Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Neocon in Black Face
Margaret Kimberley | 21.12.2007 08:31 | Anti-racism | Gender | Terror War | World
The young, attractive Somali woman has become a darling of the American corporate media. Ayaan Hirsi Ali started out as a heroine to a portion of the Dutch public, who rewarded her with a parliamentary seat for denouncing all things Muslim. Apparently, flagellating one's own non-white, non-Christian people is a sure route to success in Europe, just like in the U.S. Ms. Ali lost her halo in The Netherlands when it was discovered she had lied on her immigration papers, but was soon recruited into the self-hating Black grouplet at the right-wing American Enterprise Institute, where she pretends to be a "scholar." America - what a country! Denounce your own people, and they'll make you a star.
"She has become well paid and famous because she demonizes her fellow Muslims."
Ayaan Hirsi Ali first came to fame in the Netherlands, after emigrating there from Somalia. She was elected to the Dutch parliament and became known for criticizing that nation's Muslim immigrant communities, especially for their treatment of women and girls. The story of a young, pretty, African woman finding success and prestige in a foreign land was tailor made for Hollywood, or for right-wingers looking for the perfect person to excuse government sponsored mass murder.
The fairy tale story is just that. Ayaan Hirsi Ali exults in the lowest depths of self-hatred. She has become well paid and famous because she demonizes her fellow Muslims. As with black Americans or any other group of despised people, the self haters, the Uncle Toms, are given a clear path to fortune and favor.
Ali's political party soured on their relations with her when it was revealed that she lied in order to enter the Netherlands with refugee status. It turned out that the famous politician was like millions of people from poor countries who will do anything to live in wealthy western nations.
When Ali left the Netherlands to live in the United States, her true ideology came to light. She became a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, one of the most powerful right-wing think tanks in the nation. Other AEI scholars include John Bolton, Lynne Cheney, David Frum, Newt Gingrich, Charles Murray, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and John Yoo.
"Ali's true ideology came to light."
John Bolton argued in favor of "blowing up" the United Nations and was rewarded by the Bush administration with an appointment as U.N. ambassador. Former Bush speech writer David Frum coined the phrase "axis of evil" to legitimize wars of aggression against the rest of humanity. Charles Murray is author of The Bell Curve, the paean to white supremacist notions of black inferiority. Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz planned the genocidal occupation of Iraq. John Yoo is a White House lawyer and author of secret memos giving Bush authority to ignore the constitution and arrest and torture whomever he wants whenever he wants.
These are Ali's cohorts, and her relationship with them should never be forgotten when she utters her noxious words about "defeating" Islam. She has no concern for Muslims who are being killed by the United States military, currently the most prolific killer on earth. Her latest screed published on the op-ed pages of the New York Times, exhorted "moderate" Muslims to fight the "extremists" in their religion. As always, those in the powerless group are asked to condemn actions for which they have no responsibility.
White Christian Americans are never asked why they don't condemn the Iraq occupation that has cost nearly one million lives. They aren't asked to condemn racism, warfare, torture, or sexism. They aren't asked because their group is the group in power, and that connection gives them immunity from any and all criticism. White supremacy and the protections it grants are alive and well, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of its most prominent evangelists.
"Ali believes that the United States has the right to occupy other nations or kill people whenever it wants."
If Ali and others are outraged when rape victims are punished under Sharia law, they should also be concerned when Iraqi women are killed by American bullets. They should care that Muslim men are held without trial in Guantanamo and subjected to torture. Palestinian women have died in childbirth when Israeli soldiers at check points denied them access to medical care. Because these Muslims are not victimized by other Muslims, they do not merit a mention from Ali.
Not only is she selective in her indignation, but Ali believes that the United States has the right to occupy other nations or kill people whenever it wants. "The land that the United States should have occupied on the 12th of September should have been Saudi Arabia," she says. Ali sees nothing wrong with bombs, cholera outbreaks or theft of oil wealth.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a neocon, albeit in black face, and she goes down the line in faithful agreement with all of their horrific beliefs. "I completely and utterly agree with John Bolton that talking to Iran is a sheer waste of time." When she was honored by the American Jewish Congress in 2006 she openly called for war against Iran. She didn't even bother using the Bush administration nuclear canard:
"Either way we who live in the free world have war with Iran under Ahmedinejad. So the choice is not between peace and war. The choice that we have to make is between war with Ahmedinejad with a nuclear bomb, or war with Ahmedinejad without a bomb. Not making the right choice between these two terrible alternatives could spark off a present-day Holocaust."
"She is the worst kind of extremist, a lover of government sponsored mass murder."
Dead Muslims are no problem for Ms. Ali, just as long as the United States is their killer. She doesn't even care about other Somalis. The United States-instigated devastation of her homeland has not prompted her to utter one word of condemnation. Under the guise of fighting al-Qaeda, the American military is once again killing and starving thousands of people. No matter. They were killed by a government run by Christians and Jews. There is no need for anyone in those groups to be "moderate" or condemn "extremism."
Ms. Ali should ask the question of herself that she asks of others. Where are the moderate Muslims? She certainly is not one. She is the worst kind of extremist, a lover of government sponsored mass murder. Of course, the government doing the killing has to be the right one. If it is, no one has to speak of moderates and extremists. For Ayaan Hirsi Ali might makes right, as long as the "superior" people are the mighty ones.
* Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgandaReport.Com. Ms. Kimberley' maintains an edifying and frequently updated blog at freedomrider.blogspot.com. More of her work is also available at her Black Agenda Report archive page.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali first came to fame in the Netherlands, after emigrating there from Somalia. She was elected to the Dutch parliament and became known for criticizing that nation's Muslim immigrant communities, especially for their treatment of women and girls. The story of a young, pretty, African woman finding success and prestige in a foreign land was tailor made for Hollywood, or for right-wingers looking for the perfect person to excuse government sponsored mass murder.
The fairy tale story is just that. Ayaan Hirsi Ali exults in the lowest depths of self-hatred. She has become well paid and famous because she demonizes her fellow Muslims. As with black Americans or any other group of despised people, the self haters, the Uncle Toms, are given a clear path to fortune and favor.
Ali's political party soured on their relations with her when it was revealed that she lied in order to enter the Netherlands with refugee status. It turned out that the famous politician was like millions of people from poor countries who will do anything to live in wealthy western nations.
When Ali left the Netherlands to live in the United States, her true ideology came to light. She became a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, one of the most powerful right-wing think tanks in the nation. Other AEI scholars include John Bolton, Lynne Cheney, David Frum, Newt Gingrich, Charles Murray, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and John Yoo.
"Ali's true ideology came to light."
John Bolton argued in favor of "blowing up" the United Nations and was rewarded by the Bush administration with an appointment as U.N. ambassador. Former Bush speech writer David Frum coined the phrase "axis of evil" to legitimize wars of aggression against the rest of humanity. Charles Murray is author of The Bell Curve, the paean to white supremacist notions of black inferiority. Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz planned the genocidal occupation of Iraq. John Yoo is a White House lawyer and author of secret memos giving Bush authority to ignore the constitution and arrest and torture whomever he wants whenever he wants.
These are Ali's cohorts, and her relationship with them should never be forgotten when she utters her noxious words about "defeating" Islam. She has no concern for Muslims who are being killed by the United States military, currently the most prolific killer on earth. Her latest screed published on the op-ed pages of the New York Times, exhorted "moderate" Muslims to fight the "extremists" in their religion. As always, those in the powerless group are asked to condemn actions for which they have no responsibility.
White Christian Americans are never asked why they don't condemn the Iraq occupation that has cost nearly one million lives. They aren't asked to condemn racism, warfare, torture, or sexism. They aren't asked because their group is the group in power, and that connection gives them immunity from any and all criticism. White supremacy and the protections it grants are alive and well, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of its most prominent evangelists.
"Ali believes that the United States has the right to occupy other nations or kill people whenever it wants."
If Ali and others are outraged when rape victims are punished under Sharia law, they should also be concerned when Iraqi women are killed by American bullets. They should care that Muslim men are held without trial in Guantanamo and subjected to torture. Palestinian women have died in childbirth when Israeli soldiers at check points denied them access to medical care. Because these Muslims are not victimized by other Muslims, they do not merit a mention from Ali.
Not only is she selective in her indignation, but Ali believes that the United States has the right to occupy other nations or kill people whenever it wants. "The land that the United States should have occupied on the 12th of September should have been Saudi Arabia," she says. Ali sees nothing wrong with bombs, cholera outbreaks or theft of oil wealth.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a neocon, albeit in black face, and she goes down the line in faithful agreement with all of their horrific beliefs. "I completely and utterly agree with John Bolton that talking to Iran is a sheer waste of time." When she was honored by the American Jewish Congress in 2006 she openly called for war against Iran. She didn't even bother using the Bush administration nuclear canard:
"Either way we who live in the free world have war with Iran under Ahmedinejad. So the choice is not between peace and war. The choice that we have to make is between war with Ahmedinejad with a nuclear bomb, or war with Ahmedinejad without a bomb. Not making the right choice between these two terrible alternatives could spark off a present-day Holocaust."
"She is the worst kind of extremist, a lover of government sponsored mass murder."
Dead Muslims are no problem for Ms. Ali, just as long as the United States is their killer. She doesn't even care about other Somalis. The United States-instigated devastation of her homeland has not prompted her to utter one word of condemnation. Under the guise of fighting al-Qaeda, the American military is once again killing and starving thousands of people. No matter. They were killed by a government run by Christians and Jews. There is no need for anyone in those groups to be "moderate" or condemn "extremism."
Ms. Ali should ask the question of herself that she asks of others. Where are the moderate Muslims? She certainly is not one. She is the worst kind of extremist, a lover of government sponsored mass murder. Of course, the government doing the killing has to be the right one. If it is, no one has to speak of moderates and extremists. For Ayaan Hirsi Ali might makes right, as long as the "superior" people are the mighty ones.
* Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgandaReport.Com. Ms. Kimberley' maintains an edifying and frequently updated blog at freedomrider.blogspot.com. More of her work is also available at her Black Agenda Report archive page.
Margaret Kimberley
Hide 4 hidden comments or hide all comments
21.12.2007 09:30
How much more nationalist bullshit do we have to read here? Don't you know that a 'people' is a mere social construction based based on external exclusion and internal homogenisation?
