Target E-On
Simon H | 19.01.2008 11:51 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | London
Protest against E-on, the company behind the Kingsnorth coal fired power station
3pm, outside E-On London offices, 100 Pall Mall, nr Trafalgar Square. Protest organised by Revolution, LSE student Greens, supported by Campaign Against Climate Change and Rising. E-on have recently got planning permission from Medway council for a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent and the application is now sitting on Gordon Brown's desk awaiting his approval. The Kingsnorth plant threatens to be the first in a new wave of coal-fired power stations – madness in the light of the escalating climate crisis.
3pm, outside E-On London offices, 100 Pall Mall, nr Trafalgar Square. Protest organised by Revolution, LSE student Greens, supported by Campaign Against Climate Change and Rising. E-on have recently got planning permission from Medway council for a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent and the application is now sitting on Gordon Brown's desk awaiting his approval. The Kingsnorth plant threatens to be the first in a new wave of coal-fired power stations – madness in the light of the escalating climate crisis.
3pm Friday 25 January, outside E-On London offices, 100 Pall Mall, nr Trafalgar Square
E-On is the company behind the new drive to coal and is a classic corporate polluter - its coal and gas plants specialist in pumping out CO2 into the atmosphere. It is the world's 53rd largest company, with assets worth a staggering $168 billion and in 2006 it made a cool $6.4 billion in profit. E-on have recently won planning permission from Medway council for a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth. The application is now sitting on Gordon Brown's desk awaiting his approval.
This is at a time when the government and corporations are tripping over themselves to show their "green credentials" and promising to take action to stop global warming. But coal power stations emit more greenhouse gases than any other form of energy production - and the energy sector is already the biggest contributor to global warming.
We say no to a new coal power station at Kingsnorth! Yes to massive investment in renewable energy!
As part of the World Social Forum call to action there will be a direct action picket at E-on’s London offices on the 25th January. This action has been initiated by Revolution, the socialist youth and students group, and Green Party students at the LSE. For more information about the action, to get involved or to add your organisation’s support, then email
Demand that E.On abandons its plans and that renewable energy production methods are used instead! We will be complaining en masse at E-On's London offices - join us!
E-On is the company behind the new drive to coal and is a classic corporate polluter - its coal and gas plants specialist in pumping out CO2 into the atmosphere. It is the world's 53rd largest company, with assets worth a staggering $168 billion and in 2006 it made a cool $6.4 billion in profit. E-on have recently won planning permission from Medway council for a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth. The application is now sitting on Gordon Brown's desk awaiting his approval.
This is at a time when the government and corporations are tripping over themselves to show their "green credentials" and promising to take action to stop global warming. But coal power stations emit more greenhouse gases than any other form of energy production - and the energy sector is already the biggest contributor to global warming.
We say no to a new coal power station at Kingsnorth! Yes to massive investment in renewable energy!
As part of the World Social Forum call to action there will be a direct action picket at E-on’s London offices on the 25th January. This action has been initiated by Revolution, the socialist youth and students group, and Green Party students at the LSE. For more information about the action, to get involved or to add your organisation’s support, then email

Demand that E.On abandons its plans and that renewable energy production methods are used instead! We will be complaining en masse at E-On's London offices - join us!
Simon H
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This is a genuine E-On graduate recruitment advert received last week...
19.01.2008 17:22
"It will take radical change in the way we produce and consume our energy".
- Dr David Suzuki PhD (science braodcaster and ecology expert).
Graduate Opportunities - Engineering and Information Technology
Everyone from world leaders to the man on the street is talking about the future of energy.
But only a few people have the chance to shape it.
Join E.ON, the UK's largest integrated energy company, and you can be one of these people.
Reducing carbon emissions. Championing renewables. Changing the way energy is used in business and homes.
They are just some of the issues you'll be able to act on, when you joing our Engineering or IT Graduate programmes.
We're looking for graduates from Engineering, Science and Techology backgrounds, so why not visit our site straight away to see how at E.ON, your energy shapes the future.
To find out more about our range of graduate schemes and undergraduate opportunities, visit
before February 2 2008.
I couldn't make this up
Eon is going to get the biggest energy company in europe
20.01.2008 20:29
Eon Energy AG (Ashole Gift)
Although the german nuclear industrie made an official agreement with the german govverment not to built any new nuclear power stations, Mr. Hohlefelder says the opposite, the the nuclear power industrie will not accept this agreement for the future.