Restoration Project Fraud Ignorance
Offshore Informant | 28.01.2008 12:46 | Other Press | Terror War | World
Within the next 2 to 3-months, sometime between March and April 2008, the American CNBC network television show production series "American Greed" will air its upcoming report on those surrounding the now-defunct First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. bank and its splinter group that branched-off driving its fraudulent Restoration Project.
Restoration Project Fraud Ignorance
by, The Offshore Informant
January 28, 2008
Within the next 2 to 3-months, sometime between March and April 2008, the American CNBC network television show production series "American Greed" will air its upcoming report on those surrounding the now-defunct First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. bank and its splinter group that branched-off driving its fraudulent Restoration Project.
Born out-of the Financial Action Task Force ( FATF ) crackdown, spurred by the United States on domestic capital flight going offshore into independent offshore banks and international business companies, such network of crooks have now defrauded, what news reports indicate has been more than 6,000 individuals around the world out-of more than one quarter of a billion (USD) dollars ( $250,000,000.00 ) of victims' hard earned monies, savings, life insurance annuities, stocks, bonds, real estate, and other valuable property and services for over 10-years ( 1997 - 2008 ).
Surprisingly, without any government intervention - except for a few individuals - the fraud and money-laundering network continues operation today without any government intervention whatsoever.
The Restoration Project fraud 'current king pins', are:
- James Gregory Ziegler; and,
- Daniel T. Hashimoto.
Their unbelievable advantage over U.S. government federal law enforcement is that while U.S. federal agents and federal prosecutors budgets are too broke and/or too enept to do anything to bring these crooks to justice, these crooks continue to gain fraud and money-laundering momentum with support flowing in daily from friends operating within the category of what may be defined as a global financial crime or economic terrorist network.
On August 22, 2007 the U.S. government released its federal prison sentencing memorandum surrounding four (4) defendants [ Douglas Christie Ferguson, Larry Emmanuel Barnabe, Robery John Skirving, and Rita L. Regale ] whom pled guilty to various federal crimes during U.S. District Court case number CR 01-321-KI in Portland, Oregon.
Within the memorandum, the government briefly described what they could only fathom the "Restoration Project" [ RP ] was after a 5-year investigation.
The government did not even come close to describing the worldwide geographic scope of this fraud and money-laundering operating, and failed to answer these eight ( 8 ) questions:
1. How many 'foreign country citizens lose their hard earned money'?;
2. How many 'repeat victims were defrauded multiple times'?;
3. How many 'victims closest friends and family members became new victims'?;
4. How many 'more fraudsters were involved'?;
5. How many 'more fraudsters drove money fraud mule teams'?;
6. How many 'old and new victims continue being defrauded through 2008'?;
7. How much 'money was defrauded out-of all victims and vendors'?; and,
8. Who has been allowed to continue driving this fraud and money-laundering operation today?
The government memorandum describes the Restoration Project, but only names two (2) defendants, consisting of one ( 1 ) who died on December 10, 2005 and the other one ( 1 ) imprisoned, as follows:
"'The Restoration Project,' a scheme wherein they [ defendants Douglas Christie Ferguson, Larry Emmanuel Barnabe, Robery John Skirving, and Rita L. Regale ] promised FIBG [ First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. ] depositors they could recover their lost investments through a new project that was secret, but was certain to be successful. In order to recover their funds, FIBG investors had to contribute more money towards the "Restoration Project." Investors were also told that their FIBG loss claims would rise to the top of the repayment list if they provided additional funds or 'Staying Alive Money' [ SAM ] for Brink's [ Van Arthur Brink ( formerly known as ) Gilbert Allen Ziegler ] and Ferguson's [ Douglas Christie Ferguson ] living expenses. This entire scheme was premised on the same sort of failed asset acquisition and high-yield investment fraud which had led to the bank's collapse."
When Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( deceased on 10DEC05, but while living in Uganda ), James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler ( while living in Serbia and Montenegro and The Philippines ) began their so-called "Restoration Project" over the internet it was initiated through a Yahoo.Com message group, at:
Whereupon, Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink, Zig Ziegler, Daniel T. Hashimoto ( Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii ), ( Robert J. Langley ( Modesto, California ), Dr. Thomas Earl Miller ( North Platte, Nebraska ), Allan Sanford ( Wurtsboro, New York ), Melissa Skirving ( Portland, Oregon ), plus a significantly much-much longer name list of others in these fraud, money-laundering, and money fraud mule teams furthered what came to be known as the Restoration Project ( RP ) and/or Instauration Project ( IP ) fraud directing those who already lost their monies - at least once before - not only as former First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. ( FIBG ) bank depositors and investors, but also victims of other multiple independent offshore Serbia and Montenegro bank fraud programs, Trust establishment fraud programs, plus yet other frauds enticed by word-of-mouth but mostly by internet broadcast e-mail promises claiming to be working on "projects" that would see having their monies lost returned but only those on the e-mail list(s) would see their lost monies returned, first to only those whom became 'members' of the RP group, which was then peppered with solicitions from Van Brink and Zig Ziegler thousands of subsequent enticing e-mails requesting victims to send more and more monies that would be returned up to 300 fold from their loss-recovery Project(s) where all victims additional lost monies amounted to in-excess of $6,000,000 million (USD) - beginning in 2002 - initially through the following address, at:
- - - -
8041 Greenback Lane
Citrus Heights, California 95610
TEL: (916) 726-3252
E-MAIL: ( NOTE: has link to an ISP )
Bookkeeping / Business
General Bookkeeping Services
Tax Return Preparation
Individual Tax Returns
- - - -
Now, while Bob Langley (named further above) had been a close personal business partner with James Gregory Ziegler from about 1985 - during the midst of the FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MENS FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL ( FGBMFI ) business financial affinity schemes - that came to a screeching halt in late-2006, and there's another story there too.
The Restoration Project scheme saw victims with over 964 private e-mail addresses receiving these internet broadcast fraud e-mails, including:
- Phyllis Ann Miller ( Citrus Heights, California );
- James Robert Miller ( Citrus Heights, California );
- Lloyd Wilson and Karen Wilson ( Modesto, California ); and,
- Many-many more U.S. people as well as people around the world.
I found it very interesting that Phyllis Ann Miller lived and worked in Citrus Heights, California along with her husband for many-many years, and even though she and her husband made complaints to authorities about Brink, Ziegler, and others having defrauded them out-of over $80,000 (USD) she was part of the first FIBG victims to be placed on the Restoration Project private e-mail list.
Why would a so-called "victim" who lost over $80,000 (USD) want to be involved with fraudsters?
To hear Ziegler tell his side of the story about Miller, he indicated she lied to authorities, was an extremely vindictive person, and money-grubbing woman who would sell her soul to the devil if it meant getting any part of her money returned, however she was placed on the Restoration Project list in hopes of quieting her down and away from making any further complaints to authorities.
The Offshore Informant heard from Phyllis Miller via e-mail, and here are those e-mails:
Ref: N1N-qU6IUA8N5N
Subject: Re: First International Bank of Grenada
Date: 28 Jun 2006 20:05
From: "Offshore Informant"
- James Robert Miller re Pensco with FIBG.jpg (112Kb)
- Lloyd & Karen Wilson re Robert J Langley in Modesto CA.jpg (166Kb)
Hello Mrs. Miller,
Contacting the FBI is a great idea as I suggested to you earlier, however figuring out 'which field office knows more' about the 'second case' regarding the Restoration Project SAM funds is what I had hoped you would narrow down my search of since you lodged your complaint from a FBI field office in Northern California it would then only make sense 'they' would have more information than the Portland field office, which was my original purpose for having contacted you so I could determine this.
Having been in Who's-Who I can understand your concerns for any e-mail you receive from someone you did not first e-mail, however in this case we both know that is 'not' the case, and yet you express concerns to me over "trust" when it was you who e-mailed me many times over the course of the past 2-years hoping to get my ear for whatever you had to say so, to allay your "trust" fears, I've included information you may know about.
While you're in-touch with your local FBI agent be sure to have them e-mail me so I can discuss this further.
In addition to the two (2) attachments (here), you may wish to scroll-down further (below) to review more for your local agent, from which material I hold a plethora of.
Keep in-touch if you wish, and thank you for your e-mail.
Phyllis, I believe you were brought into the Restoration Project after showing proof of your previous relationship with FIBG LTD. bank (where your funds went) from the appearance of your e-mail (below) sent to Robert J. Langley on June 28, 2003.
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "rjlangley"
Subject: Re: The Procedure!
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 14:50:16 -0700
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
250 Montgomery Street - Third Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104-3430
Telephone: 415.274.5600
JAMES ROBERT MILLER (Rollover) Account #MI 140
7133 Woodmore Oaks Drive
Citrus Heights, California 95610
Telephone 916.726.2055
Account opened 11/12/1999
Initial Investment $80,400.00
The Term of the Certificate of Deposit was 5 years commencing November 29, 1999 and maturing on November 28, 2004. Interest on the Principal Balance bearing at the simple rate of six and twenty-nine-one-hundredths (6.29%) percent per month. Interest Earnings computed monthly.
02/04/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
02/15/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
03/20/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
04/06/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
06/13/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
-------- Original Message --------
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore informant"
Subject: Re: First International Bank of Grenada
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:02:43 -0700
> Thank you for your email. Because I have been taken advantage of in a
> terrible way, I must tell you that I now have "NO" trust system within me
> for anyone, so before you and I continue in any communication form, I shall
> contact my source at the FBI and then follow their leading with how I should
> proceed.
> If in fact your email is true then please know that I am truly grateful for
> your interest in Jim and I. But, until I can know this for sure you must
> please be patient with me.
> I believe I stated that I have in my possession a paper in which James
> Ziegler wrote in his own handwriting urging me to put yet another $60,000.00
> on a credit card, which I did not do. I do have the copy of the CD that you
> sent. I have copies of all email sent to me by the James and Bob.
> At any rate...thank you and I shall contact you later via email before
> setting up a phone call, if a phone call is what the FBI will agree to.
> Phyllis Miller
> ----- Original Message -----
Ref: N1N-S_9SU5u-8w
Subject: Re: FIBG LTD bank CD
Date: 28 Jun 2006 12:25
From: "Offshore Informant"
To: "Phyllis Miller"
- Miller FIBG CD Pg 1.jpg (213Kb)
- Miller FIBG CD Pg 2.jpg (145Kb)
Mrs. Miller,
You'll probably recognize the document copies as the Certificates of Deposit ( CDs ) received from FIBG LTD. bank. See, e.g. Attachments (2).
Although I have much clearer copies, I shrank these down to send them from this small capacity e-mail account.
Just wanted to let you know I'm aware of that and the SAM contribution made for you too, is all, which you already knew about but that was only, what $100, sent on your behalf?
No wonder why the FBI cut her off ( see quote from her below ), possibly embarrassing for CNBC to air her after they already taped her already for American Greed, especially when her "friend" was a long-long time partner James Gregory Ziegler who started HARBOR BANK in Grenada, a bank Ziegler never licensed in Grenada but kept on the books of FIBG that was inside Zig's office at suite number 5 upstairs in a small strip mall in Grand Anse, Grenada. This 'is' the location where all the 'truly confidential business and money transaction files of FIBG, FIB, IDIC, and their network of IBCs were kept', which I do not believe that either PriceWaterhouseCoopers or the FBI ever got ahold of, unlike the other files they 'did'.
Phyllis Ann Miller, Sacramento Bee Newspaper, QUOTE:
"The couple . . . turned for advice to a friend they had known for 12-years. They trusted him when he said he and another friend had started HARBOR BANK, a subsidiary of the First International Bank of Grenada."
NOTE: Miller may be drinking alcohol beverages, or doing something else, when she sends e-mails (see below ):
-------- Original Message --------
From: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: FIBG Money Loss Solutions
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 22:56:16 +0100
Dear Mrs. Miller,
Thank you for your e-mail enquiries and attachments.
Your attached page two (2) 'reverse side' of the FIBG LTD. bank CD appears to have a 'protection clause' that in the event the government steps in, which it did, the holder of the CD agrees to hold harmless the bank. That may appear at-first-glance to provide you with perhaps no civil redress unless something else can be proven by a competent attorney in the proper jurisdiction offering some other proof in your case, in whatever approach necessary to accomplish your goals, however I am not a lawyer and in no position to advise you as to what may or may not be and only provide my opinions to you here.
Your e-mails make specific reference 'twice' for your wish to know more about the status of Mr. Zeigler, which I believe the U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation is handling. I cannot reveal specifics about this matter to you, because I do not have access to 'their' files (only my own) so, how might I be able to assist you in any way beyond the government?
I am not in the business of providing free information details from my private research files nor can I think of a soul in the world who does, except perhaps that of Amnesty International who on occasion does if there is a true need where human life is involved, which I do not see in this particular case.
In America, U.S. citizens call on their government to assist them, however in many cases the government is limited through legislation as to just what all it can assist 'victims' with, but there are special 'victim relief' funds available in almost every major city in America, which can sometimes be accessed through local police agencies. Have you tried any of them to see if they will help you?
It is my understanding - I may be wrong - that perhaps you saw filed a complaint with the FBI regarding either the bank or some individual(s), so I would certainly hope that the good agents of the U.S. government pointed you to a good 'victim relief' organization nearest you in order to assist you. "If not, why not?" is my question so, how might I be able to assist you today?
You mentioned table scratch paper having been written upon by Mr. Ziegler, I'm wondering since the FBI seems to have taken a "ho hum" attitude with helping you recovery your financial losses if perhaps they needed a signature to go along with that scratch paper in order to have more teeth in their case so they could arrest Mr. Ziegler, or perhaps there already is enough evidence, but they're just too busy chasing terrorists and cannot focus on doing much more with regard to victims of financial crimes, which you hold yourself out to be from the evidence presented to the FBI regarding a now defunct bank, which was closed by the government.
It would appear from your attachments that you saw money placed into a CD bearing 6.29% monthly.
The bank auditors claim to have spent, but never provided the victims with an accounting as to how their fees amounted to the tune of over $900,000 (USD), which they clearly claim to have 'taken' from part of your money invested in that bank with whatever assets the auditors could auction off, sell, or trade away that the bank had. Hmmm? Where is the justice in that, Mrs. Miller, since you saw not a dime of your own money once the auditors got their hands on 'your money'?
Are you aware it did 'not' cost $900,000 (USD) to locate the bank assets? Where then, you might wonder or ask, did all that money go when the auditors 'took what monies belonged to the depositors'? Did the auditors big company lawyers fly as "coach" passengers all over the globe to locate the bank assets, i.e. the depositor's money? Did they stay at the "Motel 6", perhaps? Where is 'that' accounting, Mrs. Miller?
According to my figures, and I'm no accountant but, I'm wondering if you're further aware that the auditors sold over $2-million dollars worth of PRESTO TELECOMMUNICATIONS (San Diego, CA) stock, held by that bank taken over by the auditors, to a "private investor"? Who was that "private investor" that bought that stock and what happened to 'that' money?
I'm no accountant, Mrs. Miller but I can add $3-million right there, and then not even including all the other assets of the bank they sold and auctioned off and also gave away to their friends, please divide that by the number of depositors at the bank and tell me what you come up with, which if split equally amongst depositors, just how much money 'you' would have gotten back?
Did the auditors every publicly release just 'how many depositors' there were? Hmm? And, 'they' are accountants?
There are a lot of tough questions to be asked, Mrs. Miller, and I would suggest that a good private investigator who's familiar with international financial business matters might be one of many types of professionals who could extract those answers from the bowels of who's ever hiding them, which you and other depositors so desperately need. And, from your questions put to me, I can tell that the FBI isn't helping any of the depositors in that regard. Ever ask, "Why not?"?
With all the public assistance and investigative bodies accessible to Americans to seek compensation for their losses, surely there must be at least one (1) such organization that can do at least 'something' for you.
This is one of many American tragedies facing U.S. citizens every day. What happens, if something goes wrong? What if I get ripped off? Who will help me? Unfortunately, I do not have the answers, Mrs. Miller, which the government does and it would seem that they aren't sharing information too much either so, where does that leave you?
Where does that leave Mr. Owen Platt? Making money based on contacting victims for information? Has he bothered to establish with a 'recovery firm' the money he might make on book and C-D sales any money to help the victims? I didn't read anything about this so, why would I want to assist him with information so he can fill his pockets instead of those belonging to the 'victims'? I'm sorry, Mrs. Miller, but Mr. Platt's demonstrations over the years reminds me of an ambulance chasing attorney.
While I may seem a bit harsh, perhaps, I see just how things work 'against' victims and wonder why all those 'crusader rabbits' aren't out doing more to volunteer their time and money to help, since they obviously have much more than most of the victims have today. I know those who promote and herald the 'victims' as "victims", have far more money than I with which to do so.
I am a very poor person ma'am. I study information and do research as a hobby. So, when I am involved in researching much more than one (1) bank collapse, as I've seen so many do before, what incentive do you see for me to feed information freely to anyone who will profit from the fruits of my labor?
You place great faith in your government to help you retrieve your money you worked so hard for.
Mr. Platt is definitely 'not in the information power curve' as to what's going on with regard to the defunct bank 'before', nor is he in it today, nor will he be in it in the future, but the government is. The only problem is, 'they' aren't going to tell depositors everything. Just a piece of information here and there is all, which for someone may digest easily. I take it that you aren't just "someone" who's gonna lay done and be told your money just simply vanished, correct?
Please know, that in a tragic fire, I lost my wife, her two sons, my home and everything worked for over a 34-year period. I lost an entire lifetime of work and financial holdings, which placed me into a position of being a lot poorer than any of the victims who deposited money in that Grenada bank. There was no help for me.
And, after feeling real sorry about the tragedy, I picked myself up by the bootstraps and channeled my work energy into something positive that would begin to put a little food on my table, and I dare say that there is no comparison of tragedies. As you well know, one can't replace the loss of human lives as easy as one might replace financial losses later on down the road.
What I'm about to say may upset you, Mrs. Miller, but it is my sincere wish to see all 'victims' recover from their losses without smiling barbaricly at those wrongfully sent to the gallows and hung when the public isn't even aware as to 'whom and what was responsible' for their losses, and until that day arrives I'm not holding onto such a rope.
