Menwith Hill - Illegal and Indecent Surveillance are Routine
Old Jinglebollocks | 16.12.2007 23:43 | Analysis | Social Struggles | Sheffield
If you shout too loudly about sensitive issues, The Boys up at Menwith Hill may make their presence felt in your life.
Back in the 1980s, Hans Ruesch taught me how the present civilisation
Mainly it's a case of what might be called 'dictatorship by guile.'
comes down to controlling everyone and everything (almost) by subtle
means, while programming the populace to imagine they are free. This
is a far more efficient model of dictatorship than the old-style
version still surviving in Burma and North Korea. The people will be
docile and easily managed under the new system of 'dictatorship by
guile.' They are not going to rebel at all if you can succeed in
convincing them that they are free.
Hans Ruesch explained to me about the *fake debate* on the
Swindle, which has eclipsed the truth about the avalanche of "animal
tested" (=untested) poisons flowing out of the vivisection
laboratories, which is progressively rotting our brains and crippling
our health, driving us all progressively more insane (read your
newspaper), and will soon destroy the planet's life support system
bring about the collapse of our civilisation.
Hans emphasised the Vivisection Swindle, but I soon came to
that the process of infiltration / fake "opposition" groups / *fake
debates* - operates in all walks of life and all areas of human
thought and endeavour. If you read the Daily Mail (London), you will
see all the *fake debates* in operation. There is the ruling group
their agenda on the one hand, and then on the other hand there are
the *fake debates* promoted by the ruling group, consisting of *fake
opposition* to the ruling group by *fake opposition groups* - either
fully infiltrated and subverted by agents of the ruling group, or
founded outright by the ruling group to promote and promulgate the
*fake debates* and *fake opposition* which keep the ruling group's
agenda on course while thwarting any progressive change by flooding
the media and society in general with all these *fake debates* which
eclipse the truth and prevent any genuine progress or healing. An
obvious example in recent years is the UK Independence Party -
founded by the ruling group to draw opponents of the European Union
into a *fake debate* and fake, ineffectual "opposition" to the EU,
which will eclipse and displace realistic discussion and genuine
opposition and keep the EU project on course.
A freethinker is best defined as someone whose mind can contain
thoughts which are not circumscribed by the *fake debates* promoted
the ruling group for the purpose of keeping their agenda on course
eclipsing free thought and effective opposition. The ruling group are
always alarmed by the emergence of freethinkers, and anxiously keep
them under constant surveillance, monitoring all their incoming and
outgoing phone calls, as well as their emails and travel arrangements
and financial transactions. The technology for recording all
conversations of selected individuals was already well established at
Menwith Hill in the 1980s. The idea that a court order or warrant was
needed for such invasive and total surveillance was always a fiction,
another *fake debate* . Whenever circumstances appear to require it,
some or all of the details of our phone calls, emails and
held by The Boys up at Menwith Hill are available on request to
police officers, mainstream newspaper editors, and to anyone else who
is "well connected" with the ruling group. Privacy laws are a
yet another *fake debate* , although you may not discover any of this
unless you put your head above the parapet and show yourself capable
of thinking outside the boundaries of the *fake debates* .
In the 1980s, generally following Hans Ruesch's lead, although using
my own uniquely polarised all-or-nothing style, I wrote the truth
about the Vivisection Swindle, in contrast to the *fake debate* . A
few others did the same. The ruling group were alarmed by these
developments, and by late 1986, Jan Creamer, a major proponent of the
*fake debate* in England, was placing full-page advertisements in the
London newspapers to cover her tracks.
The prognosis seemed favourable, but as I witnessed "The Kathryn
Reynolds Show" in the north of England in 1986, I saw that something
is wrong with the people of this civilisation, and that we were not
really moving in the right direction. Soon afterwards I withdrew from
the project.
I understood in the 1980s that The Boys up at Menwith Hill were
monitoring my telephone calls etc. and would continue to do so for
rest of my life - not because I'm of great importance, but because
ruling group are obsessed with control and anxious to monitor anyone
in this world who shows the capacity to hold thoughts outside the
boundaries of the *fake debates* authorised and promoted by the
group to keep their agenda on track.
Life goes on, and I pushed awareness of the surveillance to the back
of my mind.
Inevitably some telephone calls and emails are highly intimate and
Although I knew such communications of mine were being recorded
automatically up at Menwith Hill, I vaguely assumed that some sense
decency and decorum was in operation, and that The Boys up at Menwith
Hill, as well as the police and editors who have access to their
records, would refrain from violating a man's privacy in matters
are personal and intimate. What I mean is that although they would
automatically record such communications, I assumed there would be a
'code of standards' or, more to the point, just a universally shared
concept of human decency, which would set voluntary limits to the use
of private and intimate conversations to exact revenge on me if I
shouted too loudly for their liking on matters such as corruption and
the drift toward fully enhanced 'dictatorship by guile' as our
civilisation continues to decay.
