Transcription: Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 2007
Al Jazeera 02 Nov 2007 | 04.02.2008 04:56 | History | Terror War
On November 2 2007 David Frost made an interview with Benazir Bhutto broadcasted at Al Jazeera. The interview can be seen at: the title is Frost over the World - Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 07 |14:38
The timeline belongs to the 14:38 sequence
00:00:35 David Frost: But first of all Pakistan and Benazir Bhutto. When the former primeminister arrived back in the country, two weeks ago, after eight years in exile, the homecomming parade in Karachi, was quite literally blown appart, by an assassination attempt, a suicide bomber exploded, meters from Ms.Bhutto's open drop out and killed more than a 130 people. Benazir Bhutto joins us now. Benazir hello and wellcome!
00:01:06 Benazir Bhutto: Thank you David.
00:01:08 David Frost: Tell me: Has that terrible assassination attack affected your decision to carry on with this battle?
00:01:22 Benazir Bhutto: No it´s that horrific incident, in which 158 innocent young men, women, a baby, lost their lifes, has just made me more determined, to continue, I do believe Pakistan is under the increasing threat of an extremes take over and to save the country, I believe we must restore democracy, get the peoples faith in the country, moving the country forward, so I am determined to go ahead with the mission to save Pakistan with democracy.
00:01:54 David Frost: And how do your childreen figure about this? They are old enough now, to know the risks you got to take.
00:02:05 Benazir Bhutto: This is one of the reasons that I traveled from Karachi to Dubai, I wanted to console my childreen, I couldn't come immediately after the bomb blasts, because we had to attend to the wounded and also condole with the families and I had to pray at my fathers grave. But to came here, to be with them, they were asleep, when the midnigth blasts took place and in the morning the got textmessages form their friends saying we hope your mother is well! They were pretty upset and then their father came into the room and said: "I have something to tell you", They said we allready know. They are coping, but obviously they are worrying, they want to do me to continue so, they obviously understand why I am doing this, for their country and for all the people of Pakistan.
00:02:51 David Frost: That's a marvelous story that underlines how our childreen these days get their information almost bevore we do.
00:03:01 Benazir Bhutto: That's right. But not only our childreen, but what has realy in a sence I was overwhelmed but in a bit I feel a tremendous of responsibility, because one of the mothers who has lost her sons in this terroristsattack, that took place in Karachi, has just volunteered her other son, to join up as mi security guard in Rawalpindi and when our party told that she didn't had to do this, she just lost one son, the mother turned around and said: "The only hope that we have is, that she succeeds and that's the reason I want to send my second son to be her sercurty guard too."
00:03:46 David Frost: That's very courages in deed. Tell me: Do you know yet, does anyone know exactly who was responsible for this assassination attempt. There is one report, that said, that you aranged to send Mr. President Musharraf a letter, to be sent in the event of your death by assassination, urging him to investigate certain individuals in his government, is that true?
00:04:08 Benazir Bhutto: Yes it is true that I wrote to General Musharraf. I recieved information from General Musharraf, that a friedly country had past on to them the information, that I could be attacked by a gang form the afghan warlord Baitullah Mesud (his brother Abdullah Mehsud they took a leg at Guantanamo Bay and took him to Pakistan in March 2004, to lend them to his brother, Abdulla blast himself at an attack in South Waziristan, in the southern district of Zhob.) or by Hamza ibn ibn Ladin or by the pakistani Taliban in Islamabad or by a group in Karachi. So I sent back a letter saying: Well these groups may be used, but more important is to go after the people who supported them, who organized them, who possibly are the financiers or the organizers of finance for those groups and I named three individuals, who I thougth with the sympathizers. Now I understand, that I could be wrong and my suspicions could be missplaced, but these are the people, that I suspect, to want to stop the restoration of democracy, they want to stop my return because they know in 1993, when Pakistan was on the brink of being declared a terrorist state, I stopped the rise of terrorism and they know I can do it again. So I feel theese are the forces, that realy want to stop not just me, but the democratic process and the will of the people triumphing.
00:05:33 David Frost: In terms of these three people you mentioned where they members of or associated with the government.
00:05:42 Benazir Bhutto: Yes well, one of them is a very keyfigure in security, he is a former military officer, he is someone who has had dealings with Jaish-e-Mohammad one of the band groups of Maulana Masood Azhar, who was in an indian jail for decapitating three british tourists and three american tourists and he also had dealings with Omar Shiekh, who murdered Osama ibn Laden. Now I know, that having dealings with people, does not necessarily means evidence, but I also know, that internal security has totaly collapsed in Pakistan and that internal security can not collapse without there being some blind eye, if not the collusion, being turned to the rise of the militants and militancy. Not only are our tribal areas are out of our control, but even the beautiful Valley of Swat is now under takeover by Islamists. So I would like to see a part lead police inquiry, assisted by Scotland Yard or the FBI, come in, use their forensic and scientific explanation to find out not only the perpetrators, but the financers and the organizers of the heinous crime that killed 158 innocent people.
00:07:06 David Frost: And in terms of that terrible tragedy, have you actually spoken to President Musharraf since that?
00:07:16 Benazir Bhutto: Yes I have. He was very gracious, he had the director Inter-Services Intelligence to ring me up the first evening, who condemned the incident that had taken place and he phoned me the next morning and he said, that he and Prime Minister Aziz had been watching my reception from the beginning and were very sorry about the unfortunate blast, that had taken place and also he condemned the blast. He grieved with the families, he expressed the sorrow, but he was a bit worried, that my party is naming security officials, who hamper the approach process and I showed him, that it was not my intention, to hamper the approach process. I did want to see a peaceful transition to democracy through faith, free and impartial elections but I also felt that it was important to have a.) an independent inquiry, that gave me confidence and b.) to have inpartial, political neutral people in key postitions in government, in the caretaker, in the transitional period.
00:08:21 David Frost: You ...
Al Jazeera 02 Nov 2007
Hide the following 4 comments
04.02.2008 05:31
Even Worser Spelling
Omar Shiekh, who murdered Osama bin Laden
04.02.2008 07:53
bin Laden
04.02.2008 07:57
"Benazir Bhutto’s interview to Al-Jazeera received very little attention from the media. There was practically no newspaper in the world who published the news on its front page, although tens of thousands of people discussed the news for two months. It just so happens that even Al-Jazeera messed it up.
There was no official who commented on the information. Not a word was said from the CIA and the FBI. They did not even lift a finger to reject it. Absolute silence. But the U.S. administration promised a reward of 25 million dollars for Bin Laden’s body, dead or alive."
or not
This has been repoted before at the time
04.02.2008 09:31
ibn Abihi