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60 Years of The Catastroph (by Latuff)

Latuff | 01.01.2008 20:32 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Repression | World

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Nakba 60 years
Nakba 60 years

May 15th, 1948, was the Palestinian Al-Nakba (the Catastrophe), or what Israel refers to as the "Day of Independence". To Palestinians, it symbolizes the dispossession, displacement, and uprooting of 800,000 Palestinians from their homes in what then became Israel. Many of these refugees and their descendants, who now number more than 4 million, still languish in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and surrounding Arab countries. While Al-Nakba embodies the first major wave of forced expulsion of Palestinians from their land, Israel's premeditated campaign of ethnic cleansing continues to this very day.

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02.01.2008 23:29

oops - miscount - there are more than 60 strikes on the wall.

Sean in Brighton

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Sixty years?

03.01.2008 17:44

Has Latuff really been churning out his sub-Nazi tripe every day for sixty years? It seems a lot longer somehow.


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