No Borders! No NATIONS!!!
hello dare missy
21.12.2007 10:10
Wake up Margaret, colonial days are over, this woman has the perfect right to express her views and political opinions just the same as white middle class people like you.
Chicken George
21.12.2007 11:09
"It's jiggaboo time!!!"
21.12.2007 12:44
She is obviously quite mad to dare be anything other than a swollen-bellied orphan with flies around her mouth waiting for the white left to come to her rescue and parade her to the world's media as proof of their goodness.
Black people are all jolly, nice, socialists, and have a natural sense of rythm and music. They are so colourful. So tame, harmless and supine?
Shame on her for being an indivual. Conform to the 'minority' sterotype girl! The colour of your skin doesn't allow you to define who you want to be. And if you try, they will play the race card.
Does it get any lower?
Try shunning her for her crap ideology!
Uncle Tom
Some facts for the smear above
21.12.2007 13:25
Ayan's 'lie' on her immigration papers was to use her mothers maiden name, part of the motivation behind that was to avoid being tracked down by those who would harm her.
Ayan is an apostate so you are misinformed referring to her as a Muslim.
Part of her fight is to liberate Muslim women from the oppression of this evil dogma and to ask the rest of the world to wake up and see what really happens to people who live under theocratic law.
Islam is evil in its treatment of women, it must be permanently reformed or permanently removed from civilised society.
If only the writer was half as brave as Ayaan Hirsi Ali
21.12.2007 13:29
The chattering classes of the Left only liked her when they thought they could control her, she showed them all she is her own women and she did it with dignity and courage.
21.12.2007 21:26
Too simplistic
22.12.2007 17:08
Also Margaret Kimberley does not mention that Ayaan was driven more closely into the American connection because her photographer ,filming in Holland,was stabbed through the heart by an extremist,with a message saying they'd get Ayaan too.
from the archives: Lifting the Veil on Ayaan Hirsi Ali
23.12.2007 18:40
As her new book, Infidel, scales the charts to reach the New York Times Bestseller list, let us look at who this intrepid feminist really is.
Fact and Fiction
Over the years, Hirsi Ali has produced three books: The Son Factory, The Caged Virgin and Infidel. The latter, presently sits at No. 6 on the NYT Bestseller list, aided, no doubt, by the glowing reviews it received from Washington Post and New York Times. However, in Britain, reviewers seem less sanguine: The Economist writes:
The facts as Ms Hirsi Ali tells them here do not fit well either with some of the stories she has told in the past or with her tendency in her political writing to ascribe most of the troubles of the Muslim world to Islam…As a young woman, Ms Hirsi Ali’s mother, Asha, does not seem to have inhabited “the virgin’s cage” that the author claims imprisons Muslim women around the world. At the age of 15, she travelled by herself to Aden where she got a job cleaning house for a British woman…Ms Hirsi Ali sounds less frank when she tells the convoluted story of how and why she came to seek asylum at the age of 22 in the Netherlands. She has admitted in the past to changing her name and her age, and to concocting a story for the Dutch authorities about running away from Somalia’s civil war. (In fact she left from Kenya, where she had had refugee status for ten years.)…
However, last May a Dutch television documentary suggested that while Ms Hirsi Ali did run away from a marriage, her life was in no danger…the facts as she tells them about the many chances she passed up to get out of the marriage—how her father and his clan disapproved of violence against women; how relatives already in the Netherlands helped her to gain asylum; and how her ex-husband peaceably agreed to a divorce—hardly seem to bear her out.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is not the first person to use false pretences to try to find a better life in the West, nor will she be the last. But the muddy account given in this book of her so-called forced marriage becomes more troubling when one considers that Ms Hirsi Ali has built a career out of portraying herself as the lifelong victim of fanatical Muslims.
In the United States, however, the book received a much different treatment. Both the top newspapers, Washington Post and New York Times, gave it glowing reviews (This is in stark contrast with the treatment they usually meet out to authors critical of Israel: the papers got people who are linked to the Israel Lobby to review books by Norman Finkelstein, Jimmy Carter, Robert Fisk, for instance) Each one offers its own gem for our modest amusement.
Washington Post:“The press began to explore her past, discovering the “inventions” that she had used to get her refugee status…Along the way, Hirsi Ali displays what surely must be her greatest gift: the talent for recalling, describing and honestly analyzing the precise state of her feelings at each stage of that journey.”
New York Times: “Ms. Hirsi Ali, at her English-language school, devoured Nancy Drew mysteries and English adventure series, ‘tales of freedom, adventure, of equality between girls and boys, trust and friendship’.”
Girl Power
While she describes herself as a woman who “fights for the rights of Muslim women, the enlightenment of Islam and the security of the West,” Hirsi Ali, according to Lorraine Ali of Newsweek, “is more a hero among Islamophobes than Islamic women”.
This statement would be clealry unfair if all that she and her sister had to suffer, and all that she has courageously decided to make a stand against, are indeed true. The Economist writes:
Another, even more disturbing story concerns her sister Haweya’s sojourn in the Netherlands. In her earlier book, “The Caged Virgin”, which came out last year, Ms Hirsi Ali wrote that her sister came to the Netherlands to avoid being “married off”. In “Infidel”, however, she says Haweya came to recover from an illicit affair with a married man that ended in abortion. Ms Hirsi Ali helped Haweya make up another fabricated story that gained her refugee status, but the Netherlands offered her little respite. After another affair and a further abortion, Haweya was put into a psychiatric hospital. Back in Nairobi, she died from a miscarriage brought on by an episode of religious frenzy. “It was the worst news of my life,” Ms Hirsi Ali writes.
