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Cabinet members confronted over the Euro Reform Treaty

andyb | 22.01.2008 23:28 | London | World

"This is not a nationalistic issue, it is an issue of democracy" Tony Benn

We Are Change UK confront David Miliband(Foreign Secretary), Ed Miliband(Minister for the Cabinet Office) and Hilary Benn(Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) on Labour's failure to honour their manifesto promise of a referendum on the European Constitution. Tony Benn is interviewed expressing his views about the European Reform Treaty(Treaty of Lisbon)

The debate in parliament to ratify this treaty and for it to become British law started on Monday 21 January 2008. There is a 3 line whip for Labour MP's to vote in favour of the treaty and failure to do so could mean expulsion from the party.
