to our children. We are ready. 50 years of modern struggle. We resisted Franco as well as all Spanish governments from left to right. They all got bog down with the Basque Country and it will continue until the French and Spanish authorities recognise the reality and the rights of our country.
We are calling on international solidarity to mobilise (International Solidarity Week with the Basque Country, February 18-24), to denounce the denial of political and social rights, so that our country can build democratically a sovereign, proud and socialist society.

International solidarity week with the Basque Country

Last year once again, the Spanish government destroyed all hopes of resolving the conflict between the Basque Country and the French and Spanish States. The Spanish Labour Party PSOE alongside the Basque Nationalist Party PNV, closed the door of the negotiations with the Basque pro-independence movement.

During the negotiations, the majority of pro independence organisations continued to be banned or political activities were suspended by judges. Several media were closed down. 40 pro-independence activists were called to declare due to their political or social activities. 50 political events of the pro-independence movement were banned. 25 demonstrations were brutally attacked. 200 militants were judged for their activities before the negotiation period. 700 check points were detected on the roads. The Spanish army carried out operations in 30 towns in the south of the Basque Country. They identified 500 people for so called propaganda activities. They fined dozens of people for participating or requesting permission to organise political events. The Spanish government increased the total amount of years to do for “terrorism acts” to 40 years, ten extra years. Political prisoner Iñaki de Juana went on hunger strike for 100 days to protest against the fact that he had been sentenced to 3 extra years for writing an opinion article. Pro-independence Basque citizens denounced being tortured. The arrest of ETA volunteers continued… Despite all this, the pro-independence movement remained at the negotiating table until the Basque Nationalist Party and Spanish Labour Party PSOE withdrew leaving the pro-independence movement alone at the table.

Since the end of the negotiations, the collective of prisoners has increased of 120 people. There are currently 700 prisoners and the Basque Country has just less than 3 million inhabitants. People working in social and political spheres have been judged as part of the 18/98 show trial, condemned to hundreds of years of prison and accused of being members of ETA for the unique reason that they support the idea of an independent and socialist Basque Country. New trials are coming up, Udabiltza the association of elected representatives, the anti-repressive group Askatasuna, the political party Batasuna, whose executive is currently in prison. There will be more illegalisations, torture has increased with detainees ending up in hospital with serious injuries and with disturbing rape allegations while in police hands.

It is the discrimination and legal destruction of the pro-independence left movement and of its social and political support.

The left pro-independence movement continues to defend the same plan as during the negotiations : A statute of autonomy for the four Basque provinces under Spanish rule with the possibility to have the right to self-determination. A statute of autonomy also for the three provinces which are under French administration with a framework that gives the opportunity to develop all political projects.

These are hard times for the Basque Country. We know that we will resist as we owe this to our children. We are ready. 50 years of modern struggle. We resisted Franco as well as all Spanish governments from left to right. They all got bog down with the Basque Country and it will continue until the French and Spanish authorities recognise the reality and the rights of our country.
We are calling on international solidarity to mobilise (International Solidarity Week with the Basque Country, February 18-24), to denounce the denial of political and social rights, so that our country can build democratically a sovereign, proud and socialist society.

Gora Euskal Herria askatua!
Long live to the Basque Country free!

Euskal Herria, February 2008

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solidarity with who, exactly?

04.02.2008 21:13

the title suggests pro-independence Basques constituted 100% of the population. In fact those who support independence are merely a significant minority. When you say "Solidarity with the Basque country" what you're really asking for is "Solidarity with those who claim to speak for the Basque country."

Yes, there is repression against the independence movement - the excuse (widely thought to be justified, certainly within Spain, whether it really is or not) being that these people support ETA. So why can they not support independence without supporting ETA - thus removing the best weapon from the hands of the French and Spanish states? Why do you think people should get upset that "the arrest of ETA volunteers continued"?

