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The fiat currency of confidence

Jack from out Back | 16.12.2007 06:46 | Analysis | Globalisation | World

I’ve been snooping around in the top banker’s drawer.

At their speeches, world reports and tabled figures

To whom it may concern;

Here, below is what will bring it all about, soon!

Click on the links below to hear an interview with a British Banking expert.

The fiat currency of confidence.

That’s what it’s all about and the banks have lost confidence with their chartered fellow banker.

Over The Counter Derivatives are simply contracts of financed debt sold amongst the chartered banks.

Each time they are changed hands, they are then placed on the books as an asset to be used to offset the account and to then lend, more credit.

On and on it goes, up and up, in a closed loop till the circle must be squared.

There is no “repair job” to cure this problem.

Only the “size of the lies” will change along with the skyrocketing quadrillions.

It is measured in “millions of billions.”

The term “quadrillion”, is beginning to pop up in certain banking circles, such as at the Reserve Bankers Bank, “The International Bank of Settlements”

(Just Google “The International Bank of Settlements” and the first one is “Home Page”, then comb through the “reports”)


SHOCK AND AWE will become a bit of an under statement, quite a bit as a matter of fact.

It’s a classic Mexican stand-off with no Mexicans present.

Where upon, your ass set’s and you,….are screwed.

Who is going to default first……..LARGE…….that, is the 64 quadrillion dollar question.

Jack from out back.

p.s. the subprime loan debacle is simply the primer to the above mentioned, real “big” problem.

Jack from out Back
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