I was wrong. The Boys up at Menwith Hill and their cronies in the
police and the media have no standards, no concept of decency.
Considering again the alternating expressions on Ronald Gregory's
at that fake press conference following Peter Sutcliffe's arrest -
wonders how I could have had any expectation of decent behaviour from
the ruling group. There is no decency in people who make a conscious
decision to leave the Yorkshire Ripper free to go on murdering our
women, because they had no leads on him after five years and because
Sutcliffe was willing to put on a fantasy role play for them. The
has difficulty taking in the enormity of what has been happening
Sutcliffe's arrest.
It's not surprising that the West Riding constabulary are anxious to
clear up some of the 'loose ends' left behind by the Peter Sutcliffe
fiasco. Also, now that Noel O'Gara is no longer a lone voice but has
number of articulate supporters, it is not surprising that the ruling
group are hoping to damage Mr O'Gara financially, in the hope of
silencing him. Hans Ruesch was damaged financially and largely
silenced by a series of fake court cases in the 1990s. David Icke has
recently been targeted in the same way. And now Noel O'Gara.
Agents of the ruling group and the West Riding constabulary monitor
these discussions and take part in them under assumed names. They are
greatly peeved by this thread initiated by Mr O'Gara - worried that
their plan is backfiring and that instead of silencing Mr O'Gara they
are only providing him with a platform for greater publicity, perhaps
attracting additional articulate and possibly wealthy supporters to
Last week I shouted a bit too loudly for their liking on these pages.
They were alarmed by this, and so, with the aid of The Boys up at
Menwith Hill, they violated a private and intimate discussion that I
had been having with another person through my personal email
I cannot say more because another person is involved.
This sneaky, cowardly action against me and my friend went beyond the
bounds of what should be accepted as minimum shared standards of
instinctive human decency.
I occasionally bump into some of the administrative staff from
Hill on the streets of Harrogate, and undoubtedly many of them are
very decent, as are many police officers and even some journalists,
and these decent men no doubt would be disgusted at the sneaky,
violation of my private and intimate communications by their 'senior'
If it's any consolation to Mr O'Gara, their shabby behaviour shows
degree to which they are alarmed by the success of Mr O'Gara's
campaign to force the truth about *the Yorkshire Ripper cover up* out
into the open. It also shows that they haven't a leg to stand on in a
free and open debate on these matters, which is why they tried to
silence me by resorting to such sneaky, cowardly sabotage.
-Peter Newman
All things are connected. For my analysis of the human condition, and
the long-term healing formula toward which that analysis leads us
we start thinking straight, please see "I Still Miss Someone" and the
additional links it provides:
Back in the 1980s, Hans Ruesch taught me how the present civilisation
Mainly it's a case of what might be called 'dictatorship by guile.'
comes down to controlling everyone and everything (almost) by subtle
means, while programming the populace to imagine they are free. This
is a far more efficient model of dictatorship than the old-style
version still surviving in Burma and North Korea. The people will be
docile and easily managed under the new system of 'dictatorship by
guile.' They are not going to rebel at all if you can succeed in
convincing them that they are free.
Hans Ruesch explained to me about the *fake debate* on the
Swindle, which has eclipsed the truth about the avalanche of "animal
tested" (=untested) poisons flowing out of the vivisection
laboratories, which is progressively rotting our brains and crippling
our health, driving us all progressively more insane (read your
newspaper), and will soon destroy the planet's life support system
bring about the collapse of our civilisation.
Hans emphasised the Vivisection Swindle, but I soon came to
that the process of infiltration / fake "opposition" groups / *fake
debates* - operates in all walks of life and all areas of human
thought and endeavour. If you read the Daily Mail (London), you will
see all the *fake debates* in operation. There is the ruling group
their agenda on the one hand, and then on the other hand there are
the *fake debates* promoted by the ruling group, consisting of *fake
opposition* to the ruling group by *fake opposition groups* - either
fully infiltrated and subverted by agents of the ruling group, or
founded outright by the ruling group to promote and promulgate the
*fake debates* and *fake opposition* which keep the ruling group's
agenda on course while thwarting any progressive change by flooding
the media and society in general with all these *fake debates* which
eclipse the truth and prevent any genuine progress or healing. An
obvious example in recent years is the UK Independence Party -
founded by the ruling group to draw opponents of the European Union
into a *fake debate* and fake, ineffectual "opposition" to the EU,
which will eclipse and displace realistic discussion and genuine
opposition and keep the EU project on course.