Now what has long been reported, placed in a "book", easy to comprehend and believed by many as a cheap thrill ride is 'not' the same as what has 'not' been reported, unable to be read, difficult to comprehend, nearly impossible to believe, and far more expensive than what the public knows the entire U.S. Department of Justice spent to investigate, arrest, and prosecute who they 'easily' have to-date.
Based on what I do know, Mrs. Miller, what the public may see today will not be seen in the future as 'justice', but raw 'economics'. Remember, people have enjoyed brief periods of entertainment since the days of the colliseum in Rome, which never saw a patient crowd.
Thank you for your e-mails and attachments.
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 22:56:05 -0800
Do you have any current information on James (ZIG) Ziegler?
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 14:06:58 -0800
I have attached a picture of myself. Is your identity a secret or may I see a picture of you, as well. I had mentioned that I thought your real name might be Owen Platt. :>)
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 13:59:36 -0800
Perhaps we can forget all former email and make a fresh start. I am Phyllis Miller. My husband Jim and I were scammed by Gilbert and James Ziegler of our entire retirement. This is a copy of the article written in a concise version of our story:
- - - -
Investment Is Too Good To be True
by, Elizabeth Hume - Sacramento Bee Staff Writer
A Citrus Heights Couple Lose Retirement Money To An Offshore Bank Scam.
June 9, 2004 [ Published 2:15 am PDT Wednesday ]
The investment couldn't miss. Put $80,000 in an offshore bank and watch the money grow.
At first, it seemed as if Jim and Phyllis Miller were smart to follow a friend's financial advice. Five months after making the plunge, the Citrus Heights couple received an interest check for $5,000, far more than their old IRA would have returned.
Then the checks stopped. The retirement money disappeared. The Millers, authorities say, were victims of a multimillion-dollar scam.
A federal grand jury in Portland, Ore., indicted five people in January for allegedly defrauding 4,000 U.S. and Canadian citizens out of more than $200 million by persuading them to invest in banks, said Beth Anne Steele, spokeswoman for the Portland FBI office.
The two ( 2 ) lead players were arrested May 28 in Kampala, Uganda, authorities said.
"It's a huge case, which is why we went to all the trouble to track them down in Uganda," Steele said.
The indictment alleges the defendants set up banks including the Fidelity International Bank and the First International Bank of Grenada. Investors were promised 3 percent to 300 percent returns on their investments.
Rita L. Regale, 51, of Florida; Robert J. Skirving, 56, of Nevada; and Laurent E. Barnabe, 65, of Nevada, were arrested in January.
Gilbert A. Ziegler, 53, and Douglas Ferguson, 71, were arrested May 28 at a residential compound in Kampala. They have been returned to the United States.
Although the Millers are pleased to see the defendants behind bars, Phyllis Miller believes the scam hasn't stopped. The Miller family still gets e-mails from Ziegler associates claiming they want to take care of all the people who lost their money.
"People need to believe they are not going to get their money back," she said. "For one minute I believed it, and then I realized they were still scamming."
Steele said the FBI investigation is ongoing.
The Millers' plunge into the world of international bank fraud began in 1999, when Jim Miller retired after 20-years at Raley's.
The couple wanted to re-invest their IRA and turned for advice to a friend they had known for 12-years. They trusted him when he said he and another friend had started HARBOR BANK, a subsidiary of the First International Bank of Grenada.
They even took a trip to Grenada, where they met Ziegler and Ferguson.
An empty building was pointed out as the future site for their bank.
"We wondered if we had made a mistake, but we had already sent our money in before we left," she said.
Their minds were eased when their first check for $5,039 - minus $1,000 in taxes - arrived. The extra money couldn't have come at a better time. Phyllis Miller's mother was receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. Her father had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Her brother was disabled with a neck injury.
She also decided she could afford to retire from her work as a real estate agent and spend more time with her family.
The last check came the day before her mother died in June 2000.
"We started freaking out and calling the bank in Grenada," Phyllis Miller said. "They said it was just some hang-up. Then I saw a warning on the Internet about an offshore investment alert. I knew we were scammed when our friend wouldn't return our calls."
Phyllis Miller, 55, returned to work in February. Jim Miller, 68, cannot go back to work due to high blood pressure.
Now they are learning about the items their money allegedly helped purchase. There is a palace in Uganda and expensive homes in Oregon, Nevada and Grenada. There is an organic vegetable farm in Oregon, plus luxury cars, jewelry, gambling junkets, private jet rentals and travel.
Elizabeth Hume
TEL: (916) 321-1203
- - - -
We did NOT try to defraud our government as we believe in paying taxes and had the taxes held out through Pensco in San Francisco on the 5 checks we did receive initially.
Attached is a copy of the CD that I am still owed through Nov. 28, 2004 is $278,143.80
I want every penny owed me.
My question to you is who are you?
Owen Platt has enough information supplied by me that he is doing a squeal to his first book.
I would appreciate any information you might forward to me.
I have a two foot tall stack of documents regarding the scam. I offered them to the FBI last summer and was told I could send them if I wanted but that they already had over 700,000.
-- Original Message --
From: "Offshore Informant"
To: "Phyllis Miller"
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Dear Mrs. Miller,
I'm having difficulty trying to understand your e-mail (below) when you make reference to Offshore Informant and David Marchant as there is no such affiliation between the two (2) parties, nor is there any affiliation between Offshore Informant and Owen Platt. Hence, I am a bit confused as to what you may be referencing in your e-mail below.
Other than the fact I sometimes place posts at the KYC News message board and other bulletin board services (BBS), I am not affiliated with those BBS hosts in any way.
Might you still have a copy of the e-mail reply I sent you, in response to that of your first (1st) e-mail correspondence directed to me? If so, please be so kind as to copy it into your next e-mail directed to me so, I can understand better what it is you may wish to discusss further.
I recall your mentioning something about a table napkin jotting and your wish to know if one person had been arrested, and that you had copied and pasted one of the posts I placed at the KYC News message board into your first (1st) e-mail to me.
Thank you for your e-mail, Mrs. Miller, and I trust all continues to be well with you.
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2005 09:13:06 -0800
I am a bit confused. I did not know OFFSHORE INFORMANT as David Marchant....duh....I thought it might have been Owen Platt since the writing was so remarkably correct in grammar and structure.... I still have not heard from Owen whom I was receiving email from most every day until mid December....
-- Original Message --
From: "Offshore Informant"
To: "Phyllis Miller"
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 2:19 AM
Subject: RE: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Hello Mrs. Miller,
Unfortunately, I am unable to locate the e-mail reply I sent you concerning your previous e-mail so, I'm unable to understand clearly your reference to your question mark after the name "Owen" (below).
I may have referenced Owen in my previous reply to you, which unfortunately I am unable to locate as stated above. Please forgive my oversight for this, which is pretty unusual for me to see have happen to my correspondence.
If you would kindly send me a copy of my previous e-mail, I would be more than pleased to reply to yours below.
Thank you, Mrs. Miller.
Cordially with respect,
Offshore Informant
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2005 23:52:45 -0800
-- Original Message --
- - - -
NOTE: Apparently my post to the KYC messageboard got Miller communicating with me ( see immediately below):
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore informant"
Sent: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 22:31:20 -0800
Received: from ( by (Bluewin AG 7.0.035) id 41C964A500B086DD for; Mon, 3 Jan 2005 06:31:30 +0000
Received: from ( by (Bluewin AG 7.0.035) id 41BEBAA000672A70 for; Mon, 3 Jan 2005 06:31:30 +0000
Received: from PHYLLIS ([]) by (rwcrmhc13) with SMTP id ; Mon, 3 Jan 2005 06:31:28 +0000
From: "Phyllis Miller"
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 22:31:20 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
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Thank you for posting the following as I am Phyllis Miller whom the FBI acted upon my tip. Could you please give me more information that you have regarding The U.S. Federal Grand Jury that was scheduled to be seated in Portland, Oregon on September 21, 2004. I knew nothing of this and would have loved to have been there. Please tell me anything you know or whom I could contact for this information! Thank you so much for posting it!!! Does this mean that James Gregory ("Zig") Ziegler, brother of Gilbert A. Ziegler is in cusotdy, too? I hope so! Not only did he take our $80,400.00 retirement money, which took my husband over 40 years to earn but he also (sitting at Zig's kitchen table in Grenada) tried to heavily influence us into putting another $60,000.00 on our credit card! (I still have the scratch paper with his handwriting on showing us how much monety we could make).Thank God we didn't do that! Through all of this we have lived meagerly for the past five years on a social security income, but did not have to file bankruptcy and retained our sterling credit rating. Does anyone foresee us getting any of our money back, please?
KYC NEWS messageboard post . . .
Subject: FIBG Grenada Bank Defendants: Ongoing Criminal Enterprise
By: And Now For The Forecast . . .
Date: 9/8/2004 6:57:10 PM
It has come to my attention that a parallel investigation - begun in January 2003 by the F.B.I. - sprang from an earlier 1998 investigation of theirs surrounding associates of a network of independent offshore banks operating from the island of Grenada - may be an "ongoing criminal enterprise" linked to an indictment handed down by a U.S. Federal Grand Jury on October 27, 2003 naming Van A. Brink (aka) Gilbert A. Ziegler, Douglas C. Ferguson, Robert J. Skirving, Laurent E. Barnabe, Rita L. Regale (aka) Rita L. Brunges, Jack Stacey, and Gerald Burton where the latter two (2) have yet to be captured (as of thie date of this post).
Being sought by the Office of the U.S. Attorney in Portland, Oregon are 'new federal criminal charges' akin to that of the U.S. Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act in operating what may be believed to be an "ongoing criminal enterprise" and as recently as August 2004 from 'inside' one of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons by one (1) of the aforementioned defendants, a federal inmate named Van A. Brink (aka) Gilbert A. Ziegler, who is being alleged to have conspired with others 'outside' of the Federal Prison System.
The U.S. Federal Grand Jury scheduled to be seated in Portland, Oregon on September 21, 2004 has named about 45 individuals, which include the following:
- Van Arthur Brink (aka) Gilbert A. Ziegler
- Annet Asiimwe Brink, Ugandan wife of the aformentioned
- James Gregory ("Zig") Ziegler, brother of Gilbert A. Ziegler
- Douglas C. Ferguson
- Evelyn McLellan, wife of the aformentioned
- Robert J. Skirving
- Melissa ("Missi") Skirving, wife of the aforementioned
- Jack Stacey
- Gerald Burton
The FBI acting on a complaint levied by a California couple (The Millers) reported (see, e.g. The Sacramento Bee online California-based newspaper) in July 2004 that they had become involved earlier with the bank, but had later joined a private internet-based e-mail solicitation program, estimated to contain a membership of over 400 people, donating monies toward what has been believed to be a purpose designed to gift funds to those who had lost funds in the bank(s) from 1999 thru 2000.
The online e-mail solicitation program was revealed in a message post found on the financial business internet Bulletin Board Service (BBS) named, The Diligizer Board. [ ]
Message poster Owen Platt, author of one book (i.e. "FIB") surrounding the bank(s) saw it promoted and sold online by one civil lawsuit plaintiff named, Robert Mark Guili, whose attorney obtained a Grenada court order freezing assets of FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LIMITED.
- OI
NOTE: After Phyllis Miller first contacted me, Ziegler was asked about what (if any) contact he may have had with her, and here were his typewritten e-mail replies (below):
From: "James Gregory Ziegler"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Update
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 07:53:45 -0500
Phyllis Miller was contacting the California AG, FBI, newpapers, anybody she thought might listen in 2000 and 2001. She did not start any new Grand Jurys.
As you know the first Grand Jury was sarted in '97, or maybe early '98 as a result of Skirving's boys operating an office in Tigard, Oregon promoting the little trust system. That investigation was turned over to the federalies who have conducted non-stop GJs since, and evidently continue to do so. Interesting it came out in Iris' update today that they may have some warrants still sealed, plus they may break-off into separate cases some of the issues the GJs are messing with. That increases my jeopardy considerably.
- - - -
From: "James Gregory Ziegler"
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 07:48:27 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: The phyllis
To: "Offshore Informant"
CC: (no CC recipients)
Phyllis has a real bug about me personally. I have written her in the past that the newspaper, FBI, etc. have zero interest in sending her any money, her only hope is our Restoration Project.
Makes no difference she hates anyway, and continues to want to know when she gets money. Duh, huh?
- - - -
From: "James Gregory Ziegler"
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 05:39:54 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: msg boards
To: "Offshore Informant"
CC: (no CC recipients)
Phyllis sure has a selective memory. She was never at my kitchen table, I did sit with the Millers and two other couples at a restaurant outside table in the hotel where the bank seminar was being held that they attended. She was the one who asked for the calculations. How would I possibly know how much to calculate if not asked? Like average joe has a $60,000 credit line, huh? Oh well, huh!
I did not drag her $80,000 out of her, those arrangements had already been made by her before we even met.
Here now (below), are a few brief updates surrounding where the Restoration Project is today, an international business financial investment fraud and money-laundering operation that since October 1, 2007 - even though more and more victims were being defrauded around the world - saw the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation discontinue investigating or unwilling to prosecute any further:
Financial News Discussion Forum
MLM / Forex / Other
Subject: IC3 Online Complaints: E-Mail For Gold Mine Loan Partners
Posted by: Offshore Informant
Posted on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:59 am
A few internet fraud schemes, but not all, may be identified by these few examples (below):
. . . [ EDITED-OUT FOR BREVITY ] . . .
ANTS & ELEPHANTS [ That's the real name of this fraud ! ]
Past ( 2000-2006 ) and current ( 2007 ) victims in the ongoing internet e-mail solicitation recovery fraud named "Restoration Project" (aka) "Instauration Project" (aka) "Victory Club" (aka) "WrapUp Project" (aka) "Our Project" (aka) "The Project" began as a sophisticated Multi Level Marketing ( MLM ) fraud in Tigard, Oregon but turned into a cluster of independent offshore banks in the Caribbean and South Pacific that took deposits, investments, and restricted securities from 1997 through 2001 in the now-defunct First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. network of international business companies and satellite independent offshore bank system of depositors and investors that has now turned into an internet e-mail gold mine loan fraud scheme operated chiefly out-of The Philippines by James Ziegler and Hawaii by Daniel T. Hashimoto along with their associates in New York & Toronto, Canada ( Ronald Taylor ), Central Queensland, Australia ( Vincent Freeborn ), and others whom need to have their names posted so that 'new victims may be warned about this fraud' and so 'previous victims' - many of-whom are triple victims - can file complaints with the IC3 so that government authorities can get the ball rolling aimed at shutting these frauds down once and for all. In 'this' case, the fraud games have been ongoing for over 10-years and only a few fraudsters have been caught and prosecuted.
. . . [ EDITED-OUT FOR BREVITY ] . . .
- - - -
Financial News Discussion Forum
MLM / Forex / Other
Subject: James Ziegler Philippines Gold Mine Loan Partnership Fraud
Posted by: Offshore Informant
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:38 am
Reported details back in 2006, here . . .
- - - -
Financial, Forex, Stock Discussions
Subject: Gold Mine Investment Advanced Fee Frauds
By: Offshore Informant
Date: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:54 am
. . . [ EDITED-OUT FOR BREVITY ] . . .
"Is XYZ (above), on behalf of PEARL ASIAN MINING INDUSTRIES, still awaiting Philippine Goverment agency approval certification on environmental and other applications they submitted years ago? Probably, as those don't come easy!
Although XYZ uses 'chemicals' in their processing, Philippine law has it that no matter if chemicals, explosives, or water used in small mining enterprises, such ventures 'must' obtain Philippine government agency certifications.
SECOND: The 'new fraud' . . .
If anyone is approached on Philippines gold mining ventures, big or small, they had better make sure the company makes available to investors the proper Philippines government agency certification before accepting one thin dime.
It is understood a small Philippines gold mine investment deal searching for so-called "partners" are circulating solicitations aimed at only 'small individual investors' living in the Hawaiian islands, New York, South Carolina, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Texas, California, Florida, and in areas surrounding Toronto, Ontario, Canada and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Prospective small individual investors should be made aware of current financial business investment frauds underway in the United States and Canada by 200 bird-dogging fraudsters.
Trying to name a list of 200 fraudsters involved in this get-rich-quick scam in this bulletin board service message board forum may not be 'legally prudent', however those wishing to check whom approaches them on such an investment deal, I will check my database list of individuals involved and let you know by e-mail.
Federal authorities have currently indicated a lack of time and resources to begin pursuing these particular U.S. and Canada gold mining frauds from The Philippines so, to-date I appear the only individual amassing, analyzing, and adding incoming information to my database to see swifter prevention of furtherance of these particular investment frauds.
Who knows? Perhaps, law enforcement will see a New Year of 'private sector assistance networking' grow in order to save both investors and taxpayers from losing billions every year from fraud and lengthy complex prosecutions."
. . . [ EDITED-OUT FOR BREVITY ] . . .
- - - -
Offshore Informant
Unfortunately, the scandalous behavior of these U.S. federal agencies does nothing more than send a 'positive' signal to each and every fraudster who wishes to dervive their income from ill-gotten gains around the world and in America.
The Offshore informant
by, The Offshore Informant
January 28, 2008
Within the next 2 to 3-months, sometime between March and April 2008, the American CNBC network television show production series "American Greed" will air its upcoming report on those surrounding the now-defunct First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. bank and its splinter group that branched-off driving its fraudulent Restoration Project.
Born out-of the Financial Action Task Force ( FATF ) crackdown, spurred by the United States on domestic capital flight going offshore into independent offshore banks and international business companies, such network of crooks have now defrauded, what news reports indicate has been more than 6,000 individuals around the world out-of more than one quarter of a billion (USD) dollars ( $250,000,000.00 ) of victims' hard earned monies, savings, life insurance annuities, stocks, bonds, real estate, and other valuable property and services for over 10-years ( 1997 - 2008 ).
Surprisingly, without any government intervention - except for a few individuals - the fraud and money-laundering network continues operation today without any government intervention whatsoever.
The Restoration Project fraud 'current king pins', are:
- James Gregory Ziegler; and,
- Daniel T. Hashimoto.
Their unbelievable advantage over U.S. government federal law enforcement is that while U.S. federal agents and federal prosecutors budgets are too broke and/or too enept to do anything to bring these crooks to justice, these crooks continue to gain fraud and money-laundering momentum with support flowing in daily from friends operating within the category of what may be defined as a global financial crime or economic terrorist network.
