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Brighton F.T.P Demo and film

Sgt Avery ate my hamster | 20.01.2008 16:05 | Repression | South Coast


That was the uncompromising message delivered by Brighton activists on Saturday 18th on the Freedom to Protest march.

Following a banner demanding “Freedom to Protest” and drummed along by a Samba band the mob descended down North St and onto the lair of the beast itself - John St nick. This forced cops to form lines to defend their own station. After some brief and entertaining scuffling, caused by one protestor scrambling onto a parked police car the crowd moved back into town to avoid being caught in a cordon.

The crowd swelled as it moved back up North St and culminated on the Western Rd. One activist said “Hopefully the police are going to be forced to realise that they can't clamp down on demos outside the weapons factory with impunity – we've got a lot of people behind us”

Two arrests were made and Forward Intelligence Team/ National Public Order Intelligence Unit officers were around taking shots of all and sundry.

Sgt Avery ate my hamster
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20.01.2008 19:15

Fuck the Police ... right off!

I know the sad cunts in piss colored jackets will be thrilled again to have made the best part of a demo report.


Nice one!

20.01.2008 22:57

I'm sure its gotta be pretty embarrassing for them to have a diverse group of people shouting 'fuck the police' - and will hopefully deter them from being so petty/heavy handed on EDO demos.

More of this needed UK-wide!

Netcu watcher

and fuck the green party too...

21.01.2008 02:44

glad to see they weren't given a platform for once

great day
