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Urgent Action: Bucaramanga Coca-Cola Workers Receive Imminent Death Threat

Colombia Solidarity Campaign | 16.12.2007 15:06 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Workers' Movements | London

In the last fortnight, three Coca-Cola workers in Bucaramanga, Colombia have
been told that before the end of December they will be killed and buried in
a mass grave. The threat demands that their union cease all protest against
Coca-Cola. Join us in emergency action to defend their lives!

Nelson Perez, Luis Eduardo Garcia, Jose Domingo Flores, Javier Correa
Nelson Perez, Luis Eduardo Garcia, Jose Domingo Flores, Javier Correa

The men – Luis Eduardo, Jose Domingo and Nelson Perez – belong to
SINALTRAINAL, the trade union representing Coca-Cola workers in Colombia.
Union president Javier Correa and his family have been receiving similar
threats. Since 1994, nine Coca-Cola workers have been murdered by
paramilitary death squads in response to the union’s resistance.

5-7pm Thursday 20th December

PICKET: Coca-Cola Great Britain, Head Office
1 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9HQ
(near to Hammersmith tube)

The paramilitary group Aguilas Negras (Black Eagles) have claimed
responsibility for this threat and the five others issued to SINALTRAINAL
members this year, demanding that they cease all protest against the
company. The situation was covered in Channel 4’s recent Dispatches: Mark
Thomas on Coca Cola which featured interviews with Luis Eduardo.

Watch at

The Christmas season is a particularly dangerous time for social and human
rights activists in Colombia. Please help protect our friends. Make sure
that the threat that they end up in a mass grave this December isn't carried



Call on Coca-Cola Corporation and its bottling subsidiary FEMSA to:

* provide immediate protection for the threatened workers - Luis
Eduardo Garcia, Jose Domingo Florez, Nelson Perez, Javier Correa - and their

* denounce the Black Eagles as the authors of these threats and
demands that they be brought to justice;

* condemn the government's 'Justice and Peace' Law as a device for
legitimising the Black Eagles and other paramilitary groups.

Write to Ed Potter, Coca-Cola Director of Global Labor Relations at E-mail:; Juan
Carlos Jaramillo President Coca-Cola FEMSA in Colombia at ; and Corporate
Responsibility at UK Coca-Cola at

Demand that the Colombian government breaks the impunity enjoyed by the
Black Eagles and:

* pursues an immediate criminal investigation into the Black Eagles in
* stops its process of legalisation of paramilitary groups under the
misnamed 'Justice and Peace' Law .

Write to President Álvaro Uribe Vélez via Colombian Embassy to the UK

The Colombia Solidarity Campaign meets on every third Tuesday of the month
at The Apple Tree pub, 45 Mount Pleasant, WC1 0AE.

Future meeting dates are: 22nd January, 19th February, 18th March, 22nd
April. We will be discussing the re-launch of the Coca-Cola campaign and
monitoring the situation for SINALTRAINAL union members.

I would like more information/ to join the campaign:
Name………………………….Contact (phone/email)…………………………..
Address …………………………………………………………………………….
Colombia Solidarity Campaign, PO Box 8446, London N17 6NZ

Colombia Solidarity Campaign
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


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Fridges,Vans&Vender bending, If u like fascist death squads,pay more4coca cola

16.12.2007 19:44

Most sugary pop drinks containing poison aimed at kids like aspartame are also owned by coca cola. They own machines in stores, so whatever you do don't accidentally slip the wrong sized coin in the slot of something. They get preference in stores for their brand name, so it would be terrible if trip & accidently knock over their displays in superstores.
Coop cola is about a third of the price & tastes better, but even they dont stock their own brand due to cola's enticements which include providing shops with their fridges.
Watch out for their fleet of red transit vans,they often park up in service stations & cafes.Don't put grain inside the tyre cap & screw it back on to let the tyre down, don't!

Their new slogan should be:
If you like fascist death squads, pay more for coca cola

Joe Hill,IWW

ps,great article, sending letters

16.12.2007 21:02


Joe Hill

Me too.

19.12.2007 19:47

I've sent a couple of e-mails, too, for what it's worth. Fascist fucking corn-syrup company!
