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A new social center for London

squat the lot | 17.12.2007 12:56 | Free Spaces | London

Things appear to be on a low ebb in terms of social centers in London and with the rampART likely to be closing within the next month or so, it is clearly time to open a new space.

Ideally, a city this size would have many squatted social centers but at the very least two or three at any one time so that the loss of one is covered by the existence of the others able to absorb the events and resources of an evicted space until yet another is opened. Unfortunately things appear to be on a low ebb in London and with the rampART likely to be closing soon, it's time to open another.

While smaller meetings can probably transfer fairly painlessly to LARC, things like Food Not Bombs and the weekly samba band practice are going to be much harder to relocate.

There is a meeting at the rampART tonight (Monday 17th) at 7pm which aims to look at the future of the rampART, both in terms of the current building and it's users but also thinking ahead to the possibility of a new building. After the meeting there will be a call out for people interested in setting up a new space somewhere but it would be good if such people attended the meeting tonight.

The call out will also ask people to keep their eyes open for empties that might make good social centers and it will also ask people to volunteer storage space and transport.

squat the lot


Display the following 5 comments

  1. yep — fjwimcaphauaovnoav
  2. The problem with — Concerned aging citizen
  3. Center? — pedant
  4. Just a thought... — Anti-imperialist
  5. lifestyle/aesthetics etc — bob