On August 22, 2007 the U.S. government released its federal prison sentencing memorandum surrounding four (4) defendants [ Douglas Christie Ferguson, Larry Emmanuel Barnabe, Robery John Skirving, and Rita L. Regale ] whom pled guilty to various federal crimes during U.S. District Court case number CR 01-321-KI in Portland, Oregon.
Within the memorandum, the government briefly described what they could only fathom the "Restoration Project" [ RP ] was after a 5-year investigation.
The government did not even come close to describing the worldwide geographic scope of this fraud and money-laundering operating, and failed to answer these eight ( 8 ) questions:
1. How many 'foreign country citizens lose their hard earned money'?;
2. How many 'repeat victims were defrauded multiple times'?;
3. How many 'victims closest friends and family members became new victims'?;
4. How many 'more fraudsters were involved'?;
5. How many 'more fraudsters drove money fraud mule teams'?;
6. How many 'old and new victims continue being defrauded through 2008'?;
7. How much 'money was defrauded out-of all victims and vendors'?; and,
8. Who has been allowed to continue driving this fraud and money-laundering operation today?
The government memorandum describes the Restoration Project, but only names two (2) defendants, consisting of one ( 1 ) who died on December 10, 2005 and the other one ( 1 ) imprisoned, as follows:
"'The Restoration Project,' a scheme wherein they [ defendants Douglas Christie Ferguson, Larry Emmanuel Barnabe, Robery John Skirving, and Rita L. Regale ] promised FIBG [ First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. ] depositors they could recover their lost investments through a new project that was secret, but was certain to be successful. In order to recover their funds, FIBG investors had to contribute more money towards the "Restoration Project." Investors were also told that their FIBG loss claims would rise to the top of the repayment list if they provided additional funds or 'Staying Alive Money' [ SAM ] for Brink's [ Van Arthur Brink ( formerly known as ) Gilbert Allen Ziegler ] and Ferguson's [ Douglas Christie Ferguson ] living expenses. This entire scheme was premised on the same sort of failed asset acquisition and high-yield investment fraud which had led to the bank's collapse."
When Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( deceased on 10DEC05, but while living in Uganda ), James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler ( while living in Serbia and Montenegro and The Philippines ) began their so-called "Restoration Project" over the internet it was initiated through a Yahoo.Com message group, at:
Whereupon, Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink, Zig Ziegler, Daniel T. Hashimoto ( Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii ), ( Robert J. Langley ( Modesto, California ), Dr. Thomas Earl Miller ( North Platte, Nebraska ), Allan Sanford ( Wurtsboro, New York ), Melissa Skirving ( Portland, Oregon ), plus a significantly much-much longer name list of others in these fraud, money-laundering, and money fraud mule teams furthered what came to be known as the Restoration Project ( RP ) and/or Instauration Project ( IP ) fraud directing those who already lost their monies - at least once before - not only as former First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. ( FIBG ) bank depositors and investors, but also victims of other multiple independent offshore Serbia and Montenegro bank fraud programs, Trust establishment fraud programs, plus yet other frauds enticed by word-of-mouth but mostly by internet broadcast e-mail promises claiming to be working on "projects" that would see having their monies lost returned but only those on the e-mail list(s) would see their lost monies returned, first to only those whom became 'members' of the RP group, which was then peppered with solicitions from Van Brink and Zig Ziegler thousands of subsequent enticing e-mails requesting victims to send more and more monies that would be returned up to 300 fold from their loss-recovery Project(s) where all victims additional lost monies amounted to in-excess of $6,000,000 million (USD) - beginning in 2002 - initially through the following address, at:
- - - -
8041 Greenback Lane
Citrus Heights, California 95610
TEL: (916) 726-3252
Bookkeeping / Business
General Bookkeeping Services
Tax Return Preparation
Individual Tax Returns
- - - -
Now, while Bob Langley (named further above) had been a close personal business partner with James Gregory Ziegler from about 1985 - during the midst of the FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MENS FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL ( FGBMFI ) business financial affinity schemes - that came to a screeching halt in late-2006, and there's another story there too.
The Restoration Project scheme saw victims with over 964 private e-mail addresses receiving these internet broadcast fraud e-mails, including:
- Phyllis Ann Miller ( Citrus Heights, California );
- James Robert Miller ( Citrus Heights, California );
- Lloyd Wilson and Karen Wilson ( Modesto, California ); and,
- Many-many more U.S. people as well as people around the world.
I found it very interesting that Phyllis Ann Miller lived and worked in Citrus Heights, California along with her husband for many-many years, and even though she and her husband made complaints to authorities about Brink, Ziegler, and others having defrauded them out-of over $80,000 (USD) she was part of the first FIBG victims to be placed on the Restoration Project private e-mail list.
Why would a so-called "victim" who lost over $80,000 (USD) want to be involved with fraudsters?
To hear Ziegler tell his side of the story about Miller, he indicated she lied to authorities, was an extremely vindictive person, and money-grubbing woman who would sell her soul to the devil if it meant getting any part of her money returned, however she was placed on the Restoration Project list in hopes of quieting her down and away from making any further complaints to authorities.
The Offshore Informant heard from Phyllis Miller via e-mail, and here are those e-mails:
Ref: N1N-qU6IUA8N5N
Subject: Re: First International Bank of Grenada
Date: 28 Jun 2006 20:05
From: "Offshore Informant"
- James Robert Miller re Pensco with FIBG.jpg (112Kb)
- Lloyd & Karen Wilson re Robert J Langley in Modesto CA.jpg (166Kb)
Hello Mrs. Miller,
Contacting the FBI is a great idea as I suggested to you earlier, however figuring out 'which field office knows more' about the 'second case' regarding the Restoration Project SAM funds is what I had hoped you would narrow down my search of since you lodged your complaint from a FBI field office in Northern California it would then only make sense 'they' would have more information than the Portland field office, which was my original purpose for having contacted you so I could determine this.
Having been in Who's-Who I can understand your concerns for any e-mail you receive from someone you did not first e-mail, however in this case we both know that is 'not' the case, and yet you express concerns to me over "trust" when it was you who e-mailed me many times over the course of the past 2-years hoping to get my ear for whatever you had to say so, to allay your "trust" fears, I've included information you may know about.
While you're in-touch with your local FBI agent be sure to have them e-mail me so I can discuss this further.
In addition to the two (2) attachments (here), you may wish to scroll-down further (below) to review more for your local agent, from which material I hold a plethora of.
Keep in-touch if you wish, and thank you for your e-mail.
Phyllis, I believe you were brought into the Restoration Project after showing proof of your previous relationship with FIBG LTD. bank (where your funds went) from the appearance of your e-mail (below) sent to Robert J. Langley on June 28, 2003.
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "rjlangley"
Subject: Re: The Procedure!
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 14:50:16 -0700
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
250 Montgomery Street - Third Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104-3430
Telephone: 415.274.5600
JAMES ROBERT MILLER (Rollover) Account #MI 140
7133 Woodmore Oaks Drive
Citrus Heights, California 95610
Telephone 916.726.2055
Account opened 11/12/1999
Initial Investment $80,400.00
The Term of the Certificate of Deposit was 5 years commencing November 29, 1999 and maturing on November 28, 2004. Interest on the Principal Balance bearing at the simple rate of six and twenty-nine-one-hundredths (6.29%) percent per month. Interest Earnings computed monthly.
02/04/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
02/15/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
03/20/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
04/06/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
06/13/2000 PENSCO RECEIVED $5059.65
-------- Original Message --------
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore informant"
Subject: Re: First International Bank of Grenada
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:02:43 -0700
> Thank you for your email. Because I have been taken advantage of in a
> terrible way, I must tell you that I now have "NO" trust system within me
> for anyone, so before you and I continue in any communication form, I shall
> contact my source at the FBI and then follow their leading with how I should
> proceed.
> If in fact your email is true then please know that I am truly grateful for
> your interest in Jim and I. But, until I can know this for sure you must
> please be patient with me.
> I believe I stated that I have in my possession a paper in which James
> Ziegler wrote in his own handwriting urging me to put yet another $60,000.00
> on a credit card, which I did not do. I do have the copy of the CD that you
> sent. I have copies of all email sent to me by the James and Bob.
> At any rate...thank you and I shall contact you later via email before
> setting up a phone call, if a phone call is what the FBI will agree to.
> Phyllis Miller
> ----- Original Message -----
Ref: N1N-S_9SU5u-8w
Subject: Re: FIBG LTD bank CD
Date: 28 Jun 2006 12:25
From: "Offshore Informant"
To: "Phyllis Miller"
- Miller FIBG CD Pg 1.jpg (213Kb)
- Miller FIBG CD Pg 2.jpg (145Kb)
Mrs. Miller,
You'll probably recognize the document copies as the Certificates of Deposit ( CDs ) received from FIBG LTD. bank. See, e.g. Attachments (2).
Although I have much clearer copies, I shrank these down to send them from this small capacity e-mail account.
Just wanted to let you know I'm aware of that and the SAM contribution made for you too, is all, which you already knew about but that was only, what $100, sent on your behalf?
No wonder why the FBI cut her off ( see quote from her below ), possibly embarrassing for CNBC to air her after they already taped her already for American Greed, especially when her "friend" was a long-long time partner James Gregory Ziegler who started HARBOR BANK in Grenada, a bank Ziegler never licensed in Grenada but kept on the books of FIBG that was inside Zig's office at suite number 5 upstairs in a small strip mall in Grand Anse, Grenada. This 'is' the location where all the 'truly confidential business and money transaction files of FIBG, FIB, IDIC, and their network of IBCs were kept', which I do not believe that either PriceWaterhouseCoopers or the FBI ever got ahold of, unlike the other files they 'did'.
Phyllis Ann Miller, Sacramento Bee Newspaper, QUOTE:
"The couple . . . turned for advice to a friend they had known for 12-years. They trusted him when he said he and another friend had started HARBOR BANK, a subsidiary of the First International Bank of Grenada."
NOTE: Miller may be drinking alcohol beverages, or doing something else, when she sends e-mails (see below ):
-------- Original Message --------
From: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: FIBG Money Loss Solutions
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 22:56:16 +0100
Dear Mrs. Miller,
Thank you for your e-mail enquiries and attachments.
Your attached page two (2) 'reverse side' of the FIBG LTD. bank CD appears to have a 'protection clause' that in the event the government steps in, which it did, the holder of the CD agrees to hold harmless the bank. That may appear at-first-glance to provide you with perhaps no civil redress unless something else can be proven by a competent attorney in the proper jurisdiction offering some other proof in your case, in whatever approach necessary to accomplish your goals, however I am not a lawyer and in no position to advise you as to what may or may not be and only provide my opinions to you here.
Your e-mails make specific reference 'twice' for your wish to know more about the status of Mr. Zeigler, which I believe the U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation is handling. I cannot reveal specifics about this matter to you, because I do not have access to 'their' files (only my own) so, how might I be able to assist you in any way beyond the government?
I am not in the business of providing free information details from my private research files nor can I think of a soul in the world who does, except perhaps that of Amnesty International who on occasion does if there is a true need where human life is involved, which I do not see in this particular case.
In America, U.S. citizens call on their government to assist them, however in many cases the government is limited through legislation as to just what all it can assist 'victims' with, but there are special 'victim relief' funds available in almost every major city in America, which can sometimes be accessed through local police agencies. Have you tried any of them to see if they will help you?
It is my understanding - I may be wrong - that perhaps you saw filed a complaint with the FBI regarding either the bank or some individual(s), so I would certainly hope that the good agents of the U.S. government pointed you to a good 'victim relief' organization nearest you in order to assist you. "If not, why not?" is my question so, how might I be able to assist you today?
You mentioned table scratch paper having been written upon by Mr. Ziegler, I'm wondering since the FBI seems to have taken a "ho hum" attitude with helping you recovery your financial losses if perhaps they needed a signature to go along with that scratch paper in order to have more teeth in their case so they could arrest Mr. Ziegler, or perhaps there already is enough evidence, but they're just too busy chasing terrorists and cannot focus on doing much more with regard to victims of financial crimes, which you hold yourself out to be from the evidence presented to the FBI regarding a now defunct bank, which was closed by the government.
It would appear from your attachments that you saw money placed into a CD bearing 6.29% monthly.
The bank auditors claim to have spent, but never provided the victims with an accounting as to how their fees amounted to the tune of over $900,000 (USD), which they clearly claim to have 'taken' from part of your money invested in that bank with whatever assets the auditors could auction off, sell, or trade away that the bank had. Hmmm? Where is the justice in that, Mrs. Miller, since you saw not a dime of your own money once the auditors got their hands on 'your money'?
Are you aware it did 'not' cost $900,000 (USD) to locate the bank assets? Where then, you might wonder or ask, did all that money go when the auditors 'took what monies belonged to the depositors'? Did the auditors big company lawyers fly as "coach" passengers all over the globe to locate the bank assets, i.e. the depositor's money? Did they stay at the "Motel 6", perhaps? Where is 'that' accounting, Mrs. Miller?
According to my figures, and I'm no accountant but, I'm wondering if you're further aware that the auditors sold over $2-million dollars worth of PRESTO TELECOMMUNICATIONS (San Diego, CA) stock, held by that bank taken over by the auditors, to a "private investor"? Who was that "private investor" that bought that stock and what happened to 'that' money?
I'm no accountant, Mrs. Miller but I can add $3-million right there, and then not even including all the other assets of the bank they sold and auctioned off and also gave away to their friends, please divide that by the number of depositors at the bank and tell me what you come up with, which if split equally amongst depositors, just how much money 'you' would have gotten back?
Did the auditors every publicly release just 'how many depositors' there were? Hmm? And, 'they' are accountants?
There are a lot of tough questions to be asked, Mrs. Miller, and I would suggest that a good private investigator who's familiar with international financial business matters might be one of many types of professionals who could extract those answers from the bowels of who's ever hiding them, which you and other depositors so desperately need. And, from your questions put to me, I can tell that the FBI isn't helping any of the depositors in that regard. Ever ask, "Why not?"?
With all the public assistance and investigative bodies accessible to Americans to seek compensation for their losses, surely there must be at least one (1) such organization that can do at least 'something' for you.
This is one of many American tragedies facing U.S. citizens every day. What happens, if something goes wrong? What if I get ripped off? Who will help me? Unfortunately, I do not have the answers, Mrs. Miller, which the government does and it would seem that they aren't sharing information too much either so, where does that leave you?
Where does that leave Mr. Owen Platt? Making money based on contacting victims for information? Has he bothered to establish with a 'recovery firm' the money he might make on book and C-D sales any money to help the victims? I didn't read anything about this so, why would I want to assist him with information so he can fill his pockets instead of those belonging to the 'victims'? I'm sorry, Mrs. Miller, but Mr. Platt's demonstrations over the years reminds me of an ambulance chasing attorney.
While I may seem a bit harsh, perhaps, I see just how things work 'against' victims and wonder why all those 'crusader rabbits' aren't out doing more to volunteer their time and money to help, since they obviously have much more than most of the victims have today. I know those who promote and herald the 'victims' as "victims", have far more money than I with which to do so.
I am a very poor person ma'am. I study information and do research as a hobby. So, when I am involved in researching much more than one (1) bank collapse, as I've seen so many do before, what incentive do you see for me to feed information freely to anyone who will profit from the fruits of my labor?
You place great faith in your government to help you retrieve your money you worked so hard for.
Mr. Platt is definitely 'not in the information power curve' as to what's going on with regard to the defunct bank 'before', nor is he in it today, nor will he be in it in the future, but the government is. The only problem is, 'they' aren't going to tell depositors everything. Just a piece of information here and there is all, which for someone may digest easily. I take it that you aren't just "someone" who's gonna lay done and be told your money just simply vanished, correct?
Please know, that in a tragic fire, I lost my wife, her two sons, my home and everything worked for over a 34-year period. I lost an entire lifetime of work and financial holdings, which placed me into a position of being a lot poorer than any of the victims who deposited money in that Grenada bank. There was no help for me.
And, after feeling real sorry about the tragedy, I picked myself up by the bootstraps and channeled my work energy into something positive that would begin to put a little food on my table, and I dare say that there is no comparison of tragedies. As you well know, one can't replace the loss of human lives as easy as one might replace financial losses later on down the road.
What I'm about to say may upset you, Mrs. Miller, but it is my sincere wish to see all 'victims' recover from their losses without smiling barbaricly at those wrongfully sent to the gallows and hung when the public isn't even aware as to 'whom and what was responsible' for their losses, and until that day arrives I'm not holding onto such a rope.
Now what has long been reported, placed in a "book", easy to comprehend and believed by many as a cheap thrill ride is 'not' the same as what has 'not' been reported, unable to be read, difficult to comprehend, nearly impossible to believe, and far more expensive than what the public knows the entire U.S. Department of Justice spent to investigate, arrest, and prosecute who they 'easily' have to-date.
Based on what I do know, Mrs. Miller, what the public may see today will not be seen in the future as 'justice', but raw 'economics'. Remember, people have enjoyed brief periods of entertainment since the days of the colliseum in Rome, which never saw a patient crowd.
Thank you for your e-mails and attachments.
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 22:56:05 -0800
Do you have any current information on James (ZIG) Ziegler?
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 14:06:58 -0800
I have attached a picture of myself. Is your identity a secret or may I see a picture of you, as well. I had mentioned that I thought your real name might be Owen Platt. :>)
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 13:59:36 -0800
Perhaps we can forget all former email and make a fresh start. I am Phyllis Miller. My husband Jim and I were scammed by Gilbert and James Ziegler of our entire retirement. This is a copy of the article written in a concise version of our story:
- - - -
Investment Is Too Good To be True
by, Elizabeth Hume - Sacramento Bee Staff Writer
A Citrus Heights Couple Lose Retirement Money To An Offshore Bank Scam.
June 9, 2004 [ Published 2:15 am PDT Wednesday ]
The investment couldn't miss. Put $80,000 in an offshore bank and watch the money grow.
At first, it seemed as if Jim and Phyllis Miller were smart to follow a friend's financial advice. Five months after making the plunge, the Citrus Heights couple received an interest check for $5,000, far more than their old IRA would have returned.
Then the checks stopped. The retirement money disappeared. The Millers, authorities say, were victims of a multimillion-dollar scam.
A federal grand jury in Portland, Ore., indicted five people in January for allegedly defrauding 4,000 U.S. and Canadian citizens out of more than $200 million by persuading them to invest in banks, said Beth Anne Steele, spokeswoman for the Portland FBI office.
