Your BBC?
J.B. | 23.01.2008 14:46 | Birmingham | World
Is the BBC a quasi-governmental organisation - prepared to sacrifice the safety and security of its youngest and most vulnerable customers, to satisfy the whims of senior ministers? Read on.
N.B. It is likely that 'the powers that be' will try to have this information removed shortly. Please take a copy, if you can. If the article is suppressed, it will confirm that a very real cover-up is taking place.
I will definitely update this article in future if I am able. If you hear no more about this, it will either be because I have been silenced by the neo-nazi group who have been harassing me for two years, or the authorities have taken my computer away. Both would I think, indicate that my claims have a good deal of substance.
Some of the web addresses in this text may not appear as clickable links. Please copy and paste them into the address bar of your browser.
I recently discovered some interesting news reports regarding BBC Message Boards. Have a look at:
for details of the Iron Naz story
This also:
which gives a precise chronology of the jesus b-a-s-t-a-r-d series of postings.
Both of these are lucid accounts of blatant bias and censorship on a BBC message board.
You will notice that each of these articles describes how offensive postings were allowed to remain on the BBC Radio Five Live message board, whilst all opposition was rigorously censored and the thread eventually locked off to prevent further discussion. These articles both imply that the anti Semitic / anti Christian bias exhibited by BBC message board moderators is a result of their pro-Muslim leanings.
However, at about the same time that the Iron Naz scandal was unfolding, an associate of mine was making some rather different complaints about corruption on still more of the BBC's Internet message board system.
The complaints were specifically:
1) BBC message boards of all descriptions have been comprehensively hijacked by a middle aged, neo-nazi, Satanist, computer hacker.
2) That he has hundreds of different user names on numerous BBC boards (and elsewhere), and is involved in a massive campaign of systematic identity theft from members of these message boards.
3) This ID theft often deliberately targets the most vulnerable; disabled people, lone women and children specifically.
4) The stolen computer data, including home addresses and mobile phone numbers, is being used to target crime locally against various individuals who have been selected for harassment, by this very sick computer hacker.
5) Even more disturbingly, this Satanist has had long-term close friendships with convicted pedophiles for many decades.
6) The hacker has been instrumental in a series of brutal murders - including the London nail bomb attacks - carried out by a young man who he systematically brainwashed and aided and abetted to carry out these insane acts.
for some background on this.
In one of these attacks - The Admiral Duncan pub bombing - a pregnant woman and her unborn child were killed. See the Panorama Special - The Nail Bomber
for a transcript.
As soon as this information was posted at the BBC, most of it was censored by the 'moderators'. The thread was then locked off to prevent further discussion. Anyone who already knows the hacker's identity, will understand the irony implicit in bald allegations of pro-Muslim bias on BBC message boards, specifically with regard to the particular postings being discussed here. The truth is far more complex and is bound up in the intensely manipulative character of this particular individual.
The close similarities between the behavior of the moderators in this case, with the tactics employed in the iron naz and jesus b-a-s-t-a-r-d episodes, raises some interesting questions.
* If all of the problems on BBC message boards are created by a culture of pro-Muslim bias as has been suggested, why were my friend's posts censored?
Her messages had nothing to do with Islam, Judaism, Christianity, or religion of any sort.
* Why would anyone in their right mind hit the Complaint button - be they Muslim, Jew, Christian or atheist - to protect an old neo-nazi, Satanist, with a penchant for pedophiles?
* Why would anyone suppress information about mass identity theft?
* Most importantly, why would the moderation team be complicit in this cover up?
Immediately after this, my friend was banned without any prior warning, from making further posts on the message board. Unable to get a reply from the moderation team as to why this was, she re-joined the board using another user name and a different Hotmail address. She made one innocuous posting, introducing herself to other members of the message-board and was promptly banned again.
This raises another very pertinent question. I have a copy of a letter from the BBC which clearly states that, criminal activity involving one hacker with many user names on Corporation message boards, cannot be investigated by examining user account IP addresses. The reason they give is very simple. Under the Data Protection Act, the BBC is not allowed to collect IP addresses. The only information they require to use the boards is an e-mail address and user name. In other words, no security barrier whatsoever to prevent an insane hacker from turning every BBC public forum into his own ID theft fiefdom.
So we are now presented with the following curious anomaly. The BBC cannot investigate the activities of a crazed neo-nazi, Satanist, hacker, who has been busily stealing IDs from its message boards for several years, because it does not gather IP addresses. Yet when one person tries to expose the hacker and rejoins with a new user name and e-mail address - but still using the same IP address on a reformatted machine - the 'moderation' team knows immediately and bans her. But surely none of this is possible without illegal gathering of IP addresses and a complicit moderation team?
Something smells very bad at the BBC.
I suggest that the allegations my friend made about BBC message boards are all absolutely correct. Hiding these posts and banning her (twice) using an illegally obtained IP address, indicates very strongly that everything she said is absolutely true. Somebody took desperate measures to silence her because she has discovered the vile truth about the shambles, which an uncaring BBC politely refers to as its 'Message Boards'.
Publishing this is risky for me. The hacker has been organizing a campaign of harassment, centering on my home address and car, for the past two years. Other victims of this scam are having similar experiences to me. As soon as the hacker sees this I suspect these attacks will be stepped up.
Whilst I am able, I will keep you updated on this. If I disappear you can be sure that a concerted effort to silence me has been successful. This has been the fate of every other person who has tried to expose this dangerous and very sick man.