The Identity Crisis
On May 15, 2006, officials of the Netherlands government cast doubt on Hirsi Ali’s status as a Dutch national, because she had provided false information in her application for refugee status. She had later used the same false information when she had applied for, and been granted, Dutch citizenship. The Dutch minister of immigration and integration, Rita Verdonk, moved to annul her citizenship, a move that was later overridden on the urging of Parliament.
Shilling for the Israel Lobby
Hirsi Ali is at present a resident scholar at the neocon hotbed, American Enterprise Institute and in an interview with the Chairman of the Board of Fellows at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Manfred Gerstenfeld, she expressed a remarkably favorable view of the country.
My main impression was that Israel is a liberal democracy. In the places I visited, including Jerusalem as well as Tel Aviv and its beaches, I saw that men and women are equal. One never knows what happens behind the scenes, but that is how it appears to the visitor. The many women in the army are also very visible…
Whether one arrives from Ethiopia or Russia, or one’s grandparents immigrated from Europe, what binds them is being Jewish. Such a bond is lacking in the Netherlands.
The only problem she saw with Israel, on the other hand, was that the country “has a problem with fundamentalists,” he ultra-Orthodox, “will cause a demographic problem because these fanatics have more children than the secular and the regular Orthodox.”
The responsibility for the “dilapidated” condition of the Palestinians, on the other hand, she lays on Palestinians themselves, and she chides Europeans for seeing an end to occupation as the solution to their problems.
“The crisis of Dutch socialism can be sized up in its attitudes toward both Islam and Israel. It holds Israel to exceptionally high moral standards. The Israelis, however, will always do well, because they themselves set high standards for their actions.
“The standards for judging the Palestinians, however, are very low. Most outsiders remain silent on all the problems in their territories. That helps the Palestinians become even more corrupt than they already are. Those who live in the territories are not allowed to say anything about this because they risk being murdered by their own people.”
Freedom of (Hate) Speech
One of the incidents that propelled her to stardom was her collaboration with Theo Van Gogh on a film, Submission. Van Gogh was subsequently murdered by an enraged Moroccan over the offensive content of the film, who also left a death threat against Hirsi Ali on the corpse. Although Van Gogh was immediately hailed as a martyr for freedom of speech by some liberals – and every Islamophobe — few mentioned the man’s (well known) rabid racism and bigotry, which included calling Muslims “goatfuckers” and suggesting that Eveline Gans, a Jewish historian, ”gets wet dreams about being fucked by Dr Mengele”.
Homepage: http://fanonite.org/2007/02/20/lifting-the-veil-on-ayaan-hirsi-ali/#
24.12.2007 21:19
Congratulations -Woman of the year-Ayaan Hirsi Ali
26.12.2007 13:19
Great Fiction
03.01.2008 14:21
Oh come on -- I think The Wizard of Oz is the best book written in that genre. Fiction is great, as long as it doesn't resort to desperate measures such as the following:
The facts as Ms Hirsi Ali tells them here do not fit well either with some of the stories she has told in the past or with her tendency in her political writing to ascribe most of the troubles of the Muslim world to Islam…As a young woman, Ms Hirsi Ali’s mother, Asha, does not seem to have inhabited “the virgin’s cage” that the author claims imprisons Muslim women around the world. At the age of 15, she travelled by herself to Aden where she got a job cleaning house for a British woman…Ms Hirsi Ali sounds less frank when she tells the convoluted story of how and why she came to seek asylum at the age of 22 in the Netherlands. She has admitted in the past to changing her name and her age, and to concocting a story for the Dutch authorities about running away from Somalia’s civil war. (In fact she left from Kenya, where she had had refugee status for ten years.)…
However, last May a Dutch television documentary suggested that while Ms Hirsi Ali did run away from a marriage, her life was in no danger…the facts as she tells them about the many chances she passed up to get out of the marriage—how her father and his clan disapproved of violence against women; how relatives already in the Netherlands helped her to gain asylum; and how her ex-husband peaceably agreed to a divorce—hardly seem to bear her out.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is not the first person to use false pretences to try to find a better life in the West, nor will she be the last. But the muddy account given in this book of her so-called forced marriage becomes more troubling when one considers that Ms Hirsi Ali has built a career out of portraying herself as the lifelong victim of fanatical Muslims.
The Fanonite
e-mail: m.idrees@gmail.com
Homepage: http://fanonite.org
whatever happened to women's liberation?
09.01.2008 10:54
Reading her story as a woman, it took me beyond party politics and religious politics to a place of seeking human justice, and in this case, female human justice. i've marched out countless times against the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq and will continue to speak out against the attempts to villainise the Muslim faith, but this does not stop me from responding in a simple human way to Ayaan Hirsi Ali's call to bring an end to the unbelievable cruelty she and her sisters around the world have suffered, all couched in the name of religion. If I didn't support her call that would make me a hypocrite, and a callous one at that.
