Here comes the Reign again? USA election - under the "commentaries". . . .
11/1/8 re : m ember EJ | 11.01.2008 10:26 | Education | Globalisation | Other Press
Looking at the biogs of the people "taken on" as speechwriters, etc, by each of those stood in the primaries race is as useful as listening to what they say - or seeing who funds them - but the words they use, or the types of people they put up as "front people" shows much more about the actual wishes of supporters of both "sides" in the "democratic" debate, in fact, further, of the actual people of America, despite the "odd" omissions of media coverage. . . .
The odd overlaps from old "neo" "war-on-terror"- types to a few of the "new faces" says quite a lot - a New York arts/culture periodical went through the G.O.P.'s hopefuls recently, inadvertently listing several of them . . . . it seems that the old "minderbinder-cash-from-war-quagmire" types have several bets on various of them.
Suspicious of the odd "late-voting" alterations in the most recent ballots as you might remain (see "reality glitch" in these pages("hidden"but accessible), suspicious, too, of the exclusion from the actual debates - in fact - from most media coverage too!) of people of either party that have got the same sort of actual vote figures as "major players" have, in the actual ballot box, despite the media coverage, (see "paul kucinich iowa" piece in these newswires last week) but the words people have spoken have shown that the actual people of america DO think the system itself is in need of serious alteration - if you listen to the keywords in ALL the speeches !
In a state thats 95% white, a guy that isnt has "broken through" - due to who he is, then what he says, then how he means it. What colour he is matters a lot less, but how he reminds people of what the place stood for, once, matters a lot more. Talking about reaching across the party lines for a serious "cleaning house" for america, but also the world. Women are not blocked, after this, either - as attacks on a different person in this "race" were, for a bit, almost saying she wasnt "soft" enough. . . .
These "peripheral" things matter a lot - its the background that the dodgiest of "opinion-influencers" must work with. Are we past "token" types getting put up as unwitting or semi-witting puppets to get played against those they might seem to "represent" ? Not entirely - but it IS possible to see past that. Words might get put in peoples mouths with "double-meanings" that they mightnt agree with later, after a bit more thought, if they get the time - but that is quite different. It is possible to cut certain speechwriters out of the equation later. Policies might alter too - to some extent. . . . as new information comes to light. But the intention of integrity - meaning it - shouldnt get overlooked. Certain promises to over funded interest groups are harder to shake off, of course. But the fact that - in the primaries of the party that WAS most seen as at times a puppet of those with the biggest cashpiles, the people that won through in Iowa were those with much less. . . . associating themselves less with the people that sacked people, more with the people that got laid off.
The debate, so far, shows - despite the "results" - that people in America - of all types - ARE looking to "step up" to these times.
There are a lot of things that might try to obstruct them, to fool them, to rip them off or play them against the world. But - for sceptics too - it does seem that "somethings happening". Good thing too, its getting later.
But also, good to see that sceptics are getting sceptical about that easy, "informed"(?) superior "disengagement". Keep the suspicious scepticism - we are going to need it. But a grin or two is allowed, too.
For further information . . . .
see addition
in comments
( later ) cheers
Suspicious of the odd "late-voting" alterations in the most recent ballots as you might remain (see "reality glitch" in these pages("hidden"but accessible), suspicious, too, of the exclusion from the actual debates - in fact - from most media coverage too!) of people of either party that have got the same sort of actual vote figures as "major players" have, in the actual ballot box, despite the media coverage, (see "paul kucinich iowa" piece in these newswires last week) but the words people have spoken have shown that the actual people of america DO think the system itself is in need of serious alteration - if you listen to the keywords in ALL the speeches !
In a state thats 95% white, a guy that isnt has "broken through" - due to who he is, then what he says, then how he means it. What colour he is matters a lot less, but how he reminds people of what the place stood for, once, matters a lot more. Talking about reaching across the party lines for a serious "cleaning house" for america, but also the world. Women are not blocked, after this, either - as attacks on a different person in this "race" were, for a bit, almost saying she wasnt "soft" enough. . . .
These "peripheral" things matter a lot - its the background that the dodgiest of "opinion-influencers" must work with. Are we past "token" types getting put up as unwitting or semi-witting puppets to get played against those they might seem to "represent" ? Not entirely - but it IS possible to see past that. Words might get put in peoples mouths with "double-meanings" that they mightnt agree with later, after a bit more thought, if they get the time - but that is quite different. It is possible to cut certain speechwriters out of the equation later. Policies might alter too - to some extent. . . . as new information comes to light. But the intention of integrity - meaning it - shouldnt get overlooked. Certain promises to over funded interest groups are harder to shake off, of course. But the fact that - in the primaries of the party that WAS most seen as at times a puppet of those with the biggest cashpiles, the people that won through in Iowa were those with much less. . . . associating themselves less with the people that sacked people, more with the people that got laid off.
The debate, so far, shows - despite the "results" - that people in America - of all types - ARE looking to "step up" to these times.
There are a lot of things that might try to obstruct them, to fool them, to rip them off or play them against the world. But - for sceptics too - it does seem that "somethings happening". Good thing too, its getting later.
But also, good to see that sceptics are getting sceptical about that easy, "informed"(?) superior "disengagement". Keep the suspicious scepticism - we are going to need it. But a grin or two is allowed, too.
For further information . . . .
see addition
in comments
( later ) cheers
11/1/8 re : m ember EJ