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Dustmen blockade town hall.

Guido | 12.01.2008 10:22 | Workers' Movements | London

On Thursday refuse workers in Waltham Forest spelled how rubbish their new pay deal is by bringing several tons of the stuff to the town hall. Around 30 refuse vehicles converged on the town hall and its approach road effectively blocking it for about an hour. Speeches made to those who assembled on the town hall steps promised action over their treatment by the council

Waste management consultants arrive at the town hall.
Waste management consultants arrive at the town hall.

With their crew....
With their crew....

...and their vehicles...
...and their vehicles...

...which are soon occupying all aproach roads.
...which are soon occupying all aproach roads.

"A bit closer comrade, we're still not quite covering the mayors parking space."
"A bit closer comrade, we're still not quite covering the mayors parking space."

"Oh dear, we appear to be blocking the entrance."
"Oh dear, we appear to be blocking the entrance."

And now onwards...
And now onwards... the steps of the town hall... the steps of the town hall... discuss our situation... discuss our situation...

...and agree a way forward.
...and agree a way forward.

A glorious day.
A glorious day.

Definately one for the scrap book.
Definately one for the scrap book.

Those enjoying the high life at the top of Waltham Forests pyramid of council employees have been guaranteed a pay cut free salary until 2015. Meanwhile those who remove the bags of discarded M&S ready-meal packaging from their doorsteps are facing a pay cut of up to £40.00 a week.

Refuse collection in the borough was privatised last year. If the level of support for this ‘unofficial’ action is anything to go by, a strike ballot would be easily won. The general feeling of those present was that if the council did not sort the situation out, they would be back. Watch this space…

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Good job.

12.01.2008 23:34

Nice one gentlemen. Best of luck out there.


Decent pay needed for well trained hard jobs!

13.01.2008 16:41

Bin collectors now have to train to at least NVQ2 in waste removal & health & safety laws, they work hard very early &long hours. An essential service, unlike some on the top tier, in nottingham there were pay freezes for top & meant to be an increase for those in low paid council jobs, though the same was happening elsewhere, bas""rds.
I can recommend any workers who want support of strikes to join the Industrial workers of the World, , they also work towards a society beyond class & truelly equal & democratic, run on cooperation,consenus & democracy


v cool

14.01.2008 11:39

nice action folks, best of luck :-)