The two ( 2 ) lead players were arrested May 28 in Kampala, Uganda, authorities said.
"It's a huge case, which is why we went to all the trouble to track them down in Uganda," Steele said.
The indictment alleges the defendants set up banks including the Fidelity International Bank and the First International Bank of Grenada. Investors were promised 3 percent to 300 percent returns on their investments.
Rita L. Regale, 51, of Florida; Robert J. Skirving, 56, of Nevada; and Laurent E. Barnabe, 65, of Nevada, were arrested in January.
Gilbert A. Ziegler, 53, and Douglas Ferguson, 71, were arrested May 28 at a residential compound in Kampala. They have been returned to the United States.
Although the Millers are pleased to see the defendants behind bars, Phyllis Miller believes the scam hasn't stopped. The Miller family still gets e-mails from Ziegler associates claiming they want to take care of all the people who lost their money.
"People need to believe they are not going to get their money back," she said. "For one minute I believed it, and then I realized they were still scamming."
Steele said the FBI investigation is ongoing.
The Millers' plunge into the world of international bank fraud began in 1999, when Jim Miller retired after 20-years at Raley's.
The couple wanted to re-invest their IRA and turned for advice to a friend they had known for 12-years. They trusted him when he said he and another friend had started HARBOR BANK, a subsidiary of the First International Bank of Grenada.
They even took a trip to Grenada, where they met Ziegler and Ferguson.
An empty building was pointed out as the future site for their bank.
"We wondered if we had made a mistake, but we had already sent our money in before we left," she said.
Their minds were eased when their first check for $5,039 - minus $1,000 in taxes - arrived. The extra money couldn't have come at a better time. Phyllis Miller's mother was receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. Her father had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Her brother was disabled with a neck injury.
She also decided she could afford to retire from her work as a real estate agent and spend more time with her family.
The last check came the day before her mother died in June 2000.
"We started freaking out and calling the bank in Grenada," Phyllis Miller said. "They said it was just some hang-up. Then I saw a warning on the Internet about an offshore investment alert. I knew we were scammed when our friend wouldn't return our calls."
Phyllis Miller, 55, returned to work in February. Jim Miller, 68, cannot go back to work due to high blood pressure.
Now they are learning about the items their money allegedly helped purchase. There is a palace in Uganda and expensive homes in Oregon, Nevada and Grenada. There is an organic vegetable farm in Oregon, plus luxury cars, jewelry, gambling junkets, private jet rentals and travel.
Elizabeth Hume
TEL: (916) 321-1203
- - - -
We did NOT try to defraud our government as we believe in paying taxes and had the taxes held out through Pensco in San Francisco on the 5 checks we did receive initially.
Attached is a copy of the CD that I am still owed through Nov. 28, 2004 is $278,143.80
I want every penny owed me.
My question to you is who are you?
Owen Platt has enough information supplied by me that he is doing a squeal to his first book.
I would appreciate any information you might forward to me.
I have a two foot tall stack of documents regarding the scam. I offered them to the FBI last summer and was told I could send them if I wanted but that they already had over 700,000.
-- Original Message --
From: "Offshore Informant"
To: "Phyllis Miller"
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Dear Mrs. Miller,
I'm having difficulty trying to understand your e-mail (below) when you make reference to Offshore Informant and David Marchant as there is no such affiliation between the two (2) parties, nor is there any affiliation between Offshore Informant and Owen Platt. Hence, I am a bit confused as to what you may be referencing in your e-mail below.
Other than the fact I sometimes place posts at the KYC News message board and other bulletin board services (BBS), I am not affiliated with those BBS hosts in any way.
Might you still have a copy of the e-mail reply I sent you, in response to that of your first (1st) e-mail correspondence directed to me? If so, please be so kind as to copy it into your next e-mail directed to me so, I can understand better what it is you may wish to discusss further.
I recall your mentioning something about a table napkin jotting and your wish to know if one person had been arrested, and that you had copied and pasted one of the posts I placed at the KYC News message board into your first (1st) e-mail to me.
Thank you for your e-mail, Mrs. Miller, and I trust all continues to be well with you.
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2005 09:13:06 -0800
I am a bit confused. I did not know OFFSHORE INFORMANT as David Marchant....duh....I thought it might have been Owen Platt since the writing was so remarkably correct in grammar and structure.... I still have not heard from Owen whom I was receiving email from most every day until mid December....
-- Original Message --
From: "Offshore Informant"
To: "Phyllis Miller"
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 2:19 AM
Subject: RE: Your Mention On FIBG Grenada
Hello Mrs. Miller,
Unfortunately, I am unable to locate the e-mail reply I sent you concerning your previous e-mail so, I'm unable to understand clearly your reference to your question mark after the name "Owen" (below).
I may have referenced Owen in my previous reply to you, which unfortunately I am unable to locate as stated above. Please forgive my oversight for this, which is pretty unusual for me to see have happen to my correspondence.
If you would kindly send me a copy of my previous e-mail, I would be more than pleased to reply to yours below.
Thank you, Mrs. Miller.
Cordially with respect,
Offshore Informant
-- Original Message --
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2005 23:52:45 -0800
-- Original Message --
- - - -
NOTE: Apparently my post to the KYC messageboard got Miller communicating with me ( see immediately below):
From: "Phyllis Miller"
To: "Offshore informant"
Sent: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 22:31:20 -0800
Received: from ( by (Bluewin AG 7.0.035) id 41C964A500B086DD for
Received: from ( by (Bluewin AG 7.0.035) id 41BEBAA000672A70 for
Received: from PHYLLIS ([]) by (rwcrmhc13) with SMTP id ; Mon, 3 Jan 2005 06:31:28 +0000
From: "Phyllis Miller"
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 22:31:20 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1437
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1441
Thank you for posting the following as I am Phyllis Miller whom the FBI acted upon my tip. Could you please give me more information that you have regarding The U.S. Federal Grand Jury that was scheduled to be seated in Portland, Oregon on September 21, 2004. I knew nothing of this and would have loved to have been there. Please tell me anything you know or whom I could contact for this information! Thank you so much for posting it!!! Does this mean that James Gregory ("Zig") Ziegler, brother of Gilbert A. Ziegler is in cusotdy, too? I hope so! Not only did he take our $80,400.00 retirement money, which took my husband over 40 years to earn but he also (sitting at Zig's kitchen table in Grenada) tried to heavily influence us into putting another $60,000.00 on our credit card! (I still have the scratch paper with his handwriting on showing us how much monety we could make).Thank God we didn't do that! Through all of this we have lived meagerly for the past five years on a social security income, but did not have to file bankruptcy and retained our sterling credit rating. Does anyone foresee us getting any of our money back, please?
KYC NEWS messageboard post . . .
Subject: FIBG Grenada Bank Defendants: Ongoing Criminal Enterprise
By: And Now For The Forecast . . .
Date: 9/8/2004 6:57:10 PM
It has come to my attention that a parallel investigation - begun in January 2003 by the F.B.I. - sprang from an earlier 1998 investigation of theirs surrounding associates of a network of independent offshore banks operating from the island of Grenada - may be an "ongoing criminal enterprise" linked to an indictment handed down by a U.S. Federal Grand Jury on October 27, 2003 naming Van A. Brink (aka) Gilbert A. Ziegler, Douglas C. Ferguson, Robert J. Skirving, Laurent E. Barnabe, Rita L. Regale (aka) Rita L. Brunges, Jack Stacey, and Gerald Burton where the latter two (2) have yet to be captured (as of thie date of this post).
Being sought by the Office of the U.S. Attorney in Portland, Oregon are 'new federal criminal charges' akin to that of the U.S. Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act in operating what may be believed to be an "ongoing criminal enterprise" and as recently as August 2004 from 'inside' one of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons by one (1) of the aforementioned defendants, a federal inmate named Van A. Brink (aka) Gilbert A. Ziegler, who is being alleged to have conspired with others 'outside' of the Federal Prison System.
The U.S. Federal Grand Jury scheduled to be seated in Portland, Oregon on September 21, 2004 has named about 45 individuals, which include the following:
- Van Arthur Brink (aka) Gilbert A. Ziegler
- Annet Asiimwe Brink, Ugandan wife of the aformentioned
- James Gregory ("Zig") Ziegler, brother of Gilbert A. Ziegler
- Douglas C. Ferguson
- Evelyn McLellan, wife of the aformentioned
- Robert J. Skirving
- Melissa ("Missi") Skirving, wife of the aforementioned
- Jack Stacey
- Gerald Burton
The FBI acting on a complaint levied by a California couple (The Millers) reported (see, e.g. The Sacramento Bee online California-based newspaper) in July 2004 that they had become involved earlier with the bank, but had later joined a private internet-based e-mail solicitation program, estimated to contain a membership of over 400 people, donating monies toward what has been believed to be a purpose designed to gift funds to those who had lost funds in the bank(s) from 1999 thru 2000.
The online e-mail solicitation program was revealed in a message post found on the financial business internet Bulletin Board Service (BBS) named, The Diligizer Board. [
Message poster Owen Platt, author of one book (i.e. "FIB") surrounding the bank(s) saw it promoted and sold online by one civil lawsuit plaintiff named, Robert Mark Guili, whose attorney obtained a Grenada court order freezing assets of FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LIMITED.
- OI
NOTE: After Phyllis Miller first contacted me, Ziegler was asked about what (if any) contact he may have had with her, and here were his typewritten e-mail replies (below):
From: "James Gregory Ziegler"
To: "Offshore Informant"
Subject: Re: Update
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 07:53:45 -0500
Phyllis Miller was contacting the California AG, FBI, newpapers, anybody she thought might listen in 2000 and 2001. She did not start any new Grand Jurys.
As you know the first Grand Jury was sarted in '97, or maybe early '98 as a result of Skirving's boys operating an office in Tigard, Oregon promoting the little trust system. That investigation was turned over to the federalies who have conducted non-stop GJs since, and evidently continue to do so. Interesting it came out in Iris' update today that they may have some warrants still sealed, plus they may break-off into separate cases some of the issues the GJs are messing with. That increases my jeopardy considerably.
- - - -
From: "James Gregory Ziegler"
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 07:48:27 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: The phyllis
To: "Offshore Informant"
CC: (no CC recipients)
Phyllis has a real bug about me personally. I have written her in the past that the newspaper, FBI, etc. have zero interest in sending her any money, her only hope is our Restoration Project.
Makes no difference she hates anyway, and continues to want to know when she gets money. Duh, huh?
- - - -
From: "James Gregory Ziegler"
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 05:39:54 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: msg boards
To: "Offshore Informant"
CC: (no CC recipients)
Phyllis sure has a selective memory. She was never at my kitchen table, I did sit with the Millers and two other couples at a restaurant outside table in the hotel where the bank seminar was being held that they attended. She was the one who asked for the calculations. How would I possibly know how much to calculate if not asked? Like average joe has a $60,000 credit line, huh? Oh well, huh!
I did not drag her $80,000 out of her, those arrangements had already been made by her before we even met.
Here now (below), are a few brief updates surrounding where the Restoration Project is today, an international business financial investment fraud and money-laundering operation that since October 1, 2007 - even though more and more victims were being defrauded around the world - saw the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation discontinue investigating or unwilling to prosecute any further:
Financial News Discussion Forum
MLM / Forex / Other
Subject: IC3 Online Complaints: E-Mail For Gold Mine Loan Partners
Posted by: Offshore Informant
Posted on: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:59 am
A few internet fraud schemes, but not all, may be identified by these few examples (below):
. . . [ EDITED-OUT FOR BREVITY ] . . .
ANTS & ELEPHANTS [ That's the real name of this fraud ! ]
Past ( 2000-2006 ) and current ( 2007 ) victims in the ongoing internet e-mail solicitation recovery fraud named "Restoration Project" (aka) "Instauration Project" (aka) "Victory Club" (aka) "WrapUp Project" (aka) "Our Project" (aka) "The Project" began as a sophisticated Multi Level Marketing ( MLM ) fraud in Tigard, Oregon but turned into a cluster of independent offshore banks in the Caribbean and South Pacific that took deposits, investments, and restricted securities from 1997 through 2001 in the now-defunct First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. network of international business companies and satellite independent offshore bank system of depositors and investors that has now turned into an internet e-mail gold mine loan fraud scheme operated chiefly out-of The Philippines by James Ziegler and Hawaii by Daniel T. Hashimoto along with their associates in New York & Toronto, Canada ( Ronald Taylor ), Central Queensland, Australia ( Vincent Freeborn ), and others whom need to have their names posted so that 'new victims may be warned about this fraud' and so 'previous victims' - many of-whom are triple victims - can file complaints with the IC3 so that government authorities can get the ball rolling aimed at shutting these frauds down once and for all. In 'this' case, the fraud games have been ongoing for over 10-years and only a few fraudsters have been caught and prosecuted.
. . . [ EDITED-OUT FOR BREVITY ] . . .
- - - -
Financial News Discussion Forum
MLM / Forex / Other
Subject: James Ziegler Philippines Gold Mine Loan Partnership Fraud
Posted by: Offshore Informant
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:38 am
Reported details back in 2006, here . . .
- - - -
Financial, Forex, Stock Discussions
Subject: Gold Mine Investment Advanced Fee Frauds
By: Offshore Informant
Date: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:54 am
. . . [ EDITED-OUT FOR BREVITY ] . . .
"Is XYZ (above), on behalf of PEARL ASIAN MINING INDUSTRIES, still awaiting Philippine Goverment agency approval certification on environmental and other applications they submitted years ago? Probably, as those don't come easy!
Although XYZ uses 'chemicals' in their processing, Philippine law has it that no matter if chemicals, explosives, or water used in small mining enterprises, such ventures 'must' obtain Philippine government agency certifications.
SECOND: The 'new fraud' . . .
If anyone is approached on Philippines gold mining ventures, big or small, they had better make sure the company makes available to investors the proper Philippines government agency certification before accepting one thin dime.
It is understood a small Philippines gold mine investment deal searching for so-called "partners" are circulating solicitations aimed at only 'small individual investors' living in the Hawaiian islands, New York, South Carolina, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Texas, California, Florida, and in areas surrounding Toronto, Ontario, Canada and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Prospective small individual investors should be made aware of current financial business investment frauds underway in the United States and Canada by 200 bird-dogging fraudsters.
Trying to name a list of 200 fraudsters involved in this get-rich-quick scam in this bulletin board service message board forum may not be 'legally prudent', however those wishing to check whom approaches them on such an investment deal, I will check my database list of individuals involved and let you know by e-mail.
Federal authorities have currently indicated a lack of time and resources to begin pursuing these particular U.S. and Canada gold mining frauds from The Philippines so, to-date I appear the only individual amassing, analyzing, and adding incoming information to my database to see swifter prevention of furtherance of these particular investment frauds.
Who knows? Perhaps, law enforcement will see a New Year of 'private sector assistance networking' grow in order to save both investors and taxpayers from losing billions every year from fraud and lengthy complex prosecutions."
. . . [ EDITED-OUT FOR BREVITY ] . . .
- - - -
Offshore Informant
Unfortunately, the scandalous behavior of these U.S. federal agencies does nothing more than send a 'positive' signal to each and every fraudster who wishes to dervive their income from ill-gotten gains around the world and in America.
The Offshore informant
Offshore Informant
Hide the following comment
Update: Restoration Project Fraud
09.02.2008 22:47
Van Arthur Brink - James Gregory Ziegler - Daniel T. Hashimoto
Restoration Project Fraud
by, Offshore Informant [E-MAIL:
Victims Defrauded Multiple Times
February 7, 2008 02:49
This is a brief case study of extraordinary events surrounding a group of approximately 6,000 victims whom between 1998-2000 lost business financial investment monies estimated by 2000 news reports to be in-excess of $250,000,000.00 (USD) lost from the collapse of the now-defunct independent offshore bank FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. network of companies that saw fraudsters in 2000 continue creating new more sophisticated frauds, multiple new fraud entities, several multiple networks of new money fraud mule teams, and devise a host of various and sundry new money-laundering methods targeting 'new victims of fraud' while continuing to prey on 'former fraud victims' whom surprisingly lost an additional $6,000,000.00 (USD) million between 2002-2005 to an extremely versatile large-scale business financial investment crime network that began in 1997, which still continues today - over a decade later - without any law enforcement intervention whatsoever.
While viewing the voluminous number of entities and individuals found in criminal activities of this basic study, it may be important for some to note, less than 1% were mentioned out-of over 6,000,000 pages of image documents named hundreds more after 7-years of intense research, field operations, and analysis.
This particular white-collar crime network successfully added fraud and money-laundering momentum by creating 'multiple new fraud entity names' and adapting old fraud storyline schemes into new ones that would capture even more victims.
'Old fraud cliché storylines' mentioning 'offshore banks' or 'high yield investment programs' ( HYIP ), that saw 1997 fraud news alerts warn the public away-from 'get rich quick schemes', was no more. This time, the younger generation are being sharpened-up by old fraudsters whom are producing a new generation of fraudsters with believable 'new fraud storylines' that take-in more revenue from 'former fraud victims' as well as unsuspecting 'new victims'.
Already-wary former investor-victims, in fleeting attempts to recover their financial losses, primarily seek one ( 1 ) of three ( 3 ) remedies left available to them. Unfortunately, most are seen as 'costly', 'time consuming', and 'rarely net returns of more than $.10-cents on each dollar lost'.
1. Restoration Projects, private reorganization where investor-victims banded together using the 'more-than-one-head is better' philosophy to bring-about their own 'other solutions';
2. Loss-Recoveries, civil court remedies where investor-victims either individually or in class-actions hired attorneys to try and obtain court order judgment debtor and writ of attachment 'legal solutions'; and,
3. Official Complaints, criminal court remedies where investor-victims lodged loss experiences with authorities and testified on 'criminal prosecutions'.
Most all investor-victims opted for Restoration Projects because the amount of recovery from loss-recovery 'civil cases' ran into 'failed business bankruptcy filings' where $.10-cents on $1.00 might result', while 'official complaints' in 'criminal cases' were 'rarely processed by law enforcement investigators' or 'rarely filed by prosecutors' seeing 'little to no restitution' result from 'criminal prosecutions'.