In this section I intend to discuss the common experiences of the BBC hacker's disabled victims. In large scale harassment of this type, isolation of victims is paramount if criminal activity is to remain undetected for long periods of time. Disabled people seem to suffer more than most from social marginalization and it is my belief that the hacker chose this group quite deliberately as an easy long term target. Later in this text it will be noted that, whilst many victims know they are being harassed , they may often be unaware that this is being facilitated by the crime of identity theft originating from a message board they have recently visited. Victims certainly have a difficult task in bringing together the many disparate strands of evidence to prove that a large scale series of connected crimes is taking place. The reader should keep this firmly in mind when assessing what follows.
A particularly distasteful example of the hacker's degenerate behaviour, involved a woman who had fought a long battle with cancer. Just over two years ago she was in remission from the illness and was actively trying to rebuild her life by helping other disabled people. Her vulnerability seemed to trigger some sort of hatred in the distorted mind of our Satanist hacker. Her computer was broken into and her home address and telephone numbers stolen. She was then subjected to a prolonged, carefully organized and intensive campaign of vicious harassment at her home and place of work. The stress was so great that she eventually suffered a relapse, lost her job and became very ill again. This woman has disappeared and it now seems possible she is either in hiding, or more likely, was actually hounded to her death.
These attacks began at another message board called 'Blink'. As soon as the administrators of the 1990 Trust discovered the dangerous Satanist who was misusing their message board, they shut it down permanently. Almost immediately afterwards an article was published on the Blink website, exposing the hacker's identity.
Reading copies of the hacker's many postings at that time, it is patently obvious that he played a major part in organizing the violence against this woman. Under various aliases he makes thinly veiled threats, warning her that she is ''surrounded'' and should be careful in case she has ''a little accident''. He also makes frequent Satanic references.
In desperation the woman subsequently fled to the 'safety' of the BBC Ouch and Cane & Able disability message boards - only to be pursued by the hacker. Judging by the current BBC standards of care for their Internet customers, a clear case of 'out of the frying pan and into the fire'. This was over eighteen months ago, yet BBC board moderators were already demonstrating exactly the same predilection for censorship that they exhibited in the iron naz scandal. Anyone who cares to wrestle with the clunky old BBC Cane and Able message board archive system, will eventually find a thread called ''Endgame". On or about March 19th 2006 the woman, known as Bird in Flight (previously Hardtalk), is complaining about harassment and being stalked by the hacker onto BBC message boards. There are echos of the technique employed in the recent iron naz postings. Many of Bird in Flight's posts have been censored, while aggressive taunts by the hacker were allowed to remain. In a similar way to iron naz, the thread was locked off to prevent further discussion and also to ensure it would be buried away in the archives as soon a possible. In another post on Ouch Talk, Bird in Flight mentions being harassed at work by thugs who blocked off disabled parking spaces, intimidated her and forced their way into her office. In an earlier post she mentions that the hacker has hacked and destroyed her charity's disability message board, defacing it with the message "Spastics We Own You - The 'O' Team". Subsequent to this the hacker tries to divert attention from his deranged activities by asserting that it was "just kids" playing around.
Bird in Flight makes references to frequent attacks on her car and one incident in particular where the steering wheel was hacksawed off and "laid like some trophy" on the bonnet. In another posting she documents a very serious attack on her house. The weather is freezing and she has come home from work to find every window in her house has been kicked in.
In common with other victims, Bird in Flight is subjected to another of the hacker's distasteful practices. He uses the name of a deceased member of her close family (quite easy to find this information at the Family Records Centre). She complains that it isn't very nice to mention a person's deceased loved ones.
One would think that all these postings from a highly distressed woman, would ring some alarm bells with the moderation team, but no investigation appears to have ever taken place.
It simply wont do for the BBC moderation team to protest that thy don't have the time to protect victims of crime on their boards. They found plenty of time to protect the guilty and silence the innocent, in the iron naz and jesus b-a-s-t-a-r-d episodes, yet when a vulnerable disabled woman was being bullied to death in front of them, the 'Moderation Team' did nothing. Hang your head in shame BBC - you lack even basic humanity.
Any person experiencing attacks such as these, faces some formidable obstacles in protecting themselves. As previously touched upon, the first difficulty for many, is actually identifying the source of the harassment. Unless the hacker chooses to rub salt into the wound by making oblique references on the message board (as in the case of Bird in Flight) to the violence he is organising, the victim may never make the connection. Harassment, vandalism and stalking are such common occurrences in some people's lives, that it is often difficult for victims to disentangle mindless random attacks which originate locally, from a more sinister organised campaign stemming from Internet I.D. theft.
Disabled people are often prime targets for local youths, so this group more than many will be familiar with mans' inhumanity to man. Another very real problem is that most detached observers expect the victims themselves to explain the hacker's motivation. This hardly seems fair, because ID theft is a stealth crime and it is difficult for any sane person to rationalise the actions of a maniac they know nothing about. Most bar room 'experts' insist that computer criminals only fall into two groups - people who want to steal your money and "just kids messing about". The BBC hacker has been very keen to reinforce these prejudices to cover his tracks. After all the press reports concerning pedophiles in chat rooms, Internet stalking, murders originating from 'cyber' relationships etc., one would think we would have learned the lesson by now. So perhaps the point needs re-emphasising before we go any further. Just because this particular hacker is insane and corrupt and just because we cannot explain why he behaves in such a bizarre manner, doesn't mean his crimes are impossible or indeed, unlikely to be real.
The third problem for victims is that not only are they expected to explain an anonymous psychopath's motivation, they are also expected to supply a technical explanation of how the hacker gathers information to organise the harassment. A vital prerequisite for examining how this hacker operates is an understanding of his high levels of technical expertise. The testimony of victims is undermined at every turn, because many of the techniques the hacker uses are not widely known. The following is a typical example of this and concerns mobile (cell) 'phone viruses.
