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interest! | 12.01.2008 14:32 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Zapatista | Liverpool

UK indymedia
The REDSCARES piece has got "blocked in your works!"

Thought you should sort unblocking
Happening a lot recently, what with all types of articles getting hidden - or written into - without reason - eg, see "reality glitch", "11/1/8", various "remember each eleventh" campaign pieces, that "UNDER THE COMMENTARIES" USA piece that somehow got lots of repetition of the words "odd / suspicious" put into it, a prior piece that had "ohio free press" put into it when "columbus free press" was typed . . . . do you have a few weird new volunteers, or are we about to discover other "old friends" aint who they said they were . . . . see M. Thomas piece.



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Meeting business partners online.

12.01.2008 17:31

This is never a good idea. they could be anyone. A cyberstalker. A bogus person altogether.
Always always be careful who you are speaking to. They could even be The Police.
