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Main japanese opposition party questions 9/11

Heiner | 18.01.2008 15:36 | Terror War | London | World

At the National Diet of Japan on January 10, 2008, Councilor Yukihisa Fujita of Democratic Party of Japan, the main opposition party questioned 9/11.
Later the Japanese government took rare steps to force parliamentary approval of a controversial bill reviving a naval mission in the Indian Ocean in support of US-led forces in Afghanistan.
Ahead of the voting Councilor Yukihisa Fujita of Democratic Party of Japan, made a statement
at the House of Councillors, the National parliament of Japan,
For 30 minutes he questioned the official version of 9/11 presented to the japanese government and the public by the US administration
He concluded that the japanese governments support of the "war against terror" is solely
based on information provided by the US-administration. He demanded further investigations and questions being answered in the face
of the governments drive to support the war more actively.

PART 1 - this segment covers: War on Terror - who is the enemy?

PART 2 - this segment covers japanese victims identification

PART 3 - this video covers Pentagon

PART 4 - Defense Minister answers questions about air defence
WTC 1 & 2 explosions

PART 5 - World Trade Center 7

Subject: Putoptions

PART 7 - "War on Terror" we need to question

PART 8 - "War on Terror" we need to question


for complete transcript in english scroll down - VIDEOS NOW SUBTITLED complete

On Friday, January 10, 2008 the Japanese government has taken rare steps
to force parliamentary approval of a controversial bill reviving a naval mission in the Indian Ocean in support of US-led forces in Afghanistan.

Ahead of the voting Councilor Yukihisa Fujita of Democratic Party of Japan, made a statement
at the House of Councillors, the National Diet (parliament) of Japan,
For 30 minutes he questioned the official version of 9/11 presented to the japanese government and the public by the US administration
He concluded that the japanese governments support of the "war against terror" is solely
based on information provided by the US-administration. He demanded further investigations and questions being answered in the face
of the governments drive to support the war more actively.

Councilor Fujity asked the current Prime Minister Fukuda, who was the Chief Cabinet Secretary under Koizumi cabinet in 2001 .
"How could terrorists attacked the Pentagon?"
Mr Fujita stressed that of the 24 people that died on 9/11 only 13 were identified and 11 bodies remain unaccounted for.
He pointed out that there was never an official police investigation into the deaths of these japanese nationals.
He asked whether terrorism is crime or war. Some Japanese people were killed, so he believes this was a crime and the japanese police
should investigate the real suspects.
The Japanese government assumed that the suspect was Al-Queda because Bush told then Prime minister Koizumi in 2001
after the attacks of 9/11 had happened
and later did send the self-defense force to Iraq based on that assumption.
Yukihisa Fujita did question Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba and Minister of Finance Fukushiro Nukaga about the way
in which the US government did inform the japanese government about the people responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

He then explained that in the USA many people doubt the official version of 9/11 and numerous websites and scientists
have collected evidence that contradicts the governments version.
He presented several largescale photographs of: the Pentagon´s entry and exit holes, the flight path towards the Pentagon,
the exploding WTC towers and the WTC 7 collapse.

He then explained about the suspicious stock transactions that were conducted in the days before the attacks
and stated that there had be foreknowledge.

After Councilor Yukihisa Fujita`s presentation the opposition-controlled upper house of parliament rejected the bill.
On the same day the legislation returned to the more powerful lower house, controlled by Prime Minister Fukuda´s ruling coalition,
which used its two-thirds majority to override opposition objections and force the bill into law.
This move is exceedingly rare in Japan, where the government tries to maintain the appearance of consensus rule.
The last time the lower house overruled a rejection by the upper house was in 1951.
The parliamentary session was extended by a month to mid-January to ensure the bill's approval.
Japan had in the past six years provided logistical support to forces involved in the war in Afghanistan, mainly supplying fuel to warships.

The Democratic Party of Japan (Minshinto) is a social liberal political party founded in 1998 by the merger of several smaller parties.
It is the second-largest party in the House of Representatives and the largest party in the House of Councillors,
and it constitutes the primary opposition to the long-dominant Liberal Democratic Party.
Yukihisa Fujita was elected to the House of Councillors for the first time in 2007
The party`s leader Ozawa insists the refueling mission violates Japan's pacifist constitution, and has not been approved formally by the United Nations
Ozawa claims that oil supplied by Japanese ships has been diverted for use in
operations in Iraq, an accusation the Americans deny.
Prime Minister Fukuda's predecessor Shinzo Abe resigned in September last year in part because of his failure
to extend the naval mission in the divided parliament.

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Hide the following 7 comments

Editorial policy anyone?

18.01.2008 16:26

Correct me I'm wrong but is this main opposition party not a hierarchical organisation? The second most powerful political entity in a capitalist country???

Is IMC UK going to give a platform to David Cameron if he starts coming out with this truther crap?

Ex IMC enthusiast.

Correct me I'm wrong

18.01.2008 17:31

You're wrong!

Articles and/or comments may be hidden for the following reasons:

-Hierarchy : The newswire is designed to generate a news resource, not a notice-board for political parties or any other hierarchically structured organizations.


Nutter alert

18.01.2008 21:07

Ok, some lone nutter in a Japanese political party makes some unhinged troofer comments. Big deal.

Reality Check

due to grassroots pressure from workers & activists.

18.01.2008 21:10

is anyone here advocating voting for this party or any of the people from it?, it seems all parties in the governments from questioning 911.
It would have been wiser to respect these imc rules & show that this is happening due to grassroots pressure from workers & activists.
As a anarchist I know that most anarchist organisations use direct democracy & consensus with people in positions of power removable, but they do exist such as treasurer & gen secretary's etc.
There are many genuine people with serious concerns over 911, activists not connected to Icke, Jones etc.No one is saying 2,000 new yorkers lives are worth more than 5million in the middle east except Bush. It isn't the most important issue to many of them, but certainly when Bush repeatedly still drags it up as an excuse for the wars we are now involved in, then people saying it isn't important are talling crap.
For many years I didnt look into it & dismissed the investigators, when I did my mind was blown by how fishy seriously 911 was.
Listen to Industrial Worker of the World member David Rovics song Reichstag Fire about 911 for passion

Green syndicalist

Response Smacks of Desperation

19.01.2008 22:37

Interesting how quickly the Troll(s) crawl out of the woodwork whenever this subject is raised.

The fact that they spend so much time & energy in attacking the swelling number of people questioning the still-unexplained events which enabled Bush/PNAc's madness, as opposed to simply proving them wrong, this far along, is a powerful sign.

Ex-Italian Prime Minister - '9/11 Carried Out By CIA and Mossad'

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad

Oh puhleeease

22.01.2008 17:04

People might take you truther morons a bit more seriously if you didn't act like a cross between the zionist media lobby and the scientologists.



25.01.2008 11:36

It's quite amusing to watch people suddenly apportioning respect to politicians on such a site. Politicians are at best like explosives, they can be used with great caution strategically for good or they can be handled carelessly and go off in your face.

Remember these are the kind of authoritarian morons and liars that bought and sold the 'Dodgy Dossier', 'David Kelly is a Walter Mitty', etc. Now all of a sudden because they have kissed the 9/11 Truth baby the rosettes are out for them and it's " would you like a biscuit with your tea sir?".

But I am forgetting that Italian politics enjoys such a great reputation for integrity and ethics.

Most hilarious of all is the biggest antisemitic troll and serial spammer of the entire Indymedia network accuses someone of being a troll... well to be fair he calls everyone who objects to his stupidity a troll, or a plant, sorry "Plant".

Nyqvist Theorem