Shop an MP and help prosecute the PM under SOCPA
Not an official communique | 17.12.2007 10:30 | SOCPA | Repression
Mark Thomas and co. are appealing for people to help in reporting sightings of MPs breaking the law by giving political opinion ("demonstrations") within the Westminster SOCPA zone. They would also be very much grateful if you bought a badge to donate funds to the ongoing case against Gordon Brown who appears to have taken the law into his own hands... Perhaps in solidarity with Brian?
[Quote] This is your chance to make MPs live with the consequences of laws they
pass. All you have to do is snap a photo of an MP when they are doing
TV or radio interviews on College Green opposite Parliament and send it
in to We will then try and get them investigated
by the Director of Public Prosecutions. Here is why and how....
In August 2005 it became illegal to demonstrate in and around
Parliament Square without prior police permission under the Serious
Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA). So far Maya Evans has been
prosecuted and found guilty of an offence under this law for reading
out the names of the British an Iraqi war dead by the Cenotaph in
Whitehall. People have been threatened with arrest for wearing T shirts
with political slogans on them and for having cakes with the word PEACE
iced upon it on display in Parliament Square. Mark Thomas had to get
permission to wear a red nose on Red Nose Day or run the risk of
arrest. He even had to get permission to stand by himself with a banner
saying "Support the Poppy Appeal'. The law is stupid.
According to SOCPA one person can constitute a demonstration, other
than that there is little definition in law as to what a demonstration
is. But if a person breaks the law by reading the names of the war dead
and the Oxford English Dictionary lists a definition of a demonstration
as : an expression of opinion, then surely each time an MP gives a TV
or radio interview about politics or politicians on College Green tthen
they are demonstrating- and if they are demonstrating without
permission that is illegal.
Mark Thomas with lawyers Leigh Day and Co (advised by Tim Owen QC of
Matrix Chambers and Tom de la Mare of Blackstones Chambers) delivered a
letter to the Director of Public Prosecutions Wednesday 12 December 07
calling for an urgent investigation into allegations that MPs had
broken the law- including the Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Any new
evidence of MPs giving interviews on College Green will be forwarded to
the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Here is how you can help. If you live, work or are visiting London and
walk past College Green (opposite the House of Lords entrance) and you
see an MP giving an interview then:
(1) Photo them with your phone (make sure we can identify them)
(2) Send it in to us with details of time and date
(3) If you hear any of the interview then send us the details.
We will follow up the interview and shop them to the D.P.P.
Also note that you may also spot MPs breaking the law on your TV.
You can also buy the badges with PayPal:
pass. All you have to do is snap a photo of an MP when they are doing
TV or radio interviews on College Green opposite Parliament and send it
in to

by the Director of Public Prosecutions. Here is why and how....
In August 2005 it became illegal to demonstrate in and around
Parliament Square without prior police permission under the Serious
Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA). So far Maya Evans has been
prosecuted and found guilty of an offence under this law for reading
out the names of the British an Iraqi war dead by the Cenotaph in
Whitehall. People have been threatened with arrest for wearing T shirts
with political slogans on them and for having cakes with the word PEACE
iced upon it on display in Parliament Square. Mark Thomas had to get
permission to wear a red nose on Red Nose Day or run the risk of
arrest. He even had to get permission to stand by himself with a banner
saying "Support the Poppy Appeal'. The law is stupid.
According to SOCPA one person can constitute a demonstration, other
than that there is little definition in law as to what a demonstration
is. But if a person breaks the law by reading the names of the war dead
and the Oxford English Dictionary lists a definition of a demonstration
as : an expression of opinion, then surely each time an MP gives a TV
or radio interview about politics or politicians on College Green tthen
they are demonstrating- and if they are demonstrating without
permission that is illegal.
Mark Thomas with lawyers Leigh Day and Co (advised by Tim Owen QC of
Matrix Chambers and Tom de la Mare of Blackstones Chambers) delivered a
letter to the Director of Public Prosecutions Wednesday 12 December 07
calling for an urgent investigation into allegations that MPs had
broken the law- including the Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Any new
evidence of MPs giving interviews on College Green will be forwarded to
the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Here is how you can help. If you live, work or are visiting London and
walk past College Green (opposite the House of Lords entrance) and you
see an MP giving an interview then:
(1) Photo them with your phone (make sure we can identify them)
(2) Send it in to us with details of time and date
(3) If you hear any of the interview then send us the details.
We will follow up the interview and shop them to the D.P.P.
Also note that you may also spot MPs breaking the law on your TV.
You can also buy the badges with PayPal:

Not an official communique