Nevertheless, as a direct and proximate cause of 'failed recovery attempts', for one reason or another, 'too little monies' were ever recovered and if something was recovered it may have resulted in being damaged to the point of it being 'too little too late', but in most all cases where victims were seen netting nothing or nearly nothing, other victims opted for 'group recovery' or 'group restoration projects'.
Restoration project investor-victims typically never saw their 'original fraud culprits' hiding in the shadows, 'mentoring a select few victim-investors' who were then propped-up by crooks paying commissions to their newly cultivated "Money Fraud Mule Team Leaders" who convinced by direct communications with many other victim-investors whom were solicited to 'financially support' a "Restoration Project" that had "multiple new firms" - actually acting as strategic tactical business financial fraud and money-laundering vehicles - working-on "Multiple Projects" that all other investor-victims received forward-looking statements - they took as promises - that would supposedly and eventually see them "financially restored" from earlier lost investment monies.
These 'new fraud entities and individuals' were typically directed in the background by old fraudsters and money-launderers who know how to run these types of criminal enterprises backwards and forwards with their eyes closed.
Surreptitious sophisticated fraud and money-laundering activity ensued when these fraudsters obtained 'additional financial support' for fraud the 'second' time, 'third' time, and even 'fourth' time around on the same previous investor-victims whom were additionally solicited to get their family relatives and close friends involved in the Restoration Project where its "Money Fraud Mule Team Leaders" claiming '300% more would be returned on each dollar sent to financially support it', which served to enhance the fraud scheme several fold.
That scheme was enhanced even further when it solicited 'multiple groups of investor-victims' from many-many other failed business financial fraud schemes, which produced an even greater number of never-ending hopeful investor-victims whom were convinced they would receive up to 300% on their losses too.
While 'basic fraud names' and 'basic fraud scheme formats' became public, it too was 'too little too late'.
One major problem was background details surrounding old frauds, fraudsters, and money-launderers being kept-away from public view so as not to alert the fraudsters, however that law enforcement excuse did 'not' last long because law enforcement 'failed to investigate' because of two ( 2 ) 'economic reasons':
- Post-9/11 law enforcement agent pursuit-fixation on proactive support against "terrorism" caused 'increasing white-collar business financial investment crimes to go unenforced' due to legislative budgetary shifts in law enforcement assistance ( LEA ) new focus on 'violent crime activity'; and,
- Post-PATRIOT ACT crime and 'violent crime' arrests caused court caseloads to consequently increase, leaving prosecutors 'unable to prosecute increasing white-collar business financial investment crime cases.
While 'basics of some fraud schemes' briefly alerted the public, had there been 'key critical information elements' released to the public painted an even better picture as to the intricacies involving more information about what was going on in the background of those fraud schemes to be more informed about and wary of.
In short, had 'individual investors', the 'public-at-large', and 'reputable due diligence professionals' been afforded a 'better full-coverage information protection resource' for "new frauds" before they got started, leveling the investment fraud playing-field 'against new fraudsters and money-launderers on the rise' could have been at least one proactive step taken in-lieu of law enforcement investigators and prosecutors dropping the business financial investment fraud and money-laundering ball with the public.
Unfortunately, without the government providing increased public protection via noticeable platforming timely detailed information releases surrounding white-collar crimes earlier, 'offshore capital flight continued' while government PATRIOT ACT restrictions only 'slowed' but did 'not curtail' that problem.
In-lieu of governments primary focus on terrorism, having abandoned much of its enforcement against 'increasing white-collar business financial investment crime', failure to enhance public awareness detailing these growing 'new economic threats' against people and business around the world after losing over two trillion ( $2,000,000,000,000.00 ) dollars, curiously less money is seen in budgets for enforcing these types of financial crime.
How much of investor-victims' $2,000,000,000,000.00 trillion dollar monetary losses, claimed by government to have been lost through independent offshore bank frauds and money laundering, saw fraudsters walk-away free or as fugitives never paying any money back? How many fraudsters got caught and repaid any money at all? Better yet, where did $2,000,000,000,000 trillion dollars of lost investment dollars disappear?
While fraudsters no-doubt converted some of their ill-gotten gains into precious metals bullion like gold, platinum, etc. the remaining monies were certainly 'not hoarded by financiers of al-Qaeda terrorists'.
Governments appear shy to provide information on whether they bothered to log what they seized against what was lost. When asked for a public accounting, government refuses by clamping a tight lid over the topic "in the interests of national security." What about 'economic threats' to 'national security'?
Does the public have a 'need to know' where their hard earned investment money or life savings went?
Has there ever been a study on the numbers of fraudsters who ran away with those golden spoonfuls, and does it even come close to even one trillion ( $1,000,000,000,000.00 ) dollars of what people lost? Are there that many lavishly wealthy fugitive fraudsters living in Monaco on the French Riviera and elsewhere around the world? If so, why haven't tax paid government agency officials bothered to do a cost analysis, report to the public why they cannot go after all that wealth that went missing, which was never recovered, or task a small group of new agents to go after the $2,000,000,000.00 trillion?
Government is extremely familiar with just how easy business financial investment dirty tricks of fraudsters and counterfeiters become 'economic threats to national security', and just how quickly they fester a negative impact throughout existing qualities of life for any populace.
During the late-1960s and early-1970s, it later became no secret with history proving that during the Viet Nam War one ( 1 ) of many U.S. government secret strategies served-up a 'negative economic impact' on the government of North Viet Nam, when the United States saw printed and air-dropped huge quantities of counterfeit Viet Nam currency ( dongs ) all over Viet Nam. The U.S. went on to mint Susan B. Anthony $1.00 dollar coins ( a little larger than a U.S. $.25 cent quarter ) distributed to combat counterfeit U.S. currency in war zones.
During the late-1980s and into the early-1990s, it later became no secret with history that during the communist regime of the Soviet Union government 'offshore capital flight' was attributable to sophisticated fraud and money-laundering well-known to the U.S. government, which has from time-to-time secretly applied some of those same destructive principles against enemy nations.
During the early 1990s, a suspected non-official cover ( NOC ) government foreign agent named Robert Earl Palm ( Metchosin, British Columbia, Canada ) went to Moscow, Russia during the Cold War era and was somehow supplied with 'counterfeit official Soviet Union government letterheads' and a 'counterfeit signature' belonging to a Deputy Minister that used along with fraud and money-laundering tactics of Robert Palm and his support agents that stole about $40,000,000.00 (USD) during a 'foreign currency exchange fraud' targeting an official Soviet Union contractor HOD IMPEX S.Z. O.O. ( Finland ), a Non-Governmental Organization ( NGO ) handling food produce procurement sent to Afghanistan to feed Soviet military troops fighting to defeat Usama Bin Laden and his warriors who - at that time - were supplied weapons, armaments, explosives, and more that was supported by U.S. Foreign Policy objectives favoring "Afghan Freedom Fighters."
In August 1991, when Robert Palm had completed the fraud and money-laundering operation in Moscow, he escaped Moscow Police after he used an 'unlawfully obtained' Moscow Police official signed and stamped 'exit registration card' immediately he criminally defrauded the PARKLAGUNA HOTEL ( Moscow, Russia ) out-of thousands of U.S. dollars for months of his room rent residency there.
By September 30, 1992 the only legal recourse to recover the Robert Palm $40,000,000.00 (USD) 'foreign currency exchange fraud', which disrupted the communist Russia government, was through the HOD IMPEX S.Z. O.O. agriculture food produce supply trader BATKIVSCHINA ( Kiev, Ukraine ) that hired private U.S. attorney Philip Kaufler who filed a U.S. DISTRICT COURT federal lawsuit in Los Angeles, California, USA under case number CV 92-05921 JSL-JR in the matter of BATKIVSCHINA v. CARTESA FINANCE CORP., et al. naming Robert Palm, his money-laundering agents, and support entities, named:
- CARTESA FINANCE LTD. (aka) CARTESA FINANCE ANSTALT ( aka) CARTESA FINANCE S.A. ( Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Brazil );
- Walter Perekrest;
- ADVANCE CAPITAL SERVICES CORP. ( Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada );
- Jason Dallas;
- WINDOW TRADING LTD. ( United Kingdom );
- D & P GROUP INC. (aka) D AND P SOVGROUP ( Long Beach, California, USA and Kiev, Ukraine );
- Alexander Dokychuk; and,
Others were involved, but unnamed, one of which was:
- Alexander Valenievich Dobrynin ( United Kingdom ), et al.
Legal remedies for BATKIVSCHINA ( Kiev, Ukraine ) did 'not' obtain an adequate solution in Los Angeles federal court against Robert Palm.
[ SPECIAL NOTE OF INTEREST: Over 10-years later on January 16, 2003 a Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada federal court lawsuit brought by HOD IMPEX S.Z. O.O. v. ADVANCE CAPITAL SERVICES CORP. ( 2003 A.C.W.S.J. LEXIS 1337; 2003 A.C.W.S.J. 2149; 120 A.C.W.S. (3d) 699 ), which saw Robert Palm walk free after having committed a $40,000,000 (USD) million fraud out-of Russia. ]
Robert E. Palm was 'not' finished strategically attacking United States enemy communist countries by using fraud and money-laundering tactics because, shortly after escaping criminal prosecution in Moscow, he purposely entered communist China to financially attack its Central Bank for Agriculture through its BANK OF CHINA branch office in Hengshui, China on Hainan Island.
Robert Palm claimed to the branch manager there, that he represented UNITED NATIONAL REPUBLIC BANK OF RUSSIA ( UNRB ) - a fraudulent bank backed by UNITED ASIA GROUP ( New York, USA ) - and he went on to provide fraudulent 'bank guarantees', 'certificates of deposit' ( CD ), 'safe-keeping receipts' ( SKR ), and 'stand-by letters of credit ( SBLC ) at a discount in-exchange for over 200 'legitimate BANK OF CHINA high-value bank instruments' of lesser value amounting to $1,000,000,000.00 billion (US) of GUANGXI TRUST & INVESTMENT CORPORATION ( president Liu Minshan ) holdings at BANK OF CHINA.
The Wall Street Journal later reported on July 22, 1993 that according to Robert Palm UNITED NATIONAL REPUBLIC BANK of Russia ( UNRB ), a bank he represented, saw financial statements tied to balance sheet asset enhancements valued at $1,889,500,000,000 trillion signed on November 1, 1991 by the accounting firm of MCIVOR & ASSOCIATES ( Victoria, British Columbia, Canada ) that also audited Robert Palm's firm ADVANCE CAPITAL SERVICES CORP. ( Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ).
After Robert E. Palm succeeded in obtaining $1,000,000,000 (USD) billion in 'fraudulently obtained legitimate BANK OF CHINA high-value bank instruments' out-of communist China, he sent two ( 2 ) of his agents, Francisco Hung Moy and Raymond Lee, to the same bank ( BANK OF CHINA in Hengshui, China on Hainan Island ) he had just defrauded.
Francisco Hung Moy and Raymond Lee were both arrested and sentenced to 20-years in a China prison for trying to cash a few of the 200 'fraudulently obtained legitimate BANK OF CHINA high-value bank instruments', however Raymond Lee was retrieved by United States authorities and brought back to New York where he faced prosecution in a New York state court criminal action.
[ SPECIAL NOTE OF INTEREST: China has never captured Robert Earl Palm for his frauds there. ]
Robert E. Palm, operating business financial investment frauds and money laundering against communist enemy countries of the U.S., was provided protection in Canada and the U.S.
Of what remained from over 200 'fraudulently obtained legitimate BANK OF CHINA high-value asset instruments' in 1992, were 'not' seized nor were they stopped from further worldwide distribution.
In 1995, three ( 3 ) men - Palle Bognaes aka Pono Bognais ( Hawaii ), Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( Oregon ), and another man out-of Georgia - whom developed a secret plan that included the creation a 'private network of independent offshore gold-based banks' to be operated in ways that would serve to assist in devaluating United States fiat currency ( paper money ) trading on foreign currency exchange markets.
From 1996 - 2008, FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL BANK INC. and FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. ( FIBG ) depositor monies plus new fraud network monies channeled through a complex labyrinth of international business companies, trusts, foundations, and trading accounts using foreign and domestic bank accounts still involve thousands of individuals.
In 1996, Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( deceased on December 10, 2005 ) was made executive director of FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL BANK INC. ( FIB ).
In 1997, James Gregory Ziegler established the now-defunct FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. and saw his brother Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( deceased on December 10, 2005 ) named founder and first chief executive officer ( CEO ), whereupon FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. ( FIBG ) accepted two ( 2 ) 'fraudulently obtained legitimate BANK OF CHINA high-value asset instruments' from Robert Palm identified as 'certificates of deposit' bearing face value amounts of $100,000,000.00 (USD) million and $70,000,000.00 (USD) million noting full maturity set 10-years in the future for February 24, 2009.
Robert Palm resumed distribution of his old 'fraudulently obtained legitimate BANK OF CHINA high-value asset instruments' by using his agent Richard Warriner Downes to make initial contact with his new target, a man named Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink, who later saw - in a 2004 U.S. District Court ( Portland, Oregon ) pre-release hearing - the U.S. government describe him as an "economic threat" to U.S. national security.
In 1998, Robert Palm provided yet other additional 'fraudulently obtained high-value asset instruments' from the BANK OF JAPAN, DAI-ICHI KANGYO BANK, UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND, and many more he saw injected as 'leased assets based on deeds of assignment' to boost FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. ( FIBG ) balance sheet financial statements advertised as holdings promising returns of up to 300% to individual investors whom did 'not' know that $4,000,000 (USD) million of their collected deposit monies were removed upon instructions from FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. ( FIBG ) to secretly pay Robert Palm for 'only the use of his fraudulently obtained high-value asset instruments'.
To-date, nearly 10-years later, Robert Earl Palm has 'never' been publicly ordered to return over $4,000,000.000 (USD) million of depositor monies. Interestingly, other individuals were severely warned to return monies received from FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. or face the possibility of prosecution.
Although United States Treasury Internal Revenue Service agents combined with United States Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation agents have held documents proving Robert Palm received through fraud and money-laundering over $4,000,000.000 (USD) million of FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. depositor monies, some believe the U.S. government did more than just protect Robert Palm from prosecution because he was not only allowed to go free, but he also got to use all those millions derived from fraud, money-laundering, and trading.
From 1998 - 2000, Robert Palm saw many FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. money-laundering international business companies used to assist him, some of which were:
- FIDELITY MANAGEMENT & TRUST LTD. [ Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines ];
- GENESIS HOLDINGS CORP. (aka) GENESIS HOLDINGS LTD. [ Richard Warriner Downes - Nassau, Bahamas; Charlestown, Nevis; Grand Anse, Grenada; and United Kingdom ];
- MUTUAL ASSETS LTD. [ David Springer, Peter Beene (aka) Peter Bean, Paul Holder, Arthur Andrews, Earl Abbott, Robert E. Gerwin - Dublin, Republic of Ireland ];
- EMERALD ISLE INVESTMENT LTD. (aka) MICNAH MINISTRIES [ Robert E. Gerwin, Richard Warriner Downes, Sidsel Downes, and Karen Hart - 3-15680 82nd Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, TEL: (604) 572-1854; 608 East Club Circle, Longwood, Florida; and, Dublin, Republic of Ireland ]; et al.
From 1998 - 2000, FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. saw many Robert Palm money-laundering international business companies used to assist him, some of which were:
- ASHTON & COMPANY [ David Michael Ashton Esq., David Lyon Esq., and Norman A. Tarnow Esq. - 219-2186 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8R-1G3, TEL: (250) 598-8771 ];
- ADVANCE CAPITAL SERVICES CORP. [ Robert Earl Palm, Jason Dallas, Robert Pelletier - TEL: (250) 656-1768; and, c/o PAUL'S MOTOR INN, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, TEL/FAX: (250) 384-1433 ];
- SHERWOOD RESTAURANTS LTD. [ Craig Leonard Hubner - BITCO Building, Bank Lane, P.O. Box N 7768, Nassau, Bahamas; and, 4th Floor, Queen Victoria House, Victoria Street, Douglas, Isle Of Man ];
- CHADWICK INTERNATIONAL LTD. [ BITCO Building, Bank Lane, P.O. Box N 7777, Nassau, Bahamas ];
- BURL HOWARD SECURITIES CORP. (aka) SALVADOR HOLDINGS INTERNATIONAL CORP. (aka) SHIC [ Harry B. Crockett, Steven Malcoun Esq., Alexander Gilbert Baraona ( DOB: 24APR61 ) - 4900 East Morada Lane, and on River Park Circle, Stockton, California, (209) 478-6588, TEL: (209) 472-7535, TEL: (209) 518-3628 ( cellphone ); Santa Monica, California, USA; and, 2 Wangfujing Avenue, Suite 341, 3rd Floor, Beijing 10006, China, TEL: 86 (10) 6513-5008 ];
- VARIO FINANCE AG [ Geneva, Switzerland ];
- MCF FUNDING INC. [ Peter Hui - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and Belize City, Belize );
- RAINBOW RIVER HOLDINGS LTD. [ Sai Ram Kashyap - United Kingdom ];
- RED ROCK DRAGONS LTD. [ John Gilbert Juncal (aka) Gilbert Schumacher, John Hill, and Reverend Marion Charles Buchanan - Prescott, Arizona, USA; Phoenix, Arizona, USA; Charlestown, Nevis; and, Geneva, Switzerland ];
- THE RRD SECURITIES LTD. [ Dr. Robert Langgons and Reverend Marion Charles Buchanan ];
- 419786 B.C. LTD. [ Sai Ram Kashyap - United Kingdom and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada ];
- 530688 ALBERTA LTD. [ Daniel Bobocel - Montreal, Alberta, Canada ];
- 561076 B.C. LTD. [ Faith K. Toronchuk, John Barker, and Richard Warriner Downes - Langley, British Columbia, Canada and Surrey, Langley, British Columbia, Canada ];
- 581255 B.C. LTD. [ Brunilda Obuhosky - Longwood, Florida, USA and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada ], et al.
