Ron Paul and False Flag Fever
Captain Eric H. May | 13.01.2008 04:26 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Globalisation | London | World
Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, examines the Ron Paul campaign in its approach to the 9/11 event. May suggest that Paul's own 14th Texas congressional district has been the target of a Bush false flag terror attack.
Ron Paul and False Flag Fever
By Captain Eric H. May
Military Correspondent
False Flags Afloat
"We should remember that Iran, like Iraq, is a third-world nation without a significant military. Nothing in history hints that she is likely to invade a neighboring country, let alone do anything to America or Israel. I am concerned, however, that a contrived Gulf of Tonkin- type incident may occur to gain popular support for an attack on Iran." -- Ron Paul, speech to US House of Representatives, Jan. 11, 2007
International events this week have proved Ron Paul a most insightful American. A year ago Paul worried aloud that a contrived incident at sea might neocon us into more Middle East mischief. A year later, on Jan. 6, just before Bush was to make a hawkish visit to a Jewish state eager for us to start a war with Iran, the US Navy reported that five Iranian speedboats were threatening to attack three heavily armed and armored US fighting ships, the smallest of which was one and a half football fields long.
US mainstream media gamely chimed in with the act. Since 9/11, they have regularly told us whoppers to lure us to and keep us in the quicksand of a Middle Eastern war. In 2003 they sold us a "Saving Private Jessica Lynch" farce to avoid showing us the Battle of Baghdad, which US forces took only after four days of fierce and bloody fighting. In 2005 they suppressed the Downing Street Memo, which proved the criminal aggression of Bush and Blair's Iraq war. In the later months of 2007 they cheered the stalled surge of war weary American ground forces, and kept smiling as the UK abandoned Basra. They hope that the American people, if sufficiently misinformed, will accept either a Democratic president who lies about getting us out of the war or a Republican president who lies about winning it.
Needless to say, the cheerleader in chief and his presstitute corps didn't spoil the story of Persian naval provocation by reporting the facts that debunked it. By Friday the US Navy had admitted that the guttural, bellicose radio threats allegedly made by the five Iranian speedboats were US insertions. Iranian government officials insisted all along that the incident in the Strait of Hormuz was a US/Israel contrivance, and that only real provocation in the Persian Gulf continues to be the presence there of half the US Navy.
Dr. Paul's 9/11 Prescription
"Everything we have done in response to the 9-11 attacks, from the Patriot Act to the war in Iraq, has reduced freedom in America. Spending more money abroad or restricting liberties at home will do nothing to deter terrorists, yet this is exactly what the 9-11 Commission recommends." -- Ron Paul, The 9-11 Commission Charade, Aug. 24, 2004
The establishment growls at Paul for having rowdy supporters, and for refusing to denounce the 9/11 truth movement. It scowls at him when he regularly uses his vote to challenge "post-9/11 realities" like an emergency Homeland State and an unending Global War on Terror. It fears that a growing Ron Paul Revolution will continue to champion the Constitution, and will one day begin to preach the Declaration.
9/11 zealots are the most energized of all Paul's people, and the most chaotic. They urge him to declare outright that 9/11 was an inside job, as did former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, ousted by her party last election, who is now running as a Green Party presidential candidate. Last summer they saw how the Bush administration pushed the country toward a war for Israel against Iran, and how the mainstream media played along. They are afraid that the government may be preparing another terror attack against the American people, and they don't consider Paul's patience a virtue.
I'm sure that Dr. Paul knows who really attacked America on 9/11, and that he can best serve his country by running for a presidency badly in need of a man of courage. He understands what he is up against, and appreciates that it can be quite dangerous. The establishment that merely growled and scowled at him yesterday may attack him murderously tomorrow. Still, I don't think he will back down from his unwavering prescription of more liberty and less tyranny as the cure-all for what ails us. After all, Paul knows just how malicious the neocon malady can become. His own congressional district around Texas City has long been the most likely place in America to be nuked by its own government, and in fact was very nearly nuked on July 27, 2005.
Texas City Target Zone
"We are facing things our founding fathers could have never ever imagined. Even 7/27 I don't think they could have imagined at the time." -- Glenn Beck (CNN), interviewing Ron Paul, Dec. 18, 2007
In my column last week, Ron Paul's 9/11 Truth and Glenn Beck's 7/27 Treason, I pointed out that Beck had made a huge Freudian slip when he mentioned the 7/27 date as he chatted with Dr. Paul in December. 7/27 was the date in 2005 that a task force of 9/11 truth activists predicted four weeks in advance for the "911-2B" attack in the Houston area. I led Ghost Troop, a cyber-intelligence militia, into that most unusual military intelligence/public affairs operation, and began to receive calls from Houston Police CID and the Houston FBI after the London bombings of 7/7 convinced a widening circle of experts to take our 7/27 alert seriously.