I don't subscribe to Ayaan's political leanings, but i unhesitatingly admire her rare degree of strength and courage. She's a true heroine and i hope she succeeds in her campaign to free women from this torture.
saddened sister
Comments on suggestions that "Infidel" is fiction
11.01.2008 14:47
The Dutch Documentary was made before the book came out.
The facts that are mentioned by Fanonite/m.idrees are all in the book.
1)her mother cleaning house in Aden (page 10)
2) how she lied to get into Holland (page 183 onward)
3)her name change from her family name Magan.
4) she describes how she decided to escape an arranged marriage. i don't remember her suggesting her life was in danger.She says her father was against violence towards women .However she could see no way out of the arranged marriage."nobody tied me up.i was not shackled.i was not forced at gunpoint.but i had no realistic way out".Her father arranged the marriage to Osman Moussa.(around page 175)Ayaan refused to go to the nikah,(the legal ceremony) and her father said that was Ok ,that the wedding ceremony & consummation could wait until she went to join Osman Moussa where he lived in Canada.She then fled en route to Canada and took refuge in Holland.
In the Dutch video (available on the Fanonite website) Mahad,her brother, says that Ayaan was present at the nikah but he hesitates in that reply,which suggests he cannot really recall.
That is the only detail that is different from the book.And i think Ayaan's recall is better than Mahad's.
5) However further on in the book she does talk about the fact that "honour" (her choice of word) killings in immigrant families in Holland were high,and that the lives of women who tried to avoid arranged marriages were in danger.On page 309 she states that following her own campaign it was discovered that in 2 regions of Holland between Oct 2004 and May 2005 11 muslim girls were killed by their families.There are 25 regions in Holland,so these figures shocked the Dutch.
6)Elsewhere in comment 6 "Lifting the Veil on Ayaan Hirsi Ali" Fanonite talks of the disturbing story of Haweya ,Ayaan's sister.What has to be remembered here is that Haweya had a very traumatic Female Genital Mutilation(Page33).Haweya was never the same afterward....My once cheerful playful little sister changed"."Though she was the youngest-she was four...Haweya must have struggled more than ...i did......because the man made some bad cuts on Haweya's thighs.She carried the scars of them her whole life"Clearly she suffered psychological trauma that eventually led to psychosis.This is what Ayaan says "female Genital mutilation predates Islam.Not all Muslims do this,and a few of the peoples who do are not Islamic.But in Somalia where virtually every girl is excised,the practice is always justified in the name of Islam.....Many girls die during or after their excision,from infection". & ""After the girl's clitoris and labia are carved out,scraped off,or,in more compassionate areas,merely cut or pricked,the whole area is often sewn up,so that a thick band of tissue forms a chastity belt made of the girl's own scarred flesh."
This confirms what has been written elsewhere about the practice.Complications set in often because the hole left for peeing and menstrual flow is so tiny that fluids back up in the body.
In comments on The Fanonite website one comment suggests "At least i know that Hirsi Ali's clitoris is about as real as the WMDs the American Enterprise Institute promised we'd find in Iraq." It is very unlikely that Ayaan fabricated this in her book "Infidel" .Her father was a very modern thinking man who was against FMG but the grandmother had it done to the girls when the parents were away.In Somalia more than 90% of all girls are infibulated.
(meaning the total excision of clitoris and labia) These are UNICEF figures.Other estimates are higher,so the odds against Ayaan being mutilated in this way are very high.
UNICEF estimate 100 million women worldwide have had FGM & 500,000 in Europe.
Consequences as listed by Amnesty include
heavy blood loss
loss of sexual feeling
injuries to bladder,urethra
with infibulation the death rate is 30%
urine retention
blood poisoning
psycholigical damage
abscesses & cysts in adult life
6a) Incidentally i'm told theres no mention of FGM in the Quran,and i'm told that the Prophet did not have his daughters excised.As Ayaan says FGM predates Islam.
7) The book is a good book because it is very well written.It covers such a broad sweep of life from rural Somalia to industrial Holland,and her journey from moderate Islam to more radical Islam in the Muslim Brotherhood and thence to apostacy.(Its better vwritten for example than Pervez Mussharraf's "In the line of Fire" or Hilary Clinton's,both of which i also read last year)
8)In the book Ayaan Hirsi Ali does not present herself as the lifelong victim of fanatical Muslims.Indeed she's unwilling at first in Holland to believe she's in any danger.people keep telling her she is,but it takes along time before she accepts that.i have no idea how she has presented herself since the book but it is the book that i and the comment "Great Fiction" are talking about.
9)Yes it would be good if Ayaan condemned (for example) Guantanamo as well as (for example)Female Genital Mutilation and the killing of women running from Unwanted arranged marriages.Equally its to be hoped that Margaret Kimberley and Fanonite do already condemn (for example) FGM as well as (for example) Guantanamo.
oh simon, you saddened sister
14.01.2008 00:25
She also wishes Hirsi Ali well in her struggle to liberate women from torture. Hirsi Ali as a matter of fact is a major supporter of the Iraq war which, if you recall, had for one of its aims the liberation of Iraqi women. saddened sister would be saddened to know that nearly a million Iraqis have been killed since, and half of them women. But maybe she was being philosophical. Maybe like Bush and Hirsi Ali, she wanted to liberate those women from the torture of existence.