Van Arthur Brink directed FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. to send depositor monies out through FIDELITY MANAGEMENT & TRUST LTD. Trust bank trading accounts via multiple bank wire transfers sent to Robert Palm international business companies through Trust bank accounts he controlled as 'protector' over Trusts he provided instructions for his hired lawyers to act upon by accepting FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. directed 'bank wire transaction deposits', the largest which saw a 'single wire transfer transaction' on July 15, 1999 in the amount of $410,000.00 (USD) dollars from the FIDELITY MANAGEMENT & TRUST LTD. ( Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines ) Trust trading account of EMERALD ISLE INVESTMENT LTD. at NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK LTD. to the CANADA TRUST COMPANY MORTGAGE CO. account of ASHTON & COMPANY IN TRUST c/o ASHTON & COMPANY ( Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ) as a partial payment for Robert Palm who used go-between recipients to have his $4,000,000.00 (USD) million in fraud funds laundered with no trace to his name except through his agents involved with his other fraudulent business financial investment schemes.
Robert Palm received even more laundered fraud monies through a variety of other entity Trust trading accounts and other bank accounts, he used additional go-between recipients:
- ASHTON & COMPANY IN TRUST c/o ASHTON & COMPANY [ David Michael Ashton Esq., David Lyon Esq., and Norman A. Tarnow Esq. - 219-2186 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8R-1G3, TEL: (250) 598-8771 ]; and,
- J P VILLANUEVA & ASSOCIATES (aka) GUTIERREZ SUNDIAM & VILLNUEVA [ Sagittarius Building, Makati City, Metro Manila 1800, Philippines, TEL: (632) 812-1084 ].
From October 9, 1997 thru April 11, 2003 Robert Earl Palm used his close personal assistant, an investment advisor, named Jason Matthew Walsh involved with:
- GEORGIA PACIFIC SECURITIES CORP. [ Kevin Jersey and Jason Matthew Walsh - 2 Bentall Centre, 555 Burrard Street, 15th & 16th Floor, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, TEL: (604) 668-1800; and, 309-260 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y-7S5, Canada, TEL: 979-1800 ];
- GLOBAL SECURITIES CORP. [ Jason Matthew Walsh - 3 Bentall Centre, 595 Burrard Street, 11th Floor, P.O. Box 49049, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, TEL: (604) 443-5400 ];
- SOCIETE DE VALEURS GLOBAL INC. [ Jason Matthew Walsh - 3 Bentall Centre, 11th Floor, 595 Burrard Street, P.O. Box 49049, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, TEL: (604) 443-5400 ];
- SAILTECH; and,
- THELON VENTURES LTD. [ George Erskine and Jason Matthew Walsh - 475 Howe Street, Suite 609, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C-2B3, Canada, TEL: (604) 682-1643, FAX: (604) 608-6324 ].
Robert Palm manipulated how his ill-gotten gains would be used through a combination of numbered trading accounts, bank accounts, and more while instructing Jason Matthew Walsh to manipulate other fraud and money-laundering conduits for him.
Fraudulent high-value asset paper instruments, unable to be liquidated, were presented by old fraudsters to others whom documented them in 'joint venture contract agreements' placed with new entities fraudulently enhancing financial statements boosting stock share values traded with legitimate companies for valuable considerations.
By multiply applying surreptitious fraud techniques using new entities with willing participants, complex fraud networks continued to build hundreds of hidden fraud support entities and individuals involved for over a decade.
Restoration Project entities and individuals number in the thousands, that sprang from numerous other entities and individuals.
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Circa 1992-2000:
- HOMETOWN MORTGAGE CORP. [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Tranquility, Morningstar, Nevis, TEL: (869) 469-0774 ) and Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( now deceased - 580 N.E. Jackson Village Loop, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124, USA ) - 5250 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro 97124, Oregon, USA ( Circa: 23SEP94 ) ];
- PREMIER CORPORATE SERVICES LTD. [ FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL BANK INC. international business company sales agent Richard Bullock ( related to movie actress Sandra Bullock ), Jerome Schneider, Tom Mrzljak, and Valerie Newson - 900-1285 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6E-4B1, Canada, TEL: (604) 682-4000, FAX: (604) 682-7700; and, Langley, British Columbia, Canada ];
- FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL BANK INC. [ Cynthia Joy Hastey (aka) Tai Hastey (aka) Cynthia Joy Harrington ( 225 East Ikea Kai Place, Wailei, Maui, Hawaii 96753, USA, (808) 879-2315 ), Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( now deceased - 69 West Kapu Place, Apartment B, Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 96753, USA, TEL: (808) 874-2533; and, 2387 S. Kihei Road, Wailei, Maui, Hawaii 96753, USA, TEL: (808) 874-5405 ), Ralph M. Sherman Esq. ( Wellesley, Massachusetts, TEL: (617) 239-8095 ), et al.; Nauru; c/o Woods Centre, Friar's Hill Road, P.O. Box 1407, St. John's, Antigua, TEL: (268) 460-7546, FAX: (268) 460-7544; Belize; Barbados; and, Grenada ( Established: 03JUL96 ) ];
- COVENANT TRUST LTD. [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Tranquility, Morningstar, Nevis, TEL: (869) 469-0774 ) and Elridge Glasford - William A. Hull Business Centre, Main Street, Suite 201, Charlestown, Nevis, TEL: (869) 469-0995 ( Established: 04JUL96 ) ];
- NAGEL & GOLDSTEIN [ Joel M. Nagel Esq. ( assisted FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL BANK INC. establishing new bank account at ROYAL BANK OF CANADA via Ms. Murielle Rousseau, R-2 Level, 1025 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6E-3N8, Canada ) - 1100 Liberty Avenue, Suite 3, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, USA, TEL: (412) 263-2707 extension 11, FAX: (412) 263-3424 ( Circa: 23OCT96 ) ];
- INTERNATIONAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Tranquility, Morningstar, Nevis, TEL: (869) 469-0774 ), Samuel D. Rubenstein, and Douglas Christie-Ferguson - Grand Anse, Grenada ) ];
- ALOHA PACIFIC GROUP [ Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( now deceased - 580 N.E. Jackson Village Loop, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124, USA ), Clyde O. DeMoss, Robert G. Dempsey, David L. Fendall, Paul James Peiffer ( DOB: 15MAY36 ), Will Wilkerson, Robert John Skirving ( DOB: 07APR48 - Milwaukee, Oregon, USA ), LeRoy H. Waldo ( Las Vegas, Nevada, USA ) - 11945 S.W. Pacific Highway, Suite 305, Tigard, Oregon 97223, USA, TEL: (503) 768-3142, TEL/FAX: (503) 620-3438 ];
- GLOBALINK LLC [ C. Dennis Christie ( P.O. Box 2069, Lake Oswego, Oregon, USA, TEL: (503) 768-3142 ), William Abraczinskas ( TEL/FAX: (503) 543-7838 ), Leon Tucker Harrington ( c/o COOPER INDUSTRIES - South Carolina, USA ) ];
- POWERHOUSE TECHNOLOGIES INC. [ Robert Gunnison - 2311 South 7th Avenue, Bozeman, Montana 59715, USA; Nevada, USA; and, Norcross, Georgia, USA ];
- CLARKDALE HOLDINGS [ Dr. Zoltan Jaszberenyi (aka) Zoltan Jászberényi ( holder of 10,000 carat ruby statue asset appraised at $15,000,000.00 and owner of Clarkdale, Arizona gold mine - Escondido, California, USA; Clarkdale, Arizona, USA; and Szekesfehérvár, Hungary ];
- RESOURCEMENT ENHANCEMENT INC. [ Daniel Chad Rodius ( now deceased - handler of high-value asset instrument document for 10,000 carat ruby statue appraised at $15,000,000.00 - Henderson, Nevada, USA and Salt Lake City, Utah, USA ), Harry B. Crockett, and Steven Malcoun Esq. ];
- TPP LIMITED [ William Leon Telander ( SSAN: 556-72-1542 - 3300 Seaview Avenue, Corona Del Mar, California 92625, USA, TEL: (949) 673-6968, TEL/FAX: (949) 673-0558 ), Joseph Charles Champion, Dr. John O'Mara Bockris (aka) John O. Bockris, Dr. Guang Hai Lin ( 3000 Ford Road, Apartment C-29, Bristol, Pennsylvania 19007,USA, TEL/FAX: (215) 826-0438; and, New Jersey ), Van C. Stone Esq., and Andreas Batliner - Landstrasse 35, Postfach 1138, Vaduz 9490, Furstentum Liechtenstein - see THE BANK IN LEICHTENSTEIN ( Circa: 30NOV92 ) ];
- JACOBSON PRICE HOLMAN & STERN [ J.C. Holman Esq. - re: William L. Telander precious metals gold transmutation isotopes - gold transmutation formulas obtained from Dr. Guang Hai Lin ( New Jersey ) while working at ENGLEHARD laboratory in South Africa, through Joseph Charles Champion ) patent filings in South Africa during 2003 - Washington, D.C. ) ];
- ORE TECH LLC [ William Leon Telander, Dr. Guang Hai Lin ( New Jersey, TEL/FAX: (215) 826-0438 ), Dr. Guang Hai Lin ( 3000 Ford Road, Apartment C-29, Bristol, Pennsylvania 19007,USA, TEL/FAX: (215) 826-0438; and, New Jersey ), Dr. John O'Mara Bockris (aka) John O. Bockris, C. Dennis Christie ( P.O. Box 2069, Lake Oswego, Oregon, USA, TEL: (503) 768-3142 ), Paul James Peiffer (aka) Jim Peiffer, Daniel Chad Rodius ( now deceased - Henderson, Nevada, USA ), Kenny Corkell, Richard Belheumer, Augustin Crookston - 11945 S.W. Pacific Highway, Suite 305, Tigard, Oregon 97223, USA, TEL: (503) 768-3142, TEL/FAX: (503) 620-3438 ];
- MANUFACTURERS FIDELITY AND GUARANTY CO. LTD. [ Bruce Forrester ( Antwerp, Belgium ) ];
- FIRST DUTCH SECURITIES [ Alan Gotlieg and Bruce Romberg ( 1 Schuttershofstraat, 3rd Floor, Antwerp 2000, Belgium and Nassau, Bahamas ) ];
- FIDELITY MANAGEMENT & TRUST LTD. [ ( Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines ) ];
- ACCESS AMERICAN INC. [ 1219 South Trafton Street, Tacoma, Washington 98405, USA ];
- GUANGZHOU FREE TRADE ZONE TAOJIN INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL CITY CO. LTD. [ c/o CAIRO BARCLAY'S ( account number: 5030-446848-005-002 ) NASR City, Cairo, Egypt c/o Mr. Guanghui Jin ( field application engineer ) c/o INTEL ARCHITECTURE DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. Beijing Tong Heng Tower, Suite 401, 4 Hua Yuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100088, People's Republic of China, TEL: (86-10) 6238-5130 extension 530 ];
- THE SPLENDIDO CORP. ( see account at SUISSE SECURITY BANK & TRUST ) [ Elvira Grace Gamboa ( Incline Village, Nevada, USA and Philippines), and Jaron Kealoha Perez ( Incline Village, Nevada, USA; Ninguna, Naciemento, Guatemala; Hawaii, USA; and Tennessee, USA ) ]; et al.
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Circa 1997-2001:
- FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. [ James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler ( St. George's, Grenada ), Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( now deceased - St. George's, Grenada and Luzira, Kampala, Uganda, TEL: + 256 (77) 200-074 ( cellphone ), TEL: +256 (77) 700-075 ( cellphone ) ), Richard Warriner Downes ( Canada and United Kingdom ), Robert John Skirving ( Milwaukee, Oregon, USA ), Mark Kennedy ( Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ), Barclay Butler ( on behalf of ) Lawrence A. Jones ( London, United Kingdom ), Nabil Kassis, Vincenzo Schembri (aka) Vincent Schembri (aka) Vince Schembri ( DOB: 26JUN61 - Calivigny Hilltop, Calivigny, St. George’s, Grenada ), Michael K. Gabriel ( California, USA and United Kingdom ), Nigel J.M. Francis ( St. George's, Grenada and Barbados ), et al. - The Chester John Building, Young Street, St. George's, Grenada, TEL: (473) 444-3039, FAX: (473) 444-5512 ];
- MAGNUM EXECUTIVES INC. [ James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler and Jean Margaret Wahls Ziegler (aka) Maggie Ziegler - 35246 U.S. Highway 19 North, PMB 211, Palm Harbor, Florida 34684, USA, TEL: (868) 637-0543 ( Port of Spain, Trinidad ), FAX: (868) 632-9837 ( Port of Spain, Trinidad ) ];
- MAZIGTEC DATA PROCESSING LTD. [ James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler and Jean Margaret Wahls Ziegler (aka) Maggie Ziegler - 24 Pine Avenue, Bayshore, Port of Spain, Trinidad, TEL: (868) 637-0543, FAX: (868) 632-9837 ];
- TRINITY SERVICES LTD. [ James Gregory Ziegler ( St. George's, Grenada ), Joan Webley ( Jamaica, Trinidad, and Grenada ), and Oliver Lazic ( Jamaica and Trinidad ) ];
- HYTEST EUROPE B.V. [ Dr. Marinus Hengstmengel - DS.C. Spoorlaan 9, Nootdorp 2631, Dutch Antilles, The Netherlands, TEL: +31 (15) 3107479, TEL: +31 (65) 4792220 ( cellphone ), FAX: +31 (15) 3101083 ];
- COMNET SERVICES LTD. [ Achille Karuletwa ( Kigali, Rwanda, TEL: +37 (8) 300-335 ), and Phyllis Karuletwa - Diamond Trust Building, 3rd Floor, Kampala Road, P.O. Box 8711, Kampala, Uganda, TEL: +256 (41) 348-548 ];
- NSIMBE IDEAL HOMES [ Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( now deceased - Luzira, Kampala, Uganda ];
- GOLD TRUST BANK LTD. [ Abid Alam (aka) Habid al-Ahmed and Andrew Cavell - 13 Kimathi Avenue, P.O. Box 70, Kampala, Uganda account number 36059709 at CITIBANK N.A. New York, New York, CITIUS33-ATTN:NYEAP ];
- CI GLOBAL (aka)
- INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT LTD. [ Michael K. Gabriel ( California, USA and United Kingdom ) ];
- WORLD TRADE & FINANCE LTD. [ Lawrence A. Jones Esq. and Lynda M. Smith ( Sowerby, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom ) ];
- WORLD TRADING GROUP LTD. [ Captain Derek Fowler ( St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands ) ];
- HEMERY TRUST AND CORPORATE SERVICES LTD. [ Captain Derek Fowler, Philip C. Allick, and Eloise Renouard ( St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands ) ];
- GARSTONE INTERNATIONAL BV [ Philip C. Allick ( St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands ) ];
- GIDA INTERNATIONAL LTD. [ ( St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands ) ]; et al.
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Circa 2000-2002:
- COVENANT S.A. [ James Gregory Ziegler c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301; and, Podgorica, Montenegro ];
- GOLDEN AGE DATA PROCESSING S.A. [ James G. Ziegler c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301; and, Panama ];
- GOLDEN AGE S.A. [ James G. Ziegler c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ];
- SUNLANDTEK S.A. [ James G. Ziegler and Roy M. Gutshall c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301; and, HCB Rural Route Box 420, Monterey, Virginia 24465, USA ];
- MOJADA S.A. [ James G. Ziegler c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ];
- REALTY DEL CARIBE S.A. [ James G. Ziegler c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ];
- LAROSA S.A. [ James G. Ziegler and Robert J. Langley c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ];
- AMALGAMATED TRADE AND COMMERCE BANK AD [ Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( now deceased - St. George's, Grenada and Luzira, Kampala, Uganda, TEL: + 256 (77) 200-074 ( cellphone ), TEL: +256 (77) 700-075 ( cellphone ), Robert John Skirving ( Milwaukee, Oregon, USA ), Robert Osborne ( USA ), Olukayode Osunsan (aka) Olu Osunsan ( Nigeria and Kampala, Uganda ), Achille Karuletwa ( Kigali, Rwanda, TEL: +37 (8) 300-335 ), Phyllis Karuletwa ( Diamond Trust Building, 3rd Floor, Kampala Road, P.O. Box 8711, Kampala, Uganda ), TEL: +256 (41) 348-548 ), Jadwiga Nowak (aka) Jagoda ( Poland ), Alexander Gurevich ( Russia passport no.: 50-0057639 - c/o Nonad Pavlicic ( Trg. I, Milutinovica 14 / 1, Podgorica, Montenegro ), and, Hon. Boney M. Katatumba ( Blacklines House, Plot 2 Colville Street, P.O. Box 6968, Kampala, Uganda, TEL: +256 (41) 342-736, FAX: +256 (41) 256-288; and, Panama ];
- GOLDEN AGE SPARKASSE [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Spanskih Boraca 56, Konic, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro ) - c/o Frosundaviks Alle 15, 4tr, 169 70, Solna, Sweden, TEL: +468 655-3665, FAX: +468 655-2810 ];
- HARBOR S.A. [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Spanskih Boraca 56, Konic, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro ) - c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301; Robert J. Langley ( Modesto, California ); and, Grand Anse, Grenada ];
- LIBERTY ONE SAVINGS BANK AD [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Podgorica, Montenegro ) and Thereon J. Marrs ( Vancouver, Washington, USA ) ];
- PINNACLE S.A. [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Spanskih Boraca 56, Konic, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro ) - c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301; and, Podgorica, Montenegro ];
- PLATINUM S.A. [ James G. Ziegler ( Spanskih Boraca 56, Konic, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro ) - c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ) and Robert J. Langley ( Modesto, California, USA ); and, Podgorica, Montenegro ];
- POLE STAR BANK AD [ James G. Ziegler and Rajka Bulatovic – Spanskih Boraca 56, Konic, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro, +381 (81) 627-696, FAX: +381 (81) 627-065 ];
- ANCHOR FINANCIAL GROUP [ James G. Ziegler ( Spanskih Boraca 56, Konic, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro ), Rajka Bulatovic ( Spanskih Boraca 56, Konic, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro ), and Claude Ellsworth Martin ( P.O. Box 405, Pima, Arizona 85543, USA; and, Washington, D.C. ) ];
- CHEIRO'S FIRST BANK AD [ James G. Ziegler ( Spanskih Boraca 56, Konic, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro ) and Franco Pecora ( 313 Nairn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6E 4H9, Canada, TEL/FAX: (413) 502-5824 ];
- HARVEST S.A. [ James G. Ziegler - c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ];
- COLLYMORE & COMPANY [ Rhonda Collymore Esq. - 13 Irving Street, San Fernando, Trinidad, TEL: (868) 653-2705 ];
- TS CORP. [ James G. Ziegler - c/o account number 153790228982 at US BANK, 300 South Virginia, Reno, Nevada 89501, USA, TEL: (775) 688-6620 ];
- GLOBAL DATA PROCESSING [ James Gregory Ziegler - c/o PMB 410016, P.O. Box 025577, Miami, Florida 33102-5577, USA ];
- GLOBAL INTERNET S.A. [ James G. Ziegler - c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ];
- GLOBAL INTERNET DATA PROCESSING S.A. [ James G. Ziegler, Margaret Jean Wahls Ziegler, and Pamela Steele - c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301; and, Calle Costambar Principal No. 5, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 970-7368, TEL: (809) 970-3266, FAX: (809) 970-3265 ];
- LA IMPERIAL SEGUROS S.A. [ James G. Ziegler c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ]; et al.