A freethinker is best defined as someone whose mind can contain
thoughts which are not circumscribed by the *fake debates* promoted
the ruling group for the purpose of keeping their agenda on course
eclipsing free thought and effective opposition. The ruling group are
always alarmed by the emergence of freethinkers, and anxiously keep
them under constant surveillance, monitoring all their incoming and
outgoing phone calls, as well as their emails and travel arrangements
and financial transactions. The technology for recording all
conversations of selected individuals was already well established at
Menwith Hill in the 1980s. The idea that a court order or warrant was
needed for such invasive and total surveillance was always a fiction,
another *fake debate* . Whenever circumstances appear to require it,
some or all of the details of our phone calls, emails and
held by The Boys up at Menwith Hill are available on request to
police officers, mainstream newspaper editors, and to anyone else who
is "well connected" with the ruling group. Privacy laws are a
yet another *fake debate* , although you may not discover any of this
unless you put your head above the parapet and show yourself capable
of thinking outside the boundaries of the *fake debates* .
In the 1980s, generally following Hans Ruesch's lead, although using
my own uniquely polarised all-or-nothing style, I wrote the truth
about the Vivisection Swindle, in contrast to the *fake debate* . A
few others did the same. The ruling group were alarmed by these
developments, and by late 1986, Jan Creamer, a major proponent of the
*fake debate* in England, was placing full-page advertisements in the
London newspapers to cover her tracks.
The prognosis seemed favourable, but as I witnessed "The Kathryn
Reynolds Show" in the north of England in 1986, I saw that something
is wrong with the people of this civilisation, and that we were not
really moving in the right direction. Soon afterwards I withdrew from
the project.
I understood in the 1980s that The Boys up at Menwith Hill were
monitoring my telephone calls etc. and would continue to do so for
rest of my life - not because I'm of great importance, but because
ruling group are obsessed with control and anxious to monitor anyone
in this world who shows the capacity to hold thoughts outside the
boundaries of the *fake debates* authorised and promoted by the
group to keep their agenda on track.
Life goes on, and I pushed awareness of the surveillance to the back
of my mind.
Inevitably some telephone calls and emails are highly intimate and
Although I knew such communications of mine were being recorded
automatically up at Menwith Hill, I vaguely assumed that some sense
decency and decorum was in operation, and that The Boys up at Menwith
Hill, as well as the police and editors who have access to their
records, would refrain from violating a man's privacy in matters
are personal and intimate. What I mean is that although they would
automatically record such communications, I assumed there would be a
'code of standards' or, more to the point, just a universally shared
concept of human decency, which would set voluntary limits to the use
of private and intimate conversations to exact revenge on me if I
shouted too loudly for their liking on matters such as corruption and
the drift toward fully enhanced 'dictatorship by guile' as our
civilisation continues to decay.
I was wrong. The Boys up at Menwith Hill and their cronies in the
police and the media have no standards, no concept of decency.
Considering again the alternating expressions on Ronald Gregory's
at that fake press conference following Peter Sutcliffe's arrest -
wonders how I could have had any expectation of decent behaviour from
the ruling group. There is no decency in people who make a conscious
decision to leave the Yorkshire Ripper free to go on murdering our
women, because they had no leads on him after five years and because
Sutcliffe was willing to put on a fantasy role play for them. The
has difficulty taking in the enormity of what has been happening
Sutcliffe's arrest.
It's not surprising that the West Riding constabulary are anxious to
clear up some of the 'loose ends' left behind by the Peter Sutcliffe
fiasco. Also, now that Noel O'Gara is no longer a lone voice but has
number of articulate supporters, it is not surprising that the ruling
group are hoping to damage Mr O'Gara financially, in the hope of
silencing him. Hans Ruesch was damaged financially and largely
silenced by a series of fake court cases in the 1990s. David Icke has
recently been targeted in the same way. And now Noel O'Gara.
Agents of the ruling group and the West Riding constabulary monitor
these discussions and take part in them under assumed names. They are
greatly peeved by this thread initiated by Mr O'Gara - worried that
their plan is backfiring and that instead of silencing Mr O'Gara they
are only providing him with a platform for greater publicity, perhaps
attracting additional articulate and possibly wealthy supporters to
Last week I shouted a bit too loudly for their liking on these pages.
They were alarmed by this, and so, with the aid of The Boys up at
Menwith Hill, they violated a private and intimate discussion that I
had been having with another person through my personal email
I cannot say more because another person is involved.
This sneaky, cowardly action against me and my friend went beyond the
bounds of what should be accepted as minimum shared standards of
instinctive human decency.
I occasionally bump into some of the administrative staff from
Hill on the streets of Harrogate, and undoubtedly many of them are
very decent, as are many police officers and even some journalists,
and these decent men no doubt would be disgusted at the sneaky,
violation of my private and intimate communications by their 'senior'
If it's any consolation to Mr O'Gara, their shabby behaviour shows
degree to which they are alarmed by the success of Mr O'Gara's
campaign to force the truth about *the Yorkshire Ripper cover up* out
into the open. It also shows that they haven't a leg to stand on in a
free and open debate on these matters, which is why they tried to
silence me by resorting to such sneaky, cowardly sabotage.
-Peter Newman
All things are connected. For my analysis of the human condition, and
the long-term healing formula toward which that analysis leads us
we start thinking straight, please see "I Still Miss Someone" and the
additional links it provides:

Old Jinglebollocks
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