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Let the Truth Be Told - Ballymurphy 11 Relatives Demand Justice

Mary Pearson - Troops Out Movement | 12.01.2008 00:22 | Birmingham

This is to advertise our forthcoming speaking tour with the daughters of two people who were shot dead by the British Army at the start if Internment in the North of Ireland in 1971. They have never had justice. Come and listen to their story. Their parents were murdered in our name.

Troops Out Movement says

Ballymurphy 11 Speaking Tour & Photo Exhibition
Birmingham Public Meeting
Thursday 24th January 2008 7.30pm
Rooms 3&4 Council House Victoria Square, City Centre
Alice Harper – Daughter of Daniel Taggart, Murdered by British Paratroopers
Briege Voyle - Daughter of Joan Connolly Murdered by British Paratroopers
Cahil McElhinney - Brother of Kevin Murdered by British Paratroopers
on Bloody Sunday in Derry
Moazzam Begg – Ex Guantanamo Bay Prisoner

Ballymurphy is a housing estate, in West Belfast in the north of Ireland. The Ballymurphy 11 were local residents murdered by the British Army Parachute Regiment, during the first 3 days of Internment in 1971. No one was ever brought to justice and the victims have never had the focus of the Bloody Sunday victims. Thirteen of the fourteen Bloody Sunday victims were shot dead within 20 minutes in full view of the world’s media. The Ballymurphy victims were shot over 3 days in their own streets. The families have now come together to demand justice

Mon 21 Jan – Manchester 7pm – Contact for details
Tue 22 Jan – Liverpool – 7pm St Michaels Irish Centre 6 Boundary La, Everton, Liverpool, L6 5JG
Wed 23 Jan – Nottingham 7.30 International Community Centre 61b Mansfield Road
Fri 25 & Sat 26th Jan – Meetings with Trade Unionists & Community Groups
Sun 27th Jan – London 2pm - Annual meeting with Bloody Sunday Relatives
Irish Centre, 50 – 52 Camden Square, Murray St NW1

Finances are needed for expenses
Please send donations to address below
Troops Out Movement
Campaigning for British Withdrawal from Ireland
PO Box 1032 Birmingham B12 8BZ Tel: 0121 773 8683 0r 0797 017 4167

Ballymurphy, Belfast - August 9th – 11th 1971
A vicious massacre of defenceless people, written out of history, is now being written back in by their relatives

Fr Hugh Mullan (38) shot dead by British Paratroopers while administering the last rites to injured local man Bobby Clarke

Frank Quinn (19) window cleaner, father of one child, wife expecting another, shot dead whilst helping Fr Mullan

Noel Phillips (19) shot dead

Joan Connolly (45) mother of eight, shot dead whilst helping Noel Phillips

Danny Taggart, father of 13, window cleaner, shot 14 times, died where he lay

Joseph Murphy, father of 12, died two weeks after being shot – Phillips, Connolly, Taggart and Murphy were shot together in a cluster of a few yards facing the British army base Henry Taggart in the evening sun, chatting to friends

Joseph Corr (43), father of seven, shot walking with his son, died two weeks later

Eddie Doherty, father of four, bin man, shot dead on the Whiterock Road

John Laverty (19), last seen leaving his Dermott Hill home, found shot dead nearby

John McKerr (49), father, shot dead in the grounds of Corpus Christi church

Pat McCarthy (44), suffered a heart attack and died when Paras pointed a rifle into his face and threatened to kill him.

Mary Pearson - Troops Out Movement
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TOM - breaking tru ignorance and getting the truth out..........

16.01.2008 01:01

is good to c the troops out movement represented on here. don't mind of much about youse, but i do mind of some of the untold dis-information and biased distortion the british political elite, army and media put about to try and justify their presence and brutality in occupying the 6 (of 9) counties of Ulster.
and of course the actual troops out marches themselves.
this is a very worthy campaign, the hypocrisy of the english/brit state regarding the actions of the paras, esp this lot - here, derry and elsewhere, is truly staggering. is hard 2 believe how they go around the world preaching freedom and democracy, etc and resolving conflict - while refusing to acknowledge the damage they done to Ireland, etc

i would also like to thank you for Aly Renwick's new book 'oliver's army' and would encourage anyone interested to get it, or read the bits i hear u have reposted on the site all together at once, is a grand book, especially the chapter 'the iron fist in the velvet glove'

my best wishes for justice for the good relatives of this murdered victims of the brit army and my solidarity for their struggle.......

btw - this is no diss at all on the great majority of the brit working class, a large number of who have seen thr the distortion and outright lies told about 'the troubles' (understatement or irony) and many of whom are great friends to the irish workers and have helped in many ways the struggle for freedom from imperialism and also capitalism


slan go foill


Mark Anthony France

21.01.2008 12:09

Just like the ordinary people of Haditha in Iraq in November 2005 the people of Ballymurphy in August 1971 suffered the deadly consequences of a brutal military occupation...It is never to early or too late to tell the truth...the voice of those who suffered will be heard...and justice will come.

Mark Anthony France
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The truth about military occupation will be told and justice will come

21.01.2008 12:21

the truth will be told and justice will come

mark anthony france

Manchester meeting

21.01.2008 23:22

I went along to the meeting tonight and was very moved by what I heard, it actually brought me to tears. The people there have suffered so much and they are owed the truth. If the paras who did this were held to account for their actions then Bloody Sunday might never have happened because it was the same men who were involved in both. They got away with it in Ballymurphy so they went on and did the same in Derry. The Relatives are not looking for any convictions. They are only looking for an independent international investigation, a statement of the innocence of those killed(they were called gunmen and women) and a public apology from those responsible. I urge any one who can to get along to one of these meetings, so they can finally hear 'what has been done in our name'

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