Most members of the public know that 'phone lines can be tapped and that the security services can monitor calls on mobile 'phones. However, I haven't met anyone who knows that mobile 'phones can be used as passive bugging devices, except for mobile communication specialists and the hackers who use the viruses.
for more on this.
Basically this means that once a mobile 'phone is infected with a virus, it is not only the calls that can be monitored. Whilst the 'phone is on one's person it acts as a bugging device, which the hacker can turn on from a remote location. This rather tedious technical explanation really highlights the 'double whammy' that the hackers victims are subjected to. Firstly, because they cannot explain the hows, whys and wherefores of these crimes, they are not taken seriously by those who ought to be helping. Secondly, for exactly the same reasons, victims feel confused and highly distressed. They know they are being got at but cannot explain how.
Here is another example of how this Satanist hacker tortures his disabled victims. He steals their home address taken from documents on the disabled person's computer. At the same time he takes private correspondence mobile 'phone numbers, details of their disability, names of their children and anything else he can lay his hands on. Next he rings the victim's mobile 'phone, implants the virus and begins to listen in on every detail of their domestic and private life. He finds who is in the house, when they go out, all their movements, which car they own - everything in fact which will assist him in carrying out a long series of crimes against the unfortunate person. Soon after this the hacker dispatches one of his thugs to vandalise the disabled person's car. This happens repeatedly over a period of months or years, until the victim is highly distressed or even suicidal. The hacker is able to get away with these attacks time and again. He always knows where his victim is, because he eavesdropping constantly using the hacked 'phone.
Then the real 'fun' starts.
In this example a disabled person was struggling in their wheelchair to sweep up broken glass from the pavement, after yet another attack on their car. By this time they are in a state of constant fear, so the victim keeps their hacked 'phone constantly at their side. As they sweep the glass into a dustpan, a neighbor comes out to see what the problem is. They then have a very particular conversation.
Next day on the BBC disability message board, the victim sees that someone else has made a post about having the window smashed on their car. It describes how the neighbour came out while they were sweeping the glass into a dustpan. However, the report of the conversation with the neighbour is entirely different. The hacker is too sly to give the victim anything rational and cohesive to go to the police with. What he does do is post an almost verbatim account of a conversation the victim had with someone else on an entirely different occasion.
The person being subjected to these attacks is confused and upset. Because they know nothing about mobile 'phone viruses, they cannot understand how these attacks are being carried out and why someone on a disability message board appears to know the intimate details of their life. This is just one example of how a mobile 'phone virus was used to torture a vulnerable disabled person. The hacker uses many more high-tech and largely unknown techniques to attack innocent people.
The reasons why these attacks on vulnerable people have been allowed to continue unimpeded and uninvestigated for many years, are complex and varied. As previously touched upon, one very important aspect is the sheer strangeness of the crimes. The key to understanding this lies in the distorted mindset of the perpetrator.
He is part of a small, but very dangerous group of fanatics. They immerse themselves in perverted Satanic rituals, yet at the same time are heavily involved in violent neo-nazi activities. At first glance, Satanism and nazism might seem an unlikely combination. However, further investigation reveals that the Occult / Fascist Axis is a very real phenomenon. It is certainly not the case that most neo-nazis are Satanists. The obverse does contain more than a grain of truth though - a significant proportion of Satanists are attracted to the politics of the extreme Right. This has become such a problem that whole websites have been created by 'non-political' Satanists, in an effort to disassociate themselves from Right wing extremism. Diane Vera's website is an excellent source of information on this topic.
Vera makes a key point in these texts. Exploitation of the young and gullible is an important part of the way 'senior' neo-nazis recruit people to do their dirty work. Diane Vera explains that some members of the extreme Right pretend to be Satanists. They purport to provide training for young 'acolytes' in the ways of Satanism, encouraging them to commit acts of vandalism, intimidation and violence. These crimes are portrayed as a method of enhancing the Devil's power in the world (the Sinister Dialectic), but actually have an entirely different motive. According to Vera, Satanic 'beliefs' are simply a tool used to exploit gullible young men (and women) and provide a ready source of 'cheap labour' for certain neo-nazi groups.
As somebody who has direct experience of harassment, meted out by an individual who is notorious for exploiting young people, I think Diane Vera is only partially correct in her views. More on my reasons for this later.
Evidence that young people are routinely manipulated and brainwashed by certain members of the extreme Right, is not confined only to Diane Vera's web-pages.
If you refer back to Down With Murder:
some strange anomalies emerge from this document. The subject was a member of a neo-nazi organization whose permanent membership consisted of a few middle aged men. Yet this youth had the grandiose title ''Unit Leader'' bestowed on him almost as soon as he joined. ''Unit Leader" of whom, one might ask? It doesn't take much imagination to see the thinking behind this cynical piece of exploitation. This was probably the first time anyone had acknowledged this wretched young man's existence, let alone given him an important sounding title - he felt part of something at last! But here we stumble on a strange paradox. The nail bomber was encouraged by those above him in the heir-achy, to believe that he was doing important work for a grateful leadership (if not, then why give him a deliberately heir-achical title)? Yet as soon as the nail bombs were detonated, these outrages were being touted by certain neo-nazis as a "triumph for leaderless opposition". How can both of these things be true at the same time? Why are some people so keen to assert that the London nail bomber acted alone, when it is clear that he had been a member of an organised, heir-achical, fascist group? Surely the question of whether this young man was influenced by leaders of this organisation to carry out acts of horrific violence, ought to be a matter for vigourous public debate. The reason is quite straightforward; if the 'prime mover' in the London nail bombings is still at large, then this whole sick orgy of violence could be repeated.