Here is an opportunity for you to prove that your tortuous attempt at excusing Hirsi Ali's fabrications is not meant to up your own latent racism. Lets say things in Somalia are as bad as she says they are. Lets accept that Europe and US are a paradise for women. Lets also accept that Hirsi Ali's fabrications are innocent, merely a means of getting her asylum in Netherlands. It would be fair to assume, then, that a fearless warrior for women's liberation would seek to offer the freedoms of the 'West' to all those women oppressed by Islam? Can you explain, then, why she joined forces with the Dutch Right to deny the same opportunity to other women in her circumstances (not to mention those facing real horrors, such as those being 'liberated' in Iraq) who may have sought similar escape by running on an anti-Immigrant agenda?
As I had written elsewhere: ( http://fanonite.org/2007/03/07/the-politics-of-womens-rights/)
"Pandering to the racist prejudices of Western liberals through generalized, stereotypical characterizations of Islamic societies wins these native informers instant acceptance — there are many who pine for a civilizing role. By patronizing the representative lesser beings, they can assume their former colonial role without experiencing any of the guilt. Just like George Bush, they can project their own values onto the benighted Other, while at the same time issuing ritual denunciations of Imperialism. In fact, this cultural supremacism has always worked in dialectical unity with Imperialism; it is an enabler of Empire.
In The Rise and Rise of Human Rights, Kirsten Sellars shows in splendid detail that since WWII, “human rights” has served as a pretext for internvention wherever other ideological justifications have been exhausted or proven insufficient. The merit in this approach is that it neutralizes progressive opposition. It is well known, for instance, that Amnesty International enabled the 1991 Gulf War by producing a bogus report on Iraqi soldier’s stealing incubators from a Kuwaiti hospital after throwing the babies out of them. [1]
Women’s Rights has played a similar, though understudied, role in recent years. Shortly before the invasion of Afghanistan, liberals in California suddenly discovered that the women there were oppressed (Senator Barbara Boxer’s office was calling muslim organizations to borrow a Burqa for presentation at press conferences). Nevermind that millions — men and women alike — had been suffering for more than two decades, and the right to a life not threatened by guns, daisy cutters, cluster bombs and mines was perhaps higher on every Afghani’s agenda. But the Western feminist had a different idea of salvation: why starve with a Burqa on when you can do the same without one? You may as well get a belly-ring before you die.
Afghanistan was invaded. Women are still oppressed. Barbara Boxer has better things to do.
It is a sad indictment of deeply rooted Western racism that claims which would be considered incredible or ridiculously improbable receive an eager audience when they are uttered in the context of Muslims.
At times the overzealous feminist messianism has done more damage than good."
Unless all this bristling at the plight of Somali women is a cover for your own racism, here are some cases closer to home, that you may actually be able to do something about:
The Fanonite
16.01.2008 17:05
Its hard to understand what The Fanonite is saying.It's not true that i am "Saddened Sister" if thats the suggestion.In the Dialectics Of Liberation at the Roundhouse in 1968 Stokeley Carmichael quoted Humpty Dumpty as saying that its not what a word means that is important but who has the power to define it.What relevance has that to this ?In today's world where people shout random "racist"'s into the steam rising from their jaccuzzis like ships saying hello in the fog i met such a man.He told me his jaccuzzi was called "Dialectic" and i was suitably impressed .i offered him an apple but he said he wasn't green.i offered him a tear but he said the rain was coming anyway....
The Fanonite asks about Ayaan Hirsi Ali's policy on immigration.In her book Infidel she states she was a Liberal Party MP .
Her overall aim was integrating Muslim immigrant communities into Dutch society.She sought to highlight
1)"the most sensitive issue was the general amnesty for asylum seekers who had overstayed their legal residency in Holland.i wanted that amnesty"
2)making sure FGM and Honour killings were higher on the political agenda
3)Abolition of Article 23 of the Dutch Constitution which allows parents to set up their own schools ,and setting up of faith schools
4)independent residence papers to women who came to Holland to marry legal immigrants
5)reducing unemployment benefits and the minimum wage because she felt they bolstered up the poverty trap.
Her own party leader accepted that many of her policies were not Liberal policy,but told her to get on with it as she wished.
i was not aware that she wanted to stop immigration .
70,000 women in the UK are thought to have suffered FGM,and 10,000 are thought to be at risk.Many children are at risk of being taken abroad to have the operation done.If taken to Somalia they have a high risk of death.These are UK citizens.
There are 125 deaths from Domestic Violence (Abuse) on average each year in the UK.25 men,100 women.Of the 100 women 12 are "honour killings"(that take place on UK soil)
as The Fannonite points out sex trade trafficking is another problem in the UK.
re-a new project for Hirsi Ali
19.01.2008 11:44
you suggest i may be able to do more about two issues than i am about Female Genital Mutilation.(assuming you are addressing this to Simon) & those two issues are sex trafficking slavery and the abuse of women soldiers by male soldiers within the army in Iraq.
These issues you call "closer to home" than FGM.
My understanding is that the UK Government is opposed to foreign(often East European)gangs who traffick women into UK sex slavery.Additionally the police are actively seeking prosecutions.This seems to be a good response.
As to Iraq i suppose i could publicise the abuse of women soldiers as this might help to dissuade people from joining the army.
