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Aberystwyth Joins National Day of Action For Right to Protest

Sgt Sideshow | 13.01.2008 00:53 | SOCPA | Repression

Activists and concerned citizens from all over West Wales added their voices to the day of action fir the right to protest. See:
For News and Pictures,

Activists and concerned citizens from all over West Wales added their voices to the day of action fir the right to protest. See:
For News and Pictures,

Sgt Sideshow
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what heppened in Aber

13.01.2008 14:45

Armed with copies of the consultation documents and a fully customizable placard (flip chart paper on a stick) Aber activists took to the town centre to exercise their freedom of protest. They invited passers-by to join them and to publicise the issues that matter to them.

The locals' placards covered most issues under the sun from the topical ("Just exercising my right to free assembly") to the local ("Save Cardigan Bay"), sarcastic ("Privatise Protest") to nationalist ("Rhowch cymru nol i'r cymru" which actually translates as 'give Wales back to the Wales' but I think the protester meant "Give Wales back to the Welsh").



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13.01.2008 02:45

for your support of the "Sequani 12" (now 11) who are involved in a three month trial at Birmingham crown court.

Court sessions

weekdays 10.30am - 4.00pm

court 9

Smash Sequani Animal Testing

Privitisation of Protest / Genuine Protest.

13.01.2008 15:50

This is very troubling and something I am utterly against. Scamming the public is not what protest is about and it has been brought to my attention that there are some very fishy goings on in Camberra. With groups suspecting each other of not being what they seem..groups being infiltrated by scammers.

1] Working together.
For genuine groups to trust each other, straight talking is the best solution I find in these situations. And clear parameters. Misunderstandings or accusations lead to a complete lack of co-operation between groups and a "yeah, yeah, whatever" attitude, where no-one is taken seriously.
Co-operation has to have clear goals and guidelines.
2]If a group is not turning out to be other than what it seems, jump ship.
3]Clear goals. Clear guidelines. Clear parameters.
4]These should be ironed out from the beginning to stop them growing bigger, becoming something else then growing out of all proportion and festering. {Wars are nearly started like this.}
5]Peace. If things are to progress, groups should speak to each other peacefully. Discuss one point at time to avoid confusion. Speak clearly and precisely.
6]Get arguments out of the way in the beginning to avoid going over old ground / unfinished arguments, misundersatndings.
7]Some groups are more experienced than others and should be patient with those less experienced when they miss the point, don't undersatnd or act in an inexperienced way.
8]Harmony should always be aimed for.
9]Strength through unity is better than a stuation where parrallell groups are fighting side by side but against each other...that's just silly.
10]Never, ever listen to troublemaking other groups who have agendas of their own.
11]Attaining peaceful discussion...leading to co-operation. Best done over a private glass of whatever, quiet meal etc in a civilised way. Quietly and respectfully. {Public meetings are exactly that...public and can lead to unwanted butting in and / or misunderstandings where no-one gets to have their say / finish what they are saying.}
12]If you have something to say...say it. This is better than suspicion / backstabbing leading to unpleasant atmospheres, unfair accusations and the sad situation where good groups / individuals who could get along don't because of a misunderstanding.
Peace is always the goal. Achieving goals are alwyas best done peacefully.

Welsh Witch