Returning now to the violence and intimidation emanating from BBC message boards, I think it is very clear how this neo-nazi, Satanist, hacker is able to recruit a ready supply of gullible thugs.
* He lies to them about who is being targeted.
* He lies to them about why violence is being directed against certain people.
* Most importantly, he tailors his lies to exploit the distorted aspirations of these willing dupes.
I said earlier that Diane Vera is only half right when she asserts that, in the context of extreme Right groups, Satanism is in all cases merely a facade - neo-nazism being the real agenda. See:
for an argument diametrically opposed to Vera's position.
I don't believe the situation is quite so cut and dried and that real Satanic beliefs may be operating in parallel with nazism in the distorted mind of the BBC hacker. Although this Satanist hacker has attacked many people over a period of years, I am in the rare position of knowing the real identity of my assailant. This vital piece of information in combination with first hand experience of his assaults on myself and others, provides a very clear insight into the bizarre obsessions, which motivate the hacker's twisted behaviour
Many sources on the Internet have attributed Satanic writings to this hacker. There is little doubt that these texts originate from him, because Satanic material was being distributed from a PO Box for a flat in Reading, which was also used as the address for his fascist organisation This Reading flat was also the home of one of the hackers long-term pedophile friends. So despite the hacker's vehement denials that he is involved in any way with Satanism, this shared address does provide a very clear link between his own extreme Right organisation, his Satanist writings and indeed, his long term pedophile connections.
The facts surrounding this curious dichotomy of purpose need to be examined closely. The hacker has always used various pseudonyms to write about Satanism, yet he seemed quite happy to have his real name linked with neo-nazi 'politics'. This does not seem like the behaviour of a covert nazi posing as a Satanist, attracting unwitting 'acolytes' to do the violent dirty work of a fascist group. Unlike Diane Vera, I think the truth may be nearer to the opposite. The hacker is a committed Satanist who has tapped into a ready supply of gullible people with extreme Right wing leanings. Two very important facts support this view.
1) In the 1990s the hacker occupied a very high position in the notoriously violent Combat 18. In over thirty years of 'political activism', this was his best chance of fermenting a race war, culminating in social meltdown, which he has always claimed was his ultimate intention. Yet at this crucial time, he still pursued his Satanic activities as vigourously as ever. Moreover, he also kept in close contact with his pedophile friends. Not surprisingly, these two 'secret' aspects of his life were eventually discovered and the rank and file members of Combat-18 threw him out. A person of even moderate intelligence, would have predicted this situation and attempted to extricate themselves from their Satanist and pedophile associates, well in advance of such a debacle. However, it appears our dilettante friend must have had a different set of priorities to his nazi friends in Combat-18. In short, it is very difficult to believe that anyone who gave their nazi beliefs the highest priority, could have let this 'golden opportunity' slip through their fingers so easily.
2) Why does this hacker spend so much time on BBC disability message boards? How exactly is the cause of fascism advanced by harassing disabled people? This isn't the behaviour of a genuinely determined neo-nazi. The answer to this lies in the hacker's obsessive Satanist beliefs. In one of his more fanciful Satanist (not nazi) texts, the hacker suggests that "inferior" people should be culled on a massive scale. One can only assume that the BBC hacker believes that disabled people fit into this category. Judging by the list of known victims to date, he likes them to be helpless and female as well, if possible.
It is only through the first hand experiences of victims that we can begin to dismantle the exploitative mythology which the hacker has built around himself over a period of many years. He is someone who seeks to be all things to all men; the better to use them. So, in some of his Internet texts he advances the ideal of a society made up of noble "warrior heroes" But the profile of his chosen victims on BBC message boards, explodes this myth immediately. Targeting disabled people is surely one of the least heroic things a person can do. Yet our hacker spends all day pretending to be a disabled person on various message boards, in the hope of ensnaring more vulnerable victims. In another guise the hacker portrays himself as some sort of eco-warrior. He eulogises on a rural lifestyle, outside the city and rants about the crass materialism of our age. Most of all he emphasises his hatred of the motor car. Yet the experiences of his victims tell another story. Youths in cars are regularly used by the hacker to stalk victims. This is often carried out on a daily basis - countless pointless, polluting journeys to feed the power complex of a sick man. The hacker's rejection of contemporary materialism, has a hollow ring to it as well. This is a well off middle aged man who, by his own admission, lives comfortably from a large private income. His last known address was a very substantial house in an exclusive rural setting. Hardly the right person to lecture others about materialistic aspirations?! Perhaps in an attempt to lure animal rights activists into his sick schemes, the hacker stresses the need to respect the rights of all animals as part of his proposed rural idyl. Yet this particular hacker is notorious for his cat strangling antics during Satanic rituals. This sort of cruelty is a common trait amongst many people with psychopathic disorders.
It seems which ever way we turn, this man's real agenda - evinced by his deeds, as opposed to words - is quite different to the 'idealism' he likes to present to the world.
The situation is obviously very serious for disabled people, but the irony is that the extreme Right are victims of this Satanist con artist as well. In much of his writing he talks about safeguarding the traditional British way of life from the effects of immigration. Many people, rightly or wrongly, feel betrayed by successive Governments' policies on immigration. Not surprisingly, as was the case with the nail bomber, it is easy for an unscrupulous con-man to convince people that violence, stalking and harassment are part of some grand, but mysterious plan, to rid the country of immigrants. Whichever side the reader comes down regarding the question of race, one needs to ask this very basic question - how will persecuting disabled people stop immigration?
Shouldn't those on the far Right be asking the hacker why he seems so obsessed with attacking disabled people and why he is stealing so many IDs from them as well?