The thing about FGM is that it is close to home.10,000 children are thought to be at risk of having the mutilation performed on them.It is illegal here in the UK under the 2003 Act but there has been no prosecution here,although the Met Police do offer a £20000 reward for information leading to a conviction.Additionally at present the threat of FGM is not grounds for seeking asylum in the UK.i think theres a good case for it to be so .
However i have not done any demonstrating against FGM.(i might consider making a donation but thats about it).i cannot speak for my actions in 2008 but in 2007 the time i gave to demonstrating included the arms trade,climate change,and Faslane .
Ayaan Ali's policy on immigration +response to "Oh simon....."
19.01.2008 13:13
Ayaan Hirsi Ali did not run on an anti-immigration agenda and she would not have regarded her policies as being anti-immigrant.On the contrary she regarded her policies as being positively for the integration of immigrants into Dutch society. This is how it is stated in her book "Infidel".For a list of her policies please see hidden comment "dialecticalities".(not quite sure why it is hidden.Maybe i pressed the wrong button or Indymedia hid it).
3 Fanonite Allegations.
1)The title of The Fanonite's last post "Oh Simon,you saddened sister" suggests that i am "saddened sister" a previous contributor ("Whatever Happened To Women's Liberation").
i am not.But its perfectly understandable that such a thought crossed your mind.Given that contributors just give names i might have been ,but i'm not.
2)You (the Fanonite)suggest that i am latently racist because i explored the statements you made about the contents of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's book "Infidel".In relation to those issues which you raised i think i have shown that Infidel is not fiction.[perhaps you have other issues with the book ]
3)You also suggest that "bristling at the plight of Somali women" may be racist ,and you address this to me.As Waris Dirie says, FGM is not excusable on cultural grounds.
i think these 3 accusations are empty,but i didn't regard it as a big deal,so i responded as i thought in a poetic,humourous and low key way,so was surprised to find it hidden(there was no malicious intent).i do not understand the phrase you use "dialectical unity" but i do know that "dialectic(s)" means the "art of investigating the truth of opinions".
If Hirsi Magan, why not Bush?
22.01.2008 09:24
Nope, I said you are a racist because your clearly interested in the implications of Hirsi Ali's positions rather than their veracity. In simpler words, she bring Uncle Tom legitimacy to your hostility towards Muslims hence you are persistent willingness to overlook her lies, of which you tell us, even now, there aren't any (even though her defenders at The Economist, Newseek and Times concede that much). Through sheer power of affirmation you want us to think otherwise. She lied about her origins, lied about her reasons for seeking asylum, lied about her sister. And then takes a subsaharan cultural practice and sells it as a grounds for making rounds of neocon media and think-tanks denouncing Islam.
But the proof of your racism is you last post. So now we are even to overlook Hirsi Ali's anti-immgrant position
(others can read one report on her lies and positions here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,1775563,00.html), because she says it was for 'better integration'? Bush invaded Iraq for bringing democracy there - if he hasn't said that enough times already, he is certainly going to say so in his book - so have we all been wrong about the shrub? Perhaps after reading Bush's memoir you could return and tell us why the Iraq war (also supported by Hirsi Magan) was a fabulous thing.
The Fanonite
Homepage: http://fanonite.org
Truthfully owning lies
22.01.2008 23:39
"She lied about her origins, lied about her reasons for seeking asylum, lied about her sister."
If you had read her book, you would know that she was open about the fact that she lied when seeking asylum, and clearly gave her reasons for doing so. Ironically you seem to be using some rather right-wing fallacious argument which could so easily have come from the white middle class suburbs that because she lied on her immigration papers she must therfore have lied about everything else in her book.
To be honest i don't think you have any more grounds to know what is true than does Simon in the above post or any of the rest of us (that's right, i am no more Simon than he is Saddened Sister) . The truth is, none of us knows the complete truth here. We can make suppositions, we can make intelligent deductions, but to make the kind of sweeping claims as you do that everything Hirsi Ali says is a lie belies your intelligence.
i really think you should read her book, then perhaps we can have a reasoned discussion.
saddened sister
"subsaharan cultural practice" ? FGM now suffered by 70,000 in UK
23.01.2008 21:04
There are 500,000 in Europe and 70,000 in the UK.10,000 are at risk.It takes place in 25 countries mainly in Africa it is true but also in Malaysia,Indonesia,and Kurdish Iraq.But now it takes place in European countries as well.
Waris Dirie has a 15 goal manifesto on FGM.Amongst them
*all European countries to regard genital mutilation as equal to political persecution and as grounds for asylum.
