Presente, Newspaper of the Movement to Close the School of the Americas
Waltzing Matilda | 28.01.2008 17:34 | Anti-militarism | Terror War
Please forward widely: COMING SOON: The next issue of ¡Presente!, the newspaper of the movement to Close the Sschool of the Americas! will be fresh out of the printers in early February.

The print edition of Presente is being published three times a year.
Subscribe today to receive the paper by mail. SOA Watch is committed to
send Presente free of charge to everyone who is or wants to get active to close the SOA. We do appreciate a donation to cover the costs:
Spring 2008 issue of ¡Presente! -
The 12-page newspaper is intended to be a tool for the movement. Its
purpose is to give updates about the state of the campaign in English and Spanish, to provide information and analysis about events and developments in the Americas and to get more people involved in the work to change oppressive U.S. foreign policy and to end the racist system of violence and domination.
Read as a preview the article by Lesley Gill:
by Lesley Gill, featured article in the Winter/Spring 2008 issue
The movement to close the School of the America (SOA) punctures the
founding myths of American exceptionalism. These myths include the belief that the United States is committed to democracy for all, that it is essentially good, and that because it is good, the United States only uses its power for virtuous ends. The presumed innocence of the United States and its citizens insures that "we" are always the victims of the violence of others. This historical shortsightedness perpetuates a widespread amnesia about the naked violence that has supported U.S. imperialism and the acceptance of torture by U.S. officials for decades.
Read the full article here:
Presente is always looking for drawings and cartoons for its print
edition. Please send us your artwork.
Due to the space constraints, we usually solicit articles on specific
topics, but we also encourage activists to submit queries and manuscripts.
We need your help to spread the information about the School of the Americas and about the reality of U.S. foreign policy. To that end, we want to expand the network of activist distributors around the country to get the paper in as many hands as possible.
Subscribe today to receive the paper by mail. SOA Watch is committed to
send Presente free of charge to everyone who is or wants to get active to close the SOA. We do appreciate a donation to cover the costs:

Spring 2008 issue of ¡Presente! -
The 12-page newspaper is intended to be a tool for the movement. Its
purpose is to give updates about the state of the campaign in English and Spanish, to provide information and analysis about events and developments in the Americas and to get more people involved in the work to change oppressive U.S. foreign policy and to end the racist system of violence and domination.
Read as a preview the article by Lesley Gill:
by Lesley Gill, featured article in the Winter/Spring 2008 issue
The movement to close the School of the America (SOA) punctures the
founding myths of American exceptionalism. These myths include the belief that the United States is committed to democracy for all, that it is essentially good, and that because it is good, the United States only uses its power for virtuous ends. The presumed innocence of the United States and its citizens insures that "we" are always the victims of the violence of others. This historical shortsightedness perpetuates a widespread amnesia about the naked violence that has supported U.S. imperialism and the acceptance of torture by U.S. officials for decades.
Read the full article here:

Presente is always looking for drawings and cartoons for its print
edition. Please send us your artwork.
Due to the space constraints, we usually solicit articles on specific
topics, but we also encourage activists to submit queries and manuscripts.

We need your help to spread the information about the School of the Americas and about the reality of U.S. foreign policy. To that end, we want to expand the network of activist distributors around the country to get the paper in as many hands as possible.


Waltzing Matilda