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SHAC demo Thursday 24th Cannon street meetup 11am come out in FORCE!!!

Maya | 22.01.2008 15:24 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Other Press

SHAC demo Thursday 24th Jan
11am meet Cannon street {London}

Come out in FORCE!!!!!!!!!

Let these disgusting companies know that we are not going to let this filthy government stop people fighting to get this animal concentration camp closed.



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Very few left......

23.01.2008 13:59

what with all the bail conditions and remands.



23.01.2008 17:15

Yet the demos still continue, the campaign is still strong, the vivisectors still whine and HLS will still close :)

Victims of Anti-Animal Rights Extremists


Nearly all gone

24.01.2008 20:45

Just a few thousand across the globe to stop as well, all is nearly over...not!

My arse

Only 22 reports this month

24.01.2008 21:27

I think the reports speak for themselves on, also note that this does not include all of the actions across the globe. Other countries (quite a few in europe) have now taken it upon themselves to run close hls websites and now don't translate their reports as often as before (ex, RUSSIA:, or some countries have national anti-vivisection groups that include campaigns against HLS and other labs & breeders in their country. (ex, BELGIUM & NETHERLANDS:, ex, ITALY:

Basically, the rest of globe are plowing through the tactics that the UK have been using for around a douzen years now to close down vivisection labs and breeders.

This is not including the direct action national websites (ex, GERMANY & AUSTRIA:, ex, SWEDEN:, RUSSIA: and others that are reporting ALF activities as well as running campaigns (having above & underground actions reports together). (ex, SPAIN:,



26.01.2008 18:14

What a joke. Their members haven't elevated themselves from out of the school playground.