*everyone to be enlightened about the status of gental mutilation;not culture but torture
*every religious community to take a clear stand against the practice of genital mutilation
Although FGM is practised by Ethiopian Jews and was practised until recently by the Christian Coptic Church in Egypt the majoirity of the countries (outside of Europe) where
FGM is practised are Muslim.Although the Quran mentions not a word about FGM and although the Prophet never excised his children there are misconceptions in many countries that the practise is sanctioned by the Quran.Yes FGM predates Islam but nearly all the countries where it is practised became Muslim later.This is what Waris Dirie says in Desert Dawn (p74)
"my mother,s intention was not to harm me.it was something my mother and her sisters and her mother went through themselves.They honestly felt it had to be done in order for me to be pure.They believed it was specifically ordered in the Koran.i know better now,this ritual practice is not even mentione in the Koran but that is what they were told by the Wadaddo-the religious people.Nobody could read the Koran or the Hadith.My mother listened to the sheiks.She didn't question what she was told"
Waris Dirie also,like Ayaan Magan,comes from Somalia.Waris wanted to get religious advice so she went to see a respected Islamic expert,Professor Noibi of MAN Mosque in Brixton.He confirmed that it (FGM) is not in the Koran but is in three weak Hadith.He then said "After the death of the Prophet four schools of Islamic thought quickly emerged....naturally adapted the teachings slightly to fit in with the circumstances and the customs of the regions they were living and studying in.One of these schools recommends the circumcision of women.The school of teaching is followed in large parts of Africa and also in Asia,particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia"
It is a much bigger subject than we might imagine which is why another of Waris' goals is that
*FGM should be a subject that people can and will openly discuss"
Since 2002 imams in Tanzania,Chad and Senegal have spoken out against the practice.At the Nairobi conference against FGM in 2004 the Kenyan delegate Hassan De Nadoo said "Imams should preach against FGM with great conviction in their mosques" Waris Dirie says "All imams in the world should follow this advice.Then the problem would cease to exist."
i haven't time to answer the rest of your points tonight however i will within a day or two
re-If Hirsi Ali Why Not Bush
24.01.2008 21:05
1)Reading memoirs does give one insights into those people one reads about and may lead to them going up in one's estimation its true.But it isn't necessarily so.Although both Pervez Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto (whose i read 5 years back) did go up in my estimation,Hilary Clinton,Ian Botham and Boris Yeltsin did not (for example).Ayaan Hirsi Ali i knew little about before reading her book.i don't have any desire to read Bush or Blair thanks.Thanks for the post about Fatima Bhutto on your site.
2)"Uncle Tom Legitimacy"
Suppose an Irish boy comes forward to say he's been sexually abused by a Roman Catholic priest.Is he being disloyal to the R.C. Church ? Is he being unpatriotic to Ireland ? And are we being racist if we call on the Roman Catholic Church to clean up its act ? a hundred years ago the boy might not have dared speak up.seventy years ago he'd have got a 'clip round the ear'ole' if he said something.Fifty years ago he might still have been told that he shouldn't say such things about the holy father for isn't he appointed by the Pope who's appointed by Jesus his very self.Today we know that abuse by Roman Catholic priests is nothing to do with Jesus or his philosophy.But suppose this boy received death threats for speaking out and filled with emnity he called out for the killing of the Pope and the bombing of the Vatican.Those with a mind like myself would probably understand but totally oppose such a violent reaction and continue only to insist the R.C. Church clean up its act.But if other forces already intent on aggression attacked the Vatican ,who would truely lay the blame at the boy's door.
3) i never said that Ayaan Hirsi Ali told no lies.i said,as Saddened Sister has also said ,that the truth about her immigration (as you described it)is in the book, that the bit about her mother and Aden is in the book ,and that you are wrong to suggest that in the book she makes herself out to be a lifelong victim of fanatical Muslims .she doesn't. It is true that i cannot say 100% that Ayaan Hirsi Ali was not at her own wedding but the account in the book rings true (while Mahad even in the video on your website doesn't).i suppose i cannot 100% guarantee that she has been infibulated but given that UNICEF say more than 90% of Somalian women have been,and given that Waris Dirie says the number is even higher,and given Ayaan's own account,it is very very likely.What is a little odd of course is that you do not make any itemised refutations of her statements (and quotes)about Islam itself..
4)My position on Ayaan Hirsi Ali
a) hers is a life of sweeping changes in environment,employment,and religion and she writes well about it
b) i applaud her for escaping an arranged marriage she did not want.In general however,having discussed this with people, i would guess that arranged marriages that are agreed to probably have a greater chance of success than boy meets girl marriages,but that forced marriages come last .According to Zakir Naik forced marriages are not Koranic.
(two Hadiths in Sahir Bukhari Vol 7 Book 62 Number 69 & Ibn-e-Humbal No 2469)
c)i applaud her for breaking the taboo on not talikng about FGM and speaking out about her own infibulation.
d) On the whole i support her policies for integration of immigrants in Holland.An amnesty for all illegal immigrants is a good thing as was her proposal to give independent legal status to women coming to marry legal migrants already in Holland.i don't think i support her view on getting rid of the minimum wage although i know there is an argument that cutting benefits allows more money to exist to set up more business.i support her desire to put FGM and Honour Killings higher up the agenda .These killings have been at a much higher level in Holland than the UK where they are at 12% of all women killed in Domestic Violence.But of course these killings do not include women taken abroad to be killed.(perpetrators are Sikh as well as Muslim & anyway its against the Koran)
e) i don't support her position on Iraq or Iran.As far as Israel/Palestine is concerned its my view that as the Holocaust took place in Germany , Israel should have been set up there; but 60 years down the roadmap (ha ha) its not a very helpful observation.As far as Ayaan's comments that Israeli society seems more equitable of the sexes and together its probably true.It is however irrelevant and secondary beside their right to a state (and 60 years in their conditions is hardly condusive to being together.
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