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cross-party petition to downing st this morning

rikki | 09.01.2008 13:17 | SOCPA | Repression | London

a petition was delivered this morning to 10 downing street by an assortment of cross-party mps, a peer, a turner prize artist, a comedian, and several other activists. in the run-up to the end of the government's 'consultation' on 'managing protest near parliament', the petition calls for a repeal of the 'socpa' law that has criminalised so many peaceful protests, and a call for no further police powers over protest.

whitehall banner
whitehall banner

outside no 10
outside no 10

handing in petition
handing in petition

walter wolfgang joins the party
walter wolfgang joins the party

Liberal Democrat Peer, Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer, Labour MP
John McDonnell, Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski and Plaid MP Adam
Price were part of a group assembling at Downing Street this
morning to hand in a petition as a response to the Government's
consultation on the controversial law banning unauthorised protest near
Parliament [1]. Baroness Miller recently introduced a private member's
bill to repeal the law prohibiting protest [2]. Mr Kawczynski was
recently threatened with arrest for holding a small placard outside
Downing Street without police permission.

The group also included Walter Wolfgang, Mark Wallinger, Mark Thomas
and Jenny Jones, Green Party member on the Greater London Authority.
Walter Wolfgang was charged under the Terrorism Act after being
removed from the Labour Party conference in 2005 for saying
'Nonsense" out loud during the Home Secretary's speech.[3] Mark
Wallinger recently won the Turner Prize after recreating at the Tate
Brian Haw's vast array of peace placards in Parliament Square which
were unlawfully seized by police in May 2006.

The gathering wish to highlight the ominous signs that the Government
is planning to further restrict the rights of demonstrators across the
UK. The consultation looks set to recommend increasing police powers to
control, or even to ban, public assemblies, under the guise of
"harmonising" the laws regarding static demonstrations in line those
governing public marches. Police permission could be required (6 days
in advance) for groups of as few as 2 people to assemble or hold any
placard anywhere in the country. [4]

The legislation was originally introduced to remove Brian Haw's
continuous peace protest from Parliament Square but many peaceful
protestors have been criminalised as a result [5].

Baroness Miller, the Liberal Democrat spokesperson for Home Affairs,
said: "'Harmonisation' of the marching/assembly laws would lead to
stricter rules for demonstrations in London and across England and
Wales. This is unacceptable and should not be considered in the context
of a review designed to relax the rules governing demonstrations around
Parliament." [6]

Maya Evans said: "The danger is that the Government will be able to
score media points for repealing unnecessary and draconian legislation,
whilst in reality further tightening the screws on protest and dissent
around the UK."[7]


Contact: Emma Sangster on 07791 486484 or Susan Bailey on 07761 289693

For picture usage contact rikki blue on rikkiindymedia[AT]gmail[d0t]com


1. The Home Office consultation, 'Managing Protest Around Parliament',
is available from:

2. The Public Demonstrations (Repeals) Bill [HL 12] was introduced in
November 2006 by Baroness Miller,

3. Heckler returns to hero's welcome, The Guardian, September 29, 2005, Walter Wolfgang is now a member of the Labour
Party's National Executive Committee.

4. For an analysis of the Government's consultation document see:

5. For more on the history of SOCPA, see:

6. The full text of Baroness Miller's response to the Government
consultation on 'Managing Protest around Parliament' can be read at:

7. See 'MPs condemn arrest of woman who spoke out', Daily Mail, 8
December 2005, Maya Evans was the winner of
the Human Rights Award 2007 For her campaigning work and commitment to
the cause of liberty. For her courage in standing up for our
fundamental rights to peaceful protest and freedom of speech,

socpa the movie will be shown tomorrow at goldsmiths college in new cross, and friday at synergy centre in camberwell with q&a sessions after (full details at

there will be a 'freedom to protest assembly' at 1.00pm on saturday 12th on the raised north pavement at trafalgar square. all are welcome - please bring blank banners.

- e-mail: rikkiindymedia[AT]gmail[d0t]com
- Homepage:


Relevant links

10.01.2008 00:36

Public events around the government consultation on repealing SOCPA

Freedom of Assembly National Day of Action - Sat 12 Jan - *plus useful links*

Assemble January the 12th for Freedom of Assembly and Protest!

On the right to demonstrate

Parliament Protest blog - useful collection of material about the restrictions on protest around Parliament:

Defend The Right To Protest In Liverpool This Saturday (12 Jan)

Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp - 11-13 Jan

Foie Gras Demo – This Saturday (in Cambridge)

Saturday, 12 January 2008, 4.00 - 6.00pm
End the Siege on Gaza protest
Downing Street, London (tube: Westminster)



Display the following 3 comments

  1. short film report... — rikki
  2. thanks rikki — john
  3. filmed interviews now available at.... — rikki