The Home Office, the police, 'gentlemen of the press' and various M.P.s know that this is going on and have been as obstructive and unhelpful as possible. Please show other people on the Internet this information, before more innocent people are harmed.
I will definitely update this article in future if I am able. If you hear no more about this, it will either be because I have been silenced by the neo-nazi group who have been harassing me for two years, or the authorities have taken my computer away. Both would I think, indicate that my claims have a good deal of substance.
Some of the web addresses in this text may not appear as clickable links. Please copy and paste them into the address bar of your browser.
I recently discovered some interesting news reports regarding BBC Message Boards. Have a look at:

for details of the Iron Naz story
This also:


which gives a precise chronology of the jesus b-a-s-t-a-r-d series of postings.
Both of these are lucid accounts of blatant bias and censorship on a BBC message board.
You will notice that each of these articles describes how offensive postings were allowed to remain on the BBC Radio Five Live message board, whilst all opposition was rigorously censored and the thread eventually locked off to prevent further discussion. These articles both imply that the anti Semitic / anti Christian bias exhibited by BBC message board moderators is a result of their pro-Muslim leanings.
However, at about the same time that the Iron Naz scandal was unfolding, an associate of mine was making some rather different complaints about corruption on still more of the BBC's Internet message board system.
The complaints were specifically:
1) BBC message boards of all descriptions have been comprehensively hijacked by a middle aged, neo-nazi, Satanist, computer hacker.
2) That he has hundreds of different user names on numerous BBC boards (and elsewhere), and is involved in a massive campaign of systematic identity theft from members of these message boards.
3) This ID theft often deliberately targets the most vulnerable; disabled people, lone women and children specifically.
4) The stolen computer data, including home addresses and mobile phone numbers, is being used to target crime locally against various individuals who have been selected for harassment, by this very sick computer hacker.
5) Even more disturbingly, this Satanist has had long-term close friendships with convicted pedophiles for many decades.
6) The hacker has been instrumental in a series of brutal murders - including the London nail bomb attacks - carried out by a young man who he systematically brainwashed and aided and abetted to carry out these insane acts.

for some background on this.
In one of these attacks - The Admiral Duncan pub bombing - a pregnant woman and her unborn child were killed. See the Panorama Special - The Nail Bomber

for a transcript.
As soon as this information was posted at the BBC, most of it was censored by the 'moderators'. The thread was then locked off to prevent further discussion. Anyone who already knows the hacker's identity, will understand the irony implicit in bald allegations of pro-Muslim bias on BBC message boards, specifically with regard to the particular postings being discussed here. The truth is far more complex and is bound up in the intensely manipulative character of this particular individual.
The close similarities between the behavior of the moderators in this case, with the tactics employed in the iron naz and jesus b-a-s-t-a-r-d episodes, raises some interesting questions.
* If all of the problems on BBC message boards are created by a culture of pro-Muslim bias as has been suggested, why were my friend's posts censored?
Her messages had nothing to do with Islam, Judaism, Christianity, or religion of any sort.
* Why would anyone in their right mind hit the Complaint button - be they Muslim, Jew, Christian or atheist - to protect an old neo-nazi, Satanist, with a penchant for pedophiles?
* Why would anyone suppress information about mass identity theft?
* Most importantly, why would the moderation team be complicit in this cover up?
Immediately after this, my friend was banned without any prior warning, from making further posts on the message board. Unable to get a reply from the moderation team as to why this was, she re-joined the board using another user name and a different Hotmail address. She made one innocuous posting, introducing herself to other members of the message-board and was promptly banned again.
This raises another very pertinent question. I have a copy of a letter from the BBC which clearly states that, criminal activity involving one hacker with many user names on Corporation message boards, cannot be investigated by examining user account IP addresses. The reason they give is very simple. Under the Data Protection Act, the BBC is not allowed to collect IP addresses. The only information they require to use the boards is an e-mail address and user name. In other words, no security barrier whatsoever to prevent an insane hacker from turning every BBC public forum into his own ID theft fiefdom.
So we are now presented with the following curious anomaly. The BBC cannot investigate the activities of a crazed neo-nazi, Satanist, hacker, who has been busily stealing IDs from its message boards for several years, because it does not gather IP addresses. Yet when one person tries to expose the hacker and rejoins with a new user name and e-mail address - but still using the same IP address on a reformatted machine - the 'moderation' team knows immediately and bans her. But surely none of this is possible without illegal gathering of IP addresses and a complicit moderation team?
Something smells very bad at the BBC.
I suggest that the allegations my friend made about BBC message boards are all absolutely correct. Hiding these posts and banning her (twice) using an illegally obtained IP address, indicates very strongly that everything she said is absolutely true. Somebody took desperate measures to silence her because she has discovered the vile truth about the shambles, which an uncaring BBC politely refers to as its 'Message Boards'.
Publishing this is risky for me. The hacker has been organizing a campaign of harassment, centering on my home address and car, for the past two years. Other victims of this scam are having similar experiences to me. As soon as the hacker sees this I suspect these attacks will be stepped up.
Whilst I am able, I will keep you updated on this. If I disappear you can be sure that a concerted effort to silence me has been successful. This has been the fate of every other person who has tried to expose this dangerous and very sick man.
In this section I intend to discuss the common experiences of the BBC hacker's disabled victims. In large scale harassment of this type, isolation of victims is paramount if criminal activity is to remain undetected for long periods of time. Disabled people seem to suffer more than most from social marginalization and it is my belief that the hacker chose this group quite deliberately as an easy long term target. Later in this text it will be noted that, whilst many victims know they are being harassed , they may often be unaware that this is being facilitated by the crime of identity theft originating from a message board they have recently visited. Victims certainly have a difficult task in bringing together the many disparate strands of evidence to prove that a large scale series of connected crimes is taking place. The reader should keep this firmly in mind when assessing what follows.