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Circa 2000-2006:
- OFIRA LTD. (aka)
- CORPORATE MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING SERVICES LTD. [ James Gregory, Elridge Glasford, and Tessa Howell - William A. Hull Business Centre, Main Street, Suite 201, Charlestown, Nevis, TEL: (869) 469-0995 ];
- GOLDEN AGE SERVICES LTD. [ James Gregory Ziegler c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ];
- VICTORIA CORPORATE SERVICES LTD. [ Olukayode Osunsan (aka) Olu Osunsan ( Nigeria ) and Phyllis Karuletwa - Diamond Trust Building, 3rd Floor, Kampala Road, Kampala, Uganda, TEL: +256 (77) 700-074 ( cellphone ), TEL: +256 (41) 348-548, FAX: +256 (41) 348-469; account number: 010 10693 51 at ORIENT BANK LTD., SWIFT: ORIENTUGKI ( Kampala, Uganda, TEL: +256 (41) 236-012 ) ];
- THIRD MILLENNIUM MACROSYSTEMS LTD. [ James Gregory Ziegler - Commonwealth of Dominica ];
- GRUPO EUROLEGAL DOMINICO S.A. [ James G. Ziegler c/o EPS-D ( 4000 ), 7801 N.W. 3rd Street, Miami, Florida 33166-6559, USA, TEL: (413) 425-8729, TEL: (809) 571-3301; and, c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301 ];
- THE FRANCIS GROUP LTD. S.A.; [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Calle Costambar Principal No. 5, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 970-7368, TEL: (809) 970-3266, FAX: (809) 970-3265 ), Lester G. Mock ( GLOBAL MANAGERS INC. - 3409 Main Street, # 417, Vancouver, Washington 98663, USA, TEL: (360) 693-8599 ), and Bruce R. Mock ( INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS INC. - 1505 S.W. Comus Street, Portland, Oregon 97219, USA, TEL: (503) 708-2231 ( cellphone ), TEL: (503) 699-1975, TEL: (503) 699-1950, TEL/FAX: (503) 699-1959 ) - Panama and Oregon, USA ];
- PROVIDENCE S.A. [ James G. Ziegler c/o Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 9 altos, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301; and, Podgorica, Montenegro ];
- SEEDTIME AND HARVEST BANK S.A. DE C.V. [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Spanskih Boraca 56, Konic, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro ), Mark Logan Pedley, Frank Merovingi, et al. ( Avenida Tepeyac No. 1751 - INT 4, Col. Prados Tepeyac, Jalisco, 44420 Guadalajara, Mexico ) ];
- SLATECO INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC. [ James G. Ziegler ( GLOBAL INTERNET DATA PROCESSING TRUST and MM LESTER TRUST ), Harold F. Harris, Dr. Ronald E. Crews - 2641 University Boulevard North, Suite H-114, Jacksonville, Florida 32211, USA, TEL/FAX: (904) 744-6302 and 10309 Robinwood Lane, Jacksonville, Florida 32218-5062, USA; Perry Slaton, and Mike King - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, TEL: (702) 658-4181, (702) 650-3000, FAX: (702) 697-8944; and, Colorado, USA ) ];
- FIRST EUROPEAN AMERICAN HOLDINGS S.A. [ James G. Ziegler ( Vojvode Gligora 8, Smederevska Palanka, Serbia ) and Katongole Sande Yuda ( Uganda passport no.: B203951 ) - 34-20 Calle 34, Panama 5, Panama ];
- EWG ACTION FUND [ Robert W. Hinds ( 455 South Irving, Suite 206, Tucson, Arizona 85711, USA ), Kathleen Smith and David James Smith ( 5520 West Crimson Bluff Drive, Marana, Arizona 85653, USA ), Patrick M. Cowan and Tina Cowan ( 12665 South High Noon Trail, Vail, Arizona 85461, USA ), Boyd L. Plotts ( 5665 South Catalina Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85706, USA ), Gary Thomas and Kimberly Thomas ( 3450 North Flowing Wells, Suite 105, Tucson, Arizona 85705, USA ), Ronald A. Weidner and Linda J. Weidner ( 1060 Pinellas Bayway South, # 303, Tierra Verde, Florida 33715, USA, Richard C. Bryant ( 1515 Pinellas Bayway, B-24, Tierra Verde, Florida 33715, USA ), William Templin, Geoffrey Templin, Anne Templin, Milton Bagby, and Dorothy Bagby ( 3540 Brookwood Road, Birmingham, Alabama 35223, USA; and, P.O. Box 43216, Birmingham, Alabama 35243, USA ), and Robert E. Cattany - 1904 Franklin Street, Suite 703, Oakland, CA 94612, USA; and, 1436 U Street North West, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20009, USA ];
- CASCADE ACCEPTANCE GROUP LLC [ Bruce R. Mock ( 1505 S.W. Comus Street, Portland, Oregon 97219, USA, TEL: (503) 708-2231 ( cellphone ), TEL: (503) 699-1975, TEL: (503) 699-1950, TEL/FAX: (503) 699-1959 ), Rex Ruckert ( P.O. Box 2627, Albany, Oregon, USA 97321, TEL: (541) 979-2600, FAX: (541) 967-9375 ), Neville Solomon ( 5456 Glenridge Drive, # 832, Atlanta, Georgia 30342, USA; and, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA TEL: (702) 314-6395 ), Jack Stacey ( 15163 S.E. El Camino Way, Milwaukee, Oregon 97267, USA, TEL: (503) 701-1393 ( cellphone ), TEL: (503) 659-7613, FAX: (503) 659-7613 ), Anita Stacey ( 3552 N.E. Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon 97212, USA, TEL: (503) 331-6918, FAX: (503) 331-6939 ), James R. Bradley ( P.O. Box 151395, Arlington, Texas 76015-7395, USA, TEL/FAX: (972) 780-9676 ) and James Harris ( 1602 Green Tree Lane, Duncanville, Texas 75135, USA, TEL: (972) 780-7277, FAX: (972) 780-9676 ) ];
- CANNON CAPITAL CORP. [ 4400 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 9, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251, USA ];
- GOLDEN OASIS DEVELOPMENT LLC [ 8316 North Lombard Street, Suite 436, Portland, Oregon 97203, USA ];
- QUAIL 3 LLC [ Dr. Storm Thomas Gregg Gill (aka) Storm Gill ( DOB: 11AUG46 ) and Bruce R. Mock - 4338 S.E. 122nd St., Portland, Oregon 97236, USA, TEL: (503) 757-5876 ( cellphone ); TEL: +63 (920) 504-1225 ( cellphone ), TEL: (503) 256-1839, TEL/FAX: (503) 254-0446 ];
- SPRING BOARD LLC [ Dr. Storm Thomas Gregg Gill and Mrs. Estela Molina Gill ( Filipina citizen ), 4338 S.E. 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97236, USA, TEL: (503) 757-5876 ( cellphone ); TEL: +63 (920) 504-1225 ( cellphone ), TEL: (503) 256-1839, TEL/FAX: (503) 254-0446 ];
- FIRE'S GLOW LLC. [ Dr. Storm Thomas Gregg Gill and Mrs. Estela Molina Gill ( Filipina citizen ), 4338 S.E. 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97236, USA, TEL: (503) 757-5876 ( cellphone ); TEL: +63 (920) 504-1225 ( cellphone ), TEL: (503) 256-1839, TEL/FAX: (503) 254-0446 ];
- EQUITY RETIREMENT DISTRIBUTORS LTD. [ Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( now deceased - Luzira, Kampala, Uganda, TEL: + 256 (77) 200-074 ( cellphone ), TEL: +256 (77) 700-075 ( cellphone ), James Gregory Ziegler ( Vojvode Gligora 8, Smederevska Palanka, Serbia ), Mark Logan Pedley c/o Philippe Eugene Carrier ( Quebec, Canada ), Robert Emery Shaw Esq. ( 5360 Terrace Oak Circle, P.O. Box 2062, Fair Oaks, California 95628, USA and c/o SHAW HERITAGE GROUP, P.O. Box 2233, Fair Oaks, California 95627, USA ), Allan Sanford ( 25 Maclay Road, Yankee Lake, Wurtsboro, New York 12790, USA, TEL/FAX: (815) 327-6423 ), Joseph Raymond Cavness, C.P.A. ( DOB: 07OCT30 - 5930 Sutter Avenue, Suite 104, Carmichael, California 95608, USA, TEL: (916) 971-1110, FAX: (916) 914-2082 ), Allan Weiss, Richard L. Banting ( Calgary, Alberta, Canada ), Mr. Sandy Winick - c/o THE ANCIENT ROYAL HOUSE OF DAVID JERUSALEM 3266 Yonge Street, Suite 1208, Toronto, Ontario M4N3P6, Canada, TEL/FAX: (503) 254-0446; and, 5863 Leslie Street, Suite 218, Toronto, Ontario M2H 1JB, Canada, TEL: (416) 918-2209, FAX: (416) 444-9292 ];
- TEAM & COMPANY LTD. [ Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink ( now deceased - Luzira, Kampala, Uganda ) ];
- EURO TRUSTEE LTD. LVFTZ [ James Gregory Ziegler ( Vojvode Gligora 8, Smederevska Palanka, Serbia ), Ivanka Lekic Milanovic Ziegler ( Vojvode Gligora 8, Smederevska Palanka, Serbia ), and Stella Njuba ( Kampala, Uganda ) c/o LAKE VICTORIA TRADE ZONE ( LVFTZ ), CTM Building, Plot 1 Mweyanjale Lane, Sseesamirembe, Rakai District, Uganda; bank account number: 1397510 at BARCLAY'S BANK OF UGANDA LTD. ( Kampala, Uganda ) ];
- FOREXAFRICA.COM LTD. [ Beenunula Eyenunula Nunumisa (aka) Ben Nunumisa c/o LAKE VICTORIA FREE TRADE ZONE c/o BRISK CONSULTANTS LTD., Capital Building, Plot 16 Enterprise Road, Mweyanjale Lane, Sseesamirembe City, Rakai District, Uganda, TEL: +256 (752) 480-098 ( cellphone ), TEL/FAX: + 256 (41) 348-286; and, Washington, D.C. ), Basil Tyaba, Sam K. Njuba Jr., and, Gertrude Njuba ( Plot 1467 Tank Hill Road, P.O. Box 25972, Kampala, Uganda ) ];
- GCI LLC (aka)
- GLOBAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT LLC [ Blair Baker - 67 Wall Street, 22nd Floor, New York, New York 10005-3198, USA, TEL: (212) 248-3700, TEL/FAX: (212) 248-4988; 18 Thunder Lake Road, Wilton, Connecticut 06897, USA; account number: 47513014 at CITIBANK FSB, Greenwich, Connecticut, USA ]; et al.
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Circa 2004-2008:
- THE RIVERTON FOUNDATION [ James Gregory Ziegler and Kevin Bruce Wilkerson - Panama City, Panama ]; et al.
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Circa 2006-2008:
- TOWERHILL MANAGEMENT LTD. [ James Gregory Ziegler and Elridge Glasford - c/o Frank Evelyn - EQUITY MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTANCY CORP., Daly Building, Prince William Street, Charlestown, Nevis, TEL: (869) 469-7924, FAX: (869) 469-7925; Daly Building, Prince William Street, Charlestown, Nevis; and, Arthur L. Evelyn Building, Suite 130, P.O. Box 297, Main Street, Charlestown, Nevis ]
- HUMBERT RESEARCH LLC. [ James Gregory Ziegler ( P.O. Box 105, Cabadbaran, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines ) and Dr. Dale W. Howard ( 25838 South Greencastle Drive, Sun Lakes, Arizona 85248-6816, USA, TEL: (480) 895-1580 ) - c/o Frank Evelyn - EQUITY MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTANCY CORP., Daly Building, Prince William Street, Charlestown, Nevis, TEL: (869) 469-7924, FAX: (869) 469-7925; Daly Building, Prince William Street, Charlestown, Nevis; and, Arthur L. Evelyn Building, Suite 130, P.O. Box 297, Main Street, Charlestown, Nevis ];
- GQ S2S SAND AND SILICONES [ James Gregory Ziegler c/o Tersa Acala Quintano Ziegler P.O. Box 104, Cabadbaran, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines ]; et al.
On an increase today, by sheer numbers, are individuals and businesses targeted for fraud by fraudulent networks operating multiple new entities secretly driven by old time fraudsters and new generation fraud agent assistants using new pretexts or storyline methods to target 'previous fraud victims' in-addition to 'new fraud victims' presented with fraudulent "forward-looking statements" claiming new "wealth building opportunities" as enhanced fraud techniques, amongst many, a few of which include:
- Victims promised enhanced returns ( in 90-days to 1-year ) for the mere 'temporary use of their existing assets' ( e.g. real estate, valuable personal property, corporate capital equipment, etc. ) that hold at least 'some equity' ( typically 60% or more ), which is then tied into 'private placement guarantees' - where other victims' assets are secretly pooled - and placed as assets to enhance fraudulent corporate financial statements and inflate or pump-up corporate stock values whereupon trading commences until before 'temporary asset contracts expire' when they are absorbed through fraudulent corporate mergers with legitimate companies, leaving victims not knowing what happened to their assets until those new entities surface holding fraudster traded assets that become tied-up through protracted civil law suits, while fraudsters move on creating new fraud assistants to establish the same old fraud with new promotional storylines that become part of pea and shell networks of fraudulent business financial investment fraud and money-laundering schemes; and,
- Fraudulent claims promising enhanced returns on victims small investment monies from $100 (USD) up to $200,000 (USD) within 90-days to 1-year offering up to 300% from investment scams involving foreign gold mine projects that encourage "easy wealth building opportunities" if they send money wire transfers to people in foreign countries, whereupon $2,500 (USD) per day may be sent via WESTERN UNION, MONEYGRAM, or $1,000 (USD) or less via internet online payment system transfers via PAYPAL, or for those wishing to invest more than $2,500 (USD) up to $200,000 other bank money wire transfer methods exist that are made available upon special instructions via e-mail or FAX to and from fraudsters and their other agents involved.
In 2000, the concept of a RESTORATION PROJECT occurred to Van Arthur Brink (aka) Gilbert Allen Ziegler and his brother James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler when it appeared their FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. network of companies was doomed to ever see anything of value recovered for thousands of victims who lost original deposit and investment monies between 1996-2000, plus huge amounts of interest promised to be returned.
From 2000-2002, Van Arthur Brink (aka) Gilbert Allen Ziegler and his brother James G. Ziegler had e-mails directed to the FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. network of investor-victim individuals and entities supporting their own private business financial investment fraud and money-laundering businesses sucked victims in from both FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL BANK INC. and the FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. network of companies that collapsed.
From 2001-2002, Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink and his brother James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler arranged for a group to contact thousands of FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. network of existing fraud victims, encouraging visits to a YAHOO.COM internet group bulletin board nicknamed "InsideScoops" to learn about an investment loss-recovery project nick-named "Restoration Project" that was supposed to return all monies plus interest to victims.
While the InsideScoops messageboard was a crude yet sophisticated worldwide disinformation platform producing complex information exchanges to confuse victims, delaying official complaints to authorities, fraudsters saw it as being 'too public' and 'not an ideal platform from where they could continue defrauding victims' so, they.
In September 2002, thousands of former fraud victims were directed to freely register for a 'complimentary secure e-mail account' and receive privately broadcasted 'Restoration Project e-mail updates'. Victims were told that while 'all victims' would be "financially restored" that only those registering would be "among the first to be financially restored." Not many argued with that logic, and over 1,000 victims signed up!
As investor-victims became absorbed reading lengthy e-mail updates that Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink and his brother James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler strategically wrote 'fraudulent descriptions' of 'multiple deals involving multi-millions and even billions of dollars' worked on in secret to finalize the Restoration Project for all, saw weeks turn into months and months of waiting for hundreds of fraud victims whom eventually gave-in to 'e-mail updates 'soliciting financial support' when e-mail updates included 'fraudulently written' "replies" that led victims to believe 'multitudes of other anonymous other victims' decided to speed-up receiving their millions returned to them sooner by sending-in large amounts of monies to obtain even larger amounts upon Restoration Project completion as updates indicated funds would begin flowing to victims as very complex deals are finalized "soon."
- - - -
Subject: Restoration Project Update!
Dear Van / Zig,
I lost over $750,000 (USD) of other people's monies in _________ bank 2-years ago, and while they are all excited about getting all their money back plus all their interest promised, I sending you $30,000 (USD) tomorrow morning before I go to work so it will speed things up for the Restoration Project. I understand that I will receive $200 (USD) for every $1 (USD) I send and that this will place me at the top of the list when funds begin to flow.
Thanks for all your hard work, and may God bless!
- - - -
Wow!!!! You can definitely look forward to receiving $180,000 (USD) as funds begin to flow, and you shouldn't have to wait much longer because you're now placed at the "top of the list" when we received your bank wire transfer this afternoon!!!! We immediately sent you a confirmation receipt by e-mail!
Thank you, thank, thank you for your wise and most thoughtful contribution of $30,000 (USD) on our 200:1 offer that will speed-up one large deal we desperately needed help with, which our brokers indicate should see positive results "soon!"
Am sure many in our Group wish to thank you, but as with all e-mails we receive, your details are kept confidential for security reasons.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Van / Zig
- - - -
The Team leaders are really excited, and sending e-mails wanting to know when the BIG deal closes!!! Well, we needed $100,000 to speed-up 3 of our 14 deals, and we have received $90,000 this month but only need another $10,000 to get those 3 back up to speed where they were.
Remember, free will contributions speed our deals for you, so all on this e-mail list can begin enjoying the good life once again, plus look forward to also receiving $200 for every $1 sent to support the Team.
