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Happy new year!!

waiting | 01.01.2008 00:34

If there was a real social revolution happening in the UK and world over right now the fireworks that resound street to street would sound symbolic, sweet and victorious, but they don't...

Here's to another year of shit flying in your face from the authorities.

Anybody for "everybody is now under house arrest"?

Oh how we love facing more shit that the "ruling classes" have created for us year after year!

Be happy with your lot. Light a firework tonight!

On the other hand we've been nice and complied with their increasingly ridiculous laws so far that WILL eventually end with us not being allowed to draw our curtains at night as that may construed to be obstructing their surveillance of us.

Now, there's NO TIME TO BE FUCKING NICE anymore. Enough is enough.

All the best... .. .



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01.01.2008 18:33

"On the other hand we've been nice and complied with their increasingly ridiculous laws"

i agree with all your sentiments here, but what is the plan? if we want to get rid of these ridiculous and oppressive laws, we're gonna need a large-scale, decentralised, user-friendly, all-embracing, life-affirming plan of action!

Sean in Brighton

the time is now

01.01.2008 19:21

absolutey. come on people. come together and just say no thanks we are not accepting anymore authoritarian control. we want freedom, the time is now. good luck people