A particularly distasteful example of the hacker's degenerate behaviour, involved a woman who had fought a long battle with cancer. Just over two years ago she was in remission from the illness and was actively trying to rebuild her life by helping other disabled people. Her vulnerability seemed to trigger some sort of hatred in the distorted mind of our Satanist hacker. Her computer was broken into and her home address and telephone numbers stolen. She was then subjected to a prolonged, carefully organized and intensive campaign of vicious harassment at her home and place of work. The stress was so great that she eventually suffered a relapse, lost her job and became very ill again. This woman has disappeared and it now seems possible she is either in hiding, or more likely, was actually hounded to her death.
These attacks began at another message board called 'Blink'. As soon as the administrators of the 1990 Trust discovered the dangerous Satanist who was misusing their message board, they shut it down permanently. Almost immediately afterwards an article was published on the Blink website, exposing the hacker's identity.
Reading copies of the hacker's many postings at that time, it is patently obvious that he played a major part in organizing the violence against this woman. Under various aliases he makes thinly veiled threats, warning her that she is ''surrounded'' and should be careful in case she has ''a little accident''. He also makes frequent Satanic references.
In desperation the woman subsequently fled to the 'safety' of the BBC Ouch and Cane & Able disability message boards - only to be pursued by the hacker. Judging by the current BBC standards of care for their Internet customers, a clear case of 'out of the frying pan and into the fire'. This was over eighteen months ago, yet BBC board moderators were already demonstrating exactly the same predilection for censorship that they exhibited in the iron naz scandal. Anyone who cares to wrestle with the clunky old BBC Cane and Able message board archive system, will eventually find a thread called ''Endgame". On or about March 19th 2006 the woman, known as Bird in Flight (previously Hardtalk), is complaining about harassment and being stalked by the hacker onto BBC message boards. There are echos of the technique employed in the recent iron naz postings. Many of Bird in Flight's posts have been censored, while aggressive taunts by the hacker were allowed to remain. In a similar way to iron naz, the thread was locked off to prevent further discussion and also to ensure it would be buried away in the archives as soon a possible. In another post on Ouch Talk, Bird in Flight mentions being harassed at work by thugs who blocked off disabled parking spaces, intimidated her and forced their way into her office. In an earlier post she mentions that the hacker has hacked and destroyed her charity's disability message board, defacing it with the message "Spastics We Own You - The 'O' Team". Subsequent to this the hacker tries to divert attention from his deranged activities by asserting that it was "just kids" playing around.
Bird in Flight makes references to frequent attacks on her car and one incident in particular where the steering wheel was hacksawed off and "laid like some trophy" on the bonnet. In another posting she documents a very serious attack on her house. The weather is freezing and she has come home from work to find every window in her house has been kicked in.
In common with other victims, Bird in Flight is subjected to another of the hacker's distasteful practices. He uses the name of a deceased member of her close family (quite easy to find this information at the Family Records Centre). She complains that it isn't very nice to mention a person's deceased loved ones.
One would think that all these postings from a highly distressed woman, would ring some alarm bells with the moderation team, but no investigation appears to have ever taken place.
It simply wont do for the BBC moderation team to protest that thy don't have the time to protect victims of crime on their boards. They found plenty of time to protect the guilty and silence the innocent, in the iron naz and jesus b-a-s-t-a-r-d episodes, yet when a vulnerable disabled woman was being bullied to death in front of them, the 'Moderation Team' did nothing. Hang your head in shame BBC - you lack even basic humanity.
Any person experiencing attacks such as these, faces some formidable obstacles in protecting themselves. As previously touched upon, the first difficulty for many, is actually identifying the source of the harassment. Unless the hacker chooses to rub salt into the wound by making oblique references on the message board (as in the case of Bird in Flight) to the violence he is organising, the victim may never make the connection. Harassment, vandalism and stalking are such common occurrences in some people's lives, that it is often difficult for victims to disentangle mindless random attacks which originate locally, from a more sinister organised campaign stemming from Internet I.D. theft.
Disabled people are often prime targets for local youths, so this group more than many will be familiar with mans' inhumanity to man. Another very real problem is that most detached observers expect the victims themselves to explain the hacker's motivation. This hardly seems fair, because ID theft is a stealth crime and it is difficult for any sane person to rationalise the actions of a maniac they know nothing about. Most bar room 'experts' insist that computer criminals only fall into two groups - people who want to steal your money and "just kids messing about". The BBC hacker has been very keen to reinforce these prejudices to cover his tracks. After all the press reports concerning pedophiles in chat rooms, Internet stalking, murders originating from 'cyber' relationships etc., one would think we would have learned the lesson by now. So perhaps the point needs re-emphasising before we go any further. Just because this particular hacker is insane and corrupt and just because we cannot explain why he behaves in such a bizarre manner, doesn't mean his crimes are impossible or indeed, unlikely to be real.
The third problem for victims is that not only are they expected to explain an anonymous psychopath's motivation, they are also expected to supply a technical explanation of how the hacker gathers information to organise the harassment. A vital prerequisite for examining how this hacker operates is an understanding of his high levels of technical expertise. The testimony of victims is undermined at every turn, because many of the techniques the hacker uses are not widely known. The following is a typical example of this and concerns mobile (cell) 'phone viruses.
Most members of the public know that 'phone lines can be tapped and that the security services can monitor calls on mobile 'phones. However, I haven't met anyone who knows that mobile 'phones can be used as passive bugging devices, except for mobile communication specialists and the hackers who use the viruses.