Houston police did not trust the FBI, that much was clear, and they discouraged me from confiding in the feds. They wanted me to keep them updated on Ghost Troop efforts, though, as we looked for indicators of the attack. Sgt. John Karshner and Lt. Felix Garcia were my two primary contacts at HPD. The FBI had selected Special Agent Skip Midcap to contact me, but I only replied to his calls through my lawyer. I had been threatened by the Houston FBI for correctly forecasting the British Petroleum, Texas City explosion of March 30, 2004, over a year previously. I knew that the FBI's job was to set up the false flag attempt, not shut it down. Major William Fox (USMC) recently wrote a thorough article about the 3/30/04 explosion and the FBI obstruction: Did Ghost Troop Prevent a Nuke Scheme on Its First Mission?
Summer of 2005 may seem like a long time ago now, but a few observations will sketch the mood of things back then. Bush had started the year with a second term awarded him by a second corrupt election, and with an ominous promise to use his new political capital. Neocons were beginning their mainstream media monologue that Iran was an existential threat to Israel and the US, and began predicting a nuclear attack by Al Qaeda, probably against a US petrochemical port city, and probably soon. The Bush administration was ready for just such a scenario. In May, the Pentagon's CONPLAN 8022 became operational, allowing US military forces to initiate unilateral nuclear war against Iran in the event that the US endured another terrorist attack, no matter who was behind it. Just as New York City's 9/11 had justified the war on Iraq, Texas City's 911-2B would justify a war on Iran. As our 7/27 prediction date neared, my Houston-area media contacts were exchanging Ghost Troop's Internet intelligence and the Houston FBI was trying to stamp out the fires of speculation. I made calls to, or received calls from, dozens of reporters nationwide. All were anxious, and all of them took very seriously our prediction date. When swarms of reporters began showing up in the Texas City area in the days before 7/27, most of my contacts considered the attack imminent.
Proving the Point for Paul
"Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean war, let it begin here." -- American Revolutionaries at Lexington (quoted by Ron Paul)
In future columns, I will continue to delve into the 7/27 treason against Texas City. Readers of my column last week have likely already listened to the audio clip of my live international broadcast from July 28, 2005, in which I describe the Texas City British Petroleum explosion of the early evening and a simulated nuclear explosion just after dark:
Given that the entire sky above Texas City looked very much like an erupting volcano that night, my publishers and I believe that many thousands of Southeast Texas residents saw the spectacle, and many of them photographed it. We ask all sources with any knowledge or photographs of the events we describe to contact The Lone Star Iconoclast or the writer.
Individuals or agencies may want to make statements or submit photos anonymously. If so, then both the publisher and the writer agreed to keep identities confidential, if requested. We look forward to pursuing the story, whatever the evidence shows it to be, and sharing the results with the public. We are eager to compare information with other researchers, and quite willing to discuss our claims with interested and independent media.
# # #
Captain May is a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, as well as a former NBC editorial writer. His political and military analyses have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine. For more information on Ghost Troop and their 911-2B missions, refer to the unit home page:
By Captain Eric H. May
Military Correspondent
False Flags Afloat
"We should remember that Iran, like Iraq, is a third-world nation without a significant military. Nothing in history hints that she is likely to invade a neighboring country, let alone do anything to America or Israel. I am concerned, however, that a contrived Gulf of Tonkin- type incident may occur to gain popular support for an attack on Iran." -- Ron Paul, speech to US House of Representatives, Jan. 11, 2007
International events this week have proved Ron Paul a most insightful American. A year ago Paul worried aloud that a contrived incident at sea might neocon us into more Middle East mischief. A year later, on Jan. 6, just before Bush was to make a hawkish visit to a Jewish state eager for us to start a war with Iran, the US Navy reported that five Iranian speedboats were threatening to attack three heavily armed and armored US fighting ships, the smallest of which was one and a half football fields long.
US mainstream media gamely chimed in with the act. Since 9/11, they have regularly told us whoppers to lure us to and keep us in the quicksand of a Middle Eastern war. In 2003 they sold us a "Saving Private Jessica Lynch" farce to avoid showing us the Battle of Baghdad, which US forces took only after four days of fierce and bloody fighting. In 2005 they suppressed the Downing Street Memo, which proved the criminal aggression of Bush and Blair's Iraq war. In the later months of 2007 they cheered the stalled surge of war weary American ground forces, and kept smiling as the UK abandoned Basra. They hope that the American people, if sufficiently misinformed, will accept either a Democratic president who lies about getting us out of the war or a Republican president who lies about winning it.
Needless to say, the cheerleader in chief and his presstitute corps didn't spoil the story of Persian naval provocation by reporting the facts that debunked it. By Friday the US Navy had admitted that the guttural, bellicose radio threats allegedly made by the five Iranian speedboats were US insertions. Iranian government officials insisted all along that the incident in the Strait of Hormuz was a US/Israel contrivance, and that only real provocation in the Persian Gulf continues to be the presence there of half the US Navy.
Dr. Paul's 9/11 Prescription
"Everything we have done in response to the 9-11 attacks, from the Patriot Act to the war in Iraq, has reduced freedom in America. Spending more money abroad or restricting liberties at home will do nothing to deter terrorists, yet this is exactly what the 9-11 Commission recommends." -- Ron Paul, The 9-11 Commission Charade, Aug. 24, 2004
The establishment growls at Paul for having rowdy supporters, and for refusing to denounce the 9/11 truth movement. It scowls at him when he regularly uses his vote to challenge "post-9/11 realities" like an emergency Homeland State and an unending Global War on Terror. It fears that a growing Ron Paul Revolution will continue to champion the Constitution, and will one day begin to preach the Declaration.