We had a board meeting yesterday that discussed letting those whom are currently on this private list to share the $200:$1 deal with only their closest friends and family members, and it was decided that so long as our Group stands to benefit that this will be okay. Remembering that all details must be kept confidential plus the fact that no one wants to do anything to stand in the way of being paid, we're going to open-up our list to only your closest friends and family whom you believe can keep your secret.
Your e-mail for bank wire or Western Union instructions will replied to promptly.
One of our Team Leaders who's knows the broker handling our really "BIG" deal - we nick-named "gusher" - told us 30-pages of a contract revision that was just FAXd got to the bank saw the board approve the deal, however their general counsel has to review it to make sure all the T's are crossed and i's dotted, and upon that approval they may wish to see the whole deal insurance wrapped before being placed into the Escrow account from where disbursements will begin so, the count-down begins for flowing funds to the Restoration project. Go Blue Team! Go!!!!
Everyone around here my house is getting real excited because they know that when that BIG deal closes, the window of opportunity to receive the $200 for $1 will stop, and while our Team Leaders are not allowed to participate in your 200:1 offers, they can look forward to other things they've been waiting for too.
Stay-tuned for next week's "Update" that will outline what the finishing touches will mean for our "gusher!"
Many Blessings,
Van / Zig
- - - -
While these few short examples (above) limit the breadth and scope of what the 'real strategic e-mail financial support solicitations are', received by victims since 2002, similar e-mails are still continuing to be sent to 'existing fraud victim's in-addition to 'new fraud victims' that fill the void of 'former victims of fraud' whom went broke sending monies directly to James Gregory Ziegler, his wives, and his money-laundering agents who took-in well over $6,000,000.00 (USD) while not returning even one (1) victims' monies. The sad fact is, this fraud and money laundering of victims' monies is still an on-going criminal enterprise in 2008 with no end in sight.
November 2003, saw Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink too busy to answer any more Restoration Project fraud victim e-mails after he raised the ante to $400 for every $1 ( 400:1 ) sent in for the Restoration Project.
The Ziegler brothers were too busy 'spending' their ill-gotten gains to collect fraud victims' monies themselves so, they either assigned their wives to collect-up the fraud monies for them and hired assistants do it for them, otherwise complaining about how long the lines are at their local banks, Western Union, MoneyGram, and other money-receiving center counters where multiple money wire transfers and electronic payment processing centers fill - day after day - as hundreds of fraud victims’ monies get sent from around the world.
The flood of incoming money wire transfers coming in was exacerbating because their fraud and money-laundering level activities were multiplied day after day using multiple fraudsters with multiple entities to bird-dog ( capture ) new fraud victims as well as old fraud victims too.
Other steps these fraudsters took was not informing Restoration Project fraud victims, whom received e-mail solicitations for financial support that stated an amount of money needed that was time and time again 'exceeded', but not to their knowledge. Victims were never simply told when claimed goals were met. Hence, solicited fraud victims whom continued to send their monies blindly, and this was another reason why so much money was taken in a relatively short period of time without much effort.
Like most greedy people, fraudsters never gauge nor limit quantity numbers of people or amounts of money able to be taken while seated at their favorite table playing the games people do.
James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler took over collecting 'all fraud victim monies' for his Restoration Project while sending 'e-mail receipt confirmations' for Restoration Project fraud victims monies received, and continued writing the Restoration Project fraud "Updates" for hundreds of individuals and entities around the world.
On May 24, 2004 while James G. Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler continued his multi-million dollar Restoration Project fraud from the comfort of his homes in Serbia, his brother Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink was being arrested at his huge multi-million dollar luxury home in Luzira, Kampala, Uganda by INTERPOL agents who turned him over to five ( 5 ) waiting FBI agents out-of the Portland, Oregon field office flown to Entebbe Airport to return him and arrest him in the United States where he faced federal criminal charges, 'not' because of the "Restoration Project" fraud, but because of a reported $250,000,000.00 million dollar mail fraud, wire fraud, money-laundering, tax evasion, and other criminal activity case focusing solely on the then-defunct FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD.
On December 10, 2005 Gilbert Allen Ziegler (aka) Van Arthur Brink died ( Wilsonville, Oregon, USA ) while awaiting U.S. federal criminal wire fraud, mail fraud, and other charges relating to the by-then defunct independent offshore bank FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. network of combined hundreds of international business companies, independent offshore banks, and other related entities. His death, did 'not' slow or stop his brother James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler from continuing down the crooked path of the Restoration Project fraud.
While the HBO cable television series Sopranos envisage mobsters sometimes clinging to basic traditional family values, it instantly became obvious that James G. Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler held little to none at all.
On October 10, 2006, Ivanka Lekic Milanovic Ziegler, wife of James G. Ziegler died in Serbia.
On October 12, 2006 - within 2-days of his wife dying in Serbia - James G. Ziegler created another new international business company named HUMBERT RESEARCH LLC in Charlestown, Nevis for money-laundering Restoration Project fraud funds away-from his investor victims.
On October 20, 2006 - within 10-days of his wife dying - James G. Ziegler arranged yet another international business company named GQ S2S SAND AND SILICONES COMPANY ( Cabadbaran, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines ) to grant a Perpetual Royalty Award of 80% of profits derived during the first year from his small gold mining investment fraud operation in the Philippines over to HUMBERT RESEARCH LLC in Charlestown, Nevis.
On October 24, 2006 - within 2-weeks of his wife dying in Serbia - James G. Ziegler fled Serbia abandoning his stepdaughter there. He flew to the Middle East, then on to Tolosa, Cabadbaran, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines where he continued directing business financial investment fraud and money-laundering operations of his Restoration Project, in which he used his old con artist fraudsters, recruited 'new con artist fraudsters', arranged new networks of 'new money fraud team mules', and established ‘new money-launderers’.
On December 6, 2006 - within 60-days of his wife dying in Serbia - James G. Ziegler married a Filipina woman who he directed to establish his international business fraud and money-laundering company GQ S2S SAND AND SILICONES COMPANY ( Cabadbaran, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines ) and further directed her to ‘rent / lease real estate property’ he quickly took photos of and placed on his investment gold mine website he enticed his victims by encouraging them to invest even more of their monies into his failing gold mine investment site he continues to claim is just about ready to return Restoration Project fraud victims’ lost monies.
From October 2006 thru April 2007 - just 6-months - James Gregory Ziegler used his small rented gold mine site in the Philippines to defraud more Restoration Project victims out-of one quarter of a million ( $250,000.00 ) dollars, an amount even his closest fraud partners Daniel T. Hashimoto (aka) Danny Hashimoto and Dr. Storm Todd Gregg Gill (aka) Storm Gill never knew.
As one of Ziegler's bird-dog fraud and money-laundering agents, Hashimoto saw that a good portion of the frauds were snagged by, following in the footsteps of Ziegler, establishing his own bird-dog fraudsters and money-launders he promised to pay commissions to but like the victims he never came-through for his agents and pocketed their commissions for himself.
Danny Hashimoto has never been known as being one of the brighter fraudsters. He concluded estimating all he could, what Ziegler scammed from investor victims, but still came-up short. Ziegler was clipping investor victims, on the side, out-of $60,000.000 (USD) more than what Hashimoto's narrow mindedness could figure. Ziegler treated Hashimoto like he does his victims, keeping them in the dark until it's time to flee a country, by not revealing all names, amounts, and dates his victims invest. What Ziegler's wife didn't collect-up for him in money wire transfers, Ziegler collected for himself during that same 6-month period, which proves the age-old adage true. There's no honor amongst thieves.
Investor victims of the Daniel T. Hashimoto now-defunct independent offshore bank, CROWN MERIDIAN BANK OF GRENADA LTD., got clipped for over $4,000,000.00 (USD) in deposits so, Hashimoto simply abandoned his bank and depositors to return to living the life of Riley in his home island state of Kauai, Hawaii in the U.S., but he enjoyed financial business investment crime so much he decided to team-up with James G. Ziegler, and began clipping people right on his home island of Kauai and along the west coast of the United States in California too.
There's no rush by federal law enforcement to arrest Danny Hashimoto, today, simply because his victims were of the type of numbskulls that can easily be sold by most happy-go-lucky high-spirited smiling idiots. Chances are, he'll never be arrested for committing interstate frauds and money laundering crimes because federal agents don't have time to bother with fraudsters these days because they claim they're "not budgeted for it" because they're still 'looking' for terrorists they never seem to find or prosecute. One may only speculate what will happen to federal law enforcement budgets when the "War On Terror" eventually dries-up and blows away, but to hear them talk about it lasting for a hundred years, it won’t be anytime "soon."
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Circa 2004-2007:
- TOWERHILL MANAGEMENT LTD. [ James G. Ziegler and Dr. Epifanio Vasquez Santos - Calle Pedro Clisante No. 58, El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, TEL: (809) 571-3610, FAX: (809) 571-3301; Panama City, Panama; and, Arthur L. Evelyn Building, Suite 130, P.O. Box 297, Main Street, Charlestown, Nevis ];
- BETTERBILT PRODUCTS INC. [ Clarence L. King ( deceased ), Elaine Davis, Christopher Brown - 105 Overlook Drive S.W., Atlanta, Georgia, 31131, USA, TEL: (404) 601-9688; and, 5696 Peachtree Parkway, P. O. Box 311309, Norcross, Georgia 31131-1309, USA ];
- BIG TREE LLC (aka)
- BENEFITS SOURCE INSURANCE SERVICES INC. [ Wendy J. Merrill ( president ), Bruce R. Mock, Michael Robinson, Gordon Murphy, and William Wallace - 745 South Mary Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94087, USA, TEL: (408) 830-9300, TEL/FAX: (408) 830-9333; 9000 Las Vegas Boulevard, Suite 1102, Las Vegas, Nevada 89123; 3155 E. Patrick Lane, Suite 1, Las Vegas, Nevada 89120-3481, USA; and, 1350 E. Flamingo Road, Suite 343, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 ];
- LCS 1 CORP. (aka)
- LCS CORP. (aka)
- PAS CORP. [ Paul Arthur Sugar ( DOB: 21SEP47 ), Lois C. Sugar, and Gilbert G. Stout - 14059 E. Geronimo Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85259; 12759 East Sunnyside Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona 85259, USA; 1529 Imperial Cup Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 8911, TEL: (602) 316-8351 ( cellphone ), TEL: (602) 332-3005 ( cellphone ), (480) 661-9977, TEL/FAX: (480) 661-9979; and, formerly of New Jersey ];
- DANOMON INC. [ Daniel T. Hashimoto (aka) Danny Hashimoto [ ( DOB: 25DEC45 ) 134 Lihau Street, Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746, USA, (808) 634-3753 ( cellphone ), TEL: (808) 822-4133, TEL: (808) 821-0352, TEL: (808) 567-9038 ];
- HUMBERT RESEARCH LLC [ Dr. Dale W. Howard - Arthur L. Evelyn Building, Suite 130, P.O. Box 297, Main Street, Charlestown, Nevis; 25838 South Greencastle Drive, Sun Lakes, Arizona 85248-6816, USA, TEL: (480) 895-1580 ];
- GQ S2S SAND AND SILICONES COMPANY [ Tersa Acalala Quintano (aka) Tris Ziegler, Benita A. Tanola, Miraflor A. Durano - P.O. Box 104, Tolosa, Cabadbaran 8605, Agusan del Norte, Philippines, TEL: +63 (918) 705-2556 ( cellphone ), TEL/FAX: + 63 (85) 343-1077 ];
- LA FRATERNIDAD TRUCKING SERVICES [ Ricardo A. Quintano ( brother, of: Tersa A. Ziegler ) - Tubay, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines ];
- Tersa Acala Quintano (aka) Tris Ziegler [ ( DOB: 31JAN57 ) 228 L. Corvera Avenue, Tolosa, Cabadbaran 8605, Agusan Del Norte, REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, TEL: +63 (918) 705-2556 ( cellphone ), TEL: +63 (85) 343-0705, TEL: +63 (85) 343-1077 ];
- Dr. Dale W. Howard [ 25838 South Greencastle Drive, Sun Lakes, Arizona 85248-6816, USA, TEL: (480) 895-1580 ];
- Anthony Gallegos (aka) Tony Gallegos and his wife Barbara Gallegos [ 8224 W. Ken Caryl Place, # D, Littleton, Colorado 80128, USA, TEL: (303) 933-3998 ];
- Ronald Taylor [ 118 Dorsey Road, Rochester, New York, 14616, USA, TEL: (585) 288-8874 ];
- Timothy O'Brien (aka) Tim O'Brien [ ( Utica, New York, USA; Charlotte, North Carolina, USA; Margate, Florida, USA ); and, Manila, The Philippines, TEL: (315) 525-6604 ( cellphone ), TEL: + 63 (920) 319-8684 ( cellphone ) ];
- Vincent Michael Freeborn [ ( DOB: 11DEC60 - 26 Bruna Street, Runcorn 4113, Queensland, Australia, TEL: +617 3345-6698 ); and, formerly ( Kingman, Arizona, USA ) ];
- Lexington Gordon Willmott [ ( DOB: 05JUL50 - 16 Brown Street, Calliope 4680, Queensland, Australia, TEL: +614 3312-9059 ( cellphone ), TEL: +617 3806-4337, TEL: + 617 4962-0146, TEL/FAX: + 617 4975-6222, TEL/FAX: +617 3251-0786 ]; and,
- Other individuals involved.
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Although all have committed serious 'fraud', 'money-laundering', and/or 'tax evasion', none to-date have ever been held to account for crimes against victims by any government agency. What's wrong with 'that' taxpayer picture?
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Circa 2007-2008:
UNITED FINANCE OF SWITZERLAND AG ( Zug, Switzerland ) owns PROFESSIONAL OFFSHORE LTD. whose corporate director is PATRICK FLYNN LLB controlled through a management agreement with REDWOOD HOLDINGS LTD. ( Seychelles ), Christian Frey actually owns UNITED FINANCE OF SWITZERLAND AG ( Zug, Switzerland ) in association with CSF MANAGEMENT SA ( Geneva, Switzerland ) whose financial intermediary is Vincent Freeborn of HYGROWTH TRADING TRUST representing the financial business investment interests of Lexington Gordon Willmott, James Gregory Ziegler, and Daniel T. Hashimoto gold mine projects on Mindanao Island in The Philippines, located at:
Tolosa Barangay ( village )
Cabadbaran ( municipality )
Agusan Del Norte ( region )
Magsaysay Barangay ( village )
Placer ( municipality )
Surigao del Norte ( region )
- - - -
Although official Philippines company registration and other documents for the aforementioned gold mine projects see only Tersa Acala Quintano aka Tris Ziegler ( wife of James Gregory Ziegler ) named within local business documents, where the fraud and money-laundering business side of it all is actually directed by James Gregory Ziegler who on October 12, 2006 established Dr. Dale W. Howard ( Sun Lakes, Arizona ) as manager of HUMBERT RESEARCH LLC ( Charlestown, Nevis ) via Frank Evelyn of Arthur L. Evelyn and EQUITY MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTANCY CORP. ( Charlestown, Nevis ) when Ziegler gave instructions on May 19, 2007 to Daniel T. Hashimoto to contact Ziegler's old friend Elridge Sekou Glasford ( St. John's, Antigua ) of CSB INVESTMENT ADVISORS LLC ( Charlestown, Nevis ) who advised Ziegler through Hashimoto on May 20, 2007 that their Philippines gold mine investment fraud funds could easily be money-laundered through the assistance of Brian Mason at SOUTHPAC TRUST NEVIS LTD. ( Charlestown, Nevis ) through CAPITAL SECURITY BANK LIMITED ( Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands ) where bank wire transfers of $10,000 (USD) or less go unreported.
Before the now defunct First International Bank of Grenada Ltd. came under control of the Grenada government in 2000, Elridge Glasford and Tessa Howell worked for the business of James G. Ziegler.
- - - -
Spencer H. Howell Building - Suite 201
Main Street
TEL: (869) 469-0743
FAX: (869) 469-0756
CONTACT: James G. Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler, Jean Margaret Wahls Ziegler (aka) Maggie Ziegler, Elridge Sekou Glasford, and Tessa Howell.
100 S.E. 2nd Floor
Miami, Florida 33131
ABA: 066007681
For Credit To:
Main Street
Account number: 01901577412
For Final Credit To:
Account number: 294705
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It is believed greater number quantities of new entities operating multiple frauds and money-laundering activities, although with significantly lower money wire transfer amount transactions per day, combining an even greater number of fraud victims with shrunken money wire transaction amounts, authorities now face but may not wish to admit even more difficult times ahead for detecting fraud and money-laundering where these larger volumes of smaller frauds and money-laundering transactions appear greater than before THE PATRIOT ACT heightened bank restrictions enhancing suspicious activity reporting ( SAR ) guidelines.
While offshore capital flight may only appear to have ceased, for some, it remains clear that sophisticated fraudsters circumventing enhanced laws by enlarging their fraud victim numbers, combined with fast frequency fraud entity build-ups and switch-outs, that some say out-competes the frequency by which women change pantyhose, it appears the U.S. government continues using old technology processes combined with their recent lack-luster attitudes trying to wave-away fraud and money laundering like pesky flies, are mistakenly doing more to enhance the spread of more sophisticated business financial investment fraud monsters than not.
The public is now forced to remain even more vigilant against fraud and money-laundering since taxpayer Department of Justice and Treasury budgets, which mostly increase every year, now see blatant refusals by federal law enforcement to capture well-known U.S. citizen fraudsters in foreign countries ( even though they are provided with their precise foreign location ) and shockingly, even those who are presented to them ‘after being provided with thousands of pages of black and white and color image document evidence’.
Lackadaisical law enforcement attitudes toward serious fraud and money laundering, is reminiscent of what some still see in developing third world countries.
In the next couple months, between March and April 2008, America's NBC cable television network channel CNBC plans to air its program series American Greed, which not only promises a report on fraudsters and victims surrounding the now-defunct FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK OF GRENADA LTD. fraud network of companies that touched thousands of investor-depositor victims worldwide, it plans to also mention the group of fraudsters like James Gregory Ziegler (aka) Zig Ziegler, Daniel T. Hashimoto (aka) Danny Hashimoto, and others whom continue driving the Restoration Project fraud.
Submitted by,
Offshore Informant
Offshore Informant