for more on this.
Basically this means that once a mobile 'phone is infected with a virus, it is not only the calls that can be monitored. Whilst the 'phone is on one's person it acts as a bugging device, which the hacker can turn on from a remote location. This rather tedious technical explanation really highlights the 'double whammy' that the hackers victims are subjected to. Firstly, because they cannot explain the hows, whys and wherefores of these crimes, they are not taken seriously by those who ought to be helping. Secondly, for exactly the same reasons, victims feel confused and highly distressed. They know they are being got at but cannot explain how.
Here is another example of how this Satanist hacker tortures his disabled victims. He steals their home address taken from documents on the disabled person's computer. At the same time he takes private correspondence mobile 'phone numbers, details of their disability, names of their children and anything else he can lay his hands on. Next he rings the victim's mobile 'phone, implants the virus and begins to listen in on every detail of their domestic and private life. He finds who is in the house, when they go out, all their movements, which car they own - everything in fact which will assist him in carrying out a long series of crimes against the unfortunate person. Soon after this the hacker dispatches one of his thugs to vandalise the disabled person's car. This happens repeatedly over a period of months or years, until the victim is highly distressed or even suicidal. The hacker is able to get away with these attacks time and again. He always knows where his victim is, because he eavesdropping constantly using the hacked 'phone.
Then the real 'fun' starts.
In this example a disabled person was struggling in their wheelchair to sweep up broken glass from the pavement, after yet another attack on their car. By this time they are in a state of constant fear, so the victim keeps their hacked 'phone constantly at their side. As they sweep the glass into a dustpan, a neighbor comes out to see what the problem is. They then have a very particular conversation.
Next day on the BBC disability message board, the victim sees that someone else has made a post about having the window smashed on their car. It describes how the neighbour came out while they were sweeping the glass into a dustpan. However, the report of the conversation with the neighbour is entirely different. The hacker is too sly to give the victim anything rational and cohesive to go to the police with. What he does do is post an almost verbatim account of a conversation the victim had with someone else on an entirely different occasion.
The person being subjected to these attacks is confused and upset. Because they know nothing about mobile 'phone viruses, they cannot understand how these attacks are being carried out and why someone on a disability message board appears to know the intimate details of their life. This is just one example of how a mobile 'phone virus was used to torture a vulnerable disabled person. The hacker uses many more high-tech and largely unknown techniques to attack innocent people.
The reasons why these attacks on vulnerable people have been allowed to continue unimpeded and uninvestigated for many years, are complex and varied. As previously touched upon, one very important aspect is the sheer strangeness of the crimes. The key to understanding this lies in the distorted mindset of the perpetrator.
He is part of a small, but very dangerous group of fanatics. They immerse themselves in perverted Satanic rituals, yet at the same time are heavily involved in violent neo-nazi activities. At first glance, Satanism and nazism might seem an unlikely combination. However, further investigation reveals that the Occult / Fascist Axis is a very real phenomenon. It is certainly not the case that most neo-nazis are Satanists. The obverse does contain more than a grain of truth though - a significant proportion of Satanists are attracted to the politics of the extreme Right. This has become such a problem that whole websites have been created by 'non-political' Satanists, in an effort to disassociate themselves from Right wing extremism. Diane Vera's website is an excellent source of information on this topic.

Vera makes a key point in these texts. Exploitation of the young and gullible is an important part of the way 'senior' neo-nazis recruit people to do their dirty work. Diane Vera explains that some members of the extreme Right pretend to be Satanists. They purport to provide training for young 'acolytes' in the ways of Satanism, encouraging them to commit acts of vandalism, intimidation and violence. These crimes are portrayed as a method of enhancing the Devil's power in the world (the Sinister Dialectic), but actually have an entirely different motive. According to Vera, Satanic 'beliefs' are simply a tool used to exploit gullible young men (and women) and provide a ready source of 'cheap labour' for certain neo-nazi groups.
As somebody who has direct experience of harassment, meted out by an individual who is notorious for exploiting young people, I think Diane Vera is only partially correct in her views. More on my reasons for this later.
Evidence that young people are routinely manipulated and brainwashed by certain members of the extreme Right, is not confined only to Diane Vera's web-pages.
If you refer back to Down With Murder:

some strange anomalies emerge from this document. The subject was a member of a neo-nazi organization whose permanent membership consisted of a few middle aged men. Yet this youth had the grandiose title ''Unit Leader'' bestowed on him almost as soon as he joined. ''Unit Leader" of whom, one might ask? It doesn't take much imagination to see the thinking behind this cynical piece of exploitation. This was probably the first time anyone had acknowledged this wretched young man's existence, let alone given him an important sounding title - he felt part of something at last! But here we stumble on a strange paradox. The nail bomber was encouraged by those above him in the heir-achy, to believe that he was doing important work for a grateful leadership (if not, then why give him a deliberately heir-achical title)? Yet as soon as the nail bombs were detonated, these outrages were being touted by certain neo-nazis as a "triumph for leaderless opposition". How can both of these things be true at the same time? Why are some people so keen to assert that the London nail bomber acted alone, when it is clear that he had been a member of an organised, heir-achical, fascist group? Surely the question of whether this young man was influenced by leaders of this organisation to carry out acts of horrific violence, ought to be a matter for vigourous public debate. The reason is quite straightforward; if the 'prime mover' in the London nail bombings is still at large, then this whole sick orgy of violence could be repeated.
Returning now to the violence and intimidation emanating from BBC message boards, I think it is very clear how this neo-nazi, Satanist, hacker is able to recruit a ready supply of gullible thugs.