9/11 zealots are the most energized of all Paul's people, and the most chaotic. They urge him to declare outright that 9/11 was an inside job, as did former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, ousted by her party last election, who is now running as a Green Party presidential candidate. Last summer they saw how the Bush administration pushed the country toward a war for Israel against Iran, and how the mainstream media played along. They are afraid that the government may be preparing another terror attack against the American people, and they don't consider Paul's patience a virtue.
I'm sure that Dr. Paul knows who really attacked America on 9/11, and that he can best serve his country by running for a presidency badly in need of a man of courage. He understands what he is up against, and appreciates that it can be quite dangerous. The establishment that merely growled and scowled at him yesterday may attack him murderously tomorrow. Still, I don't think he will back down from his unwavering prescription of more liberty and less tyranny as the cure-all for what ails us. After all, Paul knows just how malicious the neocon malady can become. His own congressional district around Texas City has long been the most likely place in America to be nuked by its own government, and in fact was very nearly nuked on July 27, 2005.
Texas City Target Zone
"We are facing things our founding fathers could have never ever imagined. Even 7/27 I don't think they could have imagined at the time." -- Glenn Beck (CNN), interviewing Ron Paul, Dec. 18, 2007
In my column last week, Ron Paul's 9/11 Truth and Glenn Beck's 7/27 Treason, I pointed out that Beck had made a huge Freudian slip when he mentioned the 7/27 date as he chatted with Dr. Paul in December. 7/27 was the date in 2005 that a task force of 9/11 truth activists predicted four weeks in advance for the "911-2B" attack in the Houston area. I led Ghost Troop, a cyber-intelligence militia, into that most unusual military intelligence/public affairs operation, and began to receive calls from Houston Police CID and the Houston FBI after the London bombings of 7/7 convinced a widening circle of experts to take our 7/27 alert seriously.
Houston police did not trust the FBI, that much was clear, and they discouraged me from confiding in the feds. They wanted me to keep them updated on Ghost Troop efforts, though, as we looked for indicators of the attack. Sgt. John Karshner and Lt. Felix Garcia were my two primary contacts at HPD. The FBI had selected Special Agent Skip Midcap to contact me, but I only replied to his calls through my lawyer. I had been threatened by the Houston FBI for correctly forecasting the British Petroleum, Texas City explosion of March 30, 2004, over a year previously. I knew that the FBI's job was to set up the false flag attempt, not shut it down. Major William Fox (USMC) recently wrote a thorough article about the 3/30/04 explosion and the FBI obstruction: Did Ghost Troop Prevent a Nuke Scheme on Its First Mission?
Summer of 2005 may seem like a long time ago now, but a few observations will sketch the mood of things back then. Bush had started the year with a second term awarded him by a second corrupt election, and with an ominous promise to use his new political capital. Neocons were beginning their mainstream media monologue that Iran was an existential threat to Israel and the US, and began predicting a nuclear attack by Al Qaeda, probably against a US petrochemical port city, and probably soon. The Bush administration was ready for just such a scenario. In May, the Pentagon's CONPLAN 8022 became operational, allowing US military forces to initiate unilateral nuclear war against Iran in the event that the US endured another terrorist attack, no matter who was behind it. Just as New York City's 9/11 had justified the war on Iraq, Texas City's 911-2B would justify a war on Iran. As our 7/27 prediction date neared, my Houston-area media contacts were exchanging Ghost Troop's Internet intelligence and the Houston FBI was trying to stamp out the fires of speculation. I made calls to, or received calls from, dozens of reporters nationwide. All were anxious, and all of them took very seriously our prediction date. When swarms of reporters began showing up in the Texas City area in the days before 7/27, most of my contacts considered the attack imminent.
Proving the Point for Paul
"Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean war, let it begin here." -- American Revolutionaries at Lexington (quoted by Ron Paul)
In future columns, I will continue to delve into the 7/27 treason against Texas City. Readers of my column last week have likely already listened to the audio clip of my live international broadcast from July 28, 2005, in which I describe the Texas City British Petroleum explosion of the early evening and a simulated nuclear explosion just after dark:

Given that the entire sky above Texas City looked very much like an erupting volcano that night, my publishers and I believe that many thousands of Southeast Texas residents saw the spectacle, and many of them photographed it. We ask all sources with any knowledge or photographs of the events we describe to contact The Lone Star Iconoclast or the writer.
Individuals or agencies may want to make statements or submit photos anonymously. If so, then both the publisher and the writer agreed to keep identities confidential, if requested. We look forward to pursuing the story, whatever the evidence shows it to be, and sharing the results with the public. We are eager to compare information with other researchers, and quite willing to discuss our claims with interested and independent media.
# # #
Captain May is a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, as well as a former NBC editorial writer. His political and military analyses have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine. For more information on Ghost Troop and their 911-2B missions, refer to the unit home page:

Captain Eric H. May