ETA was a very necessary response to dictatorial repression under Franco - but now, it seems to me, it's the biggest obstacle to independence. Every violent act by ETA is a gift to the Partido Popular. Mass non-violent civil disobedience would be vastly more effective in the present political climate. But no political party (Batasuna definitely included) would ever support that. Why not? Because despite the rhetoric, their aim is not freedom from oppression, but freedom to become the oppressors. Sponsoring direct action would mean empowering the people - and once empowered, they would not give up that power easily.

Solidarity with oppressed people. No solidarity with would-be oppressors!


Bsques need to let go of the chip on their shoulders

06.02.2008 11:13

I was a bit sadddened to read the above article - it's rooted in various truths - but unfortunately these truths run out many years ago - I propose that you read the book 'Ghosts of Spain' which soberly outlines the reality of Basque region both today and historically.

Don't get me wrong - the Basques are an amazing people (you only need to read 'Basque History of the world' to see that) - BUT the ide of repression is 2-faced and being perpetrated for too long. Times were terrible under Franco for all of Spain, and, although Spain is nothing more that a number of increasingly autonomous regions (as the Basque country is) - the facts remain that the Basque momvent for independence is rooted in both conservatism and unfortunately, right-wing ideas. There's much romance about the idea of an independent state but in truth you already have more autonomy than most of Spain, and are certainly by far the richest / wealthiest state. All the industry is concentrated up there (as opposed to the dry poor south which relies sadly on tourism) - so you are far more self-sufficient, your language is enjoying a great revival, althoguh only 16% of you want to speak it, compared to the the much greater proportion of Galicians who choose to speak their language.

I'm well aware that the Spanish state has for years been abusing their powers and their prisoners, but that's no excuse for the cowardice that is ETA - there's no glory or romance there, just idiots who can't think further that this narrow ideology. The definition of these ideals translate into right-wing territory, and the greatest irony of all is that, now that Spain has a Socialist Government (who aren't perfect but are doing incredible things in education and other key areas), ETA and the Basques have a very real chance of bringing the fascist PP back into power.

Irony or what .!?!!

After suffering so many years of oppresion isn't it time that the Basques made an example and stood up and worked with freedom and peace. This is easier said than done of course, but claiming that there's glory in your bloodied hands is the path back to Franco. I'm always amazed at how the fantasy of ETA's ideology is seen romantic terms - remember that these are a small minoroty of sad individuals feel threatened by any kind of discource and engagement on the intellectual front - death-threats towards Basque intellectuals / anyone who speaks out against them. How oppresive is that..! Ahem...

The Basque question is a complex one and neither side is right or wrong - but both sides risk slipping further into right-wing ideology and it's time to consider other paths. Medem's film 'The Basque Ball' aptly shows the deep suffering on both 'sides' - Aznar's right-wing PP tried to ban it of course, but Zapatero is far more open. The reality of the present is that the Basques are presenting themselves as the right-wing whilst claiming to be the opposite - meanwhile life goes on, and the Socialist party spend their time reversing the PP's aterrible record and try to create a better Spain - free schoolbooks for all is a good example, withdrawl from Iraq - the fact that Bush has said that Zapatero will never set foot in the White House - that alone is a great recommendation.!

I'm sure there'll be some livid responses to this - people don't like being questioned / have their so called ideals threatened - but the point is that those ideals are selfish - The Basque region flourishes - how about thinking outside of yourselves and see that you're part of a bigger world now, beyond your amazing country... The problems you face aren't unique to you (rising house prices, unemployments etc) these are the simptoms of capitalism across the globe, not of your little corner.

Thanks ofr reading this far.!! :-)


Stop repression

06.02.2008 19:49

Two more arrested,yesterday,and tomorrow???

In a short time the spanish goverment illegalization two politicals parties, because the repression is the only spanish solution to the basque conflict.

But the basques country resist all the spanish attacks,because the basque people fight for freedom.

Freedom for the Basque Country!

Thanks for your solidarity!

The spanish people are NOT the basque enemies,but the Spanish goverment are a real enemies of the freedom and the democracy.

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broken records

07.02.2008 08:30

Jose, your comment sounds like a broken record. How about responding to the points in star and my posts instead of just repeating slogans?
