Real estate crisis or… The Aim of the USA?
Gardel | 02.02.2008 08:53
That the USA live one on his greater financial crisis is not no primicia, but to mass average international does not agree to him that the world knows the true magnitude of the crisis that is lived by these days in the country of the north.

“What the means do not transmit it is that this is not a “real estate crisis” since they have denominated it, but the social political financial crisis and until cultural would say to you, that it is ending the USA of Bush. I, personally - Marcel- says to us I believe that the crisis must to that the model was nonviable, but is some that says that the hard wing of the North American Congress, before the danger that it assumed a black president and with name of Arab origin (Barak Obama) the balls preferred to cut themselves, and thus they did it, with the consequent desangración and later death of all the North American facist right ".
The information that offered the Dumb one me, he was coherent with which I could observe in the following days.
There will already be some who draw history and they turn it an idyllic dream, but the truth is more that the bloody capitalist regime, like its old rival of the East, has fallen by its own weight, than by no terrorist attack and/or chavizta. Much less the cause has been its town, that dominated by so many decades with the capable propaganda of the regime, just went out when the televising transmitters let emit signal, due to the fall of the North American satellites. To that height no longer there was regime that to overthrow, he himself had committed suicide single, without requesting aid. The equal crowd destroyed show windows.
I was never addict to the capitalist regime nor to the USA of Bush, but I recognize that I felt the great desolation when seeing like the Statue of the Freedom, went being disassembled distance and one suffocated in the deep thing of the ocean accompanied by a stone rain and vitoreos of the crowd that now, without the fear to the old repressive apparatuses of the system, was expressed frees and democratically.
The information that offered the Dumb one me, he was coherent with which I could observe in the following days.
There will already be some who draw history and they turn it an idyllic dream, but the truth is more that the bloody capitalist regime, like its old rival of the East, has fallen by its own weight, than by no terrorist attack and/or chavizta. Much less the cause has been its town, that dominated by so many decades with the capable propaganda of the regime, just went out when the televising transmitters let emit signal, due to the fall of the North American satellites. To that height no longer there was regime that to overthrow, he himself had committed suicide single, without requesting aid. The equal crowd destroyed show windows.
I was never addict to the capitalist regime nor to the USA of Bush, but I recognize that I felt the great desolation when seeing like the Statue of the Freedom, went being disassembled distance and one suffocated in the deep thing of the ocean accompanied by a stone rain and vitoreos of the crowd that now, without the fear to the old repressive apparatuses of the system, was expressed frees and democratically.