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brian haw 'walk for peace' to speak at oxford union 'queen and country' debate

rikki | 29.01.2008 00:31 | SOCPA | Anti-militarism | Iraq | London | Oxford

fresh from their controversial "freedom of speech" debate, when they invited a holocaust denier and a bnp leader, those pesky students have thought up another wheeze

in 1933, the oxford union famously debated the pacifist resolution that 'this house would under no circumstances fight for king and country'. it was passed by a convincing majority just as hitler took power in germany. the debate and result caused quite a sensation, and randolph churchill tried but failed to have records of the debate expunged.

seventy five years on, the same motion will be debated once more at the oxford union on thursday 7th february 2008 at 8:30pm

brian haw will be temporarily leaving his parliament square home of more than six years and will walk the seventy miles to oxford to take part in the debate. those joining him in proposing the motion will be walter wolfgang, scilla elwaorthy and george galloway mp. they will be opposed by professor michael clarke, colonel bob andrews (who will be flying in from iraq), and nick harvey mp

brian and his supporters welcome you to join them on all or part of their peace walk to oxford, which starts at 10am on sunday 4th february from parliament square

for further details contact
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29.01.2008 09:37

Walk departs on Monday 4th Feb :o)