* He lies to them about who is being targeted.
* He lies to them about why violence is being directed against certain people.
* Most importantly, he tailors his lies to exploit the distorted aspirations of these willing dupes.
I said earlier that Diane Vera is only half right when she asserts that, in the context of extreme Right groups, Satanism is in all cases merely a facade - neo-nazism being the real agenda. See:

for an argument diametrically opposed to Vera's position.
I don't believe the situation is quite so cut and dried and that real Satanic beliefs may be operating in parallel with nazism in the distorted mind of the BBC hacker. Although this Satanist hacker has attacked many people over a period of years, I am in the rare position of knowing the real identity of my assailant. This vital piece of information in combination with first hand experience of his assaults on myself and others, provides a very clear insight into the bizarre obsessions, which motivate the hacker's twisted behaviour
Many sources on the Internet have attributed Satanic writings to this hacker. There is little doubt that these texts originate from him, because Satanic material was being distributed from a PO Box for a flat in Reading, which was also used as the address for his fascist organisation This Reading flat was also the home of one of the hackers long-term pedophile friends. So despite the hacker's vehement denials that he is involved in any way with Satanism, this shared address does provide a very clear link between his own extreme Right organisation, his Satanist writings and indeed, his long term pedophile connections.
The facts surrounding this curious dichotomy of purpose need to be examined closely. The hacker has always used various pseudonyms to write about Satanism, yet he seemed quite happy to have his real name linked with neo-nazi 'politics'. This does not seem like the behaviour of a covert nazi posing as a Satanist, attracting unwitting 'acolytes' to do the violent dirty work of a fascist group. Unlike Diane Vera, I think the truth may be nearer to the opposite. The hacker is a committed Satanist who has tapped into a ready supply of gullible people with extreme Right wing leanings. Two very important facts support this view.
1) In the 1990s the hacker occupied a very high position in the notoriously violent Combat 18. In over thirty years of 'political activism', this was his best chance of fermenting a race war, culminating in social meltdown, which he has always claimed was his ultimate intention. Yet at this crucial time, he still pursued his Satanic activities as vigourously as ever. Moreover, he also kept in close contact with his pedophile friends. Not surprisingly, these two 'secret' aspects of his life were eventually discovered and the rank and file members of Combat-18 threw him out. A person of even moderate intelligence, would have predicted this situation and attempted to extricate themselves from their Satanist and pedophile associates, well in advance of such a debacle. However, it appears our dilettante friend must have had a different set of priorities to his nazi friends in Combat-18. In short, it is very difficult to believe that anyone who gave their nazi beliefs the highest priority, could have let this 'golden opportunity' slip through their fingers so easily.
2) Why does this hacker spend so much time on BBC disability message boards? How exactly is the cause of fascism advanced by harassing disabled people? This isn't the behaviour of a genuinely determined neo-nazi. The answer to this lies in the hacker's obsessive Satanist beliefs. In one of his more fanciful Satanist (not nazi) texts, the hacker suggests that "inferior" people should be culled on a massive scale. One can only assume that the BBC hacker believes that disabled people fit into this category. Judging by the list of known victims to date, he likes them to be helpless and female as well, if possible.
It is only through the first hand experiences of victims that we can begin to dismantle the exploitative mythology which the hacker has built around himself over a period of many years. He is someone who seeks to be all things to all men; the better to use them. So, in some of his Internet texts he advances the ideal of a society made up of noble "warrior heroes" But the profile of his chosen victims on BBC message boards, explodes this myth immediately. Targeting disabled people is surely one of the least heroic things a person can do. Yet our hacker spends all day pretending to be a disabled person on various message boards, in the hope of ensnaring more vulnerable victims. In another guise the hacker portrays himself as some sort of eco-warrior. He eulogises on a rural lifestyle, outside the city and rants about the crass materialism of our age. Most of all he emphasises his hatred of the motor car. Yet the experiences of his victims tell another story. Youths in cars are regularly used by the hacker to stalk victims. This is often carried out on a daily basis - countless pointless, polluting journeys to feed the power complex of a sick man. The hacker's rejection of contemporary materialism, has a hollow ring to it as well. This is a well off middle aged man who, by his own admission, lives comfortably from a large private income. His last known address was a very substantial house in an exclusive rural setting. Hardly the right person to lecture others about materialistic aspirations?! Perhaps in an attempt to lure animal rights activists into his sick schemes, the hacker stresses the need to respect the rights of all animals as part of his proposed rural idyl. Yet this particular hacker is notorious for his cat strangling antics during Satanic rituals. This sort of cruelty is a common trait amongst many people with psychopathic disorders.
It seems which ever way we turn, this man's real agenda - evinced by his deeds, as opposed to words - is quite different to the 'idealism' he likes to present to the world.
The situation is obviously very serious for disabled people, but the irony is that the extreme Right are victims of this Satanist con artist as well. In much of his writing he talks about safeguarding the traditional British way of life from the effects of immigration. Many people, rightly or wrongly, feel betrayed by successive Governments' policies on immigration. Not surprisingly, as was the case with the nail bomber, it is easy for an unscrupulous con-man to convince people that violence, stalking and harassment are part of some grand, but mysterious plan, to rid the country of immigrants. Whichever side the reader comes down regarding the question of race, one needs to ask this very basic question - how will persecuting disabled people stop immigration?
Shouldn't those on the far Right be asking the hacker why he seems so obsessed with attacking disabled people and why he is stealing so many IDs from them as well?
The Home Office, the police, 'gentlemen of the press' and various M.P.s know that this is going on and have been as obstructive and unhelpful as possible. Please show other people on the Internet this information, before more innocent people are harmed.
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