Embassy Demo for kidnapped Sea sheperd Crew
Pirate Jenny | 15.01.2008 19:39 | Ocean Defence | London
Demonstration outside the Japanese Embassy in London to demand the release of the Sea Shepherd hostages and to demand a halt to the Whale Slaughter.
There will definitely be a demonstration outside the Japanese Embassy in London
tommorrow from 2.15pm.
The address is:101-104 Piccadilly, London, W1J 7JT Nearest
tube stations are Hyde Park and Green Park.
For those who can't make it, email concerns to:
The foreign office: msu.publicin@fco.gov.uk
The Japanese Embassy: info@jpembassy.org.ukForeign
or phone embassies:
London: 02070081500
Washington DC: 202-238-6700
Canberra: +61 2 6273 3244
Dublin: 01-202-8300
Stockholm: (08) 663-0440
tommorrow from 2.15pm.
The address is:101-104 Piccadilly, London, W1J 7JT Nearest
tube stations are Hyde Park and Green Park.
For those who can't make it, email concerns to:
The foreign office: msu.publicin@fco.gov.uk
The Japanese Embassy: info@jpembassy.org.ukForeign
or phone embassies:
London: 02070081500
Washington DC: 202-238-6700
Canberra: +61 2 6273 3244
Dublin: 01-202-8300
Stockholm: (08) 663-0440
Pirate Jenny
http://visit: http://www.seashepherd.org
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Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh
16.01.2008 11:41
Homepage: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=EH3+7HW&ie=UTF8&ll=55.949632,-3.217535&spn=0.009948,0.028